90 % of young swedish women are PAWGs

Tap water in Sweden is clean.

not sure which nonsense is more absurd, that sweden has bad sanitation or that people in poland, one of the shittiest and poorest non-balkan european countries all drink bottled water, lmfao
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not a single one of your claims is true

but keep recycling 15 years old 90 iq tier conspiracy theories you picked up while fantasizing in front of your laptop
Are you talking about me? I am genuinly convinced in what i say not trolling or larping at all bhai
Iirc according to actual science/studies mena women acc have the smallest tits overall and nordic women the biggest. There isnt any scientific data on ass i believe except for the fact that in some sfrican populations the women have extremely big asses due to fat storage genetics, probably because of sexual selection
Having stable money and regularly visit prostitutes is the key to not losing your sanity

// Thomas DOM
Brutal af they all belong to young chads, oldcels have to resort to busting a nut in a prost to not lose it from the cucking.
Are you talking about me? I am genuinly convinced in what i say not trolling or larping at all bhai

no, i'm referring to the schizo drug addict sandnigger who posted the thread
  • JFL
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Swedish girls are built like men, what u on about. Scandinavian women are large framed women
90 % of young swedish women are PAWGs

Anywhere you go here you can see young swedish women with pornstar phenotype wide hips n protruding asses.

They even wear yoga pants to make men go completly crazy in their head from looking at their big protruding asses (especially if you're on Testosterone/Steroids then you feel higher attraction towards PAWGs) . To describe swedish womens phenotype I would say they all have this type of asses like when you see them you be thinking shieet just sit on my face already:feelswah:

It seems like the estrogen consumption in tap water is higher in sweden compared to other Europe countries because when I was in Poland I saw polish women were much thinner had smaller or more average sized/more slender asses.

Tap water estrogen theory could be legit as Sweden consume tap water while in Poland they drink only bottled water (or perfectly filtered tap water) since tap water is not clean in Poland. It's possible that estrogen content is higher in tap water compared to bottled water.

Another theory is that swedish women maybe consume more female steroids (birth control pills/estradiol) than other European women

But yeah if you're into PAWGs you would lose your focking sanity in sweden but if you don't like PAWGs and you prefer more thin/slender women then you wouldn't be affected much as there are much less thin/slender women here compared to big assed PAWGs
Of course tap water estrogen theory is legit. Western countries recycle their water and the advent of estrogen based birth control has swept over the country to the point where most women are on it. Problem with that? They fucking piss the excess out. That then doesn't get removed from the water supply through filtration methods because the only way to remove such a small molecule as that is by doing a fucking chemical extraction or distillation. Both of those methods on the scale required to purify water to supply a nation would cost billions in production cost, energy, manpower, and maintenance.
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no, i'm referring to the schizo drug addict sandnigger who posted the thread
Yeah org posters seem to forget about confirmation bias, hence why the coomer parts of their brain causes them to think every zoomer girl is some estrogen goddess with 0.7 waist to hip ratio and cow udders and their insecure aspie BDD brain region thinks the average zoomer height in south america is 6'6 evening height
Swedish girls are built like men, what u on about. Scandinavian women are large framed women
This is true for dutch women at least from my experience. But usually a large frame on women means bigger and wider hips/ass and bigger probability of having big tits. I have rarely seen a foid with big tits who didnt have broad shoulders suspending them
Of course tap water estrogen theory is legit. Western countries recycle their water and the advent of estrogen based birth control has swept over the country to the point where most women are on it. Problem with that? They fucking piss the excess out. That then doesn't get removed from the water supply through filtration methods because the only way to remove such a small molecule as that is by doing a fucking chemical extraction or distillation. Both of those methods on the scale required to purify water to supply a nation would cost billions in production cost, energy, manpower, and maintenance.
Dont hormones you eat get deactivated/denaturated by your liver? Hence why you need to inject steroids instead of eating them (unlesss they get a special casing)
Look at this:
Screenshot 20220824 094208 Samsung Internet

Estrogen based contraceptive became a thing in 1930s and "coincidentally" the national overall testosterone levels have plummeted ever since. Read Margaret Sanger's wikipedia page too. It's pure ragefuel even if she was well meaning and opposed sexual degeneracy. Check out who she was married to:
Screenshot 20220824 094903 Samsung Internet

