Athiests gtfih

I think that some people mix up Christianity with Islam and have this wrong assumption that they are the same religion

Let me start by saying that we muslims don't reject Darwinian Evolution as a whole, in fact we could accept almost everything of it except some parts, but let me start showing that Darwinian Evolution is the same that religion, you have to believe on it

First and foremost, we have to make a distinction between Basic Evolution and Darwinian Evolution

Basic Evolution is biological change over time, this is a true theory and can be proved by observations like for example bacteria growing to medicine, etc etc Basic Evolution was something well known before Darwin

Darwinian Evolution is composed of two parts, Natural Selection and The Tree of Life, we muslims can accept the Darwinian theory of evolution but we can't do it on it's entirety

Darwinian Evolution isn't Basic Evolution, it requires more than mere observations to be proved, Darwinian Evolution requires YES or YES to gather information and assume that proof for the former is proof for the latter

And this is not to mention some of the problems with regards to Darwinian Evolution
1-No matter how succesful a scientific theory is it can always change due to new observations and interpretation
Philosophy of science shows us that there is no absolute concrete proof for any scientific theory

2-The Tree of Life is based on the idea of Homology, which is the assumption that two similar species with similar genes and anatomy have evolved from a common ancestor, it is just an assumption, not a conclusion based on evidence and indeed there is a problem called Homoplasy, which is the observation of similarities which cannot be due to common ancestry

3-Basically Gradualism, Darwin assumed that evolution takes place on small slight steps, this assumption is an essential part of Darwinian Evolution, in fact Darwin said that this is a falsification to his entire framework but the fossil records show the exact opposite, they show us rapid changes in biological features also

4-Darwin assumed that the only reason for our existence is to selfishly care about our own survival and reproduction, but this doesn't explain why people give charity or goverments send taxes to hospitals for the survival of the ubfittest, why people care about animals, ancient buildings, and why people are willing to die for their values

5-Some popular biologists have said that there is even propaganda about Darwinism and that they are seeing it being push as an undeniable reality when it is far from it, even some of them have labelled Darwinism as a religion due to the activities of Darwinists

In addition to this, Darwinian Evolution is not even the only theory of evolution, let me give you 3 examples
Evolution by Natural Engineering
Neo Lamarckian Evolution
Mutation Driven Evolution

Last but not least, really if you think about it, if someone told you "Well, first we were some bacteria on water, then we growed to this, then to that, then we converted into a fish, then we converted into a reptile, then into a rat, then into a horse, then somehow we cameback to being a giant roedor, then we converted into a small roedor, then into a predecessor of horses, then again a fish, then again back to the earth from water, then into a bird, then step by step into a little monkey, then into a giant orangutan, then then slowly into a human being"
It suggests a lot of blind belief to be honest

I must add that Darwinian Evolution is still the number one theory on Evolution, is just that not solid as some want it to be, but again, we muslims don't reject it on it's entirety, just a very little part, and that little part probably can never be proven since 99,999% fossils of animals that had ever existed don't exist anymore, don't know about christians and others

With all due respect, don't mix up Islam with Chistianity and others
believes in while I know natural selection, mutation and darwinism is correct as we are nothing more than the elements interacting with each other in ways that happened to create consciousness due to the cells ability to multiply and mutate. favorable traits are passed on while less favorable ones die off. the optic nerves eventually mutating into the brain
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I think that some people mix up Christianity with Islam and have this wrong assumption that they are the same religion

Let me start by saying that we muslims don't reject Darwinian Evolution as a whole, in fact we could accept almost everything of it except some parts, but let me start showing that Darwinian Evolution is the same that religion, you have to believe on it

First and foremost, we have to make a distinction between Basic Evolution and Darwinian Evolution

Basic Evolution is biological change over time, this is a true theory and can be proved by observations like for example bacteria growing to medicine, or the fact that Black Jamaicans like Usain Bolt are the fastest of the planet because of their slavery on the past, etc, Basic Evolution was something well known before Darwin

