Afghan refugees face federal charges after trying to rape child, strangle woman in Wisconsin

Wtf I only remembered two times I talked about something related to Muslims/Middle East, that's nothing.
i remember you making plenty comments “i don’t want them to come to germany” even tho you’re a mutt immigrant yourself

it’s cool idc because i’m not arab, but don’t be delusional and say biased things

if the west left ME and didn’t get lobbied by elite shekel owners, a lot of things would be different 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • +1
  • JFL
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Wtf I only remembered two times I talked about something related to Muslims/Middle East, that's nothing.
idc if some subhuman who rapes is a backwards ethnic or another race,

but what i’m saying is it’s clear you single a certain type out and only post them:lul:
if the west left ME and didn’t get lobbied by elite shekel owners, a lot of things would be different 🤷🏻‍♂️
the west promoted salafism/wahabism all over the middle east, central asia and south asia with the aid of saudi, to thwart soviet influence and destabilize the region for their jewish daddies in israel

and now they complain about the effects it's had
the west promoted salafism/wahabism all over the middle east, central asia and south asia with the aid of saudi, to thwart soviet influence and destabilize the region for their jewish daddies in israel

and now they complain about the effects it's had
The second Saudi Arabia sold out like cucks and gave the rest of the world oil they fucked up the whole region

it’s hard to feel bad though. arabs sold out ottomans (the true rulers of all of the ME) to the brits so it’s hard to feel pity.
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JBW copers will say this guy looks white:ROFLMAO:
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i remember you making plenty comments “i don’t want them to come to germany” even tho you’re a mutt immigrant yourself

it’s cool idc because i’m not arab, but don’t be delusional and say biased things
idc if some subhuman who rapes is a backwards ethnic or another race,

but what i’m saying is it’s clear you single a certain type out and only post them:lul:
It's not about race or even religion, it's about a certain type of people that came here 2015.

The refugee wave at that time lead to a sharp rise in rape rates the next years, this was reality. These refugees were mostly young and male and from Arab countries (Syria, but also many "fake-Syrians" from North Africa) and did all these things.

So yeah, I'm against more young male refugees from Arab countries coming to Germany. I don't have anything against ethnics per se, I know many in Germany and have being friends with them.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: ThatDjangoWalk
It's not about race or even religion, it's about a certain type of people that came here 2015.

The refugee wave at that time lead to a sharp rise in rape rates the next years, this was reality. These refugees were mostly young and male and from Arab countries (Syria, but also many "fake-Syrians" from North Africa) and did all these things.

So yeah, I'm against more young male refugees from Arab countries coming to Germany. I don't have anything against ethnics per se, I know many in Germany and have being friends with them.
it’s funny because you’re from a more violent and backwards ethnic continent so you are being extremely biased

how bad is this arab problem anyway :lul:

do you think any germans give a shit what is happening in bolivia? be honest

i don’t care for your misjudgments i just find hypocrisy weird
it’s funny because you’re from a more violent and backwards ethnic continent so you are being extremely biased
I live in Germany since I was kid, and Bolivia is not like Brazil or Colombia, it's mostly safe. But I never said South America had less violence than the Middle East anyway.
how bad is this arab problem anyway :lul:
It's not an Arab problem, it's a problem with refugees who aren't assimilated. They are still some incidents like a guy running with a machete and trying to kill people (happened a few months ago), but it's not as bad as it was 2015-16.
do you think any germans give a shit what is happening in bolivia? be honest
Of course not.
i don’t care for your misjudgments i just find hypocrisy weird
What hypocrisy?
  • +1
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Why are white people so braindead and retarded. I'm arab and I hate other Arabs (not all but some are animals that only submit to force)

And yet white let them in to mass rape. Like wtf is that logic:feelsrope:
Yeah Arabs only knwo one lanaguage “dominance” if you make an Arab think your weak your done, Arabs are easy to deter if you act or come across as powerful they are essentially schoolyard bullies, Africans and euros are too retarded to know this though so we let them take the piss.

no Arab would try shit with me I alwyas look angry
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I would legitimate go er if something like this happened to my female relative. I would castrate every single man that did that at their house at night break in and smash their face with a baseball bat then cut their dick of with a dirty Rusty knife so that it gets infected afterwards.
You know, people would forget the fact that migrants just killed a woman and would instead blame you and hold a rally against right-wing terrorism. This would be no good for you.

