Athiests gtfih



Fatherless World
Apr 20, 2019
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Reactions: futuregigamogger, Deleted member 10913, Britishlooksmaxxer and 6 others
Human Civilization cant exist without religion and marriage

It will fall into the abyss, full of degenerate animals that even the elite cant properly maintain
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Reactions: futuregigamogger, Carolus, Deleted member 11414 and 20 others
everyone on this site has seen this interview
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This has nothing to do with atheism itself
  • Hmm...
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Yuri Bezmenov was a good man, he talked a lot of sense.
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Reactions: Deleted member 10913, OOGABOOGA, Deleted member 2632 and 2 others
This has nothing to do with atheism itself
Mental gymnastics
  • JFL
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Reactions: turkproducer, Albeacho, Deleted member 10913 and 1 other person
No you are fucking ignorant

atheism means that one doesnt believe in god dumbass nothing else

Thats the only thing every atheist has in common with every other one

there is no overall political philosophy every atheist follows

There are atheist who are communists and there are atheist who are capitalists and so on.
  • +1
Reactions: AlexAP, 5'8manlet, Growth Plate and 2 others
Religion is cope, Imagine thinking a giant sky daddy made everything and there is enough info to write a book about it.

If you believe in god you are still Bluepilled.
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  • +1
Reactions: Kmscurry, Growth Plate and Nisse
No you are fucking ignorant

atheism means that one doesnt believe in god dumbass nothing else

Thats the only thing every atheist has in common with every other one

there is no overall political philosophy every atheist follows

There are atheist who are communists and there are atheist who are capitalist
Religion is cope, Imagine thinking a giant sky daddy made everything and there is enough info to right a book about it.

If you believe in god you are still Bluepilled.
Can u low attention span coomers watch the video and internalize it?
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5048, Deleted member 1680, 5'8manlet and 10 others
Atheism DESTROYED with just one video!
  • JFL
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Can u low attention span coomers watch the video and internalize it?
They are the demoralized morons

Like I said, it doesnt matter if God exists, what matters is people have a purpose beyond acting like animals, that is reality

Mind > Matter
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Reactions: Deleted member 5048 and Vitruvian
"muh espionage muh subversion therefore my very specific god exists and moses parted the red sea"

you sure have me convinced, buddy!
Attractive people usually come from good families because high value male mates a high value feminine woman. Idk what happened to yours, tbh. Cucked by jews as usual
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Reactions: Deleted member 5048, Deleted member 1680, mogstar and 1 other person
dn watch. god is out of the equation for me as far as explaining how and why we exist
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  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: mogstar, Deleted member 6273, androgenic and 1 other person
Dn watch, religion was created to cope with the fact that we are immortal.
  • JFL
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: boIin, Deleted member 2205, Deleted member 1680 and 3 others
I was just watching this video when i clicked on your link, is about the link beetwen morality and Allah
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Reactions: Albeacho
dn watch
  • So Sad
Reactions: Vitruvian
No you are fucking ignorant

atheism means that one doesnt believe in god dumbass nothing else

Thats the only thing every atheist has in common with every other one

there is no overall political philosophy every atheist follows

There are atheist who are communists and there are atheist who are capitalists and so on.
no bro athiests are totally all just soy faggots that want to act like animals
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5385 and Deleted member 7580
No you are fucking ignorant

atheism means that one doesnt believe in god dumbass nothing else

Thats the only thing every atheist has in common with every other one

there is no overall political philosophy every atheist follows

There are atheist who are communists and there are atheist who are capitalists and so on.
atheists are degenerates
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Reactions: Deleted member 5385, Albeacho and Deleted member 2632
People are so obsessed with religion, nofap, meditation, impressing people, school, etc.

Why? I can’t find myself dedicated to anything this harshly. Everything is just too fluid for me to form a connection to it. so what if someone isn’t religious? Does it matter?
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Vitruvian and Enfant terrible
Human Civilization cant exist without religion and marriage

It will fall into the abyss, full of degenerate animals that even the elite cant properly maintain
If one really believes in evolution, the reality then is that humans are going backwards in their logic and behaviour

Marriage is something that makes us distinct to animals who just reproduce without control, not dressing proper clothes which cover oneself make us go to animal levels who go around nude
Being slaves of our desires in a hedonistic manner make us like animals who just abide by their instincts, and we could go on and on and on

Society nowadays doesn't have a moral standard, 50 years ago homosexuality was seen as something immoral but now is seen as good, what prevents our kids on 30-60 years to call us backwards because we see incest or bestiality as immoral? What prevents society to go back to Darwin and consider blacks as lower on the human chain, and just because of the over population on earth they should be extinguished?