Surprise, surprise.
Last edited:
Dont hormones you eat get deactivated/denaturated by your liver? Hence why you need to inject steroids instead of eating them (unlesss they get a special casing)
If that were the case then ingesting hormones orally would make them have no effect on your system since everything you ingest gets processed by the liver before getting into your system. The only way piss tests for PED use even work is because excess steroids end up in your piss.
Look at this:
View attachment 1836455
Estrogen based contraceptive became a thing in 1930s and "coincidentally" the national overall testosterone levels have plummeted. Read Margaret Sanger's wikipedia page too. It's pure ragefuel even if she was well meaning and opposed sexual degeneracy. Check out who she was married to:
View attachment 1836459
Surprise, surprise.
High iq but i think all of the other xenoestrogens (BPA, plastics, shampoo and beauty ingredients), obesity and lack of physical activity, living in peace times, non strenoues life, decline in smoking, overal cultural cuckening and the decrease of the nutritional value of the avg western diet, as well as the vegetebales and meats themselves (take the soil degeneration) play a bigger role than birth control in the water
High iq but i think all of the other xenoestrogens (BPA, plastics, shampoo and beauty ingredients), obesity and lack of physical activity, living in peace times, non strenoues life, decline in smoking, overal cultural cuckening and the decrease of the nutritional value of the avg western diet, as well as the vegetebales and meats themselves (take the soil degeneration) play a bigger role than birth control in the water
Micronutrients and overal health have a big effect on hormone levels and the avg person is just way less healthy now than 100 years ago, especially in terms of diet nutrional value and exercise/sunlight exposure
I'm exclusively into PAWG, PAAG and PAMG, so this sounds amazing.

Doesn't the higher estrogen also mean the guys will become more feminine too, and then all the brown ethnics and ibrahimovic wannabes will be the only high T ones to fuck the PAWGs??

Uk is full of fuckibg shithouse women, sometimes in a supermarket aisle when I see a bunch of them I Check for an exit cos I know if it gets Larry and they wanna fuck me up I can't do shit about it. That's me, a nearly 100kg guy, imagine 50-60kg ethnics like @FailedNormieManlet and @Chadethnic101 in their local Asda!
Me and you Sweden trip? @Chinacurry
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If that were the case then ingesting hormones orally would make them have no effect on your system since everything you ingest gets processed by the liver before getting into your system. The only way piss tests for PED use even work is because excess steroids end up in your piss.
Also does this mean that i should stop consuming dairy and non-grass fed meats asap? What about eggs? And low to non fat yoghurts like Skyr
Ethnics only
90 % of young swedish women are PAWGs

Anywhere you go here you can see young swedish women with pornstar phenotype wide hips n protruding asses.

They even wear yoga pants to make men go completly crazy in their head from looking at their big protruding asses (especially if you're on Testosterone/Steroids then you feel higher attraction towards PAWGs) . To describe swedish womens phenotype I would say they all have this type of asses like when you see them you be thinking shieet just sit on my face already:feelswah:

It seems like the estrogen consumption in tap water is higher in sweden compared to other Europe countries because when I was in Poland I saw polish women were much thinner had smaller or more average sized/more slender asses.

Tap water estrogen theory could be legit as Sweden consume tap water while in Poland they drink only bottled water (or perfectly filtered tap water) since tap water is not clean in Poland. It's possible that estrogen content is higher in tap water compared to bottled water.

Another theory is that swedish women maybe consume more female steroids (birth control pills/estradiol) than other European women

But yeah if you're into PAWGs you would lose your focking sanity in sweden but if you don't like PAWGs and you prefer more thin/slender women then you wouldn't be affected much as there are much less thin/slender women here compared to big assed PAWGs
Bhai I'm 70kg haha will be 75kg lean in my peak
I'm exclusively into PAWG, PAAG and PAMG, so this sounds amazing.

Doesn't the higher estrogen also mean the guys will become more feminine too, and then all the brown ethnics and ibrahimovic wannabes will be the only high T ones to fuck the PAWGs??

Uk is full of fuckibg shithouse women, sometimes in a supermarket aisle when I see a bunch of them I Check for an exit cos I know if it gets Larry and they wanna fuck me up I can't do shit about it. That's me, a nearly 100kg guy, imagine 50-60kg ethnics like @FailedNormieManlet and @Chadethnic101 in their local Asda!
Now with that in mind be aware of what excess estrogen does to a woman's body and how it prevents her from getting pregnant: It essentially tricks her body into thinking she's already pregnant or on her period minus the endometrial shedding from oocyte implantation being mitigated. What else do we know about women who are on their period or pregnant? Their sexual preference in men shifts towards more feminine/less masculine/lower testosterone males. Oh and would you look at that? We have a phenomenon now where low T, overly feminine and androgynous men are fawned over by women, like that one deformed BTS member who won most handsome man of 2022 award over Henry Cavill.