A similar thing kind of happened in Germany. - Except it was not a woman. Some german guy was killed by muslims.
The right-wing party then organized a protest in response to that killing. It was met with a counter protest and some leftists posted a video of some right-winger scaring away some migrants by running two steps towards them.
The leftists said that this was supposedly some "lynching" attempt or something.

Soon enough a lot of left-wing twitter activists aswell as thousands of people showed solidarity for the migrants. The german "Verfassungsschutz"(kind of like "Defense of the constitution department")-president said: "Well, this was not actually a lynching you know" and got fired for this.
They organized countless protests and even a concert against right-wing extremism. Completely forgetting the fact that a german dude was actually killed by migrants and right-wing extremists did absolutely nothing.
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998 and n0rthface
Why are white people so braindead and retarded. I'm arab and I hate other Arabs (not all but some are animals that only submit to force)

And yet white let them in to mass rape. Like wtf is that logic:feelsrope:
sToCkHoLm SyNrDrOmE
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998
I'm arab and I hate other Arabs
Levant are not really arabs, most of them are south euros that were Arabized after the Islamic invasion. Same with egyptians and north africans. The only real Arabs are in the gulf countries and Saudi Arabia.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Marsiere214, Baldingman1998 and turkproducer
Why are white people so braindead and retarded. I'm arab and I hate other Arabs (not all but some are animals that only submit to force)

And yet white let them in to mass rape. Like wtf is that logic:feelsrope:
which type of Arabs do you hate or like?
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998
It's not about race or even religion, it's about a certain type of people that came here 2015.

The refugee wave at that time lead to a sharp rise in rape rates the next years, this was reality. These refugees were mostly young and male and from Arab countries (Syria, but also many "fake-Syrians" from North Africa) and did all these things.

So yeah, I'm against more young male refugees from Arab countries coming to Germany. I don't have anything against ethnics per se, I know many in Germany and have being friends with them.
Hmmm, if it's truly not a matter of religion or race, and you are really honest on that statement, then i might understand. (If it was for me and i was a leader of a muslim land, everytime a rape happened in Europe or the west or wherever by someone of my nation i would ask you to hand him to me with the proof he did it and then proceed to execute him).

But you should also understand that the west and their allies on the muslim world have provoked tremendous killings, rage, etc, and all for mere interest (Of the 5 North African countries, 3 or maybe even 4 have leaders from either parties or movements have been promoted highly by the west, same with many others in the muslim world) as i acknowledge there has been terrorists in the west, refugees who did bad things, etc, and we condemn it. I didn't understand what you said some time ago about Lybia and the french intervention since i have studied a lot the subject and i have almost never come across someone who said they did it for the good of the Lybian people and practically some sort of altruism. There are even wikileaks files of Hillary showing some of the true nature of the invasion, and by the way, i don't like Gadaffi at all since he oppressed muslims and tortured them for power, and still think there should have been a transition there but it could have been done without promoting a blitz war and without spreading fake propaganda like the soldiers of Gadaffi supposedly were give some sort of drug and started raping women which was one of the main news of the war and later on debunked by the rebels themselves, and without western powers like France promoting the warlord Haftar against the democratic forces just because the democratic forces number one strenght was the Muslim Brotherhood and since Lybia is probably the most devout country in North Africa they know they would have most surely gain power. (And i'm not for democracy, but France supposedly is). Anyways, we could go all day with this.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 6723
You know, people would forget the fact that migrants just killed a woman and would instead blame you and hold a rally against right-wing terrorism. This would be no good for you.

A similar thing kind of happened in Germany. - Except it was not a woman. Some german guy was killed by muslims.
The right-wing party then organized a protest in response to that killing. It was met with a counter protest and some leftists posted a video of some right-winger scaring away some migrants by running two steps towards them.
The leftists said that this was supposedly some "lynching" attempt or something.

Soon enough a lot of left-wing twitter activists aswell as thousands of people showed solidarity for the migrants. The german "Verfassungsschutz"(kind of like "Defense of the constitution department")-president said: "Well, this was not actually a lynching you know" and got fired for this.
They organized countless protests and even a concert against right-wing extremism. Completely forgetting the fact that a german dude was actually killed by migrants and right-wing extremists did absolutely nothing.
And what about the 9 kids the USA killed ""accidentally"" on a drone attack some days ago in Afghanistan? Have you heard much of it? What about the 70 kids that was killed in Gaza during less than two weeks by the Israeli army? And the 250 people in total? Did the western goverments and their promoted puppets in the arab world do something? Or the scandal of the Australian soldiers executing like 20 or 40 random Afghans for the sake of fun. Imagine if that happened in France or Germany, you would have the entire NATO attacking whoever did it and not really caring about collateral damage.

