Anti-Aging scientists are still aging. Their lifestyle tips and supplements are cope for looking young.



Dec 23, 2022
Looking old is an SMV killer. Old people are ugly. Water. Therefore, it should be every serious looksmaxer's mission to retain his youth for as long as possible. Personally, I tried implementing serious anti-aging routines after I read books and watched videos by notable scientists in this field. Guys like Dr. David Sinclair, Dr. Fung, etc. I wasted time learning what fancy words like "sirtuins" and "senescence" mean so that I could hopefully understand the basics of the science behind aging. But at some point I realized, who gives a shit about extending your lifespan to 120 years? The important aspect of slowing aging is extending one's prime years. Once your prime is over, life is all about coping.

The leading experts promoting anti-aging strategies are mostly old-looking, which is suspicious. I coped by thinking that since these people discovered anti-aging methods when they were already old, it is too late for them to look young again. But surely they managed to stop the aging process since making those discoveries, right? In other words, do they look the same age in 2023 as they did in 2015-2018? Unfortunately, no. They've pretty much all aged like normal people would.

Let's start with Dr. Berg. He's the first guy I listened to about the anti-aging benefits of intermittent fasting. This comparison should tell you everything you need to know about how ineffective intermittent fasting and general healthmaxing are for anti-aging (lookswise). Here he is in October 2015, literally giving a seminar about anti-aging.

Then in the thumbnail below, it's February 2022 (although the thumbnail may be more recent since he seems to have updated some old videos with new thumbnails).

This nigga aged 15 years in 6 or 7 years. Unbelievable. So much for the wonderful benefits of "muh just eat healthy. just stay lean. just keep your hair bro." He went from looking 40 to looking like a grandpa.

Now let's look at another proponent of intermittent fasting: Dr. Fung.

Here he is in 2016:


And here he is in 2023:

It's hard to tell how old he looks in 2016, but he clearly looks older now compared to back then, despite the alleged superior asian aging genes. He's 50 yrs old now, and only looks a little younger than that. I recommend watching his youtube videos from the early to mid 2010s and then his most recent videos if you're not convinced by these images. It's clear to me that he's aged considerably.

Dr. Mark Hyman.
This guy also talks a lot about anti-aging. Here he is in December 2016:

And here he is in 2023:

Both of these screenshots are from when he was in front of a webcam, so they are consistent. I didn't want to use images of him on TV programs in case he was wearing makeup. It's evident that he has aged noticeably, despite religiously making videos discussing anti-aging. Just check out his youtube channel. It's all about longevity, looking younger, etc.

Let's discuss Dr. Sinclair.
He is now clearly the most famous anti-aging researcher and scientist known to the general public. He seems to have more or less stopped aging between 2017 (left) and 2023 (right):


However, since he is the spokesperson for companies selling anti-aging supplements to the masses, it's probably very important for him to maintain his looks so that he can be taken seriously and, therefore, make more money from sales.
This is what @Schizoidcel and @Ascendant said about Dr. Sinclair in the following thread:

Not gonna listen to anything Sinclair says until he admits to dyeing his hair and his botox usage.

As for the sun, it's true people with higher melanin levels and gigachads like Dolph & Brad Pitt can get away with overtanning and drinking alcohol their lives while guys like Delon and Gandy will lose their looks early. Life isn't fair.
"Not only does this retard get botox injections and dyes his hair, he straight had a facelift. If you look up some older videos with him, from like 2012 or so, his skin was lose af and all wrinkled etc. Then like 3-4 years ago he got a facelift. It is quite evident as well with his elf-like eyes and eyebrows, this is the skin area that gets pulled in facelifts the most.

He is a snake oil salesman, like 90% of everything else out there, including sunscreen and certain viruses."

Here he is in 2010:

So clearly his eyebrow tilt changed so that now in 2023, his face looks, well, "lifted." In 2010, his face looked much more natural. He also had signs of grey hairs in 2010, but has 0 grey hair now. Either way, he looks good for his age, but he still doesn't look young. He copes with "muh biological age is 31, much younger than muh chronological age" but he doesn't understand that women don't care about how old his cells are. Do you look 31 tho? No? It's over.

Furthermore, he lost credibility imo after the following happened:
Basically there is controversy around Resveratrol, which is a supplement Dr. Sinclair is trying to sell to the masses. It doesn't seem to work for anti-aging.

Lastly, he has a podcast from early 2022, and one episode focuses on cosmetic aging.
Basically, there are posters on this forum with more knowledge than Sinclair on topics like collagen synthesis, prp, minoxidil, finasteride, and other water stuff. Aside from his supplements, there is no new information in this video.

In Summary:
Looksmaxing is all about looking young and handsome. Buying a lot of expensive supplements like NR, NMN, Resveratrol, Fisetin, etc. is likely a total waste of money if your goal is to LOOK young. The same might be true for intermittent fasting. I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT CELLULAR AGING. I'm not a scientist. I didn't research the biological implications of these drugs. If these supplements help you feel younger and help with athleticism, then that's great. My point is, if these things don't help with our looks, then they are useless for our SMV. The world's leading anti-aging researchers have access to the newest, state-of-the-art medical therapies and supplements, yet they continue to age like normal people. So you should spend money on surgeries and cosmetic procedures like fillers and botox instead.

