Afrikancel's Diet Megathread

People in the west aren't living to 100 years. The rates of chronic disease and the health care cast are on a constant rise in the west. People in the blue zones are living up to 100 years and have very law rates of disease and guess what their diets consist of mostly? It's a high carb, high fiber mostly plant based diet. I don't know why you think you will look like shit on a plant based diet? Plant based diet can have anti aging benefits as well as skin benefits and yes you can also build muscle on a plant based diet.

I srsly rather only live to my 80s than living a life being skinny with a perma bloated face because of this diet
I srsly rather only live to my 80s than living a life being skinny with a perma bloated face because of this diet
You can build muscle on a plant based diet. The whole carbs will bloat you thing is a meme, your much more likely to get bloated from eating high amounts of fats.
Very high IQ thread here @Afrikancel well done. But it needs more info on Vitamin K2 importance. If you’ve read Weston Price’s work you’ll see just how important that vitamin is for teeth and jaws and how all ancient cultures incorporated it without exception. Luckily liver is rich in K2.
Imo K2 is on par with mewing in terms of importance but it’s very underrated.
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People in the west aren't living to 100 years. The rates of chronic disease and the health care cast are on a constant rise in the west. People in the blue zones are living up to 100 years and have very law rates of disease and guess what their diets consist of mostly? It's a high carb, high fiber mostly plant based diet. I don't know why you think you will look like shit on a plant based diet? Plant based diet can have anti aging benefits as well as skin benefits and yes you can also build muscle on a plant based diet.
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Who cares you will Look like shit on a vegan diet and thats all that matters. People are living to 100 years nowadays so the affects of the Western diet on Health cant be that Bad.

A bigger question @Afrikancel is this worth all the effort or will i just feel „slightly“ better if yes than fuck it and i will just stay on my gym bro diet
Absolutely. Just have 1 portion of liver a week to boost your micronutrient profile
Absolutely. Just have 1 portion of liver a week to boost your micronutrient profile
More importantly if any of you reproduce get your kids on this diet so they develop correctly. Nutrition + Tough foods + Optimal hormones + Active lifestyle + Breastfed = Ideal development and life free of inceldom
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The guy frank tufano is full of bs, he is known for misrepresenting data and lying. All across the blue zones 95% of their foods were from plants and meat dairy was consumed rarely and in moderation. The Okinawan ate about 1-2% of their calories from meat or dairy, the Sardinians mostly ate whole grains fruits and vegetables and very little fish, dairy and meat. Frank actually made the point here and compared their diet to the American one and claimed that they are similar, because the percentage of calories that we take in from plant sources vs animal sources is similar to theirs and that food quality is the only reason they are healthier. He completely ignores that the average American calorie intake is higher in total and thus the total meat consumption is much higher and that Americans don't consume a lot of whole plant foods which are the ones I am advocating for. Oreos would fall into the calories from plant based sources section for example. Another thing that screws the statistic is the lower calorie density in fruits and vegetables which increases the calories by animal products by a large amount(because of the higher calorie density, which in turn makes it seem like they ate more meat than they actually did. Somewhere in the end of the video he seriously brought up malnourished countries like India to make a point that plant based diet are correlated with poor health jfl.

TLDR Frank Tufano has no idea what he is talking about and is misrepresenting data and lying on propose to serve his propose. Also have you seen his blood test yet? or any blood test from any of those carnivore diet youtubers. Anyone who think that those guys are healthy must be brain damaged.
What bothers me is that people are dumb enough to believe everything they hear as long as it validates their bad habits, without applying any critical thinking or doing research on their own.
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All across the blue zones 95% of their foods were from plants and meat dairy was consumed rarely and in moderation. The Okinawan ate about 1-2% of their calories from meat or dairy, the Sardinians mostly ate whole grains fruits and vegetables and very little fish, dairy and meat.
But that's not true

As you can see, the okinawans that actually live longer than the average person consume more animal products than the average japanese person.

I am not gonna go in to the comparison of the wpd and these cause I don't agree with franks point.

Also have you seen his blood test yet? or any blood test from any of those carnivore diet youtubers. Anyone who think that those guys are healthy must be brain damaged.
What are you talking about?

Everything is in perfect condition except (((cholesterol)))

Waiting for the day a person makes a video like this but carnivore edition (hint: not gonna happen)
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But that's not true

As you can see, the okinawans that actually live longer than the average person consume more animal products than the average japanese person.

I am not gonna go in to the comparison of the wpd and these cause I don't agree with franks point.

What are you talking about?

