Alexander the Great is the greatest conqueror that ever lived

Islam is for low IQ monkeys and sand niggers who can't get laid IRL due to their subhumanity which was induced through thousands of years of inbreeding so they have to resort to blowing themselves up in hopes of going to muzzie heaven and fucking a bunch of virgins. Lol
Christianity is alpha as fuck. I would rather castrate myself with a fork than convert to Islam. I'm a kebab remover, just like hundreds of my ancestors before me
Most Christians are just fags who want to claim they practice the one true religion and then go on to completely ignore anything in the bible. The religion itself is just Jewshit + low T soycuckery. "Just get fucked in the ass and turn the other ass cheek, bro"
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Islam is for low IQ monkeys and sand niggers who can't get laid IRL due to their subhumanity which was induced through thousands of years of inbreeding so they have to resort to blowing themselves up in hopes of going to muzzie heaven and fucking a bunch of virgins. Lol
Christianity is alpha as fuck. I would rather castrate myself with a fork than convert to Islam. I'm a kebab remover, just like hundreds of my ancestors before me
it funny cus u cant get laid
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alexander was great no doubt but became a die hard fan of pajeet7 feet porus after seeing his bravery in the battle and also alexander has more soldiers than him but had to step back his army because of the great indian king chandrahupta maurya and genius minded chanakya together they sent alexander army back to central asia and his reign was considered only till afghanistan
alexander was great no doubt but became a die hard fan of pajeet7 feet porus after seeing his bravery in the battle and also alexander has more soldiers than him but had to step back his army because of the great indian king chandrahupta maurya and genius minded chanakya together they sent alexander army back to central asia and his reign was considered only till afghanistan
But Chandragupta never fought Alexander and Alexander did not invade the rest of India because his army mutinied. He was never defeated by any Indian king. Idk where you are learning history from.
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But Chandragupta never fought Alexander and Alexander did not invade the rest of India because his army mutinied. He was never defeated by any Indian king. Idk where you are learning history from.
I never said he was defeated see my words ii agree he defeated the king porus but it was not just any normal alexander war which he fought previously the war was very brutal alexander also lost many commodities soldiers and he was very pleased by porus for his bravery and by that time alexander army had also gone weak by the war and alexander himself was hurt little bit and seeing that india is occupied under the king named chandragupta maurya and has a strong base he decieded to step back his army as they already lost many things ...they never waged a war but still he did this for him and his people
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Lol Caesar admitted himself that Alexander the Great Lifemogged him.
He said that way before he started to do the things he became legendary for.
He said that way before he started to do the things he became legendary for.
Listen buddy I don't appreciate you exposing me as an iqcel in front of my looksmax pals alright?
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