Tagging serious anti-agingmaxers: @eduardkoopman @Seth Walsh @Deusmaximus @enchanted_elixir @Corleone @Amnesia


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Reactions: garoupilled_, kingpiin, falcon1 and 22 others
It's because they're workcels who have families.

Teaching is a different skill set from actually doing it.
  • +1
Reactions: overtier1011, mathis, falcon1 and 7 others
The multi-millionaire anti-ager, bryan johnson, is the worst one. He spends 2mil on literally every anti-aging "research" backed BS and he looks like an actual alien subhuman creature. JFL
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: overtier1011, nofap, sayi and 17 others
Most of those guys arent doing the best anti-aging stuff and the strongest stuff doesnt slow it down much until close to 40 years old.

Plasma dilution/removal and removal of senescent cells are the 2 strongest things and taking calcium AKG will actually rewind the clock on the epigenome. Niacinamide for NAD+ is good also starting in mid 30s.
  • +1
Reactions: Dietsnasta, spirili and Fgsfds
OP excellent post. Coming from a postdoctoral research scientist, you are intelligent. All of these research authorities are coping hard. Sinclair is very intelligent with strong publication record but is also a money hungry Jew with few (if any) moral constraints. Mixes truths with erroneous/overextrapolated claims (classic old and tried method that works on the masses). I agree on you on your points and conclusions.

Perhaps let us pause for a moment and ask. What is it exactly about a face that do unmistakeably gives off its age to the human eye within milliseconds? Trained AI (neural networks) seem to be able to quite accurately tell a persons age from a face pic.
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: EliteMewing, garoupilled_, fuckedupmanlet and 8 others
The multi-millionaire anti-ager, bryan johnson, is the worst one. He spends 2mil on literally every anti-aging "research" backed BS and he looks like an actual alien subhuman creature. JFL
They're coping but who the fuck cares they have money

He seems happy and he doing the world a service literally for free all his results are free

I can respect that, he just wants to stay alive
  • +1
Reactions: mathis, horizontallytall, falcon1 and 5 others
They're coping but who the fuck cares they have money

He seems happy and he doing the world a service literally for free all his results are free

I can respect that, he just wants to stay alive
He's a capitalist that realizes he wage-slaved his life away and wants to fuck 18 year olds again.

I have no respect for him. He looks like a disgusting mole rat and it's genuinely worrying. Dude is more mentally ill than half the forum. If you truly think that man is happy, no he is not.
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  • JFL
Reactions: horizontallytall, Fear, falcon1 and 4 others
If a man has a wife and kids then it's safe to assume that he's grifting. In order to be passionate about something, you can't have the looming fear of being divorced and losing your precious role as betabux threatening you.
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If a man has a wife and kids then it's safe to assume that he's grifting. In order to be passionate about something, you can't have the looming fear of being divorced and losing your precious role as betabux threatening you.
What is grifting?
He's a capitalist
Me too nigga
that realizes he wage-slaved his life away and wants to fuck 18 year olds again.
He's got a wife and kids nigga
I have no respect for him. He looks like a disgusting mole rat and it's genuinely worrying
He's definitely seems too lean but he tracks his biomarkers relentlessly
. Dude is more mentally ill than half the forum.
It should Inhibit his happiness too much to be worth it, bit it doesn't. So this doesn't make sense.

This would destroy the average person though
If you truly think that man is happy, no he is not.
he wouldn't be doing this shit if he didn't find value in it

The only brutal part of his life is the diet tbh everything else is extra dogshit experimental shit that he Is clearly very interested in.

he likes his work its not a facade

And his biomarkers are public nigga he is objective in peak condition for his age, just looks lean to an ugly degree. It looks odd for someone in their 40s to be 10% or whatever he is

He's definitely happy tho if you watch his shit

Like weirdly happy
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He's got a wife and kids nigga
IIRC, he divorced his wife around the time she had cancer. And he posts weird pictures on IG with at least one of his sons.
  • +1
Reactions: Gaygymmaxx
IIRC, he divorced his wife around the time she had cancer. And he posts weird pictures on IG with at least one of his sons.
Mirin then he's getting play and staying young

Even better
Me too nigga

He's got a wife and kids nigga

He's definitely seems too lean but he tracks his biomarkers relentlessly

It should Inhibit his happiness too much to be worth it, bit it doesn't. So this doesn't make sense.

This would destroy the average person though

he wouldn't be doing this shit if he didn't find value in it

The only brutal part of his life is the diet tbh everything else is extra dogshit experimental shit that he Is clearly very interested in.

he likes his work its not a facade

And his biomarkers are public nigga he is objective in peak condition for his age, just looks lean to an ugly degree. It looks odd for someone in their 40s to be 10% or whatever he is

He's definitely happy tho if you watch his shit

Like weirdly happy
-If you're not making at least 500k a year and you call yourself a capitalist, you're a cuck
-his wife left him JFL
-"biomarkers" cope.
-tons of 40 year olds with 10% bodyfat who don't look subhuman disgusting rat
-"weirdly happy" he's an autist or manic hyperfixating on aging.

