Asian beta gets his woman stolen by skinny white normie JBW confirmed

Deleted member 6789

Deleted member 6789

May 4, 2020
  • JFL
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Reactions: ChestBrah, Britishlooksmaxxer, BigBoy and 23 others
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  • JFL
Reactions: Britishlooksmaxxer, Deleted member 1680, goat2x and 18 others
Fuck this is the most brutal pill the race pill is usually equivlent yo being 5 4
Just an average night for a white normie.
JFL look at his recessed frame, all u need to do is be white and asian woman will drop to her knees
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  • JFL
Reactions: ChestBrah, Deleted member 6512, Deleted member 9488 and 16 others
Just an average night for a white normie.
JFL look at his recessed frame, all u need to do is be white and asian woman will drop to her knees

Basically being a ethnic unless your middle eastern white passing cause some are you your smv is negative 3 theory its equivlent to being a 5 4
  • JFL
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Reactions: CursedOne, Chadeep and Adreyan
That was so fucking brutal, the look on his face as he was cucked, poor soul.
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Reactions: Lolcel, ProAcktiv, Danish_Retard and 15 others
One of the first blackpill related vids I watched, so fucking brutal suifuel is strong
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Reactions: aphoria, Danish_Retard, MiroslavBulldosex and 2 others
Brutal race pill jbw is so legit
No kidding, what a fucking joke and a brutal exposition of foid behaviour. I'm white btw, but the brutality of threads like these never fail to break me. R.I.P clueless Asian cunt at bus stop
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Reactions: Lagoon1214, aphoria, CursedOne and 5 others
No kidding, what a fucking joke and a brutal exposition of foid behaviour. I'm white btw, but the brutality of threads like these never fail to break me. R.I.P clueless Asian cunt at bus stop

Fuck as ethnics the best thing you can do is try to whitify your pheno tbqh
  • +1
Reactions: CursedOne and Danish_Retard
Fuck as ethnics the best thing you can do is try to whitify your pheno tbqh
Yeah true, brings about the whole genetic side though, you will still breed ethnic looking kids, same as jawless fags will most likely continue to breed jawless fag kids, the whole change of phenotype via external methods only helps one generation get by, so the question needs to be asked, what is the point?
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Reactions: RaciallyAndrogynous and Patient A
Yeah true, brings about the whole genetic side though, you will still breed ethnic looking kids, same as jawless fags will most likely continue to breed jawless fag kids, the whole change of phenotype via external methods only helps one generation get by, so the question needs to be asked, what is the point?

Im never reproducing tbqh whats the poiny
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Reactions: brainded, 5'8manlet, Lolcel and 7 others
If I was him, I would go ER.
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Reactions: Toth's thot, Warlow, Deleted member 5891 and 5 others
If you let this happen to you, rope please you don't deserve to live.
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Reactions: nastynas, Warlow, Lolcel and 4 others
I thought I could watch this but I just cant. Its too brutal. I hope that ricecel didnt rope later that day, its over for him
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Reactions: Lagoon1214, Deleted member 3202, Danish_Retard and 8 others
If you let this happen to you, rope please you don't deserve to live.
Shes the one that wanted the white dick. She initiated it. It was over for that guy at the time of his birth
  • JFL
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Reactions: Lolcel, CursedOne, fogdart and 10 others
Shes the one that wanted the white dick. She initiated it. It was over for that guy at the time of his birth
Ideally he should’ve decked both the white guy and the foid
  • JFL
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Reactions: Warlow, OldcelMillennial, Chadeep and 1 other person
If I was him, I would go ER.

I would too, but asians are so low t that theyd rather be scooped off the street.
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Reactions: Warlow and sandcelmuttcel
I would beat the shit out of that skinny white twink
  • JFL
Reactions: inceletto, Chadeep and Deleted member 6789
I would beat the shit out of that skinny white twink
Have fun rotting in poo jail for the night for being a typical angry brown man while the white hero giga fucks your crush.
  • JFL
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Reactions: Dylan2, Lolcel, Danish_Retard and 4 others
Basically being a ethnic unless your middle eastern white passing cause some are you your smv is negative 3 theory its equivlent to being a 5 4
Tbh ethnic isn't a big deal outside of curry, mongoloid, or undesirable arab races (pakistanis, yemenis, and some afghanis). Iranians, Jordanians, lebanese, syrians, and palestinians halo like crazy if they have the bone structure.
Ethnics on suicide watch.
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Reactions: CursedOne, inceletto and Matthias8272
i would beat the shit out of that mutt looking white and the gook foid too
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Reactions: CursedOne, Chadeep and HighIQcel
@Time Travel in action
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Reactions: Inscol, inceletto, Time Travel and 1 other person
Nordics are slayers. Proven again
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A1ea21c5b8c9d232a5d86c791e990e819cf88508dcded749b1ad7ad8fb41ecb3 1


