A hundred years ago, China was withering away in the eyes of the world

Thats why i dont like em. The CCP are evil psychopaths who will obey to Klaus Schwab and his minions to establish a new world order. The upcoming world war will become the west vs the east. Whoever wins will hold hans with the mighty Schwab. If the East wins (China, Russia, Iran, North korea etc) the ruling system will consist of advanced communism and dicatorship. If the West wins, (NATO, US, Canada, Australia etc) the ruling system will be a world full of identities and non nt people who are too scared of interacting with other people, thus making it harder to fight the elites.
Korea must return to its rightful and natural position as model Chinese tributary state.
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China would never have ceased to exist. Every credible futurologist agrees, it’s the most likely nation to last until the end of time and it’s not even close. It is the biggest and oldest civilization along with India, both having over 4 times more people than the next most populated nation. It has stood strong and tall for thousands of years when other powerful civilizations around it have fallen like flies over and over again. China endured much more catastrophic cataclysms like the Mongol invasions yet always recovered each and every time. Nobody permanently beats or conquers China, especially today with a united and modernized China. Britain never came close to conquering China even though it conquered the rest of the world and neither did Japan, which mostly only conquered coastal cities and vastly struggled to hold them. It was never going to conquer all of China even though China hadn’t industrialized and modernized like Europe and Japan did, and China was struggling immensely with civil war and internal conflict just like it was during the Mongol invasions. Just like we did with the Mongols when we drove them all the way back to Mongolia, completely toppled their empire and their rule over the rest of the world, massacred them, bred their women, conquered Inner Mongolia, and forced Outer Mongolia to be our tributary bitch, we’ll do the same with anybody and everybody else. But this time, China will be much more powerful than it has ever been due to modernization and globalization and access to other countries. In a post industrial world with modern technology where everyone has an equal playing field, nobody has even a remote chance against China in the long run. China will completely overtake with or without war. The rate at which we improve and make advancements is absolutely unreal and insane compared to any other nation. Westerners try and cope to make themselves feel better like they always have, but the reality of the situation is that we’re going to see an utterly dominant hegemony in the future. Obligatory copy paste below.



24FCC23C 1495 492A A666 70355F5B3A20

TL;DR: "We estimated that US life expectancy at birth dropped by 3.08 years due to the million COVID-19 deaths. Economic welfare losses estimated in terms of national income growth supplemented by the value of lives lost, was in the order of US$3.57 trillion."








6194818F 39A9 4988 B49B 90972A1429E4

BA0425A5 E5CC 4A05 BA0A 14B562D5EA52

BAD49B7A 90D2 4BD7 BD15 2C7F9E72AA2E

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This meme doesn't make any sense since the Manchus actually encouraged intermarriage between Mongols and Manchus. Hell, even the Manchu alphabet was based on the Mongol one.
i'd love to visit china and slay girls there. Do the natives have a problem with that?

Depends on which area you go and which individuals you meet. They’re much more likely to have problems than Japanese, Koreans, or Southeast Asians are though.

No I am Pakistani. I am not a Punjabi either, just realized people forced those labels on me.
Copemorecumskins. opened my eyes.

Mentally ill basement rotting niggers that provide zero benefit to society and leech off of it like him would be sent to concentration camps and tortured and worked to death if not outright exterminated like the worthless dogs they are. China isn’t the US where we subsidize useless niggers’ lives and let them freely cry about oppression and reparations, just look at the difference in how we treat them.

I dont respect the chinese people. They are obedient cucks who follow anything the head of the CCP says.

The Chinese were some of the most rebellious people in all of history. Hell, the Republic of China was created by a rebel, Sun-Yat Sen. He was born in Zhongshan, Guangdong in China just like me and moved to Hawaii later on, just like me. The Chinese follow the CCP because it’s a godly system and greatly benefits them, just look at how extremely quickly the country and living conditions have improved in every conceivable aspect in such a short amount of time.


He needs to be forced out of the genetic pool even if he already has little chance to reproduce. Degenerate “Chinese” like him can only stain society, and he is a genetic dead end that can never contribute to the Chinese Ubermensch. He would be worked to death in a Chinese factory.
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Beset by internal rebellion, ethnic tension, famine, plague, corrupt leadership, and Japanese and western imperialism, there was a very real chance the Chinese civilization would cease to exist.

Today, a new light shines over this ancient civilization. It brings tears to my eyes. I am incredibly lucky to be born into an age where I am able to witness the great rejuvenation of my Motherland, and the emergence of a resplendent New China standing tall in the East.

All ethnic Chinese, regardless of residence or citizenship, must unite under the banner of the Five Star Red Flag and aegis of the Chinese Communist Party. Ceaselessly strive to contribute to the socialist modernization of our Chinese Motherland, and adhere to the path of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics as laid out by the Party!