i've watched a ton of his videos/"zero" philosphy. After basically reading all his content, i realized he's quite literally a schizo. the amount of radiation he's acquired from all his xrays and WHOLE BODY MRIs is incredible. Numerous studies questioning the health effects of metformin. David Sinclair is a hack. Reservatrol does basically nothing, wine will not reverse aging (which is what david sinclair preaches.) And yet, Bryan still takes all these half-assed supplements that will ultimately do more harm than good. It's highly likely his "team of scientists" are milking a mentally ill loser for research and will do anything he asks. Is it good for science, sure! Is he someone you should look up to, no. He is not as smart nor as groundbreaking as he thinks he is.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: garoupilled_, horizontallytall, DrTony and 3 others
The multi-millionaire anti-ager, bryan johnson, is the worst one. He spends 2mil on literally every anti-aging "research" backed BS and he looks like an actual alien subhuman creature. JFL
He just started a year ago
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1901
I think what you said about extending your prime is true to an extent but it would be nice to live longer too (even if youre uglier when old I would still find enjoyable things to do and you can help your kids/grandkids become successful, being alive is better than being dead lmao)

Let's say your goal is to just find the best woman to have kids with you would be ok with having a peak of 5 years or so when you can find someone and have children. Beyond that it really doesn't matter to you how you age unless you just want to look good because you have already achieved your goal.

Following from this you may have a period of looksmaxing without worsening health and then after you have children you can shift your focus to longevity.
  • +1
Reactions: spirili and Gaygymmaxx
I recall writing about this, in the past also.
My conclusion.
1. Their suggestions are good for health, and looking a bit younger (5-10 years).
2. Other stuff needs to be done, to look younger.
3. And also, some or plenty things that makes one look better/higher SMV. Will be bad for anti-aging. For example, carying more muscle mass gym body, bad for longlivity, for longlivity it's best to be a twigg for your whole life. Obviously being a twigg, is unattractive for looks.

Muh previous writing about them long lifety only maxxers.
  • +1
Reactions: spirili
Nice thread, it's seems that you can't escape the aging process with all your efforts
  • +1
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No anti aging for your subhuman face
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  • JFL
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here goes my cope
  • So Sad
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I think what you said about extending your prime is true to an extent but it would be nice to live longer too (even if youre uglier when old I would still find enjoyable things to do and you can help your kids/grandkids become successful, being alive is better than being dead lmao)

Let's say your goal is to just find the best woman to have kids with you would be ok with having a peak of 5 years or so when you can find someone and have children. Beyond that it really doesn't matter to you how you age unless you just want to look good because you have already achieved your goal.

Following from this you may have a period of looksmaxing without worsening health and then after you have children you can shift your focus to longevity.
I agree ofc that it's generally better to live to 100+ than to die at 80, unless the remaining years are miserable because of physical ailments. That's why these researchers are trying to expand one's "healthspan," meaning the years during which people are healthy overall. It's not good enough to prolong one's life if a person is suffering through chemotherapy all the time or something similar.

I recall writing about this, in the past also.
My conclusion.
1. Their suggestions are good for health, and looking a bit younger (5-10 years).
2. Other stuff needs to be done, to look younger.
3. And also, some or plenty things that makes one look better/higher SMV. Will be bad for anti-aging. For example, carying more muscle mass gym body, bad for longlivity, for longlivity it's best to be a twigg for your whole life. Obviously being a twigg, is unattractive for looks.

Muh previous writing about them long lifety only maxxers.
Yes I've seen that thread before. Very insightful. I'm personally struggling with deciding whether I should increase my longevity by fasting and caloric restriction or increasing my SMV by building muscle mass. There's evidence that eating high amounts of protein will age people faster - even if it helps with collagen, which is confusing. I think I'll try looking like a lean prettyboy for as long as possible. Then when that is no longer possible, I'll cope with muscles and hope I'll look like Chris Evans in Captain America. Aging is the reaper I fear the most.

I think I'd rather only live until 70 years old in the body of a 20 year old the whole time, instead of living and aging naturally until 120. I'm not sure I have a problem with death, assuming I live a full life. I just want to be young my whole life. Knowing how miserable being married can be, I don't care about missing out on having a mature relationship with a woman and raising children together. I want to be like Frodo, who was given extended youth by the Ring, but decided it was time to die peacefully in the Grey Havens with Gandalf and the elves.
  • +1
Reactions: Corleone
OP excellent post. Coming from a postdoctoral research scientist, you are intelligent. All of these research authorities are coping hard. Sinclair is very intelligent with strong publication record but is also a money hungry Jew with few (if any) moral constraints. Mixes truths with erroneous/overextrapolated claims (classic old and tried method that works on the masses). I agree on you on your points and conclusions.

Perhaps let us pause for a moment and ask. What is it exactly about a face that do unmistakeably gives off its age to the human eye within milliseconds? Trained AI (neural networks) seem to be able to quite accurately tell a persons age from a face pic.
Thank you. To answer your question, I don't know. It's puzzled me for a while. I've looked at images of people and can't figure it out. For example, Person X at age 18 has perfect skin and hair. Then at age 22, Person X still has perfect skin and hair (because collagen levels don't start to decline until early 20's). Yet Person X at 22 looks unmistakably more mature facially than he did at 18. I mean, I would never mistakenly guess that X's 18 year old self was the same age or older than his 22 year old self if I was to look at the two images side-by-side. I guess in this example, the maturation is attributed to a slight increase in bone density, as I'm sure people don't stop developing at 18. I was just making a point by controlling for factors like skin and hair. It's not enough to maintain those to look the same age. So even if you give an old person perfect skin and hair, he will still look uncanny/unnatural. I guess it's volume loss from shrinking fat pads and bone loss. But still, in 2D images, it's fascinating how extremely subtle changes in facial volume give away a person's age. It's impossible for me to pinpoint where volume loss occurred, and by how much.