When it comes to internal policy, the western media promotes "tranquility" because it's not cool to have a war in home, but when it comes to foreign policy, the media promotes pure hatred and turns a blind eye to whatever their lands do.
And what about the 9 kids the USA killed ""accidentally"" on a drone attack some days ago in Afghanistan? Have you heard much of it? What about the 70 kids that was killed in Gaza during less than two weeks by the Israeli army? And the 250 people in total? Did the western goverments and their promoted puppets in the arab world do something? Or the scandal of the Australian soldiers executing like 20 or 40 random Afghans for the sake of fun. Imagine if that happened in France or Germany, you would have the entire NATO attacking whoever did it and not really caring about collateral damage.

When it comes to internal policy, the western media promotes "tranquility" because it's not cool to have a war in home, but when it comes to foreign policy, the media promotes pure hatred and turns a blind eye to whatever their lands do.
The same people who bomb the Middle East are they same ones that support mass immigration from the Middle East…..hmmmmmmmm :think::think::think::feelswat:
  • +1
Reactions: metagross and ThatDjangoWalk
Why are white people so braindead and retarded. I'm arab and I hate other Arabs (not all but some are animals that only submit to force)

And yet white let them in to mass rape. Like wtf is that logic:feelsrope:
It's mostly white women that vote in favor of mass-immigration.

We should take away the right to vote of women in the West, right anti-immigration parties would double/tripple in size as a result.

Auschwitz would be reopened and we would get rid of this mess tbh.
  • JFL
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The same people who bomb the Middle East are they same ones that support mass immigration from the Middle East…..hmmmmmmmm :think::think::think::feelswat:
He was speaking about the western anti immigration right wing being oppressed by the left wing for not supposedly letting them post "Such and such immigrant did this or that" even tho everyone here is casually posting those news.

Then the same western right wing are usually the ones who support Israel, the wars of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria etc, and still don't accept the idea that there will be refugees who don't want to live under bombs or sanctions or puppet leaders, and that some of them have a harsh background because of those circumstances and will indulge in criminality.

And the same hypocrisy standards we can find with the average western left wing, politics is a game of hypocrites.
  • +1
Reactions: sandcelmuttcel and n0rthface
You know, people would forget the fact that migrants just killed a woman and would instead blame you and hold a rally against right-wing terrorism. This would be no good for you.

A similar thing kind of happened in Germany. - Except it was not a woman. Some german guy was killed by muslims.
The right-wing party then organized a protest in response to that killing. It was met with a counter protest and some leftists posted a video of some right-winger scaring away some migrants by running two steps towards them.
The leftists said that this was supposedly some "lynching" attempt or something.

Soon enough a lot of left-wing twitter activists aswell as thousands of people showed solidarity for the migrants. The german "Verfassungsschutz"(kind of like "Defense of the constitution department")-president said: "Well, this was not actually a lynching you know" and got fired for this.
They organized countless protests and even a concert against right-wing extremism. Completely forgetting the fact that a german dude was actually killed by migrants and right-wing extremists did absolutely nothing.
Well. It's over then. Let them get raped tbh. You can't convince these idiots unless they get beheaded/raped/etc etc. :Comfy:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: n0rthface and Deleted member 15306
Levant are not really arabs, most of them are south euros that were Arabized after the Islamic invasion. Same with egyptians and north africans. The only real Arabs are in the gulf countries and Saudi Arabia.
Thank you
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Ngl my ass got me laid with a woman once. She touched me and then I touched her ass in return. Ass is a huge halo if it's muscular and well built
In lebanon?
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998
Similar things happened when refugees came to Germany tbh. Many perpetrators were from North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria) and pretended to be Syrians, they committed many group rapings, called "Taharrush". The tactics they used were pretending to dance and then slowly move towards the women, encircle them and rape them.
Giphy 9
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 15306 and Albeacho
I live in Germany since I was kid, and Bolivia is not like Brazil or Colombia, it's mostly safe. But I never said South America had less violence than the Middle East anyway.

