ANTI-LONELINESS STACK for people who will remain unmarried and childless

Wow jew this is the best 👍💯 think u ever posted on this site
I can't seem to figure you out
There are a lot of users here who either won't find a wife or who want to voluntarily stay unmarried and childless forever. Many of them are afraid of loneliness at old age and seem to be cynical and bitter about life, saying they want to rope at 40 or 50 and life is pointless, etc. This doesn't have to be the case. You can avoid loneliness even if you don't get married and have children. Here are some ways to achieve this.

1. Have good friends

You don't have to have 100 friends. But having 5-10 people who you are close too and can go out a few times a month are great. For example, you could watch with them football every weekend or go to cinema, bowling, etc. in the weekdays. You never have to be alone on the holidays and birthdays. And of course, you can share memes everyday that will make you both laugh and appreciate your brother in humor.

2. Have a rotation of FWB

You need to keep your hair, stay lean and have a skincare routine. Then, you have to play the numbers game. If you have a FWB who you can see once every two weeks, you would need 4 different FWB to have sex at least 2 times a week. In your 30s, you can still get women in her 20s, after 40-45 you need to resort to MILF in her 30s or 40s (divorcees, single moms, married women, etc.). You can find them in dating apps, bars, through social circle, cold approach or speed-dating events.

3. Have a social job

If you have a job in which you need to see a lot of people everyday, you will never feel lonely. Jobs that are very social are: Bartender, salesperson, event planner, reporter, fitness instructor, travel guide, etc. The point is to meet NEW people every year, not to meet the same group of people everyday in the office, and to not have too much stress at work (like if you were therapist, teacher/professor or trial attorney, who meet a lot of new people every year).

4. Go to meetups and vacations

You shouldn't only go out with your friends. Meet new people regularly. Some of them can become new friends. You can search events at, or just search yourself for specific clubs and activities. There's always new activities to discover and people to meet. If you want, you could also volunteer for people in need. Also, travel the world. Visit Spain, Egypt, Peru, Cambodia, etc. Make pictures, taste from the local cuisine, maybe even make new friends there, you never know.

5. Have a dog

One of the easiest ways to cure loneliness is the company of a dog. A dog will love you unconditionally, will entertain you, force you to leave the house, and everyone will be friendly to you if they see you walking with him. And when you're in a street and you see a fast car driving by, the dog will look at you and you will look at him and you will both think "Have you heard this?" Even such small moments will make you feel better.

6. Have a purpose

This is hard, but it's probably the best way to feel great about yourself. Have an important mission, a goal for life that will take decades to achieve. And I don't mean visit all countries in the world or have a 1k laycount, I mean something that will show the world your talents and give you a legacy. You could write a series of history books, work on a technological innovation or become a looksmaxing consultant. When you are on your death bed, this will be the thing that you will leave behind.

Other basics

- Get your sleep schedule right
- Workout regularly
- Cut toxic people off your life
- Avoid addictive behaviors (food, porn, social media)
- Save and invest your money

Have a backup plan

If nothing works and you still feel lonely at 50, you should have a backup plan. Freeze your sperm when you are 30, it can survive for 40 years. Clint Eastwood had a kid with 56, Quentin Tarantino with 58. This is not ideal, but it's possible for men. And you could have a kid in your 50's who will get the sperm you had when you were 30. The mother could be either a woman in her mid-late 30's from your country or a JBW-maxxed younger woman from abroad.

I'm also gonna make a thread about how to increase your chances to have a SUCCESSFUL MARRIAGE and SUCCESSFUL CHILDREN, so that users here who are afraid of marriage and kids could really think it through and not take decisions they will regret later on.
Good thread, if things TOTALLY go tits up for me, which I'm sure they won't, I can always get an arranged marriage tbh... That's not the plan however
  • +1
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