95% of you won't get the surgeries you need or want

I don't have a BBC. While by definition I am mulatto I look closer to being black then mixed.
I cannot thugmaxx, its not possible. I agree with what your saying, I do have quite a soft personality. I used to be a doormat but I am better at standing up for myself now. Although it doesn't come natrually. I have to actively think about it. I am sure in time it will come more natrually. My default state is to just please people. Sensitive and caring personality :soy: (ITS OVER and I am pretty much emotionally void now. I struggle to care for others anymore.) + being raised as a christian is the death of low inhib and aggro behaviour.

I need surgery though. My teeth are fucked and my jaws are recessed. Also I will fix my death tier eye area. I am not saying I will keep my dating life on hold until my surgery (easily 2-3 years away) but I believe it will be worthwhile.

Also a nice little voice clip to further prove why I can't thugmaxx. I also don't want to because I would lose all my current friends and slaying low quality women sounds like a waste of time.

BBC can be acquired by dickmaxxing you know. By thugmaxxing, I don't mean you have to commit crimes and shit. You just have to be more low inhib and aggressive than you are rn. You can be soft and sophisticated with your friends, no problem. Btw if your dick is small or average sized as a black guy, it's gonna failo you more than it would an asian, indian or white guy. As a tall black guy, you are expected to have a big dick. 6'3" and black are good stats. You don't need to be gl as a black guy to do well with women, you know. This is a big advantage. Btw eye area is very hard to fix. Just weigh the risks before proceeding with any surgeries.

I think your main issue is that you lack congruency.
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I think if I got orbital box osteotomy, palatal expansion and some sort of canthopexy (to increase PFL), I could probably be a high-tier Chadlite if not a Chad. I already have good forward growth and mandible shape along with good generalized masculinization.

I likely won't ever get these surgeries because I am too proud to do this to myself and I am already 28 years old, so I would be a legit oldcel by the time I would be finished recovering from all this stuff.
I think if I got orbital box osteotomy, palatal expansion and some sort of canthopexy (to increase PFL), I could probably be a high-tier Chadlite if not a Chad. I already have good forward growth and mandible shape along with good generalized masculinization.

I likely won't ever get these surgeries because I am too proud to do this to myself and I am already 28 years old, so I would be a legit oldcel by the time I would be finished recovering from all this stuff.
My point exactly dude, these surgeries cost so much, which rules out 90% of users here lol- so guys wouldn't afford any surgery until late 20s say, then get procedures, they'll be early to mid 30s when they're recovered- then realised they have missed out on a lot.
Also made no financial progress coz it's all gone on surgeries- the mind will be rotten by this point to salvage life unfortunately..

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