Atheists who assert “god doesn’t exist” are cringe.

So id tjat happen at 5 years of age is tjat allowed
It doesn’t. OPs justifying his mental retardation and perversion by perverting scripture. The bible directly contradicts his statement ignore him. Islam allows you to fuck kids even before puberty in the Quran but Christianity prohibits any such action in fact Jesus himself speaks on harming kids as demonic
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i remember being a cringe atheist in my teens

used to make the same cringe statements in these replies :forcedsmile:

hooooooooooooly fuark atheists are cringe

avg atheist
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jfl this nigga is proud israel sappot saar and got orally raped by an israeli the first day he went there :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
  • JFL
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Nigga made his own Quran
In Surah Al-Talaq (65) verse 4, it states:

As for your women past the age of menstruation, in case you do not know, their waiting period is three months, and those who have not menstruated as well. As for those who are pregnant, their waiting period ends with delivery.1 And whoever is mindful of Allah, He will make their matters easy for them.

وَٱلَّـٰٓـِٔى يَئِسْنَ مِنَ ٱلْمَحِيضِ مِن نِّسَآئِكُمْ إِنِ ٱرْتَبْتُمْ فَعِدَّتُهُنَّ ثَلَـٰثَةُ أَشْهُرٍۢ وَٱلَّـٰٓـِٔى لَمْ يَحِضْنَ ۚ وَأُو۟لَـٰتُ ٱلْأَحْمَالِ أَجَلُهُنَّ أَن يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ ۚ وَمَن يَتَّقِ ٱللَّهَ يَجْعَل لَّهُۥ مِنْ أَمْرِهِۦ يُسْرًۭا

As you know idaah period refers to those who have had sez thefore in Islam those who haven’t menstruated are allowed to be fucked and divorced which is in fact what many Shias do with Muta
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  • JFL
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In Surah Al-Talaq (65) verse 4, it states:

As for your women past the age of menstruation, in case you do not know, their waiting period is three months, and those who have not menstruated as well. As for those who are pregnant, their waiting period ends with delivery.1 And whoever is mindful of Allah, He will make their matters easy for them.

As you know idaah period refers to those who have had sez thefore in Islam those who haven’t menstruated are allowed to be fucked and divorced which is in fact what many Shias do with Muta
You retard not menstruating means pregnant women

Also where are you getting that information about mutah you're just making shit up :lul: do you seriously think people are just going to consent to someone having sex with their prepubescent child
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You retard not menstruating means pregnant women

Also where are you getting that information about mutah you're just making shit up :lul: do you seriously think people are just going to consent to someone having sex with their prepubescent child
Are you a retard?

Islam allows marriage at any age, even if in the cradle according to scholars.

So the verse here states that if the woman can't menustrate then her waiting period is 3 months, this applies to the first 2 types of women:

1- the one who is too old for it.

2- the one who is too young to menustrate in the first place.

And lastly if she was pregnant then we wait until she gives birth.

So after seeing all of this we can see that Islam allows for marriage and seuxal intimacy, as well as sexual intercource! Regardless of age or puberty starting

Well your prophet fucked an 9yr old so yes 👏

Not only this but your countries allow it today. Islam allows fucking kids infact there’s no AOC in Islam all there is is “if she can handle penetration” which can mean anything including getting little Aisha all nice and fat at the age of 6
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Are you a retard?

Islam allows marriage at any age, even if in the cradle according to scholars.

So the verse here states that if the woman can't menustrate then her waiting period is 3 months, this applies to the first 2 types of women:

1- the one who is too old for it.

2- the one who is too young to menustrate in the first place.

And lastly if she was pregnant then we wait until she gives birth.

So after seeing all of this we can see that Islam allows for marriage and seuxal intimacy, as well as sexual intercource! Regardless of age or puberty starting

Well your prophet fucked an 9yr old so yes 👏

Not only this but your countries allow it today. Islam allows fucking kids infact there’s no AOC in Islam all there is is “if she can handle penetration” which can mean anything including getting little Aisha all nice and fat at the age of 6
How do you know it's also about too young and not just too old

Also JFL stop using random Islamic terms you don't know about. Taqiyya (I saw you mention it before editing your post) is concealing your faith if you believe that your life is in danger if you profess it. I have already professed my faith through my username and there is no threat on my life from saying the Quran doesn't say something.