For a real world example, here is Michael Jackson in 1978 and 1983. Ignoring his nose surgery, I can't pinpoint exactly why he looks older in 1983.

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Yes I've seen that thread before. Very insightful. I'm personally struggling with deciding whether I should increase my longevity by fasting and caloric restriction or increasing my SMV by building muscle mass. There's evidence that eating high amounts of protein will age people faster - even if it helps with collagen, which is confusing. I think I'll try looking like a lean prettyboy for as long as possible. Then when that is no longer possible, I'll cope with muscles and hope I'll look like Chris Evans in Captain America. Aging is the reaper I fear the most.
Don't confuse size, with muscle mass. Since alot of gym bulk copers, are adding on far more fat than muscles. Being shredded moggs, imo.
I recently put in efforts, to transform my skinny fat body, into shredded (low fat) with some muscle definition mass. I don't compare at all in size, to the bulk copers. But they are walking around with a bloated fat body/ face.
True, that need to eat more protein than is ideally for longlivity and staying healthy as long as possible. Being low fat, is always good though.

20230501 171829

I think I'd rather only live until 70 years old in the body of a 20 year old the whole time, instead of living and aging naturally until 120. I'm not sure I have a problem with death, assuming I live a full life. I just want to be young my whole life. Knowing how miserable being married can be, I don't care about missing out on having a mature relationship with a woman and raising children together. I want to be like Frodo, who was given extended youth by the Ring, but decided it was time to die peacefully in the Grey Havens with Gandalf and the elves.

Extending-ish or stretching-ish prime? Or becoming as old and staying as long healthy as possible ?
Between these 2. Sometimes a choice has to be made. And, sometimes they align perfectly together, so for those things it's easy.

Never forget though. We are always just 1 big accident, or war, or whatever casualty away from death, fucked up health, disability.
It's because they're workcels who have families.

Teaching is a different skill set from actually doing it.
This response refuted his whole post. W
  • +1
Reactions: thereallegend
So basically the scientists who look older are frauds because they aged, and the scientists who don't look older are also frauds because they obviously got work done to look younger.

What does an anti-aging scientist need to do to convince you their advice is legit? Because the way you're putting it, they cannot win.
  • +1
Reactions: boss8055, Deleted member 3573, looksseg and 1 other person
Looking old is an SMV killer. Old people are ugly. Water. Therefore, it should be every serious looksmaxer's mission to retain his youth for as long as possible. Personally, I tried implementing serious anti-aging routines after I read books and watched videos by notable scientists in this field. Guys like Dr. David Sinclair, Dr. Fung, etc. I wasted time learning what fancy words like "sirtuins" and "senescence" mean so that I could hopefully understand the basics of the science behind aging. But at some point I realized, who gives a shit about extending your lifespan to 120 years? The important aspect of slowing aging is extending one's prime years. Once your prime is over, life is all about coping.

The leading experts promoting anti-aging strategies are mostly old-looking, which is suspicious. I coped by thinking that since these people discovered anti-aging methods when they were already old, it is too late for them to look young again. But surely they managed to stop the aging process since making those discoveries, right? In other words, do they look the same age in 2023 as they did in 2015-2018? Unfortunately, no. They've pretty much all aged like normal people would.

Let's start with Dr. Berg. He's the first guy I listened to about the anti-aging benefits of intermittent fasting. This comparison should tell you everything you need to know about how ineffective intermittent fasting and general healthmaxing are for anti-aging (lookswise). Here he is in October 2015, literally giving a seminar about anti-aging.

Then in the thumbnail below, it's February 2022 (although the thumbnail may be more recent since he seems to have updated some old videos with new thumbnails).

This nigga aged 15 years in 6 or 7 years. Unbelievable. So much for the wonderful benefits of "muh just eat healthy. just stay lean. just keep your hair bro." He went from looking 40 to looking like a grandpa.

Now let's look at another proponent of intermittent fasting: Dr. Fung.

Here he is in 2016:

View attachment 2207015

And here he is in 2023:
View attachment 2207020
It's hard to tell how old he looks in 2016, but he clearly looks older now compared to back then, despite the alleged superior asian aging genes. He's 50 yrs old now, and only looks a little younger than that. I recommend watching his youtube videos from the early to mid 2010s and then his most recent videos if you're not convinced by these images. It's clear to me that he's aged considerably.

Dr. Mark Hyman.
This guy also talks a lot about anti-aging. Here he is in December 2016:
View attachment 2207043

And here he is in 2023:
View attachment 2207034
Both of these screenshots are from when he was in front of a webcam, so they are consistent. I didn't want to use images of him on TV programs in case he was wearing makeup. It's evident that he has aged noticeably, despite religiously making videos discussing anti-aging. Just check out his youtube channel. It's all about longevity, looking younger, etc.