This is the way humanity is heading nowadays, and whoever says something different from this agenda is condemned and deemed as immoral, which is pretty ironic
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Reactions: turkproducer, Albeacho, Deleted member 1680 and 4 others
F269104E 77E8 402E BD32 E74843475FA1

Religion hasn't gone anywhere, its literation has just been altered in capitalism. In communism you could apply the same principle, although there it's obviously whatever the government says that is the new ne plus ultra (that's what will likely happen in the west too, seeing how things are developing).
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  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 5385 and Kristin
Atheist usually have their own religions, which are science, christianity without god (communism), etc. and they have blind faith in them. They just cuck themselves not believing in god, also autisms.
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Reactions: Deleted member 5385, Albeacho, Deleted member 5048 and 6 others
They are the demoralized morons

Like I said, it doesnt matter if God exists, what matters is people have a purpose beyond acting like animals, that is reality

Mind > Matter
just do whatever you want as long as you repent after bro.
Atheist usually have their own religions, which are science, christianity without god (communism), etc. and they have blind faith in them. They just cuck themselves not believing in god.
Once again proving why you are the best user on this site

There are extremely High IQ people that can live without religion, but they are usually genius level IQ and by default have a moral code and ethics because they are so removed from the animal world
  • +1
Reactions: Albeacho and TITUS
Once again proving why you are the best user on this site

There are extremely High IQ people that can live without religion, but they are usually genius level IQ and by default have a moral code and ethics because they are so removed from the animal world
After Amnesia.
Atheist usually have their own religions, which are science, christianity without god (communism), etc. and they have blind faith in them. They just cuck themselves not believing in god, also autisms.
lol Imagine thinking science is a religion.. everything is science.
You are retarded.
  • JFL
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Reactions: TITUS and Enfant terrible
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 5385, TITUS and eyelidcel
just do whatever you want as long as you repent after bro.
Christians executed degenrates all the time you fuck nut

You are comparing modern day Cucks who worship Jews, to the Christians who used to burn people alive
  • +1
Reactions: Albeacho and Deleted member 1680
boring/dn, what was his overall point?
Stupid greycels strike again.
Its important not to harass but to teach them the right way. We are all fucked together if we don’t understand together
  • +1
Reactions: TITUS
Christians executed degenrates all the time you fuck nut

You are comparing modern day Cucks who worship Jews, to the Christians who used to burn people alive
people have pretty much always executed each other, usually ego driven. Since these books , scrolls, divine ideologies , etc. are fake these principles you get in these religious works are just inherently human. religion is not needed.
Its important not to harass but to teach them the right way. We are all fucked together if we don’t understand together
Im busy bro, shitposting.
  • JFL
Reactions: Vitruvian
religion is not needed.
Oh really? Then why has no advanced civilization ever existed without religion?

Why does everytime a society move away from religion they collapse?
Stupid greycels strike again.
believes in skydaddy. while I know natural selection, mutation and darwinism is correct as we are nothing more than the elements interacting with each other in ways that happened to create consciousness due to the cells ability to multiply and mutate. favorable traits are passed on while less favorable ones die off. the optic nerves eventually mutating into the brain.
Oh really? Then why has no advanced civilization ever existed without religion?

Why does everytime a society move away from religion they collapse?
pretty much every society had religion because they coped and didn't understand the world (not that they can be blamed)

the purpose of religion then vs. now is totally different.
pretty much every society had religion because they coped and didn't understand the world (not that they can be blamed)

the purpose of religion then vs. now is totally different.
See this is where you fail

Giga Lol " You believe in a Sky Daddy "

And you believe a stable civilization can exist without religion, with 0 evidence to back it up, do you not see the irony here ?

" Durr this time its different cause we understand how the world works "

Retard, religion is about human nature and spirtuality and the family unit, not how the world works, people back in Roman days already figured out the Earth goes around the Sun

What exactly do you believe changed in the past 100 years that religion can now be shrugged off ?
If one really believes in evolution, the reality then is that humans are going backwards in their logic and behaviour

Marriage is something that makes us distinct to animals who just reproduce without control, not dressing proper clothes which cover oneself make us go to animal levels who go around nude
Being slaves of our desires in a hedonistic manner make us like animals who just abide by their instincts, and we could go on and on and on

Society nowadays doesn't have a moral standard, 50 years ago homosexuality was seen as something immoral but now is seen as good, what prevents our kids on 30-60 years to call us backwards because we see incest or bestiality as immoral? What prevents society to go back to Darwin and consider blacks as lower on the human chain, and just because of the over population on earth they should be extinguished?