Nine year old Aisha is a sunni Hadith so doesn't have any effect on me. Also if she was nine then she was pubescent.

Also Aisha was never pregnant.
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How do you know it's also about too young and not just too old

Also JFL stop using random Islamic terms you don't know about. Taqiyya (I saw you mention it before editing your post) is concealing your faith if you believe that your life is in danger if you profess it. I have already professed my faith through my username and there is no threat on my life from saying the Quran doesn't say something.

Nine year old Aisha is a sunni Hadith so doesn't have any effect on me. Also if she was nine then she was pubescent.

Also Aisha was never pregnant.
And you can sue it to lie and deceive the Kufr :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman: keep ignoring that bro go on Jamal

Aisha got fucked by your prophet at age 9 idc what you Shiass belive you lot have filthy laws which allows you lot of marry little girls for a day for Muta and then divorce them

And they do it because the Quran permits them to fuck girls who haven’t hit puberty and girls who hit it before

And if your going to say I’m wrong then time to leave Islam because Islam says

“And We have indeed made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember; then is there anyone who will remember”

  • Quran 54:17
[Quran 6:114] Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt.
[Quran 6:115] The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.

ASTARGFRULLAHH, don’t commit Shirk now, or you become Kufr
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And you can sue it to lie and deceive the Kufr :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman: keep ignoring that bro go on Jamal
??? "sue it to lie and decieve the disbelief"
if you're trying to say you can decieve kafirs about tenants of your religion, then that's wrong
you can only say you don't believe in a religion / a tenant, and again only if your life is threatened
Also what does Jamal have to do with this :lul:
Aisha got fucked by your prophet at age 9 idc what you Shiass belive you lot have filthy laws which allows you lot of marry little girls for a day for Muta and then divorce them

And they do it because the Quran permits them to fuck girls who haven’t hit puberty and girls who hit it before

And if your going to say I’m wrong then time to leave Islam because Islam says

“And We have indeed made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember; then is there anyone who will remember”

  • Quran 54:17
[Quran 6:114] Shall I seek other than God as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? Those who received the scripture recognize that it has been revealed from your Lord, truthfully. You shall not harbor any doubt.
[Quran 6:115] The word of your Lord is complete, in truth and justice. Nothing shall abrogate His words. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.

ASTARGFRULLAHH, don’t commit Shirk now, or you become Kufr



The Quran is the absolute truth
Nowhere does it say to have sex with pre-pubescent
Keep lying trying to attack Islam with the same old argument because you can't defend your pagan corrupted 3 in 1 conditioner religion :feelstastyman::soy:

Shirk is associating partners with Allah and has nothing to do with the Quran

Also 'kufr' means disbelief so the correct term would be 'a kafir'
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??? "sue it to lie and decieve the disbelief"
if you're trying to say you can decieve kafirs about tenants of your religion, then that's wrong
you can only say you don't believe in a religion / a tenant, and again only if your life is threatened
Also what does Jamal have to do with this :lul:



The Quran is the absolute truth
Nowhere does it say to have sex with pre-pubescent
Keep lying trying to attack Islam with the same old argument because you can't defend your pagan corrupted 3 in 1 conditioner religion :feelstastyman::soy:

Shirk is associating partners with Allah and has nothing to do with the Quran

Also 'kufr' means disbelief so the correct term would be 'a kafir'
Autocorrect I meant to say “use” not “sue”
Your a Jamal it’s an Islamic name is it not even if your not balck I can use it to refer to an Muslim.

