Always think a ridiculous number of times before asking out a woman, believe me.



Gyneolatry Fiend
Dec 10, 2019
First of all, always date within your own league. This should be a rule that you must live by.

Always think a ridiculous number times (50-100 times, even more if needed to) before you ask out a woman who you will be seeing in front of your eyes in your daily life again.

If you're going to cold approach a foid who you think is fine in a random city that you're just travelling in, then go for it, if she rejects you, then deal with it and move on, because you'll most likely never see her again (and neither will the people in your social circle). However, be mindful, this is the blackpill - she will tell her friends that she rejected 'a random weirdo' (aka you) to boost her own ego (women LOVE spreading rejections stories in which they reject guys).

In the case of approaching a woman who is part of your social circle, or a woman you will be seeing regularly in your life for a good amount of time... never ever ask her out unless you're fully sure that she won't reject you... this means that you must have experienced multiple true IOIs from her and you must be at least slightly better looking than her. So if your target is a becky from your social circle, you need to be a HTN at least. Because if she rejects you... it's not going to be like 'oh she just said no, oh well, not much has been lost, time to find the next fish in the sea, end of the story'... the consequences of being rejected by a foid who you is part of your social circle or you see regularly are devastating. The news of her rejecting you will spread in the aftermath, women are extremely tempted to spreading tales of how they rejected a guy just as how much a heroin addict is tempted to take his next needle of heroin. 99% of the time, the news of you being rejected by her will spread like wildfire in your social circle and wherever you go to (school, work, college) if she is a woman from your workplace or educational institution.

The entire game of dating is centred around POWER. Women experience a massive boost in their egos and it feeds them validation when they reject a man. When you reject a woman, you have the upper hand and this is how the world will see it, including her, who you just rejected. When you reject a woman, not only will she go crazy, but other women are likely to flock to you. This increases your reputation and social status, you being known for rejecting a woman shows that you are not desperate for female validation in any form... meaning that you already get plenty of it, which makes males and women respect you... and women will want you more.

A similar thing occurs in the case of women rejecting you, if you get rejected by a woman, especially a woman who is within your own league... then your reputation will go downhill, normies will make fun of you for not being able to score a woman within your own league. So don't ever make the mistake of asking out a woman unless you're extremely confident and sure that there is no chance she would reject you. I have experienced a woman brag about her rejection tale irl to me and it boosted her ego, she was visibly happy talking about how she rejected a coworker, she isn't even above average btw. When she was reciting her story to me and another guy, the other guy was also demeaning the guy who approached her (because they guy who approached her was a short truecel). It's about power at the end, never be happy with being powerless to a woman.
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  • +1
Reactions: PrinceofDarkness, LooksThinker, thereallegend and 11 others
youre still here old chap
Its over stop copeing
very high iq and can confirm this with my own experiences
  • +1
Reactions: greywind, FacialStructure404 and john2
youre still here old chap
Yes, there is no ascension for a below average looking deathnic like me.

Life has gotten a lot more brutal, he chain of events happening in my life are dragging e towards focussing on the blackpill even more after taking a minor hiatus from browsing this forum, especially the offtopic section.

very high iq and can confirm this with my own experiences
I'm glad you can confirm. I think people on this forum who say 'just approach her' are either gaslighters or inexperienced themselves. Back in my school days, a guy who gets rejected by a foid would be mocked by almost the entire grade (behind his back). The word spreads, rumours spread among women and their social circle because women love to gossip. They just can't help it.
  • +1
Reactions: greywind, PubertyMaxxer, Deleted member 34058 and 5 others
First of all, always date within your own league. This should be a rule that you must live by.

Always think a ridiculous number times (50-100 times, even more if needed to) before you ask out a woman who you will be seeing in front of your eyes in your daily life again.

If you're going to cold approach a foid who you think is fine in a random city that you're just travelling in, then go for it, if she rejects you, then deal with it and move on, because you'll most likely never see her again. However, be mindful, this is the blackpill - she will tell her friends that she rejected 'a random weirdo' (aka you) to boost her own ego (women LOVE spreading rejections stories in which they reject guys).

