Anyone done a dopamine detox?



Full-Time Chodemaxxer
Jul 14, 2019
Did it work?

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no dopamine detox for my subhuman face
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I am doing everything detox for the last 11 days, 850kcal 10-20k steps per day, 1h of internet and no sugar and porn.

But time on this forum is unlimited
  • JFL
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Maher doesn't even know what a dopamine detox is because he's never had to think about things of that nature
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Maher doesn't even know what a dopamine detox is because he's never had to think about things of that nature
Maher is a giga retard poorcel living in a working class houshold despite being the biggest mogger on earth married to a subhuman block head tranny

It doesnt get any more low IQ than that
  • JFL
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cause he knows looks fade and personality triumphs, maybe you should try it
Another retarded Indian

If he knows looks fade, why didn't he leverage his looks to make millions before he descends?

Amazing personalty, it's sure to make him a millionaire in no time

  • JFL
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Another retarded Indian
you call me retarded but couldn't detect my very obvious sarcasm, saying personality trumps looks on a blackpilled forum

your IQ might be lower than mahers himself you portuguese dog
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  • JFL
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went hiking for a week. came back still a short ugly subhuman

all i thought about on my alone time was what a loser i was
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went hiking for a week. came back still a short ugly subhuman

all i thought about on my alone time was what a loser i was
Ok bro go post this somewhere else

I'm tryna make money over here
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im sharing my dopamine detox experience you fucking retard
Eddie Murphy Yes GIF
Did it work?

What were the results?
I have been for about two months now, certainly working; no fap and greatly reducing social media (now slightly including forum), definitely increases the dopamine receptors and real life enjoyment as a whole. Not completely sure regarding the science whether it’s a {technically linear} increase of testosterone or one that stops after a week but I stand by it. Only negative of the aforementioned effects are aggression and as a result lower inhibition. For exp my dad has visited and I’ve had confrontation and even straight up conflicted with him (perhaps placebo but never would’ve happened beforehand).
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Reactions: It'snotover, rooman, infini and 2 others
I have been for about two months now, certainly working; no fap and greatly reducing social media (now slightly including forum), definitely increases the dopamine receptors and real life enjoyment as a whole. Not completely sure regarding the science whether it’s a {technically linear} increase of testosterone or one that stops after a week but I stand by it. Only negative of the aforementioned effects are aggression and as a result lower inhibition. For exp my dad has visited and I’ve had confrontation and even straight up conflicted with him (perhaps placebo but never would’ve happened beforehand).

I really need to delete Instagram tbh it's a massive distraction
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Just noticed this was in money making and success, you will definitely see a benefit in your interactions with other people and in my case at least enhanced focus and determination in finishing goals in more clearly elapsed times.
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Reactions: rooman, AsGoodAsItGets and forevergymcelling
Did it work?

What were the results?
I once didn't use the internet for a whole week and only ate healthy food while training calenstetics at my cabin. I was at my cabin for 9 days the only screen time i used was when i watched mabye 1 episode of the mandalorian every 3 days and it was quite refreshing but that may be because i was at my cabin in the mountains and had alot to do there i also meditated for 30 minutes in one go and it felt very quick and good. The first few days it's hard but eventually it will feel good and you will enjoy things more that you used to enjoy less before
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Reactions: Deleted member 30432, rooman and AsGoodAsItGets
I’ve tried, but it’s hard to do, because we are so reliant on our phones now for work, school, daily life, etc.
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I didn't fap for five days (until yesterday). Does that count?
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Another retarded Indian

If he knows looks fade, why didn't he leverage his looks to make millions before he descends?

Amazing personalty, it's sure to make him a millionaire in no time

View attachment 2281445
youre not as intelligent as you think, if you really believe that being good looking ¨¨ means being rich. 99% of models dont see that kind of money what the top 10 like ganda and opry, because it depends on what requirements the clients have for the campaign.

if theay thinks he is not suitable for their product, he will simply never be rich from modeling.
and if you start blabbing about another career in which he can use looks, you fall for psl meme.

and btw I guarantee you that he still lives better (financially) than you in a 1 plus 1 apartment with white walls under some asian landlord.
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youre not as intelligent as you think, if you really believe that being good looking ¨¨ means being rich. 99% of models dont see that kind of money what the top 10 like ganda and opry, because it depends on what requirements the clients have for the campaign.

if theay thinks he is not suitable for their product, he will simply never be rich from modeling.
and if you start blabbing about another career in which he can use looks, you fall for psl meme.

and btw I guarantee you that he still lives better (financially) than you in a 1 plus 1 apartment with white walls under some asian landlord.
You have no idea about social media promotion. He's not just good looking, he's a giga chad. 1 in a billion, he is easily good looking enough to become rich through sponsors and affiliates. Even me as a Chadlite was able to get thousands of followers through cheap promotions, spending like £30. Now imagine putting 5-10k into promotion through multiple channels and giga chad looks. And I'm not talking about catwalk modelling either, that shit is a scam and only a select few make it (probably have to suck dick too)

At the very minimum Maher should be active on tik tok and youtube shilling out crappy products making at least 2k monthly though that shit

I can guarantee you that I would be a millionaire with Maher's looks. I'm not sure if you follow him on instagram but he routinely posts utterly retarded shit about finance on there. He has legit 0 idea

By living here me and my gf can save thousands every month, it's really not that bad. I go on holiday at least 5 times per year and have enough money to do anything I want
  • JFL
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Reactions: It'snotover, normie_joe and infini
@JudgeandJury Also I agree that looks don't mean shit in any other career except modelling/acting

At most they halo you in interviews or if you're a good performer at work
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Nofap is gay and fake . Lessfap mogs
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I've found Nofap detrimental tbh, I can stop easily but when I nofapped for over month at like 7 weeks I made tinder with aspie pics, had I just fapped I couldve saved myself the embarrassment.