I just showed you in your own fucking book where it’s ok to fuck little kids…. If you don’t like this FACT of your book then leave your religion don’t cry to me that your god allows you to fuck kiddies of any age lol 😂 as long “as they can take it”. Shias alwyas think they get out of the hot water with this due to rejecting bukhari but NOPE it’s in Quran buddy

Shirk is blasphemy and to question the words of Allah is blasphemy you don’t win shit here son. Your the one saying Allahs words are not clear despite him making it abundantly clear even an Kufr like myself can understand it so your saying his clear detailed a perfected guidance isn’t so? That’s shirk you are not Kufr, yeah I know it’s Kafir but Kufr sounds funnier so I say that (no I won’t stop saying Kufr).
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the new atheism wave is cool, there new god is "idk"
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Autocorrect I meant to say “use” not “sue”
Your a Jamal it’s an Islamic name is it not even if your not balck I can use it to refer to an Muslim.

I just showed you in your own fucking book where it’s ok to fuck little kids…. If you don’t like this FACT of your book then leave your religion don’t cry to me that your god allows you to fuck kiddies of any age lol 😂 as long “as they can take it”. Shias alwyas think they get out of the hot water with this due to rejecting bukhari but NOPE it’s in Quran buddy

Shirk is blasphemy and to question the words of Allah is blasphemy you don’t win shit here son. Your the one saying Allahs words are not clear despite him making it abundantly clear even an Kufr like myself can understand it so your saying his clear detailed a perfected guidance isn’t so? That’s shirk you are not Kufr, yeah I know it’s Kafir but Kufr sounds funnier so I say that (no I won’t stop saying Kufr).
Jamal means camel JFL
Unless you mean Jamaal which means beauty

No what you showed me was about old women who can't menstruate

No it isn't you fucking retard you don't know shit about Islam
Like I said shirk is associating partners with Allah

I never said they were unclear
Also saying they're unclear to yourself because you don't have the knowledge isnt blasphemy
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Why the ugh?
You know why….
Jamal means camel JFL
Unless you mean Jamaal which means beauty

No what you showed me was about old women who can't menstruate

No it isn't you fucking retard you don't know shit about Islam
Like I said shirk is associating partners with Allah

I never said they were unclear
Also saying they're unclear to yourself because you don't have the knowledge isnt blasphemy
Why are you being fucking pedantic Jamal.

No, what showed you was clear as fucking day evidence that your in denial and now your trying to use circular arguments because your an idiot. Do you believe in the Quran if so then my interpretation is correct as what I read even your scholars and apologists agree with me and NOT with you regarding the AOC in Islam in the Quran. PROVE to me that your scholars your apologetics and I AM WRONG. Because anybody with eyes including your scholars agree that YES this means any AGE.

Your are intellectually dishonest which is typical for an Taqqiya practicing Muslim.

you commit Shirk right now saying Allah lies Astargrullah, may you be punished or repent of your sins.

Edda't al talaq عدة الطلاق is a waiting period for divorce, this waiting period is to ensure that the woman's womb is clear, and she wasn't being intimate physically with another man for a while that pregnancy would be a possibility, so if those didn't happen then there would be no Edda (waiting period) when divorcing, however if it happened then there would be.

In Surah Al-Ahzab (33) verse 49 states the following:

"O believers! If you marry believing women and then divorce them before you touch them, they will have no waiting period for you to count, so give them a ˹suitable˺ compensation, and let them go graciously."

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِذَا نَكَحْتُمُ الْمُؤْمِنَاتِ ثُمَّ طَلَّقْتُمُوهُنَّ مِنْ قَبْلِ أَنْ تَمَسُّوهُنَّ فَمَا لَكُمْ عَلَيْهِنَّ مِنْ عِدَّةٍ تَعْتَدُّونَهَا

To make things clear here "touch" means physical intimacy, and the waiting period is to make sure the womb is clear so if none of those occurred then no need for it.

Allah states that women who divorce shouldn't hide what's in their womb! That's why he made this waiting period, as seen in the following verse.