Are you starting to connect the dots, son?
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 17791
Also does this mean that i should stop consuming dairy and non-grass fed meats asap? What about eggs? And low to non fat yoghurts like Skyr
Avoid anything not locally produced if possible but the residual hormones from steroid grown meat are minimal. Don't drink non-grass fed pasteurized milk under any circumstance.
Now with that in mind be aware of what excess estrogen does to a woman's body and how it prevents her from getting pregnant: It essentially tricks her body into thinking she's already pregnant or on her period minus the endometrial shedding from oocyte implantation being mitigated. What else do we know about women who are on their period or pregnant? Their sexual preference in men shifts towards more feminine/less masculine/lower testosterone males. Oh and would you look at that? We have a phenomenon now where low T, overly feminine and androgynous men are fawned over by women, like that one deformed BTS member who won most handsome man of 2022 award over Henry Cavill.

Are you starting to connect the dots, son?
that makes sense actually. They want cute boys because their motherly instincts are in over drive.

But that doesn't explain why they seldom have kids these days. They just abort them and what not. So there are probably other things at play.
Also op you should know that both ass frauding (with clothing and specific types of undergarments) and gymcelling is pretty widespread among white western women these days so that could account for your experience

Yeah all of them gymcel their aases they walk around with yoga pants all the day and they wear special pants to make ass more protruding

Taking a walk outside in sweden is like watching a porn video
Now with that in mind be aware of what excess estrogen does to a woman's body and how it prevents her from getting pregnant: It essentially tricks her body into thinking she's already pregnant or on her period minus the endometrial shedding from oocyte implantation being mitigated. What else do we know about women who are on their period or pregnant? Their sexual preference in men shifts towards more feminine/less masculine/lower testosterone males. Oh and would you look at that? We have a phenomenon now where low T, overly feminine and androgynous men are fawned over by women, like that one deformed BTS member who won most handsome man of 2022 award over Henry Cavill.

Are you starting to connect the dots, son?
Very interesting.

U know I was watching girls go crazy for BTS in LA, and the white girls were all obese like elephants...
  • +1
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Avoid anything not locally produced if possible but the residual hormones from steroid grown meat are minimal. Don't drink non-grass fed pasteurized milk under any circumstance.
Damn i will go fucking broke if were to only drink that type of dairy. I guess i have to cut it out entirely. What about almond milk? Also i think most high end supermarkets in the nerherlands like Albert Heijn acc have pretty high quality fruits and veggies, like they taste way better than if you were to buy it from a turkish grocer. Dont know about meat tho, but my mom usually buys from butcher instead of grocery store
Idiots getting deceived by yoga pants and tight jeans

Many asses like that look like that look meh once naked
  • +1
Reactions: Ceo of cope
I will move to sweden tommorow if your post is true but i doubt it is.

If it is true tho, im guessing its because dimorphism in general is most exxagerated in egalitarian countries because of freeer sexual selection/partner choice (especially women choosing men) hence why nordic men are taller, wider and nordic women have more femenine bodies according to you, aswell as both genders having blue eyes, blond hair and better pheno on avg than even other white populations

It's true but what does it matter anyway if true or not it's not like you can touch anyway unless you're top 1 % gigachad with money n status

It's just annoying being reminded of sex n ass every time you go outside
Now with that in mind be aware of what excess estrogen does to a woman's body and how it prevents her from getting pregnant: It essentially tricks her body into thinking she's already pregnant or on her period minus the endometrial shedding from oocyte implantation being mitigated. What else do we know about women who are on their period or pregnant? Their sexual preference in men shifts towards more feminine/less masculine/lower testosterone males. Oh and would you look at that? We have a phenomenon now where low T, overly feminine and androgynous men are fawned over by women, like that one deformed BTS member who won most handsome man of 2022 award over Henry Cavill.

Are you starting to connect the dots, son?
The whole dual mating strategy/alpha bux beta buxx thing has been debunked in more recent studies. They even found that women perfered feminized morphs regardless of ovulation status or STR vs LTR dichotomy. But the way those studies producr masculinized and femenised faces is sus in general since they used averaged male and female faces and they just morph in the directioj of either one for icnreased fem or mascness. But as we know, the actual features thwr differentiate men and women on avg irl arent the good looking psl ones like ping pong zygos, lantern jaws or hunter eyes but rather stuff like nasal bridge, eye spacing and width, middle third height, lower third height, neck, eyebrows, forehead and darker coloring. So we basicslly need a study with women choosing between prettybiy and DOM, sepersting STR and LTR appeal and women that are ovulating and not
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They rape them

Yeah but they go to prison for it several years. Lol @ being so retarded you are willing to go prison for 5 years just for 5 minutes of intercourse

