Jihadist Euro
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A prettyboymaxxing guide by Euro
In this guide I will be providing information on how to become a pretty boy, by the end of this you will have more appeal, and smv should be off the roofs and you will be staying the stacie’s of sweden (JFL)
Table of contents:
1: What is a prettyboy?
2: Examples of prettyboys
3: Why you should start prettyboymaxxing
4: Becoming one
5: Skin
7: Eye area
8: Coloring
9: Physique
With all that aside, let’s get started boyos
What is a prettyboy?: A “prettyboy” is a term used to describe a man who is attractive in a way that emphasizes traditionally feminine or delicate features, such as a youthful appearance, smooth skin, and symmetrical facial features, overall dimorphism. In today’s culture, a prettyboy might be seen as someone who stands out due to their beauty rather than traditional masculine traits. It can have both positive and negative connotations, depending on context.
Examples of Ideal prettyboys:
and so many other more…
But why become a prettyboy?
Firstly, you will have more appeal to women, faces of prettyboys are more appealing to women, let’s put it in the mind of our own, would we rather sit down next to a fucking witch on the bus? or by the girl with blonde hair, soft features and soft lips? In an article by Kasandra Brabaw, concludes women are more likely to choose men with “Feminine faces”
2, All over tiktok, people like Mattia, Archie on his old videos before every autist flooded his comments, Andrea, Zario, Vinnie hacker, Edits of Lorenzo, or any other creators that are considered as pretty boys, have so many girls purely glazing them, just take the pill already.
Becoming a prettyboy
Now look around all of prettyboys what do they all have in common? Clear skin, Fine and long hair, nice lips, nice eye areas, red/pink lips, etc… This is where we transition to Skin, Hair, Eye area, Lips, and Coloring. So let’s start.
SKIN: Start with fixing your gut health first, go to this guide: Resetting/Fixing your gut health
Once that’s done: Start your skincare journey to achieving perfect skin, go to this guide:Skinmaxxing Guide
Eye area: EVERY SINGLE PRETTYBOY HAS A GOOD AND FAIRLY DECENT EYE AREA, The trinity to your Eye area is Eyebrow, Eyelash, Aegyo sal. (THIS IS ALL EXCLUDING AUTISTIC SHIT LIKE PFL, ESR, IPD, CANTHAL TILT, CANTHUS TILT, SCLERA SHOW, ETC ETC… You can still get away if any of these are failos to you, a good examples of people with failos BUT still pull them off are Lorenzo and Vinnie, classic.)
So, Your eyebrows, how should they be? They should be dark, thick, and long, BUT how do we achieve this bro??????? You can purchase minoxidil, emu oil, or castor oil online, and apply them once or twice a day, what I suggest is stacking those 3, for maximum efficiency in growth, your eyebrows should be plucked to a shape that harmonizes well with your face.
A good tip is if your eyebrows are insanely FUCKING ASS, or needs some spot filled, you should get a microblade eyebrow pen, “DuDe tHaTs GAy” NO ITS NOT GAY NIGGA, Is shaping up your eyebrows a bit with eyebrow pen to get women gay?? no nigga. so just fucking do it.
Next after you got that done, improve your eye lashes, eye lashes is literally a whole halo, take a look at zayn,
a classic.
How do we looksmaxx the lashes? this can be done in ways like also applying minoxidil to them, and castor oil! more effective ways are lash serums, the most effective ive seen work from people, is grande lash, it’s pretty pricey tho, a better option is bimatoprost, you can easily get your hands on them from OTC sites, this then will grow your lash, again, it’s a literal halo if your eye area if fucking nuked, speaking of it, lash serums will also nuke your fat pads in your eye area
so make sure to apply them carefully, and apply volufiline on the side with it. With your now new long lashes, Curl them, it won’t hold for long, but this is where a heated curler helps, in addition, applying a tiny bit of castor oil and vaseline helps them hold through out the day, I can vouch this works from personal experience, its literally my routine. To top it off after they’re curled, use clear mascara, NO NIGGA. ITS NOT GAY.
and you can also read this guide: An eyelashmaxxing guide
Aegyo sal, for those of you niggas who don’t have a SINGLE IDEA of what it is, let me sum it up to you, search up Chico Lachowski to your browser, go to images, and look at his eye area, “Ohh bRaHHhh whaT aRe thOSe EYeBags he HaVee
” Nigga that’s aegyo sal, this can not only halo your eye areas, but also add a whole trustworthy:youthful appearance to your face, now, how do we looksmaxx the aegyo sal? look in the mirror and lightly squint, no, not the fucking PSL autist squint, just lightly squint your under-eyes, and you can feel them plumping up, try to keep it like that, and over time, it will become a natural thing.
I’m transitioning to coloring, because it’s also relevant to your eye area, FYI: Eye coloring, eye coloring can be a good halo to your face, because it adds contrast, contrast is literally like the top pillar to coloring.
Below is a good example of having good contrast.
anyways, having a light colored eye, paired with fair skin, is very, very good, for example, pale skin, blue eyes, olive skin, green eyes, now, of course, these two compliments one another really well, but another important factor is the color of your hair, your eyebrows should be dark, hair dark, to fix this, you can easily dye them; by buying appliances only, and of course, unless you’re someone lime archie, it doesn’t apply to you. an addition to contrast is your lips, red lips is very ideal for men, of any skin color, red is a VERY good contrasting color.
You can achieve red lips by buying tinted vaseline online, or, applying red balm to your lips, no nigga, it’s not gay. but it’s if you do it to slay, and not get that veiny dihhh