Surah Al-Baqara (2) verse 228:

"Divorced women must wait three monthly cycles ˹before they can re-marry˺. It is not lawful for them to conceal what Allah has created in their wombs"

وَالْمُطَلَّقَاتُ يَتَرَبَّصْنَ بِأَنفُسِهِن ثَلاَثَةَ قُرُوَءٍ وَلاَ يَحِلُّ لَهُنَّ أَن يَكْتُمْنَ مَا خَلَقَ اللّهُ فِى أَرْحَامِهِن

So we see the purpose for this waiting period in case of Divorce.


Lastly let us see what Allah says about those who cannot have 3 menustrations (the waiting period) I mean clearly... what if she's already pregnant? Or if she's too old and doesn't have them anymore?

In Surah Al-Talaq (65) verse 4, it states:

As for your women past the age of menstruation, in case you do not know, their waiting period is three months, and those who have not menstruated as well. As for those who are pregnant, their waiting period ends with delivery.1 And whoever is mindful of Allah, He will make their matters easy for them.

وَٱلَّـٰٓـِٔى يَئِسْنَ مِنَ ٱلْمَحِيضِ مِن نِّسَآئِكُمْ إِنِ ٱرْتَبْتُمْ فَعِدَّتُهُنَّ ثَلَـٰثَةُ أَشْهُرٍۢ وَٱلَّـٰٓـِٔى لَمْ يَحِضْنَ ۚ وَأُو۟لَـٰتُ ٱلْأَحْمَالِ أَجَلُهُنَّ أَن يَضَعْنَ حَمْلَهُنَّ ۚ وَمَن يَتَّقِ ٱللَّهَ يَجْعَل لَّهُۥ مِنْ أَمْرِهِۦ يُسْرًۭا

-Now let's analyze it here:

Islam allows marriage at any age, even if in the cradle according to scholars.

So the verse here states that if the woman can't menustrate then her waiting period is 3 months, this applies to the first 2 types of women:

1- the one who is too old for it.

2- the one who is too young to menustrate in the first place.

And lastly if she was pregnant then we wait until she gives birth.

So after seeing all of this we can see that Islam allows for marriage and seuxal intimacy, as well as sexual intercource! Regardless of age or puberty starting....

Some say the metric is that the woman must be able to withstand/bear it then she is good for sex.... but we cannot tell what that would be as in a hadith:
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It doesn’t. OPs justifying his mental retardation and perversion by perverting scripture. The bible directly contradicts his statement ignore him. Islam allows you to fuck kids even before puberty in the Quran but Christianity prohibits any such action in fact Jesus himself speaks on harming kids as demonic
What does “offend” mean in Matthew 5:29?
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But the Bible does allow that. Do u not know that?
There’s no age of consent in the bible it’s not explicitly state HOWEVER it’s clear girls are betrothed once they hit puberty KEY WORD BETROTHED NOT MARRIED AND CONSUMATED, and Jewish boys are considered adults by age 13 and are usually married around age 18-20 once they get a trade by that time the girls probably 14-16

But we follow Christ and Christ made it clear anybody who harms a child is Satans child LIKE YOU.
Matthew 18:6 King James Version (KJV)But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Now repent for your disgusting perversion of the bible and your filthy satanic mind or convert to Islam we don’t want your filth tainting our church fuck off
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There’s no age of consent in the bible it’s not explicitly state HOWEVER it’s clear girls are betrothed once they hit puberty KEY WORD BETROTHED NOT MARRIED AND CONSUMATED, and Jewish boys are considered adults by age 13 and are usually married around age 18-20 once they get a trade by that time the girls probably 14-16

But we follow Christ and Christ made it clear anybody who harms a child is Satans child LIKE YOU.
Matthew 18:6 King James Version (KJV)But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Now repent for your disgusting perversion of the bible and your filthy satanic mind or convert to Islam we don’t want your filth tainting our church fuck off
respond to this:

What does “offend” mean in Matthew 5:29?
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respond to this:
Why should I? Use your fucking brain it is hyperbole. It’s better to not sin than sin simple as. Just don’t sin and if you have to restrain yourself from sinning then just do so that’s what he’s saying. If you read it literally like a protescuck then go ahead and chop your willy off for being addicted to porn
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Why should I?
Because this is an Internet forum. The point is to have an exchange and of ideas. Where is the harm in thstz
Use your fucking brain it is hyperbole. It’s better to not sin than sin simple as. Just don’t sin and if you have to restrain yourself from sinning then just do so that’s what he’s saying. If you read it literally like a protescuck then go ahead and chop your willy off for being addicted to porn
What does offend mean there?
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Giga cope superiority complex post. Religion is a concept to control the pathetic low IQ masses by feeding them information with 0 evidence and getting them to behave differently because of it
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Neckbeard redditors
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I've never understood why incels cling to god so tightly

god clearly hates you
Does god love men who have sex with women outside of marriage?
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how can you believe in a good god. you must be next level retard
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Does god love men who have sex with women outside of marriage?
cope you think ahh they are having fun now but these sex havers will see I will be in heaven while they burn in hell

the truth is you suffer for nothing:blackpill:
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Baseless argument. Could say the same for atheists “Athiests are atheists because they grew up In The atheistic secular liberal west as opposed to Saudi Arabia” your argument falls flat and is an appeal to emotion, you ignore how many people leave religion in those nations and how many join. Even my I’m Christian but my sect makes up less than 1% of the population according to stats I shouldn’t be and YET I am.

There are craters and mountains all around the world with animal fossils of sea creatures that scientists and archeologies cannot explain to this day. Bht ofc you’d ignore the evidence for thag 😉

It seems like most GAYtheists you attack Christianity because your too chicken shit to attack other faiths or just ignorant. So I ask you idiots PROVE to me gods not real. Why can’t GAYthiests like yourself do this? If it’s so OBVIOUS he ain’t real DO IT. Because last time I checked when I ask you buffoons to explain how you can test for there being no god you resort to empirical evidence gathered using dense data however is there a sense data that tells YOU ALL DATA IS GATHERED USING ONLY SENSE DATA? Nope thefore god can plausibly not exist within our realm and you wouldn’t know.

But hey I mean believing that the world magically came into existence with 2 chemical reactions out of the blue with no source being the BIG BANG is far more sensible and pragmatic than Theistics and especially those Christian’s because I’m too chicken shit to attack Hinduism or Islam

Define successful happy lives? Explain how it is not subjective? Some people find believing in god successful, others find eating women’s asses forever as successful. Define this term? It’s arbitrary can you define it by looking in a magnifying glass? Where is this “success” I can’t seem to find it? Hmm must not exist as it’s an abstract concept :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:

You're asking why we find fossils of fish in mountains?

That's because of plate tectonics.

For example you will find many fossiles of fish in continental north America, specifically fossiles that are supposed to come from before Pangaea formed. You will not find fossils of say aquatic mammals however. This is because aquatic mammals didn't exist when America and Canada was underwater.

I'll provide an example of a proof of evolution and why the flood myth can not be true. If you go to a rocky area, you will see it is layed and you will see layers can be radically different. For example the presence of fossils suddenly decreases but increases again in an above layer. This is mass extinctions.
IMG 6332

If you like, you can collect samples of different layers immediately close to each other and you will find differing levels of oxygen or carbon trapped inside. You will need the help of a lab ofc but this is how we determine oxygen and CO2 levels in the deep past. Do you believe during the 40 day flood, the atmospheric oxygen levels was rapidly changing?

Also I might ask, how are all the fresh water fish surviving? All the lakes and rivers got consumed by the ocean in the flood so they'd all die:feelswhere:

There is also the problem with created kind.

Watch this video if you have time.

But I'll heavily summarize.

The video points out that if creationists deny ANY evolution, you end up with the problem that Noah literally has to have two of every species (there are countless millions of terrestrial species), remember the arc is supped to have a set size
IMG 6333
IMG 6334
You can't fit literally millions of animals in a ship this size, heck even the biggest cargo ships today couldn't and they dwarf the titanic.

If creationists say it was just one of each kind (problems with this definition, the video goes over it), you're looking at a rate of evolution that would make Charles Darwin shit his fucking pants. Teenage mutant ninja turtles levels of mutation. So we're assuming a gigantic rate of mutation right after the flood ends and it suddenly slows to a near stand still :feelswhere:.