Images 5



Giphy 2

Over if you have to resort to fucking GOOKS.
  • JFL
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Reactions: saltii131, toolateforme, Warlow and 11 others
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Reactions: Stingray, owlofathena, EasternRightWinger15 and 2 others
I only really like white girls tbh, but some Asians can be very cute like this girl.


  • +1
Reactions: Lolcel
Fuck this is the most brutal pill the race pill is usually equivlent yo being 5 4

race pill is way worse than the height pill

being tall doesn't make you attractive by itself (you usually need to be somewhat good-looking or white)

whereas being a white guy by itself is enough to attract most women

I've literally never seen a white guy irl where I live struggle getting into an ltr
  • Woah
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Reactions: Danish_Retard, Gosick and jackthenerd
Lowkey feel sorry for ricecel

race pill is way worse than the height pill

being tall doesn't make you attractive by itself (you usually need to be somewhat good-looking or white)

whereas being a white guy by itself is enough to attract most women

I've literally never seen a white guy irl where I live struggle getting into an ltr
You haven’t seen me :(
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Reactions: Danish_Retard and Short Ugly and Brown
If you let this happen to you, rope please you don't deserve to live.
What do you suggest to do? Genuine question. At the end of the day she still wants to get fucked by that guy over you. I don’t know what would be a good outcome for this problem
  • +1
Reactions: Danish_Retard

race pill is way worse than the height pill

being tall doesn't make you attractive by itself (you usually need to be somewhat good-looking or white)

whereas being a white guy by itself is enough to attract most women

I've literally never seen a white guy irl where I live struggle getting into an ltr

Lifefuel tbh

What do you suggest to do? Genuine question. At the end of the day she still wants to get fucked by that guy over you. I don’t know what would be a good outcome for this problem

You can't really do anything tbh, except for being better looking. Or having a better personality ( LOL ).
  • JFL
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Reactions: Lolcel and Danish_Retard
Just an average night for a white normie.
JFL look at his recessed frame, all u need to do is be white and asian woman will drop to her knees
Literally, he’s not even normie - he was max PSL 4 yuck. Super pale with moles.
Nigga i cant imagine how well I would do in Asia, unfortunately I find Asian foids as attractive as foids find Asian guys...
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  • JFL
Reactions: toolateforme, Warlow, CursedOne and 2 others
Literally, he’s not even normie - he was max PSL 4 yuck. Super pale with moles.
Nigga i cant imagine how well I would do in Asia, unfortunately I find Asian foids as attractive as foids find Asian guys...
So you're saying that if you were given a chance you wouldn't try to fuck this Asian girl?

If you let this happen to you, rope please you don't deserve to live.
low t cuck should've beaten the shit out of the white dude but the racial superiority he held was quite visible to him so he did nothing
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  • JFL
Reactions: Danish_Retard, sandcelmuttcel and SubhumanCurrycel
thats fucking brutal bro. i can't imagine how i would feel if that happened. the chink just stood there with his hands still locked in hers. how could he just stand there? i would kill the white guy but he just takes it like a bitch. really fucking sad.
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Reactions: Lolcel and Danish_Retard

It's a classic video. almost.
I recall, must add though. The woman and Asian man, where not like LTR people they claimed said. But that Asian man, only met her that evening and was gaming her.

Comes to the most important point. IMO. on a personal level.

Asian man, should had left.
OR Asian man should had fought that white man.
Not to win over that girl. But for the fact, that you should not allow a man to disrespect you like that. And when you are with a woman, it's disrespectfull for that man to hit o or chat up the woman you are with. And for presserving your own self respect, and your respect/status of a man in group/society. You need to show you are not to be stolen from.

Going Ape. this part. If you can't even act dominant, in the mating environment. You are legit soy.
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Reactions: Warlow, Danish_Retard, Deleted member 2012 and 1 other person

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