Darwinian Evolution is composed of two parts, Natural Selection and The Tree of Life, we muslims can accept the Darwinian theory of evolution but we can't do it on it's entirety

Darwinian Evolution isn't Basic Evolution, it requires more than mere observations to be proved, Darwinian Evolution requires YES or YES to gather information and assume that proof for the former is proof for the latter

And this is not to mention some of the problems with regards to Darwinian Evolution
1-No matter how succesful a scientific theory is it can always change due to new observations and interpretation
Philosophy of science shows us that there is no absolute concrete proof for any scientific theory

2-The Tree of Life is based on the idea of Homology, which is the assumption that two similar species with similar genes and anatomy have evolved from a common ancestor, it is just an assumption, not a conclusion based on evidence and indeed there is a problem called Homoplasy, which is the observation of similarities which cannot be due to common ancestry

3-Basically Gradualism, Darwin assumed that evolution takes place on small slight steps, this assumption is an essential part of Darwinian Evolution, in fact Darwin said that this is a falsification to his entire framework but the fossil records show the exact opposite, they show us rapid changes in biological features also

4-Darwin assumed that the only reason for our existence is to selfishly care about our own survival and reproduction, but this doesn't explain why people give charity or goverments send taxes to hospitals for the survival of the ubfittest, why people care about animals, ancient buildings, and why people are willing to die for their values

5-Some popular biologists have said that there is even propaganda about Darwinism and that they are seeing it being push as an undeniable reality when it is far from it, even some of them have labelled Darwinism as a religion due to the activities of Darwinists

In addition to this, Darwinian Evolution is not even the only theory of evolution, let me give you 3 examples
Evolution by Natural Engineering
Neo Lamarckian Evolution
Mutation Driven Evolution

Last but not least, really if you think about it, if someone told you "Well, first we were some bacteria on water, then we growed to this, then to that, then we converted into a fish, then we converted into a reptile, then into a rat, then into a horse, then somehow we camevack to being a giant roedor, then we converted into a small roedor, then into a predecessor of horses, then again a fish, then again back to the earth from water, then into a bird, then step by step into a little monkey, then into a giant orangutan, then then slowly into a human being"
It suggests a lot of blind belief to be honest

Last but not least, i must add that Darwinian Evolution is still the numbernone theory on Evolution, is just that not solid as some want it to be, but again, we muslims don't reject it on it's entirety, just a very little part, and that little part probably can never be proven since 99,999% fossils of animals that had ever existed don't exist anymore, don't know about christians and others

With all due respect, don't mix up Islam with Chistianity and others
jamaicans being fast due to slavery is a meme that died years ago , its not true and we have other evidence
jamaicans being fast due to slavery is a meme that died years ago , its not true and we have other evidence
Anyway, believe what you want
  • JFL
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Jamaicans are west african Descendents, west africans have nearly no other than t/t genotype
I didn't study that specifically, just wanted to add a human example and maybe you are right which i don't know

But yeah, Basic Evolution is undeniable, Darwinian on the other hand is another story
I didn't study that specifically, just wanted to add a human example and maybe you are right which i don't know

But yeah, Basic Evolution is undeniable, Darwinian on the other hand is another story
ye just corrected it , no bad intentions
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I was just watching this video when i clicked on your link, is about the link beetwen morality and Allah

watched the first 5 minutes, couldnt u say humans all have basic understanding of pain and pleasure. from here you can determine what is objectively moral and immoral based on what is painful and pleasurable?

