A phenomenon that explains brazilians 45% mullato population.


Deleted member 2933

Aug 24, 2019
I think 60%ofwhites guys here love nigga girls, most of my friends are white and 4/6 of them who have a relationship are with a mullata chick.
And i would say 80% of them girls, regardless of race wants the BBC. All them girls and old woman in my job only talk about BBC.But they go for the white guys for marriage/ltr.
But really, white guys here are De Niromaxxing for real.

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I fukk with all races !
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Saying white guys are only for betabuxxing and marriage is the biggest gigacope on PSL forums
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the truth, I think, is most white men find relationships with white women to be net negatives on their lives. Theres a lot of anxiety involved in getting the girl in the first place, and then theres a lot of stress involved in trying to keep her happy or live up to her expectations. In 1960 those expectations were already considerable. In 2019 the expectations are morbidly bloated.

I live in expatistan in asia. Every male expat I have ever spoken to has an asian girlfriend/wife, with the only exceptions being ones that already came over partnered. White women who come here generally dont last long - usually leaving a year later depressed and a little crazy because shes gone from being top of the totem pole at home, to experiencing what its like to be unwanted by almost everyone.

Its not that we find asian women to be superiorly attractive - although it must be said on the lower end asian women win out simply because white women are increasingly shaped like slaughterhouse pigs - indeed, I still routinely run into white women tourists/expats that are mesmerizing with their long legs, blue eyes and gigantic tits. The reality is, no one wants to go back to putting up with white women's shit. Once you've exeperienced how enjoyable and net positive a relationship can be, why would you ever want to go back to something stressful and draining on the basis of muh dick? I promise you even bar refaeli's husband is tired/bored of fucking her. And for what its worth, if its simply about getting your nut off, frankly there are trannies in pattaya that could suck a nut out of you harder and faster than you could ever get humping the snatch of the finest aryan godess on the earth. So it has to be more than that, and a lot of it really just boils down to being pleasant to be around, and being a helping hand in your life. Its increasingly rare to find this in white women, for white men, and the reason white men find it so readily in nigras, chinks, gooks and spics is probably to do with the disparity in perceived social value, if I had to guess. Hypergamy is a bitch, but whattyagonnado?
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Reactions: jefferson, Deleted member 2634, Alexanderr and 2 others
the truth, I think, is most white men find relationships with white women to be net negatives on their lives. Theres a lot of anxiety involved in getting the girl in the first place, and then theres a lot of stress involved in trying to keep her happy or live up to her expectations. In 1960 those expectations were already considerable. In 2019 the expectations are morbidly bloated.

I live in expatistan in asia. Every male expat I have ever spoken to has an asian girlfriend/wife, with the only exceptions being ones that already came over partnered. White women who come here generally dont last long - usually leaving a year later depressed and a little crazy because shes gone from being top of the totem pole at home, to experiencing what its like to be unwanted by almost everyone.

Its not that we find asian women to be superiorly attractive - although it must be said on the lower end asian women win out simply because white women are increasingly shaped like slaughterhouse pigs - indeed, I still routinely run into white women tourists/expats that are mesmerizing with their long legs, blue eyes and gigantic tits. The reality is, no one wants to go back to putting up with white women's shit. Once you've exeperienced how enjoyable and net positive a relationship can be, why would you ever want to go back to something stressful and draining on the basis of muh dick? I promise you even bar refaeli's husband is tired/bored of fucking her. And for what its worth, if its simply about getting your nut off, frankly there are trannies in pattaya that could suck a nut out of you harder and faster than you could ever get humping the snatch of the finest aryan godess on the earth. So it has to be more than that, and a lot of it really just boils down to being pleasant to be around, and being a helping hand in your life. Its increasingly rare to find this in white women, for white men, and the reason white men find it so readily in nigras, chinks, gooks and spics is probably to do with the disparity in perceived social value, if I had to guess. Hypergamy is a bitch, but whattyagonnado?

did read
  • +1
Reactions: Vitruvian
Saying white guys are only for betabuxxing and marriage is the biggest gigacope on PSL forums

Why do you think PSL forums only think this? Just insecure white incels?
its over for whites in brazil
I think 60%ofwhites guys here love nigga girls,
Maybe 60% of white guys there can’t bang white girls due to their high standards
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 2933
I think 60%ofwhites guys here love nigga girls, most of my friends are white and 4/6 of them who have a relationship are with a mullata chick.
And i would say 80% of them girls, regardless of race wants the BBC. All them girls and old woman in my job only talk about BBC.But they go for the white guys for marriage/ltr.
But really, white guys here are De Niromaxxing for real.

Black girls have fat asses and wider hips. They also age like wine (provided they take decent care of themselves). It’s not surprising that white men in Brazil are attracted to that.

The trend would of translated to America but ghetto culture and the obesity crisis has ruined the reputation of American black women.
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Reactions: Deleted member 2933
Maybe 60% of white guys there can’t bang white girls due to their high standards

And then they see those mulato hot chicks crazy for a white dude
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Not sure in what Brazil you live...
Why do you think PSL forums only think this? Just insecure white incels?
Self hating 30 year old whites who could never get laid projecting their failures upon everyone. Then ethniks who don’t go outside adopting those theories to cope with their inferior pigment and phenotype.
Self hating 30 year old whites who could never get laid projecting their failures upon everyone. Then ethniks who don’t go outside adopting those theories to cope with their inferior pigment and phenotype.

I guess it's easier just to blame your race than admitting to being ugly or awkward
I like white latinas

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