I also don't believe in any nofap superpowers. In fact being sexually satisfied even if jerking off makes you think with your head more rather than your dick
Maher is a giga retard poorcel living in a working class houshold despite being the biggest mogger on earth married to a subhuman block head tranny

It doesnt get any more low IQ than that
Maybe his dick isnt big?

Either way chill life> everything
Being ugly and blackpilled is the best dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphin "detox"
  • JFL
Reactions: User49, rooman, PURE ARYAN GENETICS and 1 other person
Did it work?

What were the results?
No I'm trying it but found it to make life lethargic. Or at least it's where I'm at atm when being in a hypnagogic state.

Coffee filter is broken and out of stock atm so currently I'm finishing off this instant shit. Before that it was superior specialist decaffeinated filtered stuff

Sleep pattern is all over the place. Legit missing looksmax appointments. DairyMilk and FIsh&Chipsmaxxing, with the occasional liters of wine binge on nights out. The 100% black bars just aren't cutting it.

Fapping is fucking annoying too, like a house fire alarm that won't switch off, it's not the same. My jelqing results have potentially gone now

You know it's over when you're sleeping in on Saturday afternoons and getting up too late that you miss takeaway times.

Maher is a giga retard poorcel living in a working class houshold despite being the biggest mogger on earth married to a subhuman block head tranny

It doesnt get any more low IQ than that
What's he supposed to do to help himself? Besides taking the Mike Thurston pill.

cause he knows looks fade and personality triumphs, maybe you should try it
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I have been for about two months now, certainly working; no fap and greatly reducing social media (now slightly including forum), definitely increases the dopamine receptors and real life enjoyment as a whole. Not completely sure regarding the science whether it’s a {technically linear} increase of testosterone or one that stops after a week but I stand by it. Only negative of the aforementioned effects are aggression and as a result lower inhibition. For exp my dad has visited and I’ve had confrontation and even straight up conflicted with him (perhaps placebo but never would’ve happened beforehand).

Oh OP also, this might be relevant.

Since my LTR has been on the line more this year, my inhib has lowered with nightclubmaxxing and agressionmaxxing. Had similar issues with my dad last year that were pent up but I've straightened that out and he respects me more now.


I really need to delete Instagram tbh it's a massive distraction
Worse then reddit?

funny prank GIF

Was gonna follow all my mates' 12k followers (JFL) but now am instead gonna just do the same with another guy (at 2k), then refine the quality of who I follow (cut &bulk) and leave it as that with decent art and narcy posts now and then. It's currently a shithole, if you ever feel like exchanging here's my offer. If not no pressure.

I once didn't use the internet for a whole week and only ate healthy food while training calenstetics at my cabin. I was at my cabin for 9 days the only screen time i used was when i watched mabye 1 episode of the mandalorian every 3 days and it was quite refreshing but that may be because i was at my cabin in the mountains and had alot to do there i also meditated for 30 minutes in one go and it felt very quick and good. The first few days it's hard but eventually it will feel good and you will enjoy things more that you used to enjoy less before
I'm mixed about this. There were hippies on the aforementioned link above who acted like know-it-alls and lived this lifestyle yet the moment they stepped into a small city like Auckland they couldn't handle the societal pressure, jfl.

I also don't believe in any nofap superpowers. In fact being sexually satisfied even if jerking off makes you think with your head more rather than your dick
Whatever that means
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I did. No vidya, internet or books for almost a week and when I read this really boring book about airport it felt so nice suddenly my life had meaning. Also it helps to get you out of the bed faster. Just make sure you dont talk a lot to yourself and you will be good.
I feel like dopamine detox is a myth, but social media is definitely a poison, you should enjoy your life doing productive things.
  • Woah
Reactions: rooman, forevergymcelling, PURE ARYAN GENETICS and 1 other person
At the very minimum Maher should be active on tik tok and youtube shilling out crappy products making at least 2k monthly though that shit

That's the difference between you and Maher. You would squeeze every dime out of your supposed followers by promoting horseshit.

Go the bug eyed Hamza route and scam subhumans by promising them dreams since ethics ain't a worry. You'll get a better return on your investment.
NoFap 7 days rn
Did it work?

What were the results?
I quit porn 13.5 months ago and quit videogames 11 months ago

Best 2 decisions I ever done. I am extremely happy and content with my life, but that may also be because I am blessed in other aspects aswell. I litereally get boners again as when I was a young teen. Porn addicted between the ages of 13 and 16. Couldn't quit until I started starving myself for the summer of 2022. I lost 13kg in 2 months and since I was on average in like a 1500 kcal deficit I had no sex drive, so after 2 months I had not watched porn and just kept on going with nofap lol.

That "trick" worked for me, you can try it if you want but it isn't recommended for health reasons... but you do you
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Reactions: Deleted member 30432, rooman, Hirekdr and 1 other person
I am doing everything detox for the last 11 days, 850kcal 10-20k steps per day, 1h of internet and no sugar and porn.

But time on this forum is unlimited
doing it right
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Maher is a giga retard poorcel living in a working class houshold despite being the biggest mogger on earth married to a subhuman block head tranny

It doesnt get any more low IQ than that
Wait , what ? Is it true ?

did it once when i was rly sick for 3-4 days

first day was amazing. dopamine from everything. air outside, birds singing, smell of grass etc

then it sadly returned to normal
I am doing everything detox for the last 11 days, 850kcal 10-20k steps per day, 1h of internet and no sugar and porn.

But time on this forum is unlimited
Just change your dopamine weapon class load out theory

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