In the case of approaching a woman who is part of your social circle, or a woman you will be seeing regularly in your life for a good amount of time... never ever ask her out unless you're fully sure that she won't reject you... this means that you must have experienced multiple true IOIs from her and you must be at least slightly better looking than her. So if your target is a becky from your social circle, you need to be a HTN at least. Because if she rejects you... it's not going to be like 'oh she just said no, oh well, not much has been lost, time to find the next fish in the sea, end of the story'... the consequences of being rejected by a foid who you is part of your social circle or you see regularly are devastating. The news of her rejecting you will spread in the aftermath, women are extremely tempted to spreading tales of how they rejected a guy just as how much a heroin addict is tempted to take his next needle of heroin. 99% of the time, the news of you being rejected by her will spread like wildfire in your social circle and wherever you go to (school, work, college) if she is a woman from your workplace or educational institution.

The entire game of dating is centred around POWER. Women experience a massive boost in their egos and it feeds them validation when they reject a man. When you reject a woman, you have the upper hand and this is how the world will see it, including her, who you just rejected. When you reject a woman, not only will she go crazy, but other women are likely to flock to you. This increases your reputation and social status, you being known for rejecting a woman shows that you are not desperate for female validation in any form... meaning that you already get plenty of it, which makes males and women respect you... and women will want you more.

A similar thing occurs in the case of women rejecting you, if you get rejected by a woman, especially a woman who is within your own league... then your reputation will go downhill, normies will make fun of you for not being able to score a woman within your own league. So don't ever make the mistake of asking out a woman unless you're extremely confident and sure that there is no chance she would reject you. I have experienced a woman brag about her rejection tale irl to me and it boosted her ego, she was visibly happy talking about how she rejected a coworker, she isn't even above average btw. When she was reciting her story to me and another guy, the other guy was also demeaning the guy who approached her (because they guy who approached her was a short truecel). It's about power at the end, never be happy with being powerless to a woman.
Yeah this is why i never move to girls in my area even if i think they are giving iois
  • +1
Reactions: poopoohead and john2
Yes, there is no ascension for a below average looking deathnic like me.

Life has gotten a lot more brutal, he chain of events happening in my life are dragging e towards focussing on the blackpill even more after taking a minor hiatus from browsing this forum, especially the offtopic section.
dont be so hursh on yourself. people who are 10cm shorter than you and with worse eyes claim to be slayers here now.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Manletmachine, poopoohead, AlexBrown84 and 1 other person
Very true. I've heard so many stories from girls about guys (even above-average ones) getting ridiculed for daring to ask them out.

This is why I just stick to dating apps because at least the rejections I experience on there will not hurt me socially.
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  • +1
Reactions: greywind, PrinceofDarkness, PubertyMaxxer and 3 others
tldr: just be chad
  • +1
Reactions: john2
Very true. I've heard so many stories from girls about guys (even above-average ones) getting ridiculed for daring to ask them out.

This is why I just stick to dating apps because at least the rejections I experience on there will not hurt me socially.
It's over if even above average guys are being ridiculed by foids. Guess this is proof that being a chadlite or a solid HTN might be a must to get women (along with being tall and having a decent body at least) in 2023.

And yeah, stuff like tinder is better because you don't see who swiped left on you anyway.
  • +1
Reactions: greywind, PubertyMaxxer and Gargantuan
It actually depends on how you asked her out

If you went to her as a sheep goes before a butcher, timid, weak and submissive, then you deserve to be ridiculed. But if you went to her and asked, "Do you wanna fuck me", like a lion, it will go in your favor even if she rejects you.

Delon was rejected by an actress after using this exact line. So remember to ask her out in such a manner that it will show you are low inhib and in demand.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: greywind, poopoohead, It'snotover and 1 other person
But if you went to her and asked, "Do you wanna fuck me", like a lion, it will go in your favor even if she rejects you.

Delon was rejected by an actress after using this exact line.
That goes to show how terrible that line is.
  • JFL
Reactions: Manletmachine, Deleted member 21863, poopoohead and 1 other person
No you have to date a bitch less desirable than you
That goes to show how terrible that line is.
Nope, it shows it must have worked for him a great number of times before.