I have a final point to make, it's to address your complaint that us gaytheists only target christianity. Well personally my arguments here apply to jews and muslims and also because OP is a christian, should I be pointing out the logical inconsistencies of Buddhism to him? Okay... First of all buddhists believe the cycle of life has no beginning and no end but the buddha also says everyone will eventually reach nirvana (IE implying an end to the cycle of life):feelswhere:.
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nice deflection
Always love to cringe at the religious sheeple who like to pretend that those who don't listen to stories are the ones being brainwashed
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  • +1
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Always love to cringe at the religious sheeple who like to pretend that those who don't listen to stories are the ones being brainwashed
was Tiberius emperor of Rome?
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If god exists we would be living in a simulation. Maybe he does or maybe he doesn't but there is some sort of higher power out there. not necessarily "god"
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You're asking why we find fossils of fish in mountains?

That's because of plate tectonics.

For example you will find many fossiles of fish in continental north America, specifically fossiles that are supposed to come from before Pangaea formed. You will not find fossils of say aquatic mammals however. This is because aquatic mammals didn't exist when America and Canada was underwater.

I'll provide an example of a proof of evolution and why the flood myth can not be true. If you go to a rocky area, you will see it is layed and you will see layers can be radically different. For example the presence of fossils suddenly decreases but increases again in an above layer. This is mass extinctions.
View attachment 3032522

If you like, you can collect samples of different layers immediately close to each other and you will find differing levels of oxygen or carbon trapped inside. You will need the help of a lab ofc but this is how we determine oxygen and CO2 levels in the deep past. Do you believe during the 40 day flood, the atmospheric oxygen levels was rapidly changing?

Also I might ask, how are all the fresh water fish surviving? All the lakes and rivers got consumed by the ocean in the flood so they'd all die:feelswhere:

There is also the problem with created kind.

Watch this video if you have time.

But I'll heavily summarize.

The video points out that if creationists deny ANY evolution, you end up with the problem that Noah literally has to have two of every species (there are countless millions of terrestrial species), remember the arc is supped to have a set size
View attachment 3032543
View attachment 3032544
You can't fit literally millions of animals in a ship this size, heck even the biggest cargo ships today couldn't and they dwarf the titanic.

If creationists say it was just one of each kind (problems with this definition, the video goes over it), you're looking at a rate of evolution that would make Charles Darwin shit his fucking pants. Teenage mutant ninja turtles levels of mutation. So we're assuming a gigantic rate of mutation right after the flood ends and it suddenly slows to a near stand still :feelswhere:.

I have a final point to make, it's to address your complaint that us gaytheists only target christianity. Well personally my arguments here apply to jews and muslims and also because OP is a christian, should I be pointing out the logical inconsistencies of Buddhism to him? Okay... First of all buddhists believe the cycle of life has no beginning and no end but the buddha also says everyone will eventually reach nirvana (IE implying an end to the cycle of life):feelswhere:.

I love how you only really atttacked one argument lol. I’m not even the most versed in the flood story nor the entire thing surrounding that shit so could honestly care less go debate somebody else on that shit who cares. But there is an argument for it also being real, but as I said I don’t specialise in this and don’t care much about this topic

However seeing as you get a boner for this topic I’ll tickle you a bit. Every culture has a flood story (well most) so clearly something happened to the entire world at one point 🤔. And there’s many explanations but considering Near Eastern peoples loved using Hyperbole esp in the bible and other Near Eastern texts it isn’t a stretch to say this is an example as well as humans have had verified bottlenecks numerous times in our history

There's a small list some people will use as proof. One that comes to mind is finding fossils of clams or sea creatures on mountain ranges, which such a person would claim happened because everything was once covered by water.

