Are curries high T?

But what if you think about my reverse theory here?

Prolonged cortisol = lower cortisol sensitivity in vascular tissues. Cortisol is extremely diurnal as I claimed before, varying up to 300%. It seems that constant cortisol levels produces the least cortisol effect in the long-term in vascular tissues.

So cushing's is actually low cortisol effect in vascular tissues, but it will still continue to have effect in peripheral tissues because the cortisol sensitivity there doesn't vary much as there is mega-load of receptors everywhere that just regenerate faster than the cortisol can desensitize them.

So in peripheral there is a lot of cortisol effect going on such as bone and muscle wasting, but in vascular the opposite is happening with low cortisol effect. Cortisol is protein wasting, so it makes sense that it on it's own can cause hair thinning and hair loss. But of course high cortisol will crash hormone levels as well, which means even more hair thinning as E1 and E2 are lowered.

Either way I think having lower E is worse than benefits of having lower DHT for hair loss, E stimulates hair growth a lot.
sounds solid, i will reply tomorrow
I'm not gonna post why, I just posted like a long comment of evidence but deleted it, I don't want normies getting hold of this, eating during high cortisol effect (high cortisol + high cortisol sensitivity) = mega healthy. Also getting strong deja vu effects right now, I must have came onto something big.
Pm me, no idea what you are up to
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they are high t, high e, low dht, low dhea

asians are highest T lowest DHT race

opposite are blacks

this also gives you a good idea what dht does in a human body
>asian are high T
Sure, ricecel
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contrary to popular belief high E is often responsible for agression more than high T.
think about how moody high E women are.
now add androgens to that --> violence

E is also needed for sexual function
its really complicated. but also interesting how different hormonal patterns are reflective in behaviour

I once tried pansterone from idealabs (dhea+pregnenolone) and had apart from the dhea some E conversion from the preg. I'm generally very low E, maybe too low. When some drunk guy shouted after me when I was on my bike I stopped it and pushed him to the ground.
Usually I would simply not give a fuck. This is very atypical for me when not drunk and my pride isn't at stake.

So violence is mostly some weird estrogenic androgenic mix if you ask me
Beta cuck Cope
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Idk about the balding. I searched Pubmed and no hormonal differences were found between blading and non-blading except that people that were balding had way less SHBG, which means much more free androgens. Of course there's also genes that matter.

Another thing was they were more prone to insulin resistance, which is typical of low SHBG tbh.

But no difference in estrogen, DHT, T. Slightly higher DHEA levels for balding men.
This is correct
im balding hard af and my SHBG is very very low my dht is high and my free T is high

serum test is only like 550
Most of them are low inhib as hell, NT and blue-pilled, I wish I was curry sometimes
Yeah cortisol seems to be the main hormone that has something to do with facial fattening.

For example effects some effects of prednisone:

Love ya to the moonface and back! | Colitis Ninja

only 21 days of prednisone:

Embracing my new moon face. Day 1 of prednisone vs. Day 21. : CrohnsDisease

I actually have this theory that low cortisol effect is responsible for facial fattening. For example I've posted research that eating during cortisol peak actually reduces visceral fat.

People on prednisone gain a lot of visceral and facial fat, which makes sense as it is typically taken in the morning. It's half-life is only 2-3 hours, so by the time it's evening the prednisone effects will wear off and cortisol receptor sensitivity will be minimal. So once the user consumes a big dinner his face will swell up.

In theory cortisol is anti-lipogenic. Facial and visceral fat are correlated and both are very vascular, so cortisol probably has strong effects there. But lacks of cortisol might be very lipogenic in contrast.

I recently tried skipping dinner and only eating breakfast and I've reduced facial fat a bit, it's hard to say since I've been only doing it for days, but I'll try it at least for a few months to see if it helps with facial bloat. In theory it should since big breakfasts reduce visceral fat which is correlated strongly to facial fat. I also noticed that even though I'm losing weight it seems to be mostly from my stomach now, but then again I don't have much fat anywhere except stomach, butt and face. My skin thickness on my thighs and arms is like in the 2-3mm range xd.

My very anecdotal evidence is that most people's faces thin out when they're stressed during exams, so I feel like in short-term high cortisol reduces facial fat. But in long-term the combination of adrenal burn-out plus cortisol receptor sensitivity falling produces a state of extremely low cortisol effect, which causes facial weight gain. Cortisol is a diurnal hormone, varying by as much as 300% between it's high-state and low-state.

I'd imagine eating around workouts is most beneficial to visceral fat/facial fat, but highest cortisol levels with highest cortisol sensitivity is probably in the morning right as you wake up. It's definitely something to test.
I think the faces lean out bc of chronically elevated adrenaline
After the stress cortisol takes over and you have rebound bloat
I think stress mediated hair loss might work the same way - partly
Adrenaline DEFINITELY shrinks your flaccid D. Go fasted on a run and you will know what I’m talking about.
Now if you have permanently elevated adrenaline and small flaccid hang, I imagine absence of bloodflow and gravital forces will make your d develop less. Thats my theory though
A significant part of big D development involves low Adrenaline during developmental years. Can't remember the rest
Its just that High T aryan race migrated into india and produced high T children.
overactive adrenals

when I gain weight I dont even get fat, i just get bigger. the fat storage is in shoulders and arms mostly.
whereas most subhumans gain weight around waist and grow tits. however they are more likely to keep their hair.


That made me remember this guy - Bonecrusher Smith. The guy could gain from 225 to 260 and it would just be solid looking weight even though he had the same muscle mass probably. Other Boxers could gain 20 pounds and go from being really cut to real sloppy fat looking.

The Norwood Reaper gave him an early visit also.
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