Actively thinking about a woman you aren't fucking is self sabotage (oneitis)



No good deed goes unpunished by women
Dec 7, 2023
Hypothetically even if you did eventually manage to get this woman she'd be worth far less than when you first had her in mind. She will inevitably have aged, had more sex, taken on more baggage, and ultimately be even more incapable of pair bonding. In essence what you're doing when you "oneitis" a woman is creating an illusion in your head that doesn't exist, because if you ever got her you'd realize how much has changed since then and she's nothing like what you had envisioned this whole time.

Caring so much about a woman is one of the biggest attraction killers so it automatically puts you in a losing position. To pedestalize a woman so much that you think she's something special and not like the rest will all but guarantee that she punishes you and proves you wrong. Do not forget that women are attracted to what they can't have/men who don't care and repulsed by goodness, so by default all modern relationships will be toxic and dysfunctional with someone always getting the short end of the stick.

There's a lot of guys that oneitis a woman they never had a chance with. However, there's also a lot of guys that oneitis a woman they could've easily gotten if they hadn't cared so much, and that's the most shocking irony of all. The difference between getting a woman or not very often comes down to your behavior. When you care deeply and have good intentions (oneitis) its subconsciously repulsive. When you don't actually care and have bad intentions (dark triad) its subconsciously irresistible.

The more you care the more you lose.
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I can confirm this from experience. When I was the most toxic and didn't care about the girls I was hitting on I was getting the most ass while when I did all the self improvement bullshit (game/nofap/leanmaxxing to twink levels) I only became more of a pussy and nervous around women in general like a sperg.

What you say about being able to get a girl but not doing it cuz of putting her on a pedestal is also true. I remember going out with this girl that I already "rizzed" through messages and shit and her telling me "You can come to my place if it starts raining" but I was too much of a sperg to notice. A similar thing happened with a girl that had a crush on my in hs but was 2 years younger then me (I was 15 and she 13), at one moment she was actively begging me to come down to her place but I was bluepilled as shit "she's too young brah".

All in all, legit post as always my guy. This shit works.

"Self improvement is masturbation, self destruction on the other hand..."- Fight Club
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Alot of truth to this. I'd like to add you will never be able to "win over" a female like Hollywood movies portray.
She either is attracted to you from the beginning or not. If it's not, you don't have a chance. Move on to the next one, don't waste your time.

it also helps to make sure she knows you don't give a fuck about leaving her, that you were fine before she came along and you'll be fine without her.
Back in my younger days it worked everytime
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Hypothetically even if you did eventually manage to get this woman she'd be worth far less than when you first had her in mind. She will inevitably have aged, had more sex, taken on more baggage, and ultimately be even more incapable of pair bonding. In essence what you're doing when you "oneitis" a woman is creating an illusion in your head that doesn't exist, because if you ever got her you'd realize how much has changed since then and she's nothing like what you had envisioned this whole time.

Caring so much about a woman is one of the biggest attraction killers so it automatically puts you in a losing position. To pedestalize a woman so much that you think she's something special and not like the rest will all but guarantee that she punishes you and proves you wrong. Do not forget that women are attracted to what they can't have/men who don't care and repulsed by goodness, so by default all modern relationships will be toxic and dysfunctional with someone always getting the short end of the stick.

There's a lot of guys that oneitis a woman they never had a chance with. However, there's also a lot of guys that oneitis a woman they could've easily gotten if they hadn't cared so much, and that's the most shocking irony of all. The difference between getting a woman or not very often comes down to your behavior. When you care deeply and have good intentions (oneitis) its subconsciously repulsive. When you don't actually care and have bad intentions (dark triad) its subconsciously irresistible.

The more you care the more you lose.
All that redpill shit is cope it's loox or death.
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All that redpill shit is cope it's loox or death.
cope my oneitis is dating a subhuman not a good looking guy
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  • JFL
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Redpill and blackpill are both legit
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Redpill and Blackpill are both legit
The trick that many people gloss over in both communities is the following: you must see the truth in the black pill but retain the hope of the red pill. It's quite paradoxical but you need to embrace the black pill while at the same time using the information to become the ''best version of yourself''. Engaging too much in the BP will make you a nihilistic asshole that is chronically online and too much Red Pill will make you a coping gymcel that thinks he can't get women due to not having enough money or a ''muh masculine frame''.

The key is balance.
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All that redpill shit is cope it's loox or death.
Looks definitely are King but the asshole/dark triad pill can't be denied. If a woman had to choose between Nice Guy Sean Opry who is a psl god and a Chadlite who is an asshole they will always choose the chadlite even if he is not as handsome by psl standards just because it makes her feel a certain way.
That's what ppl on these forums miss, the better looking you become the more people, and especially women assume you are an ''asshole'' or a ''player'', and unlike popular belief they do get dissapointed when it turns out you aren't.
Red pill or PUA dating advice is garbage but neglecting the ''personality side'' of getting bitches will only make you more autistic long term.
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Not only that but from in my experience too When you focus on girls you just start to lose yourself aswell. Fall into depression and looksmin yourself. Seen this in many cases aswell. Best way in life is to just not give a fuck about bitches at all and wait till you 100% given yourself a glow up.

You’re right about the aging part too my last oneitis doesn’t look as good anymore as i first remember her to be. She has clinical depression so smoking and drinking is a habit of hers
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I do this while ignoring the ones who pay attention too me 😍
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