This is from an interview with John Walton and Tremper Longman, authors of The Lost World of the Flood: Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate:

In your view, “the biblical account describes the flood rhetorically as a worldwide deluge” (92). Do you think the biblical writers knew that the flood they were describing was not a worldwide event? Is the answer to this question important—especially for those who believe in the authority of the Bible?
JOHN WALTON: The authority of the Bible is always relative to the literary form in which the message is delivered. When we read the Bible the way the author intended his audience to read it, we can say that we are reading the Bible “literally.” If he used hyperbole (as we suggest he did), he expected his audience to recognize it as hyperbole (which we believe they would have done). That means that the literal reading requires us to read it as hyperbole, and any other reading would not respect the authority of Scripture. Hyperbole is an appropriate literary device for the flood narrative because the Flood had an impact and a significance as a disruption of order in the cosmos. The exile was another event that was perceived as a cosmic catastrophe (because the temple, the place from which God maintained order, had been destroyed).
“The reality of the event is not found in its reconstruction but in the literary and theological place the author gives it” (177). This perspective on biblical authority will strike some as a slippery slope. If you’re right about the Flood, then can we trust that anything in the Bible really happened? How do we know which passages are accurately describing real events, and which are not?
LONGMAN: The flood story is describing a real event, but using hyperbole to depict that real event in order to forward the writer’s theological message. This is not unique to the flood story. We might think of the depiction of the conquest in Joshua 1-12, particularly in the light of the summary statement in chapter 12. The impression one gets is that Joshua and the Israelites conquered the entirety of Canaan. But if we simply turn the page to chapter 13 and start reading or turn to Judges 1, we know that there were vast tracts of land as well as many Canaanites still living in the land. The account in Joshua 1-12 wasn’t trying to fool anyone, but it was putting all the emphasis on the positives in order to celebrate the beginning of the fulfillment of the ancient promise of land that was given to Abraham. There is historical basis to the account of the conquest, but we have to read the account in the cultural context in which it was written, a context in which hyperbole was standard in battle reports. And we have to read the Flood story in likewise fashion.
If you'd like to dive into his stuff a little bit more, this book on this topic is great, or there are various talks from Walton archived on YouTube.

So with this in mind it makes sense that scientists have found

GAYthiests alwyas use their mythical stories of evolution and big boom banga bangabooom which mysteriously just HAPPENED BROO :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:. Hilarious, funny how Gaytheists even sit there and call people stupid, on what basis are you using to even justify logic an abstract univocal metaphysical concept something you cannot sense with sense data or using Empirical measurements.
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  • JFL
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I love how you only really atttacked one argument lol. I’m not even the most versed in the flood story nor the entire thing surrounding that shit so could honestly care less go debate somebody else on that shit who cares.

However seeing as you get a boner for this topic I’ll tickle you a bit. Every culture has a flood story (well most) so clearly something happened to the entire world at one point 🤔. And there’s many explanations but considering Near Eastern peoples loved using Hyperbole esp in the bible and other Near Eastern texts it isn’t a stretch to say this is an example as well as humans have had verified bottlenecks numerous times in our history

There's a small list some people will use as proof. One that comes to mind is finding fossils of clams or sea creatures on mountain ranges, which such a person would claim happened because everything was once covered by water.

This is from an interview with John Walton and Tremper Longman, authors of The Lost World of the Flood: Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate:

If you'd like to dive into his stuff a little bit more, this book on this topic is great, or there are various talks from Walton archived on YouTube.

So with this in mind it makes sense that scientists have found

GAYthiests alwyas use their mythical stories of evolution and big boom banga bangabooom which mysteriously just HAPPENED BROO :feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh::feelsuhh:. Hilarious, funny how Gaytheists even sit there and call people stupid, on what basis are you using to even justify logic an abstract univocal metaphysical concept something you cannot sense with sense data or using Empirical measurements.
brutal, i mention geologic columns some more, i expand it further. I talk about created kinds and then open a few points of identified weakness and then explained why I was focusing on abrahamic religions all for 'you only focusing one one thing buddy boyo'

Well There is not much reason to go back and forth regurgitating the same shit spoken a few replies.

I like your flood mythology argument btw. Why is a global flood so common in religions.

