6’6 is The Perfect Height

Its like one in 10 to 30 girls dont care about face as long as your white tall with a normal frame
In Clubs it's hard to see Face, clubs are all about height. However Face is King Everywhere, women will thrist on very attractive guys more than on Tall Normies
In Clubs it's hard to see Face, clubs are all about height. However Face is King Everywhere, women will thrist on very attractive guys more than on Tall Normies
In classroom setting height still prevails to certain extent its over if your under "6 if i was more nt would never found this hell hole
Its like one in 10 to 30 girls dont care about face as long as your white tall with a normal frame
Honestly I never saw women thrwoing themselves at Tall Normies, but saw many times they were obsessed with Attractive guys with Average height. Know Personally many Tall Incel friends who don't get any pussy. But I don't know any Attractive Incels
In classroom setting height still prevails to certain extent its over if your under "6 if i was more nt would never found this hell hole
If you are Chad 8/10 your height doesn't matter unless you are not shorter than average height. You can even date women your height
Honestly I never saw women thrwoing themselves at Tall Normies, but saw many times they were obsessed with Attractive guys with Average height. Know Personally many Tall Incel friends who don't get any pussy. But I don't know any Attractive Incels
Cpuld be im underestmating my pre looksmaxing face the biggest slayer i know is a suoer nt 6"7 mtn also loaction and age plays a role genz girls care alot about height
Cpuld be im underestmating my pre looksmaxing face the biggest slayer i know is a suoer nt 6"7 mtn also loaction and age plays a role genz girls care alot about height
I'm 6'2 and wore Shoe Lifts that made me 6'4 in the past and was MTN back then and never experianced women throwing themselves at me, still rejection was very High and common thing and was invisible to most women. I have a friend he's 6'7 and doesn't have any success with women. Honesly when I heard that women like Tall guys I thought that it was Joke. Face is the most thing when women notice on Men. Biggest slayers I knowa are average height tho
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I'm 6'2 and wore Shoe Lifts that made me 6'4 in the past and was MTN back then and never experianced women throwing themselves at me, still rejection was very High and common thing and was invisible to most women. I have a friend he's 6'7 and doesn't have any success with women. Honesly when I heard that women like Tall guys I thought that it was Joke. Face is the most thing when women notice on Men. Biggest slayers I knowa are average height tho
Wierd i have a diffrent experiance to you which counrty do you live in if your oustide the west height only boosts you a point max
Wierd i have a diffrent experiance to you which counrty do you live in if your oustide the west height only boosts you a point max
Explains it if your 6"4 move to the us or a western country hieght is much stronger over here
I think Blackpill is the same everywhere, it's just human nature. And I was in Russia and other countries too, the outcome was the same. And I still constantly see guys taller than me and not seeing that women are obsessed with them.
I think Blackpill is the same everywhere, it's just human nature. And I was in Russia and other countries too, the outcome was the same. And I still constantly see guys taller than me and not seeing that women are obsessed with them.
Nah it can be alterned women are desighned to avoid incel offspring if the media tells them something is actractive they will find it come to the us or something espeically a english speaking country
Nah it can be alterned women are desighned to avoid incel offspring if the media tells them something is actractive they will find it come to the us or something espeically a english speaking country
I don't think so human will do what their Nature is will tell them to do. And also
As you can see Statistically after 6'3 Rejection Rate is Increasing in the West. Rejection Rate is still Real thing. Very Tall height is more like Nichemaxxing, for some women you'll be Chad for some Sub5
not ideal in this year, but give it a decade or 2
6’3 6’2 is the peak height for male aesthetics
I just don’t believe you lol
I'm a literally caricature of Frankenstein my maxilla is practically not there and my lower jaw is very forward grown my forhead sticks out in like a plane manner over my eyes and my face has no harmony I'm humble in saying I look like a truecel facially.

also my cranium is an weird shape
I once slayed a 4"11 stacylite just beacause I was 6"6 most girls like the taller the better
same height as u and I'm a virgin, what is it like having sex at our height is it difficult??
same height as u and I'm a virgin, what is it like having sex at our height is it difficult??
Depends on your face but if your atleast ltn and nt you can get something the biggest slayer i know is 6"7 suoer nt narrow framed mtn but you have to be in the west for it to work
F im 6'4 but with shoes 6'6 £i just wear barefoot shoes because i have foot peoblems
Depends on your face but if your atleast ltn and nt you can get something the biggest slayer i know is 6"7 suoer nt narrow framed mtn but you have to be in the west for it to work
Im white and in the west I'm non NT and Borderline subhuman lookswise so its over
The ideal height is whatever height I'd choose if I could snap my fingers and be whatever I want. And 6'6 isn't it, I would hate to be a giant who stands out everywhere, has people constantly gawk at him and ask about his height etc. Ofc I'd much rather be 6'6 than 5'6, but I don't think it's ideal.
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Meh being alone is 6’6 is just a skill issue
I see this mentality here all the time. How does being a giant make your life better? If you're a guy with an average or sub-average face and personality and problems in connecting with people and women, how does 6'6 solve anything? People naturally like you and wanna be around you cause you tower over them? How does it work in your head?
6'1 + face
Mogged by athletes. You need to be tall enough so that you could be an athlete if you wanted but decide not to.
I see this mentality here all the time. How does being a giant make your life better? If you're a guy with an average or sub-average face and personality and problems in connecting with people and women, how does 6'6 solve anything? People naturally like you and wanna be around you cause you tower over them? How does it work in your head?
Because height is the single biggest contributor to SMV
Also at 6’6 women will date you just for your height
It’s a bit niche but it’s one of the biggest niches
maybe in another life....
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For mogging, the taller the better. That’s why I went with 6’6 the perfect height for both
by that logic mfs like robert wadlow would be gigamoggers. instead being that tall makes you look like slenderman. also anything above 6'4 tends to throw off your proportions due to excessive HGH production which fucks up your limb bones and can give you a horseface
6'5 is slightly ogre height. 6'3-6'4 is best
6'5 with good facial and body proportions is ideal however that is so rare that 6'2-6'4 is better overall
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