People these days are such pussies. In the old days, men would just grap a foid, lean on her. The problem these days is women don't fear violence from men anymore.... They think they can just reject a dude over nothing, without paying for any consequences.
  • JFL
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Manletmachine, Deleted member 21863, FacialStructure404 and 4 others
The problem these days is women don't fear violence from men anymore.... They think they can just reject a dude over nothing, without paying for any consequences.
That’s good, relationships should take place cuz of mutual attraction, not because one of both parties was coerced into it.
  • +1
Reactions: greywind, PubertyMaxxer, john2 and 2 others
It actually depends on how you asked her out

If you went to her as a sheep goes before a butcher, timid, weak and submissive, then you deserve to be ridiculed. But if you went to her and asked, "Do you wanna fuck me", like a lion, it will go in your favor even if she rejects you.

Delon was rejected by an actress after using this exact line. So remember to ask her out in such a manner that it will show you are low inhib and in demand.
Lmao delon is the goat bro gave zero fucks💀💀💀
  • +1
That’s good, relationships should take place cuz of mutual attraction, not because one of both parties was coerced into it.
Be realistic

That's for Chads, Chadlites and HTNs only. No fucking women is gonna be attracted to normies and subhumans. So what about them ? Should they just become slaves and work 9 to 5 , 5-6 days a week for this shit ? Nope

That's not how society is supposed to function. If you support social darwinism, then don't act moral and be surprised normies and subhumans want to use violence to control women, cause this is all we got
  • +1
Reactions: greywind, Manletmachine, PubertyMaxxer and 1 other person
Be realistic

That's for Chads, Chadlites and HTNs only. No fucking women is gonna be attracted to normies and subhumans. So what about them ? Should they just become slaves and work 9 to 5 , 5-6 days a week for this shit ? Nope

That's not how society is supposed to function. If you support social darwinism, then don't act moral and be surprised normies and subhumans want to use violence to control women, cause this is all we got
based honestly.

But at times I really do feel like we subhuman males just exist as workhorses to sustain the civilisation that serves as the lifelong playground of good looking men, and nearly all women. The bitterness is honestly gutwrenching. Its just a matter of a bit of bone here, a bit of collagen there. And that's what doomed me. This life is such a bad joke.
  • +1
Reactions: greywind, PubertyMaxxer, OGJBSLAYER and 1 other person
no "numbers game" irl.
based and Reputationpilled
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer and john2
Yes, there is no ascension for a below average looking deathnic like me.

Life has gotten a lot more brutal, he chain of events happening in my life are dragging e towards focussing on the blackpill even more after taking a minor hiatus from browsing this forum, especially the offtopic section.

I'm glad you can confirm. I think people on this forum who say 'just approach her' are either gaslighters or inexperienced themselves. Back in my school days, a guy who gets rejected by a foid would be mocked by almost the entire grade (behind his back). The word spreads, rumours spread among women and their social circle because women love to gossip. They just can't help it.
Real. Happened to me.

Twisted world.
  • +1
Reactions: john2
  • +1
Reactions: john2
Thanks frog-bro, will I get a call from the based department for this thread?
Yes. Don't call us. We'll call you.
  • JFL
Reactions: john2

based honestly.

But at times I really do feel like we subhuman males just exist as workhorses to sustain the civilisation that serves as the lifelong playground of good looking men, and nearly all women. The bitterness is honestly gutwrenching. Its just a matter of a bit of bone here, a bit of collagen there. And that's what doomed me. This life is such a bad joke.

That's why I'm striving after power. I want power over others. Cause it's all that matters in the end

Guys here are going for the easy path (looksmaxxing). One way or another, l will eliminate every obstacle in my path. I'm thinking of creating a political-economic-religious organization...

Either Succeed or perish
  • Woah
  • Love it
  • +1
Reactions: Manletmachine, tyronemaximas, Maalik and 1 other person
First of all, always date within your own league. This should be a rule that you must live by.

Always think a ridiculous number times (50-100 times, even more if needed to) before you ask out a woman who you will be seeing in front of your eyes in your daily life again.

If you're going to cold approach a foid who you think is fine in a random city that you're just travelling in, then go for it, if she rejects you, then deal with it and move on, because you'll most likely never see her again (and neither will the people in your social circle). However, be mindful, this is the blackpill - she will tell her friends that she rejected 'a random weirdo' (aka you) to boost her own ego (women LOVE spreading rejections stories in which they reject guys).

In the case of approaching a woman who is part of your social circle, or a woman you will be seeing regularly in your life for a good amount of time... never ever ask her out unless you're fully sure that she won't reject you... this means that you must have experienced multiple true IOIs from her and you must be at least slightly better looking than her. So if your target is a becky from your social circle, you need to be a HTN at least. Because if she rejects you... it's not going to be like 'oh she just said no, oh well, not much has been lost, time to find the next fish in the sea, end of the story'... the consequences of being rejected by a foid who you is part of your social circle or you see regularly are devastating. The news of her rejecting you will spread in the aftermath, women are extremely tempted to spreading tales of how they rejected a guy just as how much a heroin addict is tempted to take his next needle of heroin. 99% of the time, the news of you being rejected by her will spread like wildfire in your social circle and wherever you go to (school, work, college) if she is a woman from your workplace or educational institution.

The entire game of dating is centred around POWER. Women experience a massive boost in their egos and it feeds them validation when they reject a man. When you reject a woman, you have the upper hand and this is how the world will see it, including her, who you just rejected. When you reject a woman, not only will she go crazy, but other women are likely to flock to you. This increases your reputation and social status, you being known for rejecting a woman shows that you are not desperate for female validation in any form... meaning that you already get plenty of it, which makes males and women respect you... and women will want you more.

A similar thing occurs in the case of women rejecting you, if you get rejected by a woman, especially a woman who is within your own league... then your reputation will go downhill, normies will make fun of you for not being able to score a woman within your own league. So don't ever make the mistake of asking out a woman unless you're extremely confident and sure that there is no chance she would reject you. I have experienced a woman brag about her rejection tale irl to me and it boosted her ego, she was visibly happy talking about how she rejected a coworker, she isn't even above average btw. When she was reciting her story to me and another guy, the other guy was also demeaning the guy who approached her (because they guy who approached her was a short truecel). It's about power at the end, never be happy with being powerless to a woman.

What league is this fat piece of shit in?


  • Screenshot_20230923_090337_Bumble.jpg
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Real. Happened to me.

Twisted world.
It happened to me but I got away with the rejection without any1 making fun of me at all lol.
I hit puberty really early, so at age 12/13 I was already giga Fightmaxxed and Statusmaxxed lol
Even when the girl I had a major crush on rejected me, no one made fun of me because she was nice enough and probably scared enough to not tell anyone else. My confidence was through the roof in my childhood and early teens.. TBH honestly wouldn't have been fazed if any1 did make fun of me.

Life's way different now. its way easier to deal with "public humiliation" lol. I didn't even mind making a clown of myself sometimes to lighten the mood.
Now that I'm actually a subhuman joke, since all the bone growth I should have had on my legs and spine conspired together to give me a Jewnose instead. I can barely function socially because of the shame i feel just having people look at me. :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree:
  • JFL
Reactions: Primalsplit
First of all, always date within your own league. This should be a rule that you must live by.

Always think a ridiculous number times (50-100 times, even more if needed to) before you ask out a woman who you will be seeing in front of your eyes in your daily life again.

If you're going to cold approach a foid who you think is fine in a random city that you're just travelling in, then go for it, if she rejects you, then deal with it and move on, because you'll most likely never see her again (and neither will the people in your social circle). However, be mindful, this is the blackpill - she will tell her friends that she rejected 'a random weirdo' (aka you) to boost her own ego (women LOVE spreading rejections stories in which they reject guys).

In the case of approaching a woman who is part of your social circle, or a woman you will be seeing regularly in your life for a good amount of time... never ever ask her out unless you're fully sure that she won't reject you... this means that you must have experienced multiple true IOIs from her and you must be at least slightly better looking than her. So if your target is a becky from your social circle, you need to be a HTN at least. Because if she rejects you... it's not going to be like 'oh she just said no, oh well, not much has been lost, time to find the next fish in the sea, end of the story'... the consequences of being rejected by a foid who you is part of your social circle or you see regularly are devastating. The news of her rejecting you will spread in the aftermath, women are extremely tempted to spreading tales of how they rejected a guy just as how much a heroin addict is tempted to take his next needle of heroin. 99% of the time, the news of you being rejected by her will spread like wildfire in your social circle and wherever you go to (school, work, college) if she is a woman from your workplace or educational institution.

The entire game of dating is centred around POWER. Women experience a massive boost in their egos and it feeds them validation when they reject a man. When you reject a woman, you have the upper hand and this is how the world will see it, including her, who you just rejected. When you reject a woman, not only will she go crazy, but other women are likely to flock to you. This increases your reputation and social status, you being known for rejecting a woman shows that you are not desperate for female validation in any form... meaning that you already get plenty of it, which makes males and women respect you... and women will want you more.

A similar thing occurs in the case of women rejecting you, if you get rejected by a woman, especially a woman who is within your own league... then your reputation will go downhill, normies will make fun of you for not being able to score a woman within your own league. So don't ever make the mistake of asking out a woman unless you're extremely confident and sure that there is no chance she would reject you. I have experienced a woman brag about her rejection tale irl to me and it boosted her ego, she was visibly happy talking about how she rejected a coworker, she isn't even above average btw. When she was reciting her story to me and another guy, the other guy was also demeaning the guy who approached her (because they guy who approached her was a short truecel). It's about power at the end, never be happy with being powerless to a woman.
I approached a girl in Highschool, she wasn't even in my year yet her rejecting me still spread like a wildfire and in the entire town
  • +1
Reactions: john2

based honestly.

But at times I really do feel like we subhuman males just exist as workhorses to sustain the civilisation that serves as the lifelong playground of good looking men, and nearly all women. The bitterness is honestly gutwrenching. Its just a matter of a bit of bone here, a bit of collagen there. And that's what doomed me. This life is such a bad joke.
The value of good looking men is higher, they tend to earn more.
Is it safe to cold approach a girl in your gym?
Most likely you will never or very rarely see her again
I personally wouldn’t cos im high inhib and dont trust myself when im horny. I’d say the only time your allowed to cold approach is if she gives you obvious iois. If a girl gives you iois in any situation, its safe to approach assuming you dont have autistic rizz. i’ve only got an insta once in the gym from a jb but she approached first. If i were to approach i wouldn’t make it obvious im into her i’d just try a friendly approach and then escalate from there. My gyms small so i see each girl often, its not a good idea to approach and potentially fail.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
That's why I'm striving after power. I want power over others. Cause it's all that matters in the end

Guys here are going for the easy path (looksmaxxing). One way or another, l will eliminate every obstacle in my path. I'm thinking of creating a political-economic-religious organization...

Either Succeed or perish
You could just kidnap a JB from a poor area with a lazy single mom and lock her in your basement, then you have a sex slave. (In Minecraft)

Trying to change society is unrealistic and just a cringe fantasy.
I personally wouldn’t cos im high inhib and dont trust myself when im horny. I’d say the only time your allowed to cold approach is if she gives you obvious iois. If a girl gives you iois in any situation, its safe to approach assuming you dont have autistic rizz. i’ve only got an insta once in the gym from a jb but she approached first. If i were to approach i wouldn’t make it obvious im into her

i’d just try a friendly approach and then escalate from there.
Like how? Just taking to her will make it obvious you're hitting on her. And what would you ask her anyways? Ask her about her Excercises?
My gyms small so i see each girl often, its not a good idea to approach and potentially fail.
Mine is rather big
Like how? Just taking to her will make it obvious you're hitting on her. And what would you ask her anyways? Ask her about her Excercises?

Mine is rather big
If you have a big gym its better since more foids, but worse since the girls wont see you as often so they are less likely to develop a crush on you due to the familiarity effect.

Talking to her with a casual opener may have her thinking in the back of her head, is this guy hitting on me? However if she likes you, this will be good since it will be a mystery to her whether your hitting on her or not. Most important thing is iois tho, to make sure your success rate is high by only hitting on girls who show interest first.

