90 % of young swedish women are PAWGs

One interesting tidbit (from incel.wiki) is also that womens prefrence for precieved facial masculinity seemed to dissapear or lessen significantly whem controlling for height (women think men with more DOM faces are taller), supporting tall prettyboy = ideal pill
Of course tap water estrogen theory is legit. Western countries recycle their water and the advent of estrogen based birth control has swept over the country to the point where most women are on it. Problem with that? They fucking piss the excess out. That then doesn't get removed from the water supply through filtration methods because the only way to remove such a small molecule as that is by doing a fucking chemical extraction or distillation. Both of those methods on the scale required to purify water to supply a nation would cost billions in production cost, energy, manpower, and maintenance.

Yeah legit that's why I take aromasin/exemestane every day. To prevent high estrogen levels from tap water n modern lifestyle
  • JFL
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One interesting tidbit (from incel.wiki) is also that womens prefrence for precieved facial masculinity seemed to dissapear or lessen significantly whem controlling for height (women think men with more DOM faces are taller), supporting tall prettyboy = ideal pill

I dont know man I think western women 2022 don't even like men at all. Like they are disgusted by (or atleast feel completly neutral) towards the male gender since they been brainwashed by feminism

They like 1 % men only those on instagram with the status n all probably even less then 1 %
  • JFL
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I dont know man I think western women 2022 don't even like men at all. Like they are disgusted by (or atleast feel completly neutral) towards the male gender since they been brainwashed by feminism

They like 1 % men only those on instagram with the status n all probably even less then 1 %
Bro you are the one that is brainwashed
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Yeah i think at a certain point size and musculature works to your detriment even if natty. Women can def be too scared of you even if you look like a god/titan if you are too big. Great for intrasexual competition tho.