Let's discuss Dr. Sinclair.
He is now clearly the most famous anti-aging researcher and scientist known to the general public. He seems to have more or less stopped aging between 2017 (left) and 2023 (right):

View attachment 2207079 View attachment 2207131

However, since he is the spokesperson for companies selling anti-aging supplements to the masses, it's probably very important for him to maintain his looks so that he can be taken seriously and, therefore, make more money from sales.
This is what @Schizoidcel and @Ascendant said about Dr. Sinclair in the following thread:

"Not only does this retard get botox injections and dyes his hair, he straight had a facelift. If you look up some older videos with him, from like 2012 or so, his skin was lose af and all wrinkled etc. Then like 3-4 years ago he got a facelift. It is quite evident as well with his elf-like eyes and eyebrows, this is the skin area that gets pulled in facelifts the most.

He is a snake oil salesman, like 90% of everything else out there, including sunscreen and certain viruses."

Here he is in 2010:
View attachment 2207141
So clearly his eyebrow tilt changed so that now in 2023, his face looks, well, "lifted." In 2010, his face looked much more natural. He also had signs of grey hairs in 2010, but has 0 grey hair now. Either way, he looks good for his age, but he still doesn't look young. He copes with "muh biological age is 31, much younger than muh chronological age" but he doesn't understand that women don't care about how old his cells are. Do you look 31 tho? No? It's over.

Furthermore, he lost credibility imo after the following happened:
Basically there is controversy around Resveratrol, which is a supplement Dr. Sinclair is trying to sell to the masses. It doesn't seem to work for anti-aging.

Lastly, he has a podcast from early 2022, and one episode focuses on cosmetic aging.
Basically, there are posters on this forum with more knowledge than Sinclair on topics like collagen synthesis, prp, minoxidil, finasteride, and other water stuff. Aside from his supplements, there is no new information in this video.

In Summary:
Looksmaxing is all about looking young and handsome. Buying a lot of expensive supplements like NR, NMN, Resveratrol, Fisetin, etc. is likely a total waste of money if your goal is to LOOK young. The same might be true for intermittent fasting. I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT CELLULAR AGING. I'm not a scientist. I didn't research the biological implications of these drugs. If these supplements help you feel younger and help with athleticism, then that's great. My point is, if these things don't help with our looks, then they are useless for our SMV. The world's leading anti-aging researchers have access to the newest, state-of-the-art medical therapies and supplements, yet they continue to age like normal people. So you should spend money on surgeries and cosmetic procedures like fillers and botox instead.

Tagging serious anti-agingmaxers: @eduardkoopman @Seth Walsh @Deusmaximus @enchanted_elixir @Corleone @Amnesia

Yeah all those guys just need sales to support their families. Sinclair does botox.

Keep it simple. Stress will always age you. So keep healthy, use spf, tret, ghk-cu. Have good skincare and make sure you look good. Avoid all the bad stuff. No resveratrol for your face, all those charlatans are full of it
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Only tret methinoine restriction and low PUFA diet works and ofc avoid excessive tanning smoking and drinking. IF can cause more damage than good
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall, Deleted member 5815 and spirili
Only tret methinoine restriction and low PUFA diet works and ofc avoid excessive tanning smoking and drinking. IF can cause more damage than good
how do you avoid methionoine and why?
how do you avoid methionoine and why?
by not overconsuming muscle meats or beans. methionine restriction along with tryptophan and cysteine restriction has the same life extending effects as calorie restriction and thats why "fasting" probably extends lifestlye not because of muh autophagy but theres naturally less m c and t intake.
by not overconsuming muscle meats or beans. methionine restriction along with tryptophan and cysteine restriction has the same life extending effects as calorie restriction and thats why "fasting" probably extends lifestlye not because of muh autophagy but theres naturally less m c and t intake.
holy fuck nutrition is so confusing

my diet rn is:

250g chicken breast
250g 15% fat beef
100g atlantic mackerel
660ml milk
100g cheese
150g rice
6 eggs
+all cooked with butter

and i thought this was pretty good but i’m finding out now this is pretty shit
holy fuck nutrition is so confusing

my diet rn is:

250g chicken breast
250g 15% fat beef
100g atlantic mackerel
660ml milk
100g cheese
150g rice
6 eggs
+all cooked with butter

and i thought this was pretty good but i’m finding out now this is pretty shit
depends on how you feel on high protein. you cant beat that for bulking and growing muscle but optimal bodybuilding diets arent always optimal health. it doenst matter at your age tho i just practice it because i had depression and high cortisol and anxiety and peating cured it 99 percent. Try replacing the mackerel with oysters or shrimp for selenium and zinc. and get some liver in there.
  • +1
Reactions: looksmidder
It's because they're workcels who have families.

Teaching is a different skill set from actually doing it.
This response refuted his whole post. W
Guys c'mon. These doctors made supplements/drugs that allegedly reverse or at least slow cellular aging. Most boomers are stressed out because of their families. With the assistance of these supplements, the doctors featured here should have aged noticeably less than the average boomer. But they did not (or if they did, then barely). And also, here are two sources that show that being married usually helps people live longer and healthier than if they were single their whole lives.