Everything is in perfect condition except (((cholesterol)))

Waiting for the day a person makes a video like this but carnivore edition (hint: not gonna happen)

The okinawans ate mostly yam, and some other fruits and vegetables and I already adressed the Sardinian diet.
There is a direct link between cholesterol and heart disease independently of other factors. The one guy you you linked almost died because of his all meat diet btw. He also believes the earth is flat, that gravity doesn't exist, and that mass shooters are the heroes of our society. His favorite hobby is sun gazing jfl and is absolutely mental, he has been in mental institutions before, he doesn't believe in science and if you watch some of his videos it's very evident that he isn't a very credible person.
I didn't watch the videos about the "malnourished vegans "and I don't really care cause a) they are anecdotal and b) a vegan diet doesn't necessarily mean a healthy diet, I could be eating a vegan diet by eating Oreos all day and that's obviously not healthy. I am advocating for a Whole Foods plant based diet and c) the research shows that whole food plant based diet is one of the healthiest diets to eat.
Another thing about the blood test of those who follow the carnivore diet, a lot of them aren't not only at alarmingly high cholesterol, but have several other issues. Dr Shawn not a doctor anymore baker(another one of those carnivore diet youtubers) for example not only had the testosterone of an 80 year old man, he was also on the verge of diabetes and had very high cholesterol on top of that.
I bet you don't even know who these guys are or what they believe or what kinda evidence they present, you probably just went to youtube or google and searched for "why vegan diets are bad" and linked the first things that came up.
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The okinawans ate mostly yam, and some other fruits and vegetables and I already adressed the Sardinian diet.
There is a direct link between cholesterol and heart disease independently of other factors. The one guy you you linked almost died because of his all meat diet btw. He also believes the earth is flat, that gravity doesn't exist, and that mass shooters are the heroes of our society. His favorite hobby is sun gazing jfl and is absolutely mental, he has been in mental institutions before, he doesn't believe in science and if you watch some of his videos it's very evident that he isn't a very credible person.
I didn't watch the videos about the "malnourished vegans "and I don't really care cause a) they are anecdotal and b) a vegan diet doesn't necessarily mean a healthy diet, I could be eating a vegan diet by eating Oreos all day and that's obviously not healthy. I am advocating for a Whole Foods plant based diet and c) the research shows that whole food plant based diet is one of the healthiest diets to eat.
Another thing about the blood test of those who follow the carnivore diet, a lot of them aren't not only at alarmingly high cholesterol, but have several other issues. Dr Shawn not a doctor anymore baker(another one of those carnivore diet youtubers) for example not only had the testosterone of an 80 year old man, he was also on the verge of diabetes and had very high cholesterol on top of that.
I bet you don't even know who these guys are or what they believe or what kinda evidence they present, you probably just went to youtube or google and searched for "why vegan diets are bad" and linked the first things that came up.
All you're doing is spouting ad hominems and statements without citing any sources in this whole thread. Shawn Bakers "I eat 5 grain fed ribeyes a day" diet Isn't what @Afrikancel was talking about in this thread but, high nutrient density high quality foods like liver, eggs and fish.
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Been on liver for year now it's nothing new but kinda mad that fucking normies discovring liver rn :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::woke:
NEVER TELL about this to any of your normie friends before this turn into a trend and raise liver prices
rn liver is cheap as fuck, lets keep it that way.
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My giant mogger uncle consumes at least 1.5 pounds of liver weekly and I can confirm it made him a chad
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Salmon roe is god tier too.
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Been on liver for year now it's nothing new but kinda mad that fucking normies discovring liver rn :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::woke:
NEVER TELL about this to any of your normie friends before this turn into a trend and raise liver prices
rn liver is cheap as fuck, lets keep it that way.

the good thing is that what normies think is healthy changes more often than their fashion. At least where I'm from it'll be half a year where there''ll be fucking kale in everything, then followed by brainless ginger-worship, and then matcha for a bit, and everyone will forget how amazing they thought kale was. It's stupid and I'm sure even if there'll be a liver fase it will be shortlived, as people need to feel like they are part of the newest trend, to feel like they are healthy.
More importantly if any of you reproduce get your kids on this diet so they develop correctly. Nutrition + Tough foods + Optimal hormones + Active lifestyle + Breastfed = Ideal development and life free of inceldom
Proper development won't save an innately unattractive phenotype
My grandmother is Hindu and lives with us so I can't get any redmeat. How do I sneak some into the house without her knowing?
After an overwhelmingly large demand for me to make a diet megathread, I have compiled an overview of food I believe will improve your nutrient profile. Note that this isn't a diet guide because then we would have to consider frequency of intake and relative proprotions of foods. We would also have to discuss seasonings and salt/potassium shuttling but this is too high IQ and complicated for a single thread. It also doesn't include ideal cooking methods for foods which can vary. This is included in my personalized diet. For your situation (allergies /intolerencies/gym goals/physique goals) , I can design a diet plan specifically for you for $10 (it will be a much more comprehensive guide than this thread). Since I have adopted this diet, my mental health has improved and my energy levels.
This is breif and I have only listed 7 foods with a deep explanation behind it. This took a lot of my own time to prepare so i hope you appreciate it :ogre::ogre:

God-teir foods

Liver is the ultimate superfood and has the richest micronutrient profile. It is the only god-teir food in my eyes as nothing comes close to it except for perhaps other organ meats. Other organ meats aren't as palatable (kidney can taste like urine) or as easily available. Its chief macronutrients constitute protein and fat (cholesterol). The fat acts as a carrier to help the absorption of fat soluble vitamins (A,D, E and K.). Without fat these vitamins wouldn't be absorbed efficiently (Insert diagram) Warning: Liver has a very high amount of vitamin A and unlike beta-carotene, the body can't self regulate. Limit liver intake to 5 ounces a week for larger active males and 3 ounces a week for less active small framed males (under 5'7).