And no they don't have internet in swedish prison
High iq but i think all of the other xenoestrogens (BPA, plastics, shampoo and beauty ingredients), obesity and lack of physical activity, living in peace times, non strenoues life, decline in smoking, overal cultural cuckening and the decrease of the nutritional value of the avg western diet, as well as the vegetebales and meats themselves (take the soil degeneration) play a bigger role than birth control in the water
The influence of xenoestrogens on testosterone levels and even whether they're metabolically active in human bodies is currently unknown because they're essentially the plant equivalent of animal steroids. I still think they disrupt hormonal profile but nowhere near to the same degree as metabolically active estradiol. I doubt men now exercise that much less either and it's a usual excuse for people to claim that lifting will significantly boost your testosterone to steer the question away from the birth control topic. Birth control's concentration in water supply is criminally under researched probably because no one can get the funding to do it or get published in any credible journal. Gee, I wonder why. Couldn't have anything to do with the fact Jews own and control the vast majority of academic institutions, could it?
The influence of xenoestrogens on testosterone levels and even whether they're metabolically active in human bodies is currently unknown because they're essentially the plant equivalent of animal steroids. I still think they disrupt hormonal profile but nowhere near to the same degree as metabolically active estradiol. I doubt men now exercise that much less either and it's a usual excuse for people to claim that lifting will significantly boost your testosterone to steer the question away from the birth control topic. Birth control's concentration in water supply is criminally under researched probably because no one can get the funding to do it or get published in any credible journal. Gee, I wonder why. Couldn't have anything to do with the fact Jews own and control the vast majority of academic institutions, could it?
Aggreed, but all the other stuff is still relevant and not adressed in your reply. And men DO exercise way less now than 100 years or so ago, even 50 years, especially in the united stated where this whole testosterone decline thing is based on. I wonder how it is in other populations
Brutal af they all belong to young chads, oldcels have to resort to busting a nut in a prost to not lose it from the cucking.

Not even regular Chad's but gigachads. Like millionaire Chad's with instagram status
that makes sense actually. They want cute boys because their motherly instincts are in over drive.

But that doesn't explain why they seldom have kids these days. They just abort them and what not. So there are probably other things at play.
Because of cultural aversion to having kids promoted by Western media(too expensive, world is overpopulated, having white kids contributes to racism, "kids are too much responsibility, I just want to indulge in my hedonistic proclivities", etc...). It was the exact same way in Weimar Germany right before the Third Reich emerged. Higher estrogen is not a hormone that fosters motherly instincts either, that's progesterone and oxytocin.
  • Woah
Reactions: Deleted member 17791
Very interesting.

U know I was watching girls go crazy for BTS in LA, and the white girls were all obese like elephants...
They all most likely had pcos too. Funny thing about pcos is it's the development of tumors and it's usual treatment is administering of estrogen. This alleviates symptoms by inhibiting ovarian follicle stimulation but wanna know something else interesting about estrogen? It's also highly anabolic, hence why when juicing it's important to not tank your E2 levels because it impedes muscle growth. Estradiol is literally a single hydroxyl group and a bit of resonance shifting away from testosterone after all. Now what effect do you think a highly anabolic substance would have on tumor GROWTH? Hmmm...
Also manospherians and PSLers alike heavily underestimate other hormones in male development and health like progesterone, thyroids, estrogen even, free testosterone, SHBG, FSH, LH, dopamine, ADH, grehlin. Also stuff like creatine, trigylcerine,
  • +1
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They all most likely had pcos too. Funny thing about pcos is it's the development of tumors and it's usual treatment is administering of estrogen. This alleviates symptoms by inhibiting ovarian follicle stimulation but wanna know something else interesting about estrogen? It's also highly anabolic, hence why when juicing it's important to not tank your E2 levels because it impedes muscle growth. Estradiol is literally a single hydroxyl group and a bit of resonance shifting away from testosterone after all. Now what effect do you think a highly anabolic substance would have on tumor GROWTH? Hmmm...
We got our very own .orh version of derek moreplatesmoredates guys
Damn i will go fucking broke if were to only drink that type of dairy. I guess i have to cut it out entirely. What about almond milk? Also i think most high end supermarkets in the nerherlands like Albert Heijn acc have pretty high quality fruits and veggies, like they taste way better than if you were to buy it from a turkish grocer. Dont know about meat tho, but my mom usually buys from butcher instead of grocery store

Lol just keep drinking and eating whatever but take Exemestane/Aromasin then you will have lower estrogen levels and prevent excess esteogen levels from modern lifestyle. This is what I do
They all most likely had pcos too. Funny thing about pcos is it's the development of tumors and it's usual treatment is administering of estrogen. This alleviates symptoms by inhibiting ovarian follicle stimulation but wanna know something else interesting about estrogen? It's also highly anabolic, hence why when juicing it's important to not tank your E2 levels because it impedes muscle growth. Estradiol is literally a single hydroxyl group and a bit of resonance shifting away from testosterone after all. Now what effect do you think a highly anabolic substance would have on tumor GROWTH? Hmmm...
R u a dr? Btw my sister and one of her friends had pcos, they were both fat as fuck and really hairy.

