
Insane acension, how much was the forsus btw? And how long ago have you started taking MK? Mirin hard btw
I don’t know because my parents payed for it but insurance probably covers it, 4 months ago
  • JFL
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It fucked me up in a lot of different ways so it probably did, I know for sure that it intensified the overbite that I already had and fucked up my eye area
Why would losing molars/ fixing overbite etc affect eye area jfl

@ReadBooksEveryday this is a good one,

yadda yadda.
15 when I was obese and manlet (5’8), 16- early 17 with severe overbite and lack of masculine dimorphism. I am 18 now. I hardmaxxed to fix my recessed jaw/severe overbite, orthodontist had me on Forsus appliance for almost a year to correct my bite, have pretty good genetics apart from that and most of this was softmaxxing. Puberty came in hard in the last 10 months and completely flipped my dimorphism, currently stacking mk-677 with enclomaphine even though im already 6’1 because I’m a looksmax autist
...and then down the line, this pendejo counterfeit artist admits finally:
I was 15 and 5’9, put 5’8 as a mistake,
My father is 6’2 and my mother is 5’6 so my height is just genetic, I’m currently on mk-677 rn to see if I can squeeze out a little bit more height by maximizing my hgh production, pretty sure my growth plates aren’t closed yet because I have grown an inch in the past year

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  • JFL
Reactions: Clouds006
Why would losing molars/ fixing overbite etc affect eye area jfl
Removing molars fucks everything up, literally the most horrific thing they can do to you

Removing molars fucks everything up, literally the most horrific thing they can do to you

@MakinItHappen verdct? Too late at night to be reading all that link atm so any heads-up will do. Looks like incel, low-Tist cope since I've had my infant (?) molars removed for invisalign purposes.
  • JFL
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Just be fat theory is legit
That way u can actually gain smv the only way that's not surgery
15 when I was obese and manlet (5’8), 16- early 17 with severe overbite and lack of masculine dimorphism. I am 18 now. I hardmaxxed to fix my recessed jaw/severe overbite, orthodontist had me on Forsus appliance for almost a year to correct my bite, have pretty good genetics apart from that and most of this was softmaxxing. Puberty came in hard in the last 10 months and completely flipped my dimorphism, currently stacking mk-677 with enclomaphine even though im already 6’1 because I’m a looksmax autist
I relate to bro
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  • +1
  • JFL
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Why would losing molars/ fixing overbite etc affect eye area jfl

@ReadBooksEveryday this is a good one,

yadda yadda.

...and then down the line, this pendejo counterfeit artist admits finally:



  • IMG_6240.webp
    46.1 KB · Views: 0
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
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It is what (good) orthodontists will use to bring recessed mandibles foward correcting the bite in the process
Can you advise me in regard to my asymmetrical mandible? Can an orthodontist also help with that or should I go to someone else/do something else/softmaxx (asymmetry is minimal and not easily noticeable)?
If this is legit, then: yes you did, heavily so , congratulations!
  • +1
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Can you advise me in regard to my asymmetrical mandible? Can an orthodontist also help with that or should I go to someone else/do something else/softmaxx (asymmetry is minimal and not easily noticeable)?
Send me pictures of all profiles in pm
@Clouds006 why did u get teeth extracted?
do you suggest to take enclomaphine by itself without mk-677? whats your experience with your stack (mk-677/enclo)
I saw ur tiktok, mirin hard
  • +1
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do you suggest to take enclomaphine by itself without mk-677? whats your experience with your stack (mk-677/enclo)
If your still growing No, enclo will slightly lower your gh production, this is where mk comes in and raises it more than enclo lowers it, enclo for test and mk for gh production.
do you suggest to take enclomaphine by itself without mk-677? whats your experience with your stack (mk-677/enclo)
I haven’t experienced any negative side affects beside constant phlegm inflammation.

I am still developing at 18 so it’s give anything I have experienced such as height, bone mass, dimorphism, ect full credibility based on the stack because the increase of those things could have been natural. All I can confirm is that my testosterone levels are currently atleast at 1000 ng/dl (was in the mid 700s naturally) and I just have very high sex drive / things feel more euphoric / mild strength gains but nothing out of this world.

Enclo is good but it won’t get your testosterone levels past the natural threshold (around 1200 ng/dl) like actual test will

If you want serious results just inject test tbh, will probably fuck you over in the long run.
The fuck every 18 year old i meet here is 6'1 too
Mostly larpers, don’t believe everything you see on here, I could be larping to you at this very moment (I’m not) but take it as you will
If your still growing No, enclo will slightly lower your gh production, this is where mk comes in and raises it more than enclo lowers it, enclo for test and mk for gh production.
what source did you buy from and how pricey is it?
Huge ascension
How long did you wear that orthodontic piece for?
I haven’t experienced any negative side affects beside constant phlegm inflammation.

I am still developing at 18 so it’s give anything I have experienced such as height, bone mass, dimorphism, ect full credibility based on the stack because the increase of those things could have been natural. All I can confirm is that my testosterone levels are currently atleast at 1000 ng/dl (was in the mid 700s naturally) and I just have very high sex drive / things feel more euphoric / mild strength gains but nothing out of this world.

Enclo is good but it won’t get your testosterone levels past the natural threshold (around 1200 ng/dl) like actual test will

If you want serious results just inject test tbh, will probably fuck you over in the long run.
also any physique improovments, like faster rest times? and better muscle growth?
i saw you somewhere, tiktok?
also any physique improovments, like faster rest times? and better muscle growth?
Just more strength and no muscle wasting, before I started my max bench was 305 now I hit 315x2 and 305x5
i saw you somewhere, tiktok?
Yeah I used to get millions of views on there before I got molested by content strikes /shadowbans
Huge ascension
How long did you wear that orthodontic piece for?
11 months with a 2 month break sometime in the middle
  • +1
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11 months with a 2 month break sometime in the middle
Legit man
You’re parents are good people bro
I bet women act different towards you than before
  • +1
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Again, learn to bait.
Legit man
You’re parents are good people bro
I bet women act different towards you than before
i was never around women before because i never got invited to anything, i was practically invisible, it’s different now
  • +1
Reactions: aber and nofap
Swiss chems, it’s cheap
what should one take alongside mk 677, ik berberine is needed to counteract the spike in blood pressure, but what else do i need to look out for
good job nigger, i hope i will be this one day
How tall were you when you just turned 17 I’m 16 gonna turn in July but 5’9-5’10 rn
Excepted the haircut
Doable is an understatement but great is an overstatement, it’s a good height unless if you live in Northern Europe, I promise you that the vast majority of people online height fraud, 5’11 barefoot is good.

I’ve been on mk for about 4 months and enclo for 2, going to take another bottle of each which lasts about 2 months and then stop atleast Mk completely because I don’t want to end up getting diabetes or anything like that.

Most noticeable affect is no muscle wasting and better sleep, it also may have (not confirming) improved my bone density. Enclo just raises your test up to peak natural levels but nothing more

Only negative affect from MK that I have experienced is pretty much always having phlegm congestion but you get used to it.

I advise anyone who wants to hop on anything to do in depth research first, and understand that side affects will vary per person, just because I haven’t had negative side affects doesn’t mean someone else won’t
Enclomophine lowers IGF-1 levels, so utilizing mk-677 could be a good collateral. You can also avoid diabetes by taking metformin or simply taking a week off from mk.

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