however something like rape could be physically/emotionally pleasurable for the rapist, but emotionally painful for the victim (?), so would this mean rape is objectively moral or immoral?
watched the first 5 minutes, couldnt u say humans all have basic understanding of pain and pleasure. from here you can determine what is objectively moral and immoral?
No because if my desire might be wanting to kill someone, to the killer that could be moral and to the victim that would be immoral
No because if my desire might be wanting to kill someone, to the killer that could be moral and to the victim that would be immoral
true thats what i was saying about the rape example. gonna finish the video now
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Religion is not this fucking glue that holds society together anymore especially when government now does everything religion used to do.
The governments of all major countries are now becoming tolerant towards people not marrying. This will ruin society. Marriage got its way in society through religion and if this wasn't the case then people would have been animalistic and polygamous.
  • JFL
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nobody knows why anything exist, not religion or science.
I think that some people mix up Christianity with Islam and have this wrong assumption that they are the same religion

Let me start by saying that we muslims don't reject Darwinian Evolution as a whole, in fact we could accept almost everything of it except some parts, but let me start showing that Darwinian Evolution is the same that religion, you have to believe on it

First and foremost, we have to make a distinction between Basic Evolution and Darwinian Evolution

Basic Evolution is biological change over time, this is a true theory and can be proved by observations like for example bacteria growing to medicine, etc etc Basic Evolution was something well known before Darwin

Darwinian Evolution is composed of two parts, Natural Selection and The Tree of Life, we muslims can accept the Darwinian theory of evolution but we can't do it on it's entirety

Darwinian Evolution isn't Basic Evolution, it requires more than mere observations to be proved, Darwinian Evolution requires YES or YES to gather information and assume that proof for the former is proof for the latter

And this is not to mention some of the problems with regards to Darwinian Evolution
1-No matter how succesful a scientific theory is it can always change due to new observations and interpretation
Philosophy of science shows us that there is no absolute concrete proof for any scientific theory

2-The Tree of Life is based on the idea of Homology, which is the assumption that two similar species with similar genes and anatomy have evolved from a common ancestor, it is just an assumption, not a conclusion based on evidence and indeed there is a problem called Homoplasy, which is the observation of similarities which cannot be due to common ancestry

3-Basically Gradualism, Darwin assumed that evolution takes place on small slight steps, this assumption is an essential part of Darwinian Evolution, in fact Darwin said that this is a falsification to his entire framework but the fossil records show the exact opposite, they show us rapid changes in biological features also

4-Darwin assumed that the only reason for our existence is to selfishly care about our own survival and reproduction, but this doesn't explain why people give charity or goverments send taxes to hospitals for the survival of the ubfittest, why people care about animals, ancient buildings, and why people are willing to die for their values

5-Some popular biologists have said that there is even propaganda about Darwinism and that they are seeing it being push as an undeniable reality when it is far from it, even some of them have labelled Darwinism as a religion due to the activities of Darwinists

In addition to this, Darwinian Evolution is not even the only theory of evolution, let me give you 3 examples
Evolution by Natural Engineering
Neo Lamarckian Evolution
Mutation Driven Evolution

Last but not least, really if you think about it, if someone told you "Well, first we were some bacteria on water, then we growed to this, then to that, then we converted into a fish, then we converted into a reptile, then into a rat, then into a horse, then somehow we cameback to being a giant roedor, then we converted into a small roedor, then into a predecessor of horses, then again a fish, then again back to the earth from water, then into a bird, then step by step into a little monkey, then into a giant orangutan, then then slowly into a human being"
It suggests a lot of blind belief to be honest

I must add that Darwinian Evolution is still the number one theory on Evolution, is just that not solid as some want it to be, but again, we muslims don't reject it on it's entirety, just a very little part, and that little part probably can never be proven since 99,999% fossils of animals that had ever existed don't exist anymore, don't know about christians and others

With all due respect, don't mix up Islam with Chistianity and others
Nice essay, Instead of tackling your arguments point by point I'll just reinforce mine. We come from a 'primordial soup' these simple cells (LUCA) laid the ground work for all life and proto-life, if you will. We can prove evolution in so many ways but after almost 4 billion years of build up things can get pretty complex.

