Almost no face definition at low body fat


Deleted member 25354

Jan 6, 2023
I was fat before, gymmaxxed and now I’m built and shredded (around 10-12% body fat which is really hard for a ex fat-obese person) and I my face definition is really poor, I wonder how I can fix this, it’s almost like I’m boneless, what do you guys suggest doing
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You probably aren't a true 12% yet. Are your abs popping out like there is absolutely nothing to pinch? If not, you are maybe 20% or 18%, not 12%. The visual difference is huge.

Here you have a typical 'gymbro' on the left at 18-20% and on the right the same exact person at 10-12%.
No surgery, no lighting tricks, just less fat. The difference in facial appearance is massive.

It would take at least half a year to get to the state on the right, with minimal muscle loss.

Bodyfat 1

A lot of people who were fat before but got lean, still underestimate their true body fat %.

It's admirable to drop to a lean weight from obesity, but the true struggle is still ahead: It's very mentally and physically taxing to go down that final mile and into truly super lean sickpack territory from a respectable 18%.
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You probably aren't a true 12% yet. Are your abs popping out like there is absolutely nothing to pinch? If not, you are maybe 20% or 18%, not 12%. The visual difference is huge.

Here you have a typical 'gymbro' on the left at 18-20% and on the right the same exact person at 10-12%.
No surgery, no lighting tricks, just less fat. The difference in facial appearance is massive.

It would take at least half a year to get to the state on the right, with minimal muscle loss.

View attachment 2032755

A lot of people who were fat before but got lean, still underestimate their true body fat %.

It's admirable to drop to a lean weight from obesity, but the true struggle is still ahead: It's very mentally and physically taxing to go down that final mile and into truly super lean sickpack territory from a respectable 18%.
Thanks for the reply, but there is no way I am 18-20% body fat, my abs are popping, you can see my obliques, the separation between my chest etc etc, I can send you a picture of my physique thru pms if you want to, and you can try to tell me my body fat as I haven’t measured it before, last time I did, it was with a nutritionist like 9-10 months ago and I was 15% I’m 20x leaner then I was 9 months ago.
admirable to drop to a lean weight from obesity, but the true struggle is still ahead: It's very mentally and physically taxing to go down that final mile and into truly super lean sickpack territory from a respectable 18%
The problem is, your body wants to have a healthy bodyfat % (and having visible abs is too little), so it will shed some muscle and replace it with fat if you don't exercise, and exercising for the rest of your days is just a life of misery.
The problem is, your body wants to have a healthy bodyfat % (and having visible abs is too little), so it will shed some muscle and replace it with fat if you don't exercise, and exercising for the rest of your days is just a life of misery.
I workout everyday though, cardio and weight lifting
The problem is, your body wants to have a healthy bodyfat % (and having visible abs is too little), so it will shed some muscle and replace it with fat if you don't exercise, and exercising for the rest of your days is just a life of misery.
I agree, even Arnold stopped working out consistently after his prime because it's just too much effort for very little gain.
Most disciplined bodybuilders or pro athletes just give up after their career and become skinnyfat or fat.

It's still worth the pain in your prime years while you still have your looks though. After about 40-45 years of age it becomes irrelevant because few people will find you attractive anyway due to your face degrading.

You can preserve muscle mass while cutting almost indefinitely, as long as you lift hard at the gym during the cut (just as hard as before the cut).
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I was fat before, gymmaxxed and now I’m built and shredded (around 10-12% body fat which is really hard for a ex fat-obese person) and I my face definition is really poor, I wonder how I can fix this, it’s almost like I’m boneless, what do you guys suggest doing
How fat were u before and after? Like what was ur weight and what is it now?

How did u lose it all??
What’s your telegram/discord so you can see it
Why not just send a private message through three forum? Also when I was completely starved, 58 kg at 184 cm, which would put me at sub 10%, my face was still the same as at 16%, you either have bones or you don't.

It's still worth the pain in your prime years while you still have your looks though. After about 40-45 years of age it becomes irrelevant because few people will find you attractive anyway due to your face degrading.
Yeah, although exercise itself will also make you age faster. It's all about tradeoffs.
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How fat were u before and after? Like what was ur weight and what is it now?

How did u lose it all??
I was 80kg at 1,66cm no muscle mass (26-30%bf), now I’m 59kg at 1,71~cm (over)
Just calorie deficit
Why not just send a private message through three forum? Also when I was completely starved, 58 kg at 184 cm, which would put me at sub 10%, my face was still the same as at 16%, you either have bones or you don't.

Yeah, although exercise itself will also make you agree faster. It's all about tradeoffs.
I’ve sent you my physique on pms
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6/7 months
Really impressive bhai, that's just over 3kg a month, basically what I am aiming for, but I need to be in decent shape by april/may, so it's gonna be extreme.

Plus I can't cut cals that extremely cos I am pretty muscular, have elite numbers in the gym, and dint wanna lose heaps of muscle
Really impressive bhai, that's just over 3kg a month, basically what I am aiming for, but I need to be in decent shape by april/may, so it's gonna be extreme.

Plus I can't cut cals that extremely cos I am pretty muscular, have elite numbers in the gym, and dint wanna lose heaps of muscle
I lost a lot of muscle mass which I got back now, it’s a really easy process tbh, when you start seeing progress you will never stop wanting to cut, like an addiction
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