Logically you can say 'yeah bro it's because it's a collective memory of the flood'

That's one way of seeing it. You could also point to the fact water levels went up a lot after the last ice age. People tend to live around coasts so they got displaced after the glaciation maximum was ending.
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You're asking why we find fossils of fish in mountains?

That's because of plate tectonics.

For example you will find many fossiles of fish in continental north America, specifically fossiles that are supposed to come from before Pangaea formed. You will not find fossils of say aquatic mammals however. This is because aquatic mammals didn't exist when America and Canada was underwater.

I'll provide an example of a proof of evolution and why the flood myth can not be true. If you go to a rocky area, you will see it is layed and you will see layers can be radically different. For example the presence of fossils suddenly decreases but increases again in an above layer. This is mass extinctions.
View attachment 3032522

If you like, you can collect samples of different layers immediately close to each other and you will find differing levels of oxygen or carbon trapped inside. You will need the help of a lab ofc but this is how we determine oxygen and CO2 levels in the deep past. Do you believe during the 40 day flood, the atmospheric oxygen levels was rapidly changing?

Also I might ask, how are all the fresh water fish surviving? All the lakes and rivers got consumed by the ocean in the flood so they'd all die:feelswhere:

There is also the problem with created kind.

Watch this video if you have time.

But I'll heavily summarize.

The video points out that if creationists deny ANY evolution, you end up with the problem that Noah literally has to have two of every species (there are countless millions of terrestrial species), remember the arc is supped to have a set size
View attachment 3032543
View attachment 3032544
You can't fit literally millions of animals in a ship this size, heck even the biggest cargo ships today couldn't and they dwarf the titanic.

If creationists say it was just one of each kind (problems with this definition, the video goes over it), you're looking at a rate of evolution that would make Charles Darwin shit his fucking pants. Teenage mutant ninja turtles levels of mutation. So we're assuming a gigantic rate of mutation right after the flood ends and it suddenly slows to a near stand still :feelswhere:.

I have a final point to make, it's to address your complaint that us gaytheists only target christianity. Well personally my arguments here apply to jews and muslims and also because OP is a christian, should I be pointing out the logical inconsistencies of Buddhism to him? Okay... First of all buddhists believe the cycle of life has no beginning and no end but the buddha also says everyone will eventually reach nirvana (IE implying an end to the cycle of life):feelswhere:.

Have you heard of “apparent age”?
  • JFL
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I kinda respect the gnostic atheists more. At least they own their belief. The agnostc atheists will more or less assert there is no God, then hide behind "lack of belief" when called out. Absolute cowards.
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OP is just a Islam recruiter
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godcels are never able to respond to this one.

The facts are that there are literally thousands of unique religious belief systems and NONE of them have any evidence for being real.

A christian is a christian because he was exposed to christianity instead of Bhuddism or Shintoism. Same for those other religions.

Religion is just a meme you are groomed into as a child.

We know for a fact the earth is billions of years old. Various independent ways of estimating this all arrive at similar conclusions.

If you look at The fossil record, you will see certain species only appear on certain layers on the geologic column.

If the global flood myth was true you'd find a random scattering of species, you do not see that. You see a clear ordering of the geologic column.

There is zero evidence for a god while there is mounting evidence directly contradicting various religions, the bible included.

There is no god (the christian god), it's fairy tail nonsense. At this point, to believe this shit you have to be:

A. a retard

B. intellectually compromised

I don't believe most christians or other religious people are stupid, they are raised into it. Many live successful happy lives but they don't need religion, they need to be free of stone age dogma.
OP is a sectarian or an Islamist recruiter
  • JFL
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without suffering pleasure is meaningless.
You are limiting god. Assuming ur Christian we already had pleasure without suffering back in Eden btw, and then in heaven where suffering doesn't exist.

Also god is the devil, god is humans, everything is. Because before him there was none, after him comes everything. Everything is in him. Everything is under his scope. Everything is under his knowledge. Everything is under his power. Everything is under his control.

You are massively (infinitely) undermining the capability of an omnipotent, omniscient being, putting limitations on him by saying things must or must not. Especially when we already had examples (Eden, heaven).
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