It's not an Arab problem, it's a problem with refugees who aren't assimilated. They are still some incidents like a guy running with a machete and trying to kill people (happened a few months ago), but it's not as bad as it was 2015-16.

Of course not.

What hypocrisy?
I see, well obviously nobody is condoning the story you posted, if it’s true then they should be in jail jfl
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Its over for the west. White ppl will migrate and create a new paradise, leaving the ruins of this failed civilization behind
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998
imagine thinking letting people from 10th world countries roam free in the west isn't a security threat
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998
It's mostly white women that vote in favor of mass-immigration.

We should take away the right to vote of women in the West, right anti-immigration parties would double/tripple in size as a result.

Auschwitz would be reopened and we would get rid of this mess tbh.
  • JFL
Reactions: Baldingman1998
When the Taliban were in power during the 90s they outlawed 'Bacha Bazi' and executed pedophiles.

After the US invaded Bacha Bazi was reinstated as a cultural practice among Afghan soldiers and war Lords, the same war Lords who the US empowered and trained to combat the Taliban

These are the same war Lords who are now being eulogised by the media and given free plane tickets to the West because they're "our allies"

The Taliban were the good guys all along.
  • JFL
Reactions: AlexAP
Brainlets lamenting mass migration because they fail to realize that the erosion of civil frameworks, decreasing safety in Western societies and welfare states buckling under the weight of the genetic waste gives men the leverage they had over women before the rise of the big daddy state and incentivizes women to not be degenerates and settle down earlier.:lul:
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998
Both incidents happened within Fort McCoy, which means the women were probably refugees as well. So these refugees haven't affected American women...yet.
they were giving money to the most corrupt people imaginable, 20 years, billions went into the country and most of it went into the hands of warlords who looted and plundered the country during civil war period and continued to do so afterward, I don't even blame pakistan since it's mostly people like the massoud family, rabbanis, former NA warlords etc. who are the reason the country is shit despite all the aid

as an example, this one dude named marshal fahim, instead of setting up army units, just said that he had set them up but instead was just collecting the paycheques of over thousands of soldiers that only existed on paper for himself jfl, even guys like ghani couldn't do much because of insane levels of corruption

the US of course doesn't mind because the whole thing was a money washing operation anyway
For sure, the money they gave wasn't in the interest of nation building, they LITERALLY gave them bags of cash bag then, BAGS of cash

It was a means just to 1. destroy the land, and 2. to make some money with the natural resources.
Bro the worst part is not the corruption, the worst part is the rapings.
:unsure: Did I say anything about it not being? I merely discussed the corruption as a means of the US's lack of morals that not only are they corrupt (because bribery can be helpful in their mission [morality aside]) but they CHOOSE local pedo warlords to fight against the taliban while the raped children and were told to ignore it.
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: AutisticBeaner and sytyl
tbh its insane how criminal algerians are in Germany
Im assuming Algerians in Germany must be all men and almost no women
compared to France there are way less Algerians in Germany and they still manage to be first in many types of crimes
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998
tbh its insane how criminal algerians are in Germany
Im assuming Algerians in Germany must be all men and almost no women
compared to France there are way less Algerians in Germany and they still manage to be first in many types of crimes
View attachment 1334126
We Moroccans and Algerians are basically the exact same people, blood, culture, languages, etc, but the Algerians suffered a lot more under French Occupation, approximately 3 millions were genocided, even the day WW2 ended and all the "Never again" culture was starting in France, those same french people masscred that same day approximately 30.000 Algerians. Meanwhile Morocco was sort of a vacation land for the French soldiers and french people in general, there were Spanish, British, Nazis, etc, Tangier was an international protectorate and the city of spies.

Algerians had to fight hard and wage war with France for their independence up until the 60s, Morocco became independent more easily in the 50s. So i guess that oppression by the French and their special fixation on Algerians influenced them on these kind of stats because of their harder upgrowing.
  • +1
Reactions: Cidre enjoyer
We Moroccans and Algerians are basically the exact same people, blood, culture, languages, etc, but the Algerians suffered a lot more under French Occupation, approximately 3 millions were genocided, even the day WW2 ended and all the "Never again" culture was starting in France, those same french people masscred that same day approximately 30.000 Algerians. Meanwhile Morocco was sort of a vacation land for the French soldiers and french people in general, there were Spanish, British, Nazis, etc, Tangier was an international protectorate and the city of spies.