So basically the scientists who look older are frauds because they aged, and the scientists who don't look older are also frauds because they obviously got work done to look younger.

What does an anti-aging scientist need to do to convince you their advice is legit? Because the way you're putting it, they cannot win.
Dude, you just proved my point. The only anti-aging scientist in my post who did not age is the one who relied on cosmetic procedures to look younger.
These Doctors are claiming that if you follow their advice and take their new supplements, you'll naturally look younger and won't need to get work done. But clearly, that's not true.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 17244, Schizoidcel, Deleted member 1901 and 1 other person
Guys c'mon. These doctors made supplements/drugs that allegedly reverse or at least slow cellular aging. Most boomers are stressed out because of their families. With the assistance of these supplements, the doctors featured here should have aged noticeably less than the average boomer. But they did not (or if they did, then barely). And also, here are two sources that show that being married usually helps people live longer and healthier than if they were single their whole lives.

Dude, you just proved my point. The only anti-aging scientist in my post who did not age is the one who relied on cosmetic procedures to look younger.
These Doctors are claiming that if you follow their advice and take their new supplements, you'll naturally look younger and won't need to get work done. But clearly, that's not true.
64FA9BB7 ABCE 454B 83CA 06C0EED126EC
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depends on how you feel on high protein. you cant beat that for bulking and growing muscle but optimal bodybuilding diets arent always optimal health. it doenst matter at your age tho i just practice it because i had depression and high cortisol and anxiety and peating cured it 99 percent. Try replacing the mackerel with oysters or shrimp for selenium and zinc. and get some liver in there.
yeah i’m 15 so i want to optimise growth, would it be alright to stick with this for now then switch it after puberty?
Thank you. To answer your question, I don't know. It's puzzled me for a while. I've looked at images of people and can't figure it out. For example, Person X at age 18 has perfect skin and hair. Then at age 22, Person X still has perfect skin and hair (because collagen levels don't start to decline until early 20's). Yet Person X at 22 looks unmistakably more mature facially than he did at 18. I mean, I would never mistakenly guess that X's 18 year old self was the same age or older than his 22 year old self if I was to look at the two images side-by-side. I guess in this example, the maturation is attributed to a slight increase in bone density, as I'm sure people don't stop developing at 18. I was just making a point by controlling for factors like skin and hair. It's not enough to maintain those to look the same age. So even if you give an old person perfect skin and hair, he will still look uncanny/unnatural. I guess it's volume loss from shrinking fat pads and bone loss. But still, in 2D images, it's fascinating how extremely subtle changes in facial volume give away a person's age. It's impossible for me to pinpoint where volume loss occurred, and by how much.

For a real world example, here is Michael Jackson in 1978 and 1983. Ignoring his nose surgery, I can't pinpoint exactly why he looks older in 1983.

View attachment 2208293View attachment 2208291
Hi! Excellent observations and post. I agree with you. I have pondered on this EXACT question myself. My conclusion is roughly the same as yours.

Volume loss and bone resorption as well as fascia elongation (the connective sheath that enwraps the facial muscle compartments).

These very subtle changes likely changes various ratios ever so slightly and the vector relationships between different bony landmarks that can be picked up by either a trained AI neural network or by the human eye (we have fusiform gyrus devoted to processing faces we are extremely efficient computational machines).

If that is the case then how do we address the underlying molecular biology processes that result in atrophy of the the deep fat pads and the ensuing shifting of the superficial ones? If the fat pads are made of preadipocytes and PPAR-gamma is a master transcription factor for adiposegenesis and we have small molecule agonists for it, would this be a good strategy?

I feel we need to understand (and then address) how the underlying molecular biology processes go awry with age in these tissues and then address these.
  • +1
Reactions: garoupilled_, Mr.Proper, looksseg and 2 others
Hi! Excellent observations and post. I agree with you. I have pondered on this EXACT question myself. My conclusion is roughly the same as yours.

Volume loss and bone resorption as well as fascia elongation (the connective sheath that enwraps the facial muscle compartments).

These very subtle changes likely changes various ratios ever so slightly and the vector relationships between different bony landmarks that can be picked up by either a trained AI neural network or by the human eye (we have fusiform gyrus devoted to processing faces we are extremely efficient computational machines).

If that is the case then how do we address the underlying molecular biology processes that result in atrophy of the the deep fat pads and the ensuing shifting of the superficial ones? If the fat pads are made of preadipocytes and PPAR-gamma is a master transcription factor for adiposegenesis and we have small molecule agonists for it, would this be a good strategy?

I feel we need to understand (and then address) how the underlying molecular biology processes go awry with age in these tissues and then address these.
iirc there are ways to replicate fat pads such as volufine but yeah it would ideal to maintain or regenerate them somehow. do you plan to make a thread on this or anythinfg? you seem pretty smart ngl
iirc there are ways to replicate fat pads such as volufine but yeah it would ideal to maintain or regenerate them somehow. do you plan to make a thread on this or anythinfg? you seem pretty smart ngl
Vollufine doesn’t really work. There are fillers but they mask the problem rather than address the root cause (which is regeneration as you said). And to do that you need to know the molecular players that go awry.