I'll skip ahead a little bit , Some of the earliest lifeforms were worms. These worms would eventually split into the invertebrates and vertebrates we know no today. I'm leading towards us so I'll be talking about the Chordates.
This strange worm laid the ground work for most land and sea life giving us and every other vertebrate a spinal chord. They would eventually become the first fish but not fish as we know it.
26TB FISH4 jumbo
that would come later but eventually we get the first proper fish. Anybody who has looked into this probably knows the story, the fish evolves legs in order occupy a niche then becoming a lizard, which led to dinosaurs,
Dimetrodon NT2 small
then the first proto mammal .
therapsids. Leading to the first mammals.
82828311 56a2561d5f9b58b7d0c9293e 5bbe0f0246e0fb0051fc51fd
. From there it's pretty easy to understand. In regard to us, (essentially) a rat, turned into a monkey which turned into an ape and then us. Along the way some taking a different evolutionary path while some remained closer to what they were. The thing about evolution is if there is no evolutionary pressure to change we will not. Look at the giant tortoises of the Galapagos
1200px Galapagos giant tortoise Geochelone elephantopus
they haven't changed at all with no natural predators. The rate of change is variable from none to rapid evolution in 50 years time due to intense pressure.

There is no one pillar upon which evolution works and no homogenous speed it's far too complex for that. When I think what we are and how we got here it is pretty amazing some might even call it crazy but a lot less crazy than some magic man creating things out of thin air with no evidence for something like that to be scientifically plausible in the slightest.

These commonalities are proof enough that we are all related (evolution) those we are more closely related to having similar traits though sometimes those that are not closely related can become similar simply because it has been found evolutionarily useful in "design" which is called evolutionary convergence. We are built on the same foundation after all.
Nice essay, Instead of tackling your arguments point by point I'll just reinforce mine. We come from a 'primordial soup' these simple cells (LUCA) laid the ground work for all life and proto-life, if you will. We can prove evolution in so many ways but after almost 4 billion years of build up things can get pretty complex.

I'll skip ahead a little bit , Some of the earliest lifeforms were worms. These worms would eventually split into the invertebrates and vertebrates we know no today. I'm leading towards us so I'll be talking about the Chordates.View attachment 1066370 This strange worm laid the ground work for most land and sea life giving us and every other vertebrate a spinal chord. They would eventually become the first fish but not fish as we know it. View attachment 1066374 that would come later but eventually we get the first proper fish. Anybody who has looked into this probably knows the story, the fish evolves legs in order occupy a niche then becoming a lizard, which led to dinosaurs, View attachment 1066381 then the first proto mammal . View attachment 1066382 therapsids. Leading to the first mammals. View attachment 1066392. From there it's pretty easy to understand. In regard to us, (essentially) a rat, turned into a monkey which turned into an ape and then us. Along the way some taking a different evolutionary path while some remained closer to what they were. The thing about evolution is if there is no evolutionary pressure to change we will not. Look at the giant tortoises of the Galapagos View attachment 1066399 they haven't changed at all with no natural predators. The rate of change is variable from none to rapid evolution in 50 years time due to intense pressure.

There is no one pillar upon which evolution works and no homogenous speed it's far too complex for that. When I think what we are and how we got here it is pretty amazing some might even call it crazy but a lot less crazy than some magic man creating things out of thin air with no evidence for something like that to be scientifically plausible in the slightest.

These commonalities are proof enough that we are all related (evolution) those we are more closely related to having similar traits though sometimes those that are not closely related can become similar simply because it has been found evolutionarily useful in "design" which is called evolutionary convergence. We are built on the same foundation after all.
Bro to be honest, as you said you just made your point, this is an explanation of things which we know and has almost nothing to do with what i said, i gave you arguments which no Darwinist can refute on a debate at this day, i believe sooner or later Darwinian Theory will have to be replaced for another one

But no problem anyways bro, don't take it as offensive because i'm not specifically against you or something, i respect the fact that you tried to give me an explanation and that may be a sign of sincerity from you which is good and beautiful
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Bro to be honest, as you said you just made your point, this is an explanation of things which we know and has nothing to do with what i said, i gave you arguments which no Darwinist can refute on an argument at this day, i believe sooner or mater Darwinian Theory will have to be replaced for another one