Algerians had to fight hard and wage war with France for their independence up until the 60s, Morocco became independent more easily in the 50s. So i guess that oppression by the French and their special fixation on Algerians influenced them on these kind of stats because of their harder upgrowing.
I appreciate you writing all this but I already know Algeria was colonized by France and that Morroco was a protectorate and in general what happened
I was just refering to Algerians in Germany
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998 and ThatDjangoWalk
I appreciate you writing all this but I already know Algeria was colonized by France and that Morroco was a protectorate and in general what happened
I was just refering to Algerians in Germany
Thanks for the respectful answer.

That's what i say, that perhaps Algerians have more crime rate than Moroccans in Germany because of the different trait the french gave to both. Otherwise i don't know.
Well done biden, Merkel, draghi, Johnson, Morrison all you idiots let more of these cockroaches in.

Dumb fucks don't realise when they bleat their liberal agenda all those guys on the runway at Aleppo or Kabul, at the fences in New Mexico and Texas, they are literally the absolute worst 1% of their own people, so how the fuck can you ever expect these people to add value to your advanced western societies?
  • +1
Reactions: AutisticBeaner and Baldingman1998
Well done biden, Merkel, draghi, Johnson, Morrison all you idiots let more of these cockroaches in.

Dumb fucks don't realise when they bleat their liberal agenda all those guys on the runway at Aleppo or Kabul, at the fences in New Mexico and Texas, they are literally the absolute worst 1% of their own people, so how the fuck can you ever expect these people to add value to your advanced western societies?
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998
We Moroccans and Algerians are basically the exact same people, blood, culture, languages, etc, but the Algerians suffered a lot more under French Occupation, approximately 3 millions were genocided, even the day WW2 ended and all the "Never again" culture was starting in France, those same french people masscred that same day approximately 30.000 Algerians. Meanwhile Morocco was sort of a vacation land for the French soldiers and french people in general, there were Spanish, British, Nazis, etc, Tangier was an international protectorate and the city of spies.

Algerians had to fight hard and wage war with France for their independence up until the 60s, Morocco became independent more easily in the 50s. So i guess that oppression by the French and their special fixation on Algerians influenced them on these kind of stats because of their harder upgrowing.
I wish france never gave my country independence. It because a shithole after they left. Too much corruption and greedy bastards make my country shit. Literally worse than african countries. Now it's a complete Shithole 80% of population below poverty
  • So Sad
Reactions: Cidre enjoyer
I wish france never gave my country independence. It because a shithole after they left. Too much corruption and greedy bastards make my country shit. Literally worse than african countries. Now it's a complete Shithole 80% of population below poverty
I wish we Moroccans fought a war of independence against France instead of allowing them to put whoever they wanted in power.
  • +1
Reactions: Baldingman1998
But you should also understand that the west and their allies on the muslim world have provoked tremendous killings, rage, etc, and all for mere interest (Of the 5 North African countries, 3 or maybe even 4 have leaders from either parties or movements have been promoted highly by the west, same with many others in the muslim world) as i acknowledge there has been terrorists in the west, refugees who did bad things, etc, and we condemn it.
Of course the West has committed crimes in the Middle East. I think it's bad that the U.S. intervenes so much, even if it can have a justification sometimes (after 9/11, trying to destroy al-Qaida wasn't bad).

But this has nothing to do with how people from Arab countries behave in the West. The U.S. committed many crimes in Vietnam and people from Vietnam aren't known for causing problems in the U.S., so there's that. Countries like Germany, Sweden or Austria have many problems with refugees from the Middle East, and none of them had colonies in the Middle East.
Of course the West has committed crimes in the Middle East. I think it's bad that the U.S. intervenes so much, even if it can have a justification sometimes (after 9/11, trying to destroy al-Qaida wasn't bad).

But this has nothing to do with how people from Arab countries behave in the West. The U.S. committed many crimes in Vietnam and people from Vietnam aren't known for causing problems in the U.S., so there's that. Countries like Germany, Sweden or Austria have many problems with refugees from the Middle East, and none of them had colonies in the Middle East.
Definetly, we have to fight crime rates of North Africans, Syrians, etc and help it to decrese, i agree 100%.
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