I seen some very feminine foids and they still seem to like dimorphic men
They all most likely had pcos too. Funny thing about pcos is it's the development of tumors and it's usual treatment is administering of estrogen. This alleviates symptoms by inhibiting ovarian follicle stimulation but wanna know something else interesting about estrogen? It's also highly anabolic, hence why when juicing it's important to not tank your E2 levels because it impedes muscle growth. Estradiol is literally a single hydroxyl group and a bit of resonance shifting away from testosterone after all. Now what effect do you think a highly anabolic substance would have on tumor GROWTH? Hmmm...

I believe estrogen is Anabolic but not Anabolic in muscle tissue atleast
The whole dual mating strategy/alpha bux beta buxx thing has been debunked in more recent studies. They even found that women perfered feminized morphs regardless of ovulation status or STR vs LTR dichotomy. But the way those studies producr masculinized and femenised faces is sus in general since they used averaged male and female faces and they just morph in the directioj of either one for icnreased fem or mascness. But as we know, the actual features thwr differentiate men and women on avg irl arent the good looking psl ones like ping pong zygos, lantern jaws or hunter eyes but rather stuff like nasal bridge, eye spacing and width, middle third height, lower third height, neck, eyebrows, forehead and darker coloring. So we basicslly need a study with women choosing between prettybiy and DOM, sepersting STR and LTR appeal and women that are ovulating and not
Another problem with that study is women's mating strategy also revolves very heavily around safety and perceived threat. Masculine faces tend to be much more low trust/high threat than feminine faces. It's probably why I almost never get approached at 6'4 with good frame, big muscles, and average to above average face by women while my shorter less intimidating but still equally as facially attractive if not less attractive peers do all the time. I even confirmed this hypothesis by asking my friends if girls talk about me and after dozens of accounts the vast majority told me girls tell them they think I'm "scary" or "unapproachable" a lot of times without my friends even questioning them initially. I usually get told by others that girls are checking me out when I'm not looking but despite making frequent eye contact with women the usual response is they either ignore me or look away instantly. Women need to have a certain degree of comfort and safety before they even engage with men. It's why I just laugh at all these fuckers saying chads get gangraped in the streets by packs of jbs, this is purely a sex-obsessed cumbrained incels defeatist fantasy to confirm their own cognitive biases and excuse their own personal flaws.
We got our very own .orh version of derek moreplatesmoredates guys
I even got the deathstar delts to go along with it despite being natty.
WIN 20220630 21 58 31 Pro
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@pur3e White Swedish women are being railed by Chadpreet, Chaddullah and Tyrone
  • JFL
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R u a dr? Btw my sister and one of her friends had pcos, they were both fat as fuck and really hairy.

I seen some very feminine foids and they still seem to like dimorphic men
Give them letrozole. No clue why doctors opt for estrogen over letro when letro was literally designed to treat gonadal disorders lol
Another problem with that study is women's mating strategy also revolves very heavily around safety and perceived threat. Masculine faces tend to be much more low trust/high threat than feminine faces. It's probably why I almost never get approached at 6'4 with good frame, big muscles, and average to above average face by women while my shorter less intimidating but still equally as facially attractive if not less attractive peers do all the time. I even confirmed this hypothesis by asking my friends if girls talk about me and after dozens of accounts the vast majority told me girls tell them they think I'm "scary" or "unapproachable" a lot of times without my friends even questioning them initially. I usually get told by others that girls are checking me out when I'm not looking but despite making frequent eye contact with women the usual response is they either ignore me or look away instantly. Women need to have a certain degree of comfort and safety before they even engage with men. It's why I just laugh at all these fuckers saying chads get gangraped in the streets by packs of jbs, this is purely a sex-obsessed cumbrained incels defeatist fantasy to confirm their own cognitive biases and excuse their own personal flaws.
Yeah i think at a certain point size and musculature works to your detriment even if natty. Women can def be too scared of you even if you look like a god/titan if you are too big. Great for intrasexual competition tho.

But as you know i am a staunch perpetrator of face and dick pill (and sexual selection pill) and your smaller friends might simply have better looking than you to the women, even the ones you personwlly think arent.

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