But no problem anyways bro, don't take it as offensive because i'm not specifically against you or something, i respect the fact that you tried to give me an explanation and that may be a sign of sincerity from you which is good and beautiful
My bad, when I'm speaking of Darwinism I'm talking specifically of Social Darwinism. From what I've learned and observed, The three pillars of evolution are natural selection (original SMV I suppose lol) which is based upon mutation, genetic reconfiguration and Social Darwinism I believe that to be the correct formula. I did not believe Darwin to be completely on point either but he did provide some sort of rudimentary theory upon which could be improved.
My bad, when I'm speaking of Darwinism I'm talking specifically of Social Darwinism. From what I've learned and observed, The three pillars of evolution are natural selection (original SMV I suppose lol) which is based upon mutation, genetic reconfiguration and Social Darwinism I believe that to be the correct formula. I did not believe Darwin to be completely on point either but he did provide some sort of rudimentary theory upon which could be improved.
Hey i must say that i respect the fact that you have knowledge on this field even if we don't agree on it, and again i must make clear that Islam isn't completely against Darwinism as other faiths may be, we are just observing what is the real outcome and the result of it but we don't agree with it completely

Tell me, what do you study man?
Hey i must say that i respect the fact that you have knowledge on this field even if we don't agree on it, and again i must make clear that Islam isn't completely against Darwinism as other faiths may be, we are just observing what is the real outcome and the result of it but we don't agree with it completely

Tell me, what do you study man?
I have an INTP personality type so I just soak up knowledge about topics of interest/importance and use pattern thinking to bridge gaps until things click If I need to revise a thought I will. If you've ever looked at an IQ test and the questions that are like: "______ is to_______ as _____ is to_______" is because pattern thinking is a high IQ trait I can understand anything as long as the interest is there.

Could've went to school just not in line with my goals.
What will happen if human becomes degenerate animals?
I have an INTP personality type so I just soak up knowledge about topics of interest/importance and use pattern thinking to bridge gaps until things click If I need to revise a thought I will. If you've ever looked at an IQ test and the questions that are like: "______ is to_______ as _____ is to_______" is because pattern thinking is a high IQ trait I can understand anything as long as the interest is there.

Could've went to school just not in line with my goals.
That's pretty interesting to say the least

What are your goals then?
What will happen if human becomes degenerate animals?
There are really a lot of outcomes for it

First is that if humans lose all sense of morality and accept a nihilistic way of life, everybody should fear for their life

Humans are prone when given power to commit massacres, genocides etc, if i don't have a minimal moral standard this is pretty much one of the possible and most probable outcomes especially nowadays with the weapons we have which could destroy the entire planet and mankind, animals, the entire ecosystem

In the past at the end of the day they were fighting with bows and swords, nowadays one can push a button and destroy a whole continent

This is just one of the possible outcomes, is a very long subject
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There are really a lot of outcomes for it

First is that if humand lose all sense of morality and accept a nihilistic way of life, everybody should fear for their life

Humans are prone when given power to commit massacres, genocides etc, if i don't have a minimal moral standard this is pretty much one of the possible and most probable outcomes especially nowadays with the weapons we have which could destroy the entire planet and mankind, animals, the entire ecosystem

In the past at the end of the day they were fighting with bows and swords, nowadays one can push a button and destroy a whole continent

This is just one of the things, is a very long subject
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That's pretty interesting to say the least

What are your goals then?
Ill spare the details so I don't dox myself later and create problems but I may become very rich. From there I'd like to work on taking us to the next frontier (space) which I deem to be very important.
  • +1
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Ill spare the details so I don't dox myself later and create problems but I may become very rich. From there I'd like to work on taking us to the next frontier (space) which I deem to be very important.
Ok man haha, look, you are a pretty interesting guy and i have to give you that, i hope you will do good in this life
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No religions are red/blackpilled
Atheists redditors are most bluepilled cucks
black pill is truth, religious blue pill is copes.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 10913
Lol this thread had nothing to do with deboonking science.

its basic communist marxist tactics soviet jews used to destroy other countries.