But as you know i am a staunch perpetrator of face and dick pill (and sexual selection pill) and your smaller friends might simply have better looking than you to the women, even the ones you personwlly think arent.
They're definitely not facially more attractive and they always comment how they wish they got the amount of iois I do. Women are just more comfortable approaching them. The thing is if you're average to shorter height you have to be freakishly massive to have that intimidating effect which no natty is gonna be able to achieve. Height and muscle work synergistically so when you take the fact that I'm 99th percentile height and more muscular without lifting than most lifters after years of consistent training it creates a perfect storm scenario working against me. Most blackpillers don't even realize this either because they haven't had the "big guy" experience like I have. The funny thing is I usually do get approached and even sexually assaulted by women in clubs and bars because the women are usually drunk with much lower inhibition. Only problem is I fucking hate the club environment because it's usually too loud to hear anybody talk and I listen to metal and hate most of the ass music they play in them so clubmaxxing isn't really an option for me unless I just want to fake enthusiasm and pretend I'm having fun. Metal showmaxxing is out of the question too usually because I'm locationcel in that regard.
They're definitely not facially more attractive and they always comment how they wish they got the amount of iois I do. Women are just more comfortable approaching them. The thing is if you're average to shorter height you have to be freakishly massive to have that intimidating effect which no natty is gonna be able to achieve. Height and muscle work synergistically so when you take the fact that I'm 99th percentile height and more muscular without lifting than most lifters after years of consistent training it creates a perfect storm scenario working against me. Most blackpillers don't even realize this either because they haven't had the "big guy" experience like I have. The funny thing is I usually do get approached and even sexually assaulted by women in clubs and bars because the women are usually drunk with much lower inhibition. Only problem is I fucking hate the club environment because it's usually too loud to hear anybody talk and I listen to metal and hate most of the ass music they play in them so clubmaxxing isn't really an option for me unless I just want to fake enthusiasm and pretend I'm having fun. Metal showmaxxing is out of the question too usually because I'm locationcel in that regard.
Agreed, but do you think you would have the same success if you were uglier? I feel like you overestimate the ammount of smv your body and height adds
Agreed, but do you think you would have the same success if you were uglier? I feel like you overestimate the ammount of smv your body and height adds
Of course not lol. I never said face is irrelevant. Do I get way more iois than my equally facially attractive but smaller friends? Absolutely. I had a korean friend named Martin who was like 5'7 with insane shredded physique model body and prettyboy face and hair that was definitely more facially attractive than me who always complained about getting ignored or ghosted by girls all the time to me and constantly mired my size saying he would be slaying left right and center if he had my height. Sexual attractiveness is not an all-or-nothing scenario. Evaluating which facets of attraction weigh more than others is pointless also because you should be maxxing everything regardless. Having a singular exceptional trait most of the time tends to get beaten by having multiple good traits. It's about the bigger picture. Everything matters.
  • Woah
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Of course not lol. I never said face is irrelevant. Do I get way more iois than my equally facially attractive but smaller friends? Absolutely. I had a korean friend named Martin who was like 5'7 with insane shredded physique model body and prettyboy face and hair that was definitely more facially attractive than me who always complained about getting ignored or ghosted by girls all the time to me and constantly mired my size saying he would be slaying left right and center if he had my height. Sexual attractiveness is not an all-or-nothing scenario. Evaluating which facets of attraction weigh more than others is pointless also because you should be maxxing everything regardless. Having a singular exceptional trait most of the time tends to get beaten by having multiple good traits. It's about the bigger picture. Everything matters.
very true. I just get way more jealous of gl people than people who are really tall, and i am both ugly and average height (5'11) so i dont think i am coping
I dont know him but probably yes unless he is 1 % have a big instagram status n is a millionaire
arvid would slay anywhere anytime with any type of girl. Keep coping with your imaginairy gigastandards scenario
Agreed, but do you think you would have the same success if you were uglier? I feel like you overestimate the ammount of smv your body and height adds
More evidende of my theory also comes from the dozens of women I've been with who all said they initially thought I was some dumb meathead asshole, even though my demeanor is usually very reserved and calm. They made this assumption simply because I looked like this at 194cm:
Uk sIl0kiJ8
More evidende of my theory also comes from the dozens of women I've been with who all said they initially thought I was some dumb meathead asshole, even though my demeanor is usually very reserved and calm. They made this assumption simply because I looked like this at 194cm:
View attachment 1836619
extremely DOM in both body and face. You probably have insane appeal to a very small ammount of women into your niche.
Dick size?
extremely DOM in both body and face. You probably have insane appeal to a very small ammount of women into your niche.
Dick size?
you would probably have better mass appeal if you were about 20kgs lighter but with your current size a small portion of women would be VERY into you. Being extremely big and muscular is a good example of nichemaxxing, as is having a very big dick (9x6.5 ish)
Could also be because of my social dysfunction induced by my traumatic childhood. I have a habit of not saying hello to people I don't know first and usually say very little. People have told me I am very sociable and likeable after I "warm up" to them. I'm that way as a defense mechanism I guess from all the bullying throughout school and abuse from my father. I have serious trust issues from that now.
extremely DOM in both body and face. You probably have insane appeal to a very small ammount of women into your niche.
Dick size?
7x5.5. About half the women I slept with commented on how big it is or complained about discomfort from the size so people on here saying 9x6 or death are just completely off target. And no they didn't just say that, gasp, or jerk in pain to make me feel better about myself. Women never really do shit like that with men they're already with. Also another myth established by basement virgins with poor understanding of social cues and dynamics. Gee I wonder why internet theorists with zero experience that get all their evidence from cherrypicked "blackpill" images and tinder convos usually assembled or created by other basement virgins trying to confirm their biases are delusional and misguided.
7x5.5. About half the women I slept with commented on how big it is or complained about discomfort from the size so people on here saying 9x6 or death are just completely off target. And no they didn't just say that, gasp, or jerk in pain to make me feel better about myself. Women never really do shit like that with men they're already with. Also another myth established by basement virgins with poor understanding of social cues and dynamics. Gee I wonder why internet theorists with zero experience that get all their evidence from cherrypicked "blackpill" images and tinder convos usually assembled or created by other basement virgins trying to confirm their biases are delusional and misguided.
is that bpel? i sit at 7x5.2 bpel but my nbpel is only 6.3 lol because i am gigafat rn. Leaning down tho. Yeah i agree i am a big proponent of dickpill as i have been exposed to it more than the avg forum user irl i feel like, but the actual treshhold of what is considered a "big dick" irl lower than what this forum thinks. a genuine non bone pressed 7x5.5 is big irl indeed
is that bpel? i sit at 7x5.2 bpel but my nbpel is only 6.3 lol because i am gigafat rn. Leaning down tho. Yeah i agree i am a big proponent of dickpill as i have been exposed to it more than the avg forum user irl i feel like, but the actual treshhold of what is considered a "big dick" irl lower than what this forum thinks. a genuine non bone pressed 7x5.5 is big irl indeed
When you get a lot bigger than 7" your erection quality and hardness decreases exponentially, especially the smaller you are with less blood volume to fill your cock up with. Cock hardness is a lot more important than size in most cases since bellcurve dick size distribution is pretty tight. Women prefer an average to above average sized rock hard cock than a gigantic floppy squish tube. This is why viagra is essential if you have giant cock. Ever wonder why in porn videos guys with massive cocks can bend them easily and they always point downwards while hanging lower? Those guys absolutely take viagra too cause it's their job and they have to stay hard for hours to film a 10-30 minute scene. Porn warps the fuck out of people's perception of sex so much.
When you get a lot bigger than 7" your erection quality and hardness decreases exponentially, especially the smaller you are with less blood volume to fill your cock up with. Cock hardness is a lot more important than size in most cases since bellcurve dick size distribution is pretty tight. Women prefer an average to above average sized rock hard cock than a gigantic floppy squish tube. This is why viagra is essential if you have giant cock. Ever wonder why in porn videos guys with massive cocks can bend them easily and they always point downwards while hanging lower? Those guys absolutely take viagra too cause it's their job and they have to stay hard for hours to film a 10-30 minute scene. Porn warps the fuck out of people's perception of sex so much.
this reads like a cope but it sounds legit. point is that 7 inches in length and 5.5 in girt is enough to get hailod by your dick irl. According to goodlookingloser (one of the most legit "helping men get laid" type of guy/resource on the internet, probably the best of his era) said that he got known for having a big dick once he hit 6.5 in length with above average girth (this was in an article about penis enlargment which is legit btw but very fringe)
this reads like a cope but it sounds legit. point is that 7 inches in length and 5.5 in girt is enough to get hailod by your dick irl. According to goodlookingloser (one of the most legit "helping men get laid" type of guy/resource on the internet, probably the best of his era) said that he got known for having a big dick once he hit 6.5 in length with above average girth (this was in an article about penis enlargment which is legit btw but very fringe)
I know him. He's the reason I bought a bathmate and my laziness and apathy is the reason I never used it that much.
I know him. He's the reason I bought a bathmate and my laziness and apathy is the reason I never used it that much.
haha nice. He is great. His stuff on sexual availability and hot girl's looks threshhold, as well as the "looks dont matter if you are above average" (basically proto HTN and up theory) was genuinly revolutionary (atleast for the manosphere/pua community) stuff and actually propelled those communities into a new age. He was also the first and i believe only advocate of the dickpill and PE in the manosphere. He is the one that helped men get laid the most probably. Also inspired several offshoots, the notable onces being killyourinnerloser and derek mpmd. Truly a legend
  • Woah
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arvid would slay anywhere anytime with any type of girl. Keep coping with your imaginairy gigastandards scenario