Ideal Source: Kosher, organic, grass fed bison. Eat what the chosen people eat. Satisfactory source: beef liver from a goy butcher.
Unsatisfactory: Large stores such as walmart.

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Excellent Protein Sources
Red meat

You should be consuming at least 1 portion of red meat everyday. 2 portions is ideal. Red meat has an excellent macronutrient and micronutrient profile. Red meat is superior to chicken as the latter is typically more factory process and lacks key nutrients. Chicken is also rich in polyunsaturates which is not condusive to looksmaxxing; saturated fats are. Do not buy ground meat but rather whole meats that you can cut up yourself at home or have a butcher do it for you. Ground meat may be sourced from multiple animals and has a greater risk of contaminants and disease. This can still be okay as long as it is fresh and you trust your butcher; ideally ground your own meat at home for a small cost. Ground meat is easier to digest than steak which you should avoid as it will sit in the gut too long. It isn't the meat itself but rather your digestion ability. The ideal is small chunks so its still easier to digest but still requires chewing (stimulate jaw or else you will lose bone mass in the jaw over time. Additionally, you can have the red meat cooked to taste.

Ideal source: Grass fed bison (hard to source so try calling reputable butchers in your area)
Satisfactory source: grass fed organic beef Unsatisfactory: Soy fed factory beef from walmart.
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Eggs are a good source of protein and fats. They are often consumed by a large array of animals because of their rich nutrient profile. Do not overcook eggs as that will break down the nutrients. Cook it so its slightly runny/gooey.

Ideal source: kosher free range organic turkey/duck/ other large bird eggs Satisfactory source: free range organic chicken eggs
Unsatisfactory source: walmart factory/intensively reared eggs from soy fed chickens as these have a worse nutrient profile.

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Shrimps are high in cholesterol (good for homones and skin), protein and very high in seleniumwhich is essential in reducing oxidative stress and aids in thryoid function.Reducing systemic inflammation is extremely important to looksmaxxing. This food allowed me to reach my leanest physique to date. Since i stopped consuming it so frequently, my physique deteriorated. There is no ideal source on shrimp as most are grown in shitholes in asia.
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This is where you get your omega 3's from. Salmon is an easy to digest food and your body needs it badly. How good do you feel after eating salmon? I feel best when i eat salmon twice a week, anymore at you are over exposing yourself to heavy metal contamination. NT people may be able to tolerate more over a long period of time but chronic heavy metal exposure is worst for mentalcels/autists.
Ideal source: fresh market, river salmon
Satisfactory source: non-farmed salmon
Unsastifactory source: farmed salmon from the 3rd world
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Key Vegetables and Fruits

Spinach is a great vegetable. It should be steamed or cooked to reduce the risk of large calcium oxalate compounds forming in the body. For most people it isn't necessary but if you are consuming spinach twice a day (minimum tbh) then you should cook your spinach. It also improves absorption. It is high i potassium and most westerners are deficient in potassium. You need a minimum of 6700mg of potassium a day imo. Global health organisations have constantly raised the recommended minimum intake of potassium in the past 2 decades. I still think they are short of how much we actually need. In my opinion you should consume as much potassium as salt in your diet.
Ideal source: organic, non-GMO grown i a region with an ozone layer
Satisfactory source: pesticide free spinach Unsatistfactory source: heavy pesticide/insecticide, GMO and grown in Australia.
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Foods to avoid

A high bloat food and can cause inflammation in some individuals. I would advise swapping out pasta for rice. Rice is nutrient poor but is an easily absorbable carb source with low inflammation and easy digestion. This will make you feel better. Also the reduction in inflammation will help you absorb other foods better too and improve your immune system. Inflammation may increase cortisol. If we look at people who eat 8+ meals a day such as Thor or Brian shaw, we can see that they opt for rice because it is easy on the gut. If they had pasta they would suffer muscle loss, bloat and worse. Rice is a better carb source for bloatcels and most of us tbh.
Typical bro shit. Nothing new.
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I’ll pay $10. Open dms.
Red meat
You should be consuming at least 1 portion of red meat everyday. 2 portions is ideal. Red meat has an excellent macronutrient and micronutrient profile. Red meat is superior to chicken as the latter is typically more factory process and lacks key nutrients
does bacon count as red meat? :feelsthink:
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