Fat pads - molecular players involved in adipose atrophy/ adipogenesis going awry (for deeper pads) combined with viscoelastic creep of the ligaments that hold the superficial pads in place under chronic gravitational pull. Addressing the material properties of the right ligaments could theoretically partially offset this as well as addressing atrophy/improper adipocyte differentiation for the deep fat pads.

For bone resorption, (the other big component) I am not sure. Mechanotransduction processes can certainly alter osteoblastic/osteoclastic balance and turnover of mineralized matrix. But how and why these are altered with age are ill defined.
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Hi! Excellent observations and post. I agree with you. I have pondered on this EXACT question myself. My conclusion is roughly the same as yours.

Volume loss and bone resorption as well as fascia elongation (the connective sheath that enwraps the facial muscle compartments).

These very subtle changes likely changes various ratios ever so slightly and the vector relationships between different bony landmarks that can be picked up by either a trained AI neural network or by the human eye (we have fusiform gyrus devoted to processing faces we are extremely efficient computational machines).

If that is the case then how do we address the underlying molecular biology processes that result in atrophy of the the deep fat pads and the ensuing shifting of the superficial ones? If the fat pads are made of preadipocytes and PPAR-gamma is a master transcription factor for adiposegenesis and we have small molecule agonists for it, would this be a good strategy?

I feel we need to understand (and then address) how the underlying molecular biology processes go awry with age in these tissues and then address these.
I'm not a scientist, so I've never heard some of the terminology you used. You clearly know more than I do about this subject. I'm just curious about aging. When I searched for an answer online, I didn't find much information about why fat pads atrophy. When I look for solutions, all I find are doctors trying to sell fillers and botox.

I think at this present time, volume loss is viewed as something that is inevitable as a person ages because aging is a disease with no cure. It makes sense of course. Once we successfully reproduce and raise our offspring, there is no reason, in terms of evolution, for us to continue to live. We're all supposed to get old and die so that we don't take resources from our offspring. Volume loss, other hallmarks of aging, and death are likely programed in our DNA.

It's disappointing when the best anti-aging advice from the world's leading scientists is to eat healthy, get enough sleep, and exercise, because these are all natural activities. But the natural progression of life is aging and death, so we can't expect to change nature (i.e. live longer) by just doing what is natural. We need to force nature to submit to our will. I hope Sinclair et. al. can one day cure aging, including being able to stop volume loss, but for now I think all we can do is cope with cosmetic procedures.

Have you had any success regarding slowing down the loss of facial fat pads with practical methods? I've been coping with volufiline and eating healthy fats like olive oil and nuts. I'll only consider stuff like fillers when it's absolutely necessary.
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What about the guys from this movie:

Or Liz Parrish?

I used to follow these people, but haven't looked them up lately. I think Liz Parrish is a sociopath, and the other two might be grifters, but at least they actually seemed to be trying.
Yeah at first I thought maybe there was methods available to artificially slow aging by a large degree. it would be a wonderful reality, but I eventually came to the same conclusion as you, that everything beneficial is not some “hack” but just having a natural lifestyle. It’s quite depressing knowing that your efforts will do very little.

The only exception to this is sun avoidance. Acting like you are a vampire is certainly not a natural lifestyle and seems to break the rule of anti-aging being just naturemaxxing. This is the one “hack”
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Thank you. To answer your question, I don't know. It's puzzled me for a while. I've looked at images of people and can't figure it out. For example, Person X at age 18 has perfect skin and hair. Then at age 22, Person X still has perfect skin and hair (because collagen levels don't start to decline until early 20's). Yet Person X at 22 looks unmistakably more mature facially than he did at 18. I mean, I would never mistakenly guess that X's 18 year old self was the same age or older than his 22 year old self if I was to look at the two images side-by-side. I guess in this example, the maturation is attributed to a slight increase in bone density, as I'm sure people don't stop developing at 18. I was just making a point by controlling for factors like skin and hair. It's not enough to maintain those to look the same age. So even if you give an old person perfect skin and hair, he will still look uncanny/unnatural. I guess it's volume loss from shrinking fat pads and bone loss. But still, in 2D images, it's fascinating how extremely subtle changes in facial volume give away a person's age. It's impossible for me to pinpoint where volume loss occurred, and by how much.

For a real world example, here is Michael Jackson in 1978 and 1983. Ignoring his nose surgery, I can't pinpoint exactly why he looks older in 1983.

View attachment 2208293View attachment 2208291
his buccal fat cheek area thinned out. thats the reason why asians often look younger, because they have excess buccal fat
  • +1
Reactions: autistic_tendencies
Yeah at first I thought maybe there was methods available to artificially slow aging by a large degree. it would be a wonderful reality, but I eventually came to the same conclusion as you, that everything beneficial is not some “hack” but just having a natural lifestyle. It’s quite depressing knowing that your efforts will do very little.

The only exception to this is sun avoidance. Acting like you are a vampire is certainly not a natural lifestyle and seems to break the rule of anti-aging being just naturemaxxing. This is the one “hack”
Yeah man, it's depressing because it's literally like having a terminal illness that will degrade your body gradually until death in like 7 decades. It's only considered normal because everyone faces it. But imagine a scenario where everyone is immortal and forever young, and then one person is diagnosed with a new and incurable disease that will slowly make his body decrepit. Everyone would think it's a horrible tragedy, the way we all think of cancer.