You must believe that sweden is like America. Sweden is not like America. In America it's still possible to get women although hard but possible. Sweden is much much harder than America though. Sweden has the most incels in the world according to statistics
You must believe that sweden is like America. Sweden is not like America. In America it's still possible to get women although hard but possible. Sweden is much much harder than America though. Sweden has the most incels in the world according to statistics
Not a word + i live in the netherlands. Sweden has the most incels because those giga high quality of life countries have the highest rates of mental ilness, existentialism and suicide in general. Of course it is gonna breed a bunch of incels if everyone is depressed. It makes no sense that sweden has so many incels if according to org every man is gl there
Not a word + i live in the netherlands. Sweden has the most incels because those giga high quality of life countries have the highest rates of mentsl ilness, existentialism and suicide in general. Of course it is gonna breed a bunch of incels is everyone is depressed. It makes no sense that sweden has so many incels if according to org every man is gl there
Maybe the nerdic pheno is most prevalent in sweden
I remember like 10 15 years ago when ethnic girls would cope with "yeah, but does she have ASS???" when talking about white girls.

White girls gave themselves an upgrade out of nowhere like we're playing fucking Fortnite or some shit. :lul:
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Not a word + i live in the netherlands. Sweden has the most incels because those giga high quality of life countries have the highest rates of mental ilness, existentialism and suicide in general. Of course it is gonna breed a bunch of incels if everyone is depressed. It makes no sense that sweden has so many incels if according to org every man is gl there

I live in Sweden I've seen many tall handsome young men complain about struggling with women
I remember like 10 15 years ago when ethnic girls would cope with "yeah, but does she have ASS???" when talking about white girls.

White girls gave themselves an upgrade out of nowhere like we're playing fucking Fortnite or some shit. :lul:
Legit idk what happened but so many white girls have big asses now
Legit idk what happened but so many white girls have big asses now
What happened is that fitness / the gym became 'cool' in the last 10 years.

In 2012 not many people went to the gym. It was a niche activity.

2018 onwards it became all the rage, now it's fucking nauseating to hear about it. Women especially started going as well.
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