America has a tranny in the white house guys. Faggots are everywhere. Women are unhappy, decaying with their eggs.

jfl muuh god isnt real, nobody fucking cares about god, we care about having a decent place to grow kids otherwise why the fk would i.

stop thinking only about you you you. Look where we are, fucking end of the internet discussion forward growth to sleep with whores
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Religion is cope, Imagine thinking a giant sky daddy made everything and there is enough info to write a book about it.

If you believe in god you are still Bluepilled.
London: Human beings have natural tendencies to believe in God and life after death, according to a three-year international research project directed by two academics at the University of Oxford.

The 1.9 million pounds project involved 57 researchers who conducted over 40 separate studies in 20 countries representing a diverse range of cultures.

The studies (both analytical and empirical) conclude that humans are predisposed to believe in God and an afterlife.
@Enfant terrible
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I think that some people mix up Christianity with Islam and have this wrong assumption that they are the same religion

Let me start by saying that we muslims don't reject Darwinian Evolution as a whole, in fact we could accept almost everything of it except some parts, but let me start showing that Darwinian Evolution is the same that religion, you have to believe on it

First and foremost, we have to make a distinction between Basic Evolution and Darwinian Evolution

Basic Evolution is biological change over time, this is a true theory and can be proved by observations like for example bacteria growing to medicine, etc etc Basic Evolution was something well known before Darwin

Darwinian Evolution is composed of two parts, Natural Selection and The Tree of Life, we muslims can accept the Darwinian theory of evolution but we can't do it on it's entirety

Darwinian Evolution isn't Basic Evolution, it requires more than mere observations to be proved, Darwinian Evolution requires YES or YES to gather information and assume that proof for the former is proof for the latter

And this is not to mention some of the problems with regards to Darwinian Evolution
1-No matter how succesful a scientific theory is it can always change due to new observations and interpretation
Philosophy of science shows us that there is no absolute concrete proof for any scientific theory

2-The Tree of Life is based on the idea of Homology, which is the assumption that two similar species with similar genes and anatomy have evolved from a common ancestor, it is just an assumption, not a conclusion based on evidence and indeed there is a problem called Homoplasy, which is the observation of similarities which cannot be due to common ancestry

3-Basically Gradualism, Darwin assumed that evolution takes place on small slight steps, this assumption is an essential part of Darwinian Evolution, in fact Darwin said that this is a falsification to his entire framework but the fossil records show the exact opposite, they show us rapid changes in biological features also

4-Darwin assumed that the only reason for our existence is to selfishly care about our own survival and reproduction, but this doesn't explain why people give charity or goverments send taxes to hospitals for the survival of the ubfittest, why people care about animals, ancient buildings, and why people are willing to die for their values

5-Some popular biologists have said that there is even propaganda about Darwinism and that they are seeing it being push as an undeniable reality when it is far from it, even some of them have labelled Darwinism as a religion due to the activities of Darwinists

In addition to this, Darwinian Evolution is not even the only theory of evolution, let me give you 3 examples
Evolution by Natural Engineering
Neo Lamarckian Evolution
Mutation Driven Evolution

Last but not least, really if you think about it, if someone told you "Well, first we were some bacteria on water, then we growed to this, then to that, then we converted into a fish, then we converted into a reptile, then into a rat, then into a horse, then somehow we cameback to being a giant roedor, then we converted into a small roedor, then into a predecessor of horses, then again a fish, then again back to the earth from water, then into a bird, then step by step into a little monkey, then into a giant orangutan, then then slowly into a human being"
It suggests a lot of blind belief to be honest

I must add that Darwinian Evolution is