A Guide on Currencies and how they work for surgerymaxxers.


Deleted member 2933

Aug 24, 2019
So, since the era of taliban in 1718, we have being under a currencies market. This means that your country has a coin, his country has another and mine has another.

Basically for your interest, for example, that u can get a Almond Eye Surgery for 5k in USA, 2k in Brazil and $500 in Argentina.


Also you could get a Lefort I for 2k USD in Serbia or for 600 FUCKING KUWAIT DINARS!!

You also could get a Bimax in this top surgeon for 5k USD, 4K pounds or 1400 KUWAIT DINARS!
You could also get a Bimax in Argentina for 800 FUCKING POUNDS ! Or i who use Reais could get it a Bimax for 5000 Reais! Which was the price of my sliding genio.

If u are under any of those currencies, money is not your problem.

  1. The Kuwaiti Dinar
  2. The Bahraini Dinar
  3. The Oman Rial
  4. The Jordan Dinar
  5. The British Pound Sterling
  6. The Cayman Islands Dollar
  7. The European Euro
  8. The Swiss Franc
  9. The US Dollar
  10. The Canadian Dollar

Therefore, money is not a problem. Give me the next cope.
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  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite, JMax, BlackPillChad and 4 others
How come Kuwait so cheap they are loaded with cash
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Reactions: je3oe
This is not a looksmaxxing forum
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  • JFL
Reactions: je3oe, Deleted member 4645 and Deleted member 3043
Just go to a 3rd world country for a surgery that could kill you or make you deformed theory
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  • JFL
Reactions: rpglover, Deleted member 14262, PenileFacialSurgery and 8 others
Mirin high iq tbqh ngl tbqh
  • JFL
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Reactions: yang and ChaddeusPeuterschmit
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Reactions: ChaddeusPeuterschmit
whos the top surgeon? the ig one?
There's a reason they're so cheap in far less developed countries. All of you guys who continuously spout "just go overseas bro!" have never actually taken your own advice and gotten incredibly invasive surgeries done by foreign doctors who might not speak your language, might not understand exactly what you want them to do, might not have the best aesthetic vision in mind, and might not be as careful as more expensive doctors which could lead to lifelong complications or even deformities. Sure it COULD work out for you, but is your face something you really want to take that risk on?
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  • +1
Reactions: JMax, Deleted member 5467, Barbarossa_ and 2 others
But you can’t trust them man

I mean pay extra cash but at least you will be secured on your face lol
  • +1
Reactions: PenileFacialSurgery and CristianT
There's a reason they're so cheap in far less developed countries. All of you guys who continuously spout "just go overseas bro!" have never actually taken your own advice and gotten incredibly invasive surgeries done by foreign doctors who might not speak your language, might not understand exactly what you want them to do, might not have the best aesthetic vision in mind, and might not be as careful as more expensive doctors which could lead to lifelong complications or even deformities. Sure it COULD work out for you, but is your face something you really want to take that risk on?
They are cheap because the country in general is poor, this doesn't necessarily mean that they are inferior in terms of skill. Anyway stalk your doctor like a.creep
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite, JMax, CopingHard and 2 others
I don't understand how some people think, for real now. Do you rather go to a cheap and inexperienced doctor in an undeveloped country and fuck your face FOR LIFE then gathering some money and go to a renown doctor who will make an awesome job to your face, yes it will be expensive but it will be FOR Life.

I had a hair transplant one year ago and people on HT forums 70% of them were searching for a cheap hair transplant surgeon, I also was about to make the same mistake BUT I did my research and guess what? I came to the conclusion that I better pay a considerable amount of money to a good doctor, make a good job with my hair than going to a cheap doctor from Turkey and ruin my hair for life. So glad that I spend 7k and everything went sooo good.
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  • +1
Reactions: PenileFacialSurgery
I don't understand how some people think, for real now. Do you rather go to a cheap and inexperienced doctor in an undeveloped country and fuck your face FOR LIFE then gathering some money and go to a renown doctor who will make an awesome job to your face, yes it will be expensive but it will be FOR Life.

Great face fuck greycel

They are cheap because the country in general is poor, this doesn't necessarily mean that they are inferior in terms of skill. Anyway stalk your doctor like a.creep
Not necessarily, you're right, but good surgeons tend to move to richer countries where they can make more money if they can, so there is a correlation. Occasionally you can find some gems, but there's just not enough good in depth information on each surgeon available online to warrant taking the plunge and scheduling with some foreign doctor imo. Especially when you'll most likely be seeing someone that no one else on this forum has any prior experience with, so you'd be relying on a handful of normie reviews.

Watch a video of a lefort and tell me you wouldn't want to take every precautionary measure possible to ensure it goes right.
Not necessarily, you're right, but good surgeons tend to move to richer countries where they can make more money if they can, so there is a correlation. Occasionally you can find some gems, but there's just not enough good in depth information on each surgeon available online to warrant taking the plunge and scheduling with some foreign doctor imo. Especially when you'll most likely be seeing someone that no one else on this forum has any prior experience with, so you'd be relying on a handful of normie reviews.

Watch a video of a lefort and tell me you wouldn't want to take every precautionary measure possible to ensure it goes right.

  • WTF
Reactions: goodman78
Is turkey also cheap ?
I did gynecomastia removal for $900 USD, turned out pretty good ngl. No scar, no complications whatsoever. I rememeber checking results of other people on the web, and man, some of them really got butchered and paid thousands of dollars for it.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2933
this only works for USAcels because europe got pretty decent surgeons who are relatively cheap, all else is cope
USAcels living life on easy mode

lol at going to brazil to some random doctor to get such a serious surgery as bimax
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401
this only works for USAcels because europe got pretty decent surgeons who are relatively cheap, all else is cope
USAcels living life on easy mode

lol at going to brazil to some random doctor to get such a serious surgery as bimax

I did gynecomastia removal for $900 USD, turned out pretty good ngl. No scar, no complications whatsoever. I rememeber checking results of other people on the web, and man, some of them really got butchered and paid thousands of dollars for it.

You are the real looksmaxer.
I wish this thread to be locked tbh, i dont think rotters are getting the point of it.
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 4645

You are the real looksmaxer.
I wish this thread to be locked tbh, i dont think rotters are getting the point of it.

what did he get, bsso lefort 1 and ccw rotation? why is his philtrum longer btw

5k dollars
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 2933
How come Kuwait so cheap they are loaded with cash
Because 1 Kuwaiti Dinar is (currently) equal to $3.27 USD. You're not necessarily getting it cheaper, the numbers just make it seem that way.
  • +1
Reactions: BlackPillChad, Arkantos, RAITEIII and 2 others
Lefort 3 or rope
Because 1 Kuwaiti Dinar is (currently) equal to $3.27 USD. You're not necessarily getting it cheaper, the numbers just make it seem that way.
I was only going to say this.

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