Long live China! 🇨🇳
I love you China! 🇨🇳


Tagging fellow Chinese patriots, comrades, gigachangs and BBCs (Big Beijing Cocks)!
@Magical Apple
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China would never have ceased to exist. Every credible futurologist agrees, it’s the most likely nation to last until the end of time and it’s not even close. It is the biggest and oldest civilization along with India, both having over 4 times more people than the next most populated nation. It has stood strong and tall for thousands of years when other powerful civilizations around it have fallen like flies over and over again. China endured much more catastrophic cataclysms like the Mongol invasions yet always recovered each and every time. Nobody permanently beats or conquers China, especially today with a united and modernized China. Britain never came close to conquering China even though it conquered the rest of the world and neither did Japan, which mostly only conquered coastal cities and vastly struggled to hold them. It was never going to conquer all of China even though China hadn’t industrialized and modernized like Europe and Japan did, and China was struggling immensely with civil war and internal conflict just like it was during the Mongol invasions. Just like we did with the Mongols when we drove them all the way back to Mongolia, completely toppled their empire and their rule over the rest of the world, massacred them, bred their women, conquered Inner Mongolia, and forced Outer Mongolia to be our tributary bitch, we’ll do the same with anybody and everybody else. But this time, China will be much more powerful than it has ever been due to modernization and globalization and access to other countries. In a post industrial world with modern technology where everyone has an equal playing field, nobody has even a remote chance against China in the long run. China will completely overtake with or without war. The rate at which we improve and make advancements is absolutely unreal and insane compared to any other nation. Westerners try and cope to make themselves feel better like they always have, but the reality of the situation is that we’re going to see an utterly dominant hegemony in the future. Obligatory copy paste below.



View attachment 2095562

TL;DR: "We estimated that US life expectancy at birth dropped by 3.08 years due to the million COVID-19 deaths. Economic welfare losses estimated in terms of national income growth supplemented by the value of lives lost, was in the order of US$3.57 trillion."








View attachment 2095566

View attachment 2095574

View attachment 2095576

100%. Even when China was an agricultural feudal state, industrialized countries like Japan and Europe couldn't fully conquer it. Even when the dragon is weak and sick, it will never be beaten by the fly. Now that China is the largest industrialized and manufacturing power in human history (and continues to develop, innovate and modernize at frightening pace), there is no question who holds the upper hand in East asia. Should China declare war on Japan, it would only take a weak for the PLA to reach Tokyo, with or without amerimutt assistance. Whereupon it would enter without resistance (as all Japanese military assets have been thoroughly eviscerated by the PLA Rocket Force and Air Force) and enact a massacre wiping out the entire male civilian population and half the female population. The remaining females would be shipped back to China and sold as sex slaves for Han Chinese.
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100%. Even when China was an agricultural feudal state, industrialized countries like Japan and Europe couldn't fully conquer it. Even when the dragon is weak and sick, it will never be beaten by the fly. Now that China is the largest industrialized and manufacturing power in human history (and continues to develop, innovate and modernize at frightening pace), there is no question who holds the upper hand in East asia. Should China declare war on Japan, it would only take a weak for the PLA to reach Tokyo, with or without amerimutt assistance. Whereupon it would enter without resistance (as all Japanese military assets have been thoroughly eviscerated by the PLA Rocket Force and Air Force) and enact a massacre wiping out the entire male civilian population and half the female population. The remaining females would be shipped back to China and sold as sex slaves for Han Chinese.

China will nuke Japan into submission like it said it would, make the Japanese our helpless subjects like Europeans did to niggers, and lingchi any Japanese who remotely opposes anything we do, but idk about massacring an entire population. It would be extremely bad for global reputation no matter how powerful China is, and many Japanese are innocent and actively denounce their ancestors’ actions and try to help the Chinese. No reason to do so and it’s not realistic tbh, we still definitely need revenge though. What we did to the Mongols but on a significantly wider scale should be enough
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China will nuke Japan into submission like it said it would, make the Japanese our helpless subjects like Europeans did to niggers, and lingchi any Japanese who remotely opposes anything we do, but idk about massacring an entire population. It would be extremely bad for global reputation no matter how powerful China is, and many Japanese are innocent and actively denounce their ancestors’ actions and try to help the Chinese. No reason to do so and it’s not realistic tbh, we still definitely need revenge though. What we did to the Mongols but on a significantly wider scale should be enough
There are some Japanese, who, even back in WW2, opposed the war in China and assisted China in resisting Japanese aggression. They are the true light of Japan and should be installed as Japan's new leaders. However, the majority of Japan are either ignorant about their country's atrocities, which is a sin, or actively support it by going to places like Yasukuni Shrine. Therefore, the majority of Japan should be tortured and put to death. We definitely won't kill all of them, though. This is because China has an imbalanced sex ratio with many men unable to find wives. Japanese females can be sold into marriage with these leftover Han Chinese men to integrate the Japanese race into the Chinese one. Over one or two generations, Japanese ethnicity will be just like the Mongols or Manchus, completely sinicized and just another one of China's many ethnicities. Japan will officially accede into the People's Republic of China as an autonomous region and East asia will be at peace.
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The only reason we are experiencing the rise of China is because the West is just so awful and degenerated that China wins by simply being less stupid. The Chinese (like you) act like everything they do is some kind of 4d chess as part of some overarching genius plan to engender the rightful rise of China, when it is really anything but - the primary reason you enjoy the economic success you to today is because Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger thought they could use you to undermine the Soviet Union and American capitalists thought they could turn you into a neoliberal slave plantation. So allow me to humble you for just a bit. Your people, the Han Chinese,

- were throughout their history subjugated by countless outsider ethnic groups like the Manchus, Jurchens, and Mongols
- nearly starved to death because they decided to start killing sparrows en masse
- melted down all their tools into worthless pig iron because Mao Zedong demanded steel
- completely destroyed your demographic future due to China's absolutely, insanely idiotic one child policy
- more recently incurred massive opportunity costs to your economy by having foolish lockdowns and zero-covid policies
- are not a unified race at all, to the point where two Chinese from different parts of the country have more genetic distance between themselves than an Italian and a Swede

I do wish you luck though. I would prefer a Chinese-dominated world to the current jewish-dominated one. If you chinks didn't make so many ludicrously staggering mistakes even in the past century alone you would already be the #1 economy and world power, by far. And it's not whitey's fault or any "century of humiliation" that did it to you, but rather your people's own incompetence.

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