Regarding the sun, one of the hallmarks of aging is DNA damage caused by the sun, so eliminating this element could help people live longer than if they were to get too much sun all the time. But I think this strategy is very limited. As I said earlier in this thread, aging is an internal mechanism. E.g. the body starts to make less collagen after the age of 21, regardless of sun damage. So to make great progress in the fight against aging, scientists need to make some medical breakthroughs to force the body to remain in a youthful state.
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his buccal fat cheek area thinned out. thats the reason why asians often look younger, because they have excess buccal fat
That's a good catch. But I don't think that that 1 detail explains everything. He also plucked his eyebrows so that they looked thinner and more feminine in 1983. And changing one's eye area is usually much more significant than changing buccal fat. So my point is, despite his thicker, more masculine eye brows (and his wider nose) in 1978, he still looks younger in that image.

But even if you're right, you added support to my notion that having identical skin and hair quality isn't enough to look the same age as time passes. Beneath the skin is also very important.
I'm not a scientist, so I've never heard some of the terminology you used. You clearly know more than I do about this subject. I'm just curious about aging. When I searched for an answer online, I didn't find much information about why fat pads atrophy. When I look for solutions, all I find are doctors trying to sell fillers and botox.

I think at this present time, volume loss is viewed as something that is inevitable as a person ages because aging is a disease with no cure. It makes sense of course. Once we successfully reproduce and raise our offspring, there is no reason, in terms of evolution, for us to continue to live. We're all supposed to get old and die so that we don't take resources from our offspring. Volume loss, other hallmarks of aging, and death are likely programed in our DNA.

It's disappointing when the best anti-aging advice from the world's leading scientists is to eat healthy, get enough sleep, and exercise, because these are all natural activities. But the natural progression of life is aging and death, so we can't expect to change nature (i.e. live longer) by just doing what is natural. We need to force nature to submit to our will. I hope Sinclair et. al. can one day cure aging, including being able to stop volume loss, but for now I think all we can do is cope with cosmetic procedures.

Have you had any success regarding slowing down the loss of facial fat pads with practical methods? I've been coping with volufiline and eating healthy fats like olive oil and nuts. I'll only consider stuff like fillers when it's absolutely necessary.
Unfortunately, no. I haven't found anything to prevent the age-related changes in facial fat pads that are a major contributor to perceived facial age. We need to go back to basics for this. We need to understand their anatomy, interconnectedness with other deep facial tissues, the biology of adipogenesis in those fat pads and underlying molecular biology processes that go awry with aging in this particular tissue. Then we can identify target for small molecules (or repurpose existing drugs) and/or other interventions.

Fillers simply mask and it is just terribly low IQ as the underlying process continues unabated.
Unfortunately, no. I haven't found anything to prevent the age-related changes in facial fat pads that are a major contributor to perceived facial age. We need to go back to basics for this. We need to understand their anatomy, interconnectedness with other deep facial tissues, the biology of adipogenesis in those fat pads and underlying molecular biology processes that go awry with aging in this particular tissue. Then we can identify target for small molecules (or repurpose existing drugs) and/or other interventions.

Fillers simply mask and it is just terribly low IQ as the underlying process continues unabated.
fat grafting + lifting can take decades from ones face

what's your take on those?

also, maintenance of electrostimulation through russian current on face can prevent muscle thinning from aging and even turn white fiber muscles into red ones and prevent sagging to some degree, would like to see your opinion
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I'm not a scientist, so I've never heard some of the terminology you used. You clearly know more than I do about this subject. I'm just curious about aging. When I searched for an answer online, I didn't find much information about why fat pads atrophy. When I look for solutions, all I find are doctors trying to sell fillers and botox.

I think at this present time, volume loss is viewed as something that is inevitable as a person ages because aging is a disease with no cure. It makes sense of course. Once we successfully reproduce and raise our offspring, there is no reason, in terms of evolution, for us to continue to live. We're all supposed to get old and die so that we don't take resources from our offspring. Volume loss, other hallmarks of aging, and death are likely programed in our DNA.

It's disappointing when the best anti-aging advice from the world's leading scientists is to eat healthy, get enough sleep, and exercise, because these are all natural activities. But the natural progression of life is aging and death, so we can't expect to change nature (i.e. live longer) by just doing what is natural. We need to force nature to submit to our will. I hope Sinclair et. al. can one day cure aging, including being able to stop volume loss, but for now I think all we can do is cope with cosmetic procedures.

Have you had any success regarding slowing down the loss of facial fat pads with practical methods? I've been coping with volufiline and eating healthy fats like olive oil and nuts. I'll only consider stuff like fillers when it's absolutely necessary.
Sculptra is all you need.
Most of those guys arent doing the best anti-aging stuff and the strongest stuff doesnt slow it down much until close to 40 years old.

Plasma dilution/removal and removal of senescent cells are the 2 strongest things and taking calcium AKG will actually rewind the clock on the epigenome. Niacinamide for NAD+ is good also starting in mid 30s.
Why not start ASAP?
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Why not start ASAP?

On most people the body doesnt start giving bad enough aging signaling due to inflammation etc until about mid 30s to get much benefit from those things though I think technically the slowing of the repair process actually begins right after puberty.
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scientists think we will be able to cure aging in ~20 years

that’s how i cope
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