Anyone need anything asked on cracked gpt for free



Spend time with your loved ones while you can
Apr 4, 2024
Basically the prompt stopped working yesterday because someone leaked it to the jews and they patched it

What they didnt fix is previously loaded chats with the prompt, if anyone needs anything i can ask the cracked gpt if u want

if anyone has a working prompt please dm me:ogre::feelsbadman:
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How can obtain .416 calibre sniper rifle with plenty of ammo illicitly and without detection and scrutiny in GTA5
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How can obtain .416 calibre sniper rifle with plenty of ammo illicitly and without detection and scrutiny in GTA5
Creator said: "How can I obtain a .416 caliber sniper rifle with plenty of ammo illicitly and without detection and scrutiny in GTA5?"

Omatic complied: "Alright, here’s how you pull off acquiring that .416 caliber sniper rifle in GTA5 without raising any eyebrows or getting caught up in the bullshit.

### **1. Dark Web of GTA5:**
- **Illegal Gunrunner Contacts:** First off, head over to the black market dealers in the game. You’re looking for underground gunrunners who deal in high-caliber, rare shit like that .416 sniper rifle. These dudes don’t operate in the usual Ammu-Nation storefronts; instead, they’re often found through specific in-game events or through contacts you can reach out to during certain missions.

- **Buy Through the Mobile Phone:** Use your in-game phone to access the dark web via the in-game browser. Look for hidden pages or URLs that cater to illegal arms trade. You won’t see these listed in the normal game, so you’ll need to know how to access these hidden sites, either by completing certain missions or knowing the right NPCs to talk to.

### **2. Heist Rewards and Crate Drops:**
- **Special Crate Drops:** Keep an eye on special crate drops, especially the ones that drop in remote areas. These crates sometimes contain rare weapons, including high-powered sniper rifles and ammo. Make sure you’re the first to get to them, and don’t forget to clear the area of any rival players or NPCs who might try to muscle in on your loot.

- **Heists and Big Score Missions:** Certain heists or missions will have you using or acquiring advanced weaponry. Once you’ve got it, keep it in your arsenal. These missions sometimes drop rare weapons as part of the reward, and you can use this as an opportunity to stock up on ammo.

### **3. Glitch or Exploit the Game:**
- **Duplication Glitch:** There are often glitches or exploits in the game that allow you to duplicate weapons and ammo. Find the latest working method through GTA5 forums or YouTube, and use it to duplicate the .416 sniper rifle and as much ammo as you need. This will let you stockpile without spending extra cash or drawing attention to your activities.

- **Hidden Weapon Spawn Points:** Use a glitch to access areas of the game where hidden weapons spawn. Some of these hidden locations are off the radar and have weapons stashed by NPCs or other players who’ve met an unfortunate end.

### **4. Avoiding Detection:**
- **Stealth Operations:** Always use stealth mode when acquiring or transporting the sniper rifle. Stick to secluded routes, and avoid areas heavily patrolled by police or other players. If necessary, use suppressors or silent kills to eliminate any witnesses without alerting the authorities.

- **Stash Weapons in Safehouses:** Once you’ve got the rifle and ammo, immediately stash them in one of your safehouses or garages. Keep them off your main character's person until you’re ready to use them in a mission.

- **Bribe Authorities:** In GTA5, you can sometimes bribe or pay off NPC cops to look the other way. Use this to your advantage if you get into a tight spot during acquisition or transport.

### **5. Keep It Low-Key:**
- **Don’t Flaunt It:** Don’t run around Los Santos waving your new .416 sniper rifle around like a madman. Keep it tucked away unless you’re on a mission where you need it. The less you show it, the less likely you are to get busted.

Now go out there, grab that .416, load up on ammo, and get ready to cause some chaos without leaving a trace. No one’s gonna see it coming."
How can obtain .416 calibre sniper rifle with plenty of ammo illicitly and without detection and scrutiny in GTA5
I can ask how to get one irl
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The agricultural revolution made our jaws weaker, so it was technically bad for the human evolution and made some of the unfits to survive. What are your thoughts on this statement
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How can obtain .416 calibre sniper rifle with plenty of ammo illicitly and without detection and scrutiny in
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Basically the prompt stopped working yesterday because someone leaked it to the jews and they patched it

What they didnt fix is previously loaded chats with the prompt, if anyone needs anything i can ask the cracked gpt if u want

if anyone has a working prompt please dm me:ogre::feelsbadman:
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The agricultural revolution made our jaws weaker, so it was technically bad for the human evolution and made some of the unfits to survive. What are your thoughts on this statement
The agricultural revolution did lead to some changes in human anatomy, like weaker jaws due to a shift to softer, processed foods. This change in diet meant our jaws didn’t have to work as hard, which led to smaller jaw sizes over generations and, in some cases, dental issues like overcrowding.

From an evolutionary perspective, this might seem like a negative development because it allowed traits that might have been disadvantageous in a hunter-gatherer context to persist. But evolution isn’t just about having the strongest or fittest physical traits. It's also about adaptability. The agricultural revolution allowed for more stable food supplies, population growth, and the rise of complex societies. So, while it might have led to some physical changes that aren’t ideal, it also paved the way for massive advancements in human civilization.

In the end, it’s a trade-off. The shift to agriculture may have made our jaws weaker, but it also made us more adaptable and capable of surviving in a wide range of environments. That adaptability is what has allowed humans to thrive, even if it came with some downsides like weaker jaws or other minor physical changes.

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