For colored eyes, you can either spend your whole life savings on stroma and yeux clair’s, or buy colored contacts online. but make sure it fits you, if you’re curry with a10s, it looks purely fucking stupid, because you do not have the pheno for it. For Light brown, olive skin, or light skinned, i’d go for hazel to green contacts. For Whiter skins, you can pull off almost anything… Just imagine your self with them, tbh, lol. now, since i am not making a mega thread, of course again, this guide, helps you, a lot on coloring! ultimate coloring guide
Lastly, your physique. You nailed all of this down and you’re getting attention from every girl you meet (JFL) but one thing is missing, you’re a fuckkkingg twig brahhhh.
If you are on tiktok almost everyday, you’ve stumbled upon girls thirsting over biceps, so what does this mean? biceps=smv, START LIFTING THOSE WEIGHTTSS BRAHHH, go to the gym, an ideal “prettyboy physique should be balanced, it should be lean, look at andrew for example, and this nigga!!
Without the glasses this nigga is HLTN at best, even smudge in LMTN, but the comments section, girls are drooling over his lean physique, even my fucking ex who was high mtb reposted this video jeeeesuuuzzzz.. but, this is just enough for you niggas to connect the two, and realize, DAMN NIGGA, GYMCELLING IS NOT COPE!! (unless u have a brutal frame, and look like a fucking ogre) but that’s beside the point, you should have a good body to harmonize with your sexy, and amazing pretty face.
That’s it niggas, until the next one. depending on how this thread do, i’ll make a part two with more in depth and autistic shit including fillers and surgeries, features ETC…
Euro out
In this guide I will be providing information on how to become a pretty boy, by the end of this you will have more appeal, and smv should be off the roofs and you will be staying the stacie’s of sweden (JFL)
- IMPORTANT TOUCHES: If you are african american; there aren’t too many ways i’ve put here that can help, though there are still some things still may work for you.
- Over 20, TL
- Shit dimorphism; Just DNR bro
Table of contents:
1: What is a prettyboy?
2: Examples of prettyboys
3: Why you should start prettyboymaxxing
4: Becoming one
5: Skin
7: Eye area
8: Coloring
9: Physique
With all that aside, let’s get started boyos
What is a prettyboy?: A “prettyboy” is a term used to describe a man who is attractive in a way that emphasizes traditionally feminine or delicate features, such as a youthful appearance, smooth skin, and symmetrical facial features, overall dimorphism. In today’s culture, a prettyboy might be seen as someone who stands out due to their beauty rather than traditional masculine traits. It can have both positive and negative connotations, depending on context.
Examples of Ideal prettyboys:

and so many other more…
But why become a prettyboy?
Firstly, you will have more appeal to women, faces of prettyboys are more appealing to women, let’s put it in the mind of our own, would we rather sit down next to a fucking witch on the bus? or by the girl with blonde hair, soft features and soft lips? In an article by Kasandra Brabaw, concludes women are more likely to choose men with “Feminine faces”
Women in both experiments rated the male faces with feminine traits as more attractive than the distinctly masculine faces. The more masculine the face became, the less attractive most women considered it and the less likely they were to view its owner as warm, nurturing, gentle, or any other stereotypically feminine trait, the study demonstrates.
Why Stereotypically ‘Feminine’ Faces Are So Attractive . . . on Men
Research suggests straight women are often more attracted to men they perceive to have more feminine personalities.www.chicagobooth.edu
2, All over tiktok, people like Mattia, Archie on his old videos before every autist flooded his comments, Andrea, Zario, Vinnie hacker, Edits of Lorenzo, or any other creators that are considered as pretty boys, have so many girls purely glazing them, just take the pill already.
Becoming a prettyboy
Now look around all of prettyboys what do they all have in common? Clear skin, Fine and long hair, nice lips, nice eye areas, red/pink lips, etc… This is where we transition to Skin, Hair, Eye area, Lips, and Coloring. So let’s start.
SKIN: Start with fixing your gut health first, go to this guide: Resetting/Fixing your gut health
Once that’s done: Start your skincare journey to achieving perfect skin, go to this guide:Skinmaxxing Guide
Eye area: EVERY SINGLE PRETTYBOY HAS A GOOD AND FAIRLY DECENT EYE AREA, The trinity to your Eye area is Eyebrow, Eyelash, Aegyo sal. (THIS IS ALL EXCLUDING AUTISTIC SHIT LIKE PFL, ESR, IPD, CANTHAL TILT, CANTHUS TILT, SCLERA SHOW, ETC ETC… You can still get away if any of these are failos to you, a good examples of people with failos BUT still pull them off are Lorenzo and Vinnie, classic.)
So, Your eyebrows, how should they be? They should be dark, thick, and long, BUT how do we achieve this bro??????? You can purchase minoxidil, emu oil, or castor oil online, and apply them once or twice a day, what I suggest is stacking those 3, for maximum efficiency in growth, your eyebrows should be plucked to a shape that harmonizes well with your face.
A good tip is if your eyebrows are insanely FUCKING ASS, or needs some spot filled, you should get a microblade eyebrow pen, “DuDe tHaTs GAy” NO ITS NOT GAY NIGGA, Is shaping up your eyebrows a bit with eyebrow pen to get women gay?? no nigga. so just fucking do it.
Next after you got that done, improve your eye lashes, eye lashes is literally a whole halo, take a look at zayn,

a classic.
How do we looksmaxx the lashes? this can be done in ways like also applying minoxidil to them, and castor oil! more effective ways are lash serums, the most effective ive seen work from people, is grande lash, it’s pretty pricey tho, a better option is bimatoprost, you can easily get your hands on them from OTC sites, this then will grow your lash, again, it’s a literal halo if your eye area if fucking nuked, speaking of it, lash serums will also nuke your fat pads in your eye area
and you can also read this guide: An eyelashmaxxing guide
Aegyo sal, for those of you niggas who don’t have a SINGLE IDEA of what it is, let me sum it up to you, search up Chico Lachowski to your browser, go to images, and look at his eye area, “Ohh bRaHHhh whaT aRe thOSe EYeBags he HaVee
I’m transitioning to coloring, because it’s also relevant to your eye area, FYI: Eye coloring, eye coloring can be a good halo to your face, because it adds contrast, contrast is literally like the top pillar to coloring.
Below is a good example of having good contrast.

anyways, having a light colored eye, paired with fair skin, is very, very good, for example, pale skin, blue eyes, olive skin, green eyes, now, of course, these two compliments one another really well, but another important factor is the color of your hair, your eyebrows should be dark, hair dark, to fix this, you can easily dye them; by buying appliances only, and of course, unless you’re someone lime archie, it doesn’t apply to you. an addition to contrast is your lips, red lips is very ideal for men, of any skin color, red is a VERY good contrasting color.
You can achieve red lips by buying tinted vaseline online, or, applying red balm to your lips, no nigga, it’s not gay. but it’s if you do it to slay, and not get that veiny dihhh
For colored eyes, you can either spend your whole life savings on stroma and yeux clair’s, or buy colored contacts online. but make sure it fits you, if you’re curry with a10s, it looks purely fucking stupid, because you do not have the pheno for it. For Light brown, olive skin, or light skinned, i’d go for hazel to green contacts. For Whiter skins, you can pull off almost anything… Just imagine your self with them, tbh, lol. now, since i am not making a mega thread, of course again, this guide, helps you, a lot on coloring! ultimate coloring guide
Lastly, your physique. You nailed all of this down and you’re getting attention from every girl you meet (JFL) but one thing is missing, you’re a fuckkkingg twig brahhhh.
If you are on tiktok almost everyday, you’ve stumbled upon girls thirsting over biceps, so what does this mean? biceps=smv, START LIFTING THOSE WEIGHTTSS BRAHHH, go to the gym, an ideal “prettyboy physique should be balanced, it should be lean, look at andrew for example, and this nigga!!

Without the glasses this nigga is HLTN at best, even smudge in LMTN, but the comments section, girls are drooling over his lean physique, even my fucking ex who was high mtb reposted this video jeeeesuuuzzzz.. but, this is just enough for you niggas to connect the two, and realize, DAMN NIGGA, GYMCELLING IS NOT COPE!! (unless u have a brutal frame, and look like a fucking ogre) but that’s beside the point, you should have a good body to harmonize with your sexy, and amazing pretty face.
That’s it niggas, until the next one. depending on how this thread do, i’ll make a part two with more in depth and autistic shit including fillers and surgeries, features ETC…
Euro out