Anyone on anti aging supplements?

I just bought:

* NAD+ supplement, basically NR (nicotinamide riboside). imo NMN moggs, but expensive so I chose NR. I did in the past Niacin for NAD boosting, but the red flushes I got were giga brutals for long time, so I stopped. Pr
omising reults just came in on NMNH. I hope it will be in the future produced. It has popential to be better and cheaper than bot NMN and NR.

* reseveratrol. I alreayd us daily for some time

* Berbine and Metformin, I dunno about. I dont'use.

* I will also now buy. Hyalronic acid supplement.

I use at this moment already, also:
* astanxthin/betab cartone (not anti aging, but for skin tone not being pale as fuck for I avoid sun a bit)
* K2 + D3 combo vitaime. For bone maxxing
* zinc/Saw Palmetto
* ocassionally vish oil suppllment, but I prefer to just eat fish regularly.
* i forget often, but glycine I aim to take before sleep. ideally having done a workout in the evening.
Stop taking fish oil and eating fish. It's unhealthy af
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Dr. Raypeat wrote some very interesting things about aging Control+ F "aging" you will find some interesting articles.

I think being in a low stress euphoric state constantly is more important than anly supplements.
this. just have a good diet tbh
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Cope list, your fat pads, sagging facial muscles, and hairline are the only things to note that makes people look giga oldcel. Maybe spf 50+ sunscreen for every waking minute that you are alive, if you still have glowing JB skin.

Plenty of roided up jersey shore flamingo's still look 30-40 even though theyre youthmaxxing with research chemicals up the ass JFL

Facial exercises, having oily skin (genetics) and constant forward maxilla force are the only things that you should be doing to anti age. theres a theory that growing up in high altitude climates ages you the best, since gravity pulls on you at a lower rate over time, and something having to do with thin air and your DNA becoming slower.
Hey, do you know what facial exercises to do for youthmaxxing??

Prolonged dry fasting is the best anti aging supplement, and its free too.
Is Dry fasting really healthy? Compared to water fasting? From what I know, humans can only survive without water for 3 days right?

Anti-oxidants are worthless if a diet is oxidative (ie moderate-high in carbs and PUFAs). The aggressive marketing of anti-oxidants is something of a scam since it doesn't account for this. Most people would get far more mileage out of removing oxidative stress from their diets rather than taking anti-oxidants, which by the way aren't shown to be anywhere near as effective in human studies as they are in a chemistry experiment.
It's kind of hard to avoid carbs if you have a vegetarian diet. Is there anyway to avoid this? Got a solution??
you need to research bro. there's no need taking 10 different things when most of the have the same exact effects on the body..

like guys who take 2g+ of vitamin C a day.. LOL. your body uses 100mg and sends the other 1900mg into the ... toilet

the best antioxidant in the world (clove), multivitamin, the best legal testosterone booster (fenugreek seeds).. that's about it for anti-age using current tech
How much cloves do you eat per day?

Also Metaformin from what I heard before caused mitochondrial damage where as this other new diabetes drug didn't, I forgot, it was on like Leo with Longevity Video which talked about this.

Also anyone know any good collagen + elastin supplements??
I plan on taking this anti aging stack:

Either NMN or nicotinamide riboside. Dont know which to chose yet.
Not sure on Metformin, since its not a good combination for bodybuilding.

Anyone on the same stack, or has some tips for me?
Idk if Heliocare is anti aging based since it blocks out sun rays but I take that
best anti aging stack is good genetics tbhngl

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