This is the way humanity is heading nowadays, and whoever says something different from this agenda is condemned and deemed as immoral, which is pretty ironic
we are undergoing societal changes not evolutionary ones.
I dont think its very easy to grasp this concept. Maybe u are unhappy in life, loneliness, depression, not having purpose can demoralize us and make us stop caring about anything or do whatever makes us happy in the moment.

this isnt your fault. You are forced to live in a society that doesnt care about you. Especially when u are put down as a man, your values and morality is stripped through knowing ur classmates have orgies and porn has wired u sexually.

this has been going on for many decades and its only going to get worse. Religion is not bad its just a moral compass that everyone follows. The moral compass now is tinder, looking good, mogging and sleeping with jbs. But does it bring happiness and calm in ur life? No, never, u only want more, and u only feel worse. Less trust, more isolated.

the point is to have a moral compass we all follow. So we are uplifting girls to behave well, and they are uplifting us to be good leaders. You cant have this and live in a degenerate society. It will only get worse
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Reactions: Deleted member 1680
Dn watch religion is mostly a cope with no tangible evidence ever provided for it's validity but it helps the people in charge to govern the commoners.
  • +1
Reactions: eyelidcel
See this is where you fail

Giga Lol " You believe in a Sky Daddy "

And you believe a stable civilization can exist without religion, with 0 evidence to back it up, do you not see the irony here ?

" Durr this time its different cause we understand how the world works "

Retard, religion is about human nature and spirtuality and the family unit, not how the world works, people back in Roman days already figured out the Earth goes around the Sun

What exactly do you believe changed in the past 100 years that religion can now be shrugged off ?
We have never been in the position to try to have one since the level of understanding and knowledge is fairly recent. Without an almost complete understanding people will just say it's some sort of magic.

We know a lot now and are on the verge of becoming multi-planetary.

it's time to let go off the cope but religion is a business rooted into the fabric of society from days of old so, it's not that easy

Religion holds us back because it often butts heads with progress.
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We have never been in the position to try to have one since the level of understanding and knowledge is fairly recent. Without an almost complete understanding people will just say it's some sort of magic.

We know a lot now and are on the verge of becoming multi-planetary.

it's time to let go off the cope but religion is a business rooted into the fabric of society from days of old so, it's not that easy
Bro the only people advancing the scientific community are High IQ scientists, the same guy who invented the wheel is the same guy doing advanced physics, the normies never change

You claim its time to abandon religion, but you offer nothing to take the place of it

Nor do you have evidence that abandoning religion will somehow improve humanity

Basically you want to take the wings off of a plane because " Im sure theres something better " well until you figure out what that better is, you better keep the wings on the plane
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Reactions: Deleted member 1680, curryboy123 and Chintuck22
I dont think its very easy to grasp this concept. Maybe u are unhappy in life, loneliness, depression, not having purpose can demoralize us and make us stop caring about anything or do whatever makes us happy in the moment.

this isnt your fault. You are forced to live in a society that doesnt care about you. Especially when u are put down as a man, your values and morality is stripped through knowing ur classmates have orgies and porn has wired u sexually.

this has been going on for many decades and its only going to get worse. Religion is not bad its just a moral compass that everyone follows. The moral compass now is tinder, looking good, mogging and sleeping with jbs. But does it bring happiness and calm in ur life? No, never, u only want more, and u only feel worse. Less trust, more isolated.

the point is to have a moral compass we all follow. So we are uplifting girls to behave well, and they are uplifting us to be good leaders. You cant have this and live in a degenerate society. It will only get worse
you're just trying to appeal to emotions. The world is fucked mainly because of coping.
  • +1
Reactions: Vitruvian
Bro the only people advancing the scientific community are High IQ scientists, the same guy who invented the wheel is the same guy doing advanced physics, the normies never change

You claim its time to abandon religion, but you offer nothing to take the place of it

Nor do you have evidence that abandoning religion will somehow improve humanity

Basically you want to take the wings off of a plane because " Im sure theres something better " well until you figure out what that better is, you better keep the wings on the plane
Religion is not this fucking glue that holds society together anymore especially when government now does everything religion used to do.
Science is our way towards societal improvement it is blackpilled Religion is cope, lies, etc. and is the original blue pill.
Lies always hold back the truth which is how we will progress.
  • Ugh..
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