Literally talk about anything, try get in a low inhib positive mood before you talk. talk to her like a old friend. It could literally be as simple as asking her if shes you can jump in between sets (or asking to use a machine to get into her vicinity) and then say that you see her around often and ask for her name, shake her hand. Make sure your only doing this to women who are giving iois or you will fail terribly.
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer
That’s good, relationships should take place cuz of mutual attraction, not because one of both parties was coerced into it.
Young adult normies who date fat chicks out of desperation are coerced into doing so, if they could get more attractive options in a dating market not structured towards women, they wouldn’t go for fat chicks. For example, if prostitution was legalized everywhere and the age of consent was lower, young adult men would have more sexual options, but laws restrict this.

@MoggerGaston thoughts? Is Pendejo misandrist here?
Young adult normies who date fat chicks out of desperation are coerced into doing so, if they could get more attractive options in a dating market not structured towards women, they wouldn’t go for fat chicks. For example, if prostitution was legalized everywhere and the age of consent was lower, young adult men would have more sexual options, but laws restrict this.

@MoggerGaston thoughts? Is Pendejo misandrist here?
coercion happens daily, everywhere, in all facets of life. Coercion being 'bad' is no good reason why it 'should' or 'shouldnt' be a thing in relationships too.

Life isn't an ideal perfect world
  • +1
Reactions: Aladin
coercion happens daily, everywhere, in all facets of life. Coercion being 'bad' is no good reason why it 'should' or 'shouldnt' be a thing in relationships too.

Life isn't an ideal perfect world
Exactly, these people will try to say "ideally men and women both want each other", but the problem is that can't happen since some are ugly, and because of fakeup more men are ugly than women. Therefore, one side should compromise, and since men do the work in society, women should compromise in relationships.
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
First of all, always date within your own league. This should be a rule that you must live by.

Always think a ridiculous number times (50-100 times, even more if needed to) before you ask out a woman who you will be seeing in front of your eyes in your daily life again.

If you're going to cold approach a foid who you think is fine in a random city that you're just travelling in, then go for it, if she rejects you, then deal with it and move on, because you'll most likely never see her again (and neither will the people in your social circle). However, be mindful, this is the blackpill - she will tell her friends that she rejected 'a random weirdo' (aka you) to boost her own ego (women LOVE spreading rejections stories in which they reject guys).

In the case of approaching a woman who is part of your social circle, or a woman you will be seeing regularly in your life for a good amount of time... never ever ask her out unless you're fully sure that she won't reject you... this means that you must have experienced multiple true IOIs from her and you must be at least slightly better looking than her. So if your target is a becky from your social circle, you need to be a HTN at least. Because if she rejects you... it's not going to be like 'oh she just said no, oh well, not much has been lost, time to find the next fish in the sea, end of the story'... the consequences of being rejected by a foid who you is part of your social circle or you see regularly are devastating. The news of her rejecting you will spread in the aftermath, women are extremely tempted to spreading tales of how they rejected a guy just as how much a heroin addict is tempted to take his next needle of heroin. 99% of the time, the news of you being rejected by her will spread like wildfire in your social circle and wherever you go to (school, work, college) if she is a woman from your workplace or educational institution.

The entire game of dating is centred around POWER. Women experience a massive boost in their egos and it feeds them validation when they reject a man. When you reject a woman, you have the upper hand and this is how the world will see it, including her, who you just rejected. When you reject a woman, not only will she go crazy, but other women are likely to flock to you. This increases your reputation and social status, you being known for rejecting a woman shows that you are not desperate for female validation in any form... meaning that you already get plenty of it, which makes males and women respect you... and women will want you more.

A similar thing occurs in the case of women rejecting you, if you get rejected by a woman, especially a woman who is within your own league... then your reputation will go downhill, normies will make fun of you for not being able to score a woman within your own league. So don't ever make the mistake of asking out a woman unless you're extremely confident and sure that there is no chance she would reject you. I have experienced a woman brag about her rejection tale irl to me and it boosted her ego, she was visibly happy talking about how she rejected a coworker, she isn't even above average btw. When she was reciting her story to me and another guy, the other guy was also demeaning the guy who approached her (because they guy who approached her was a short truecel). It's about power at the end, never be happy with being powerless to a woman.
Tldr; if a Becky is in your social circle, grope her ass or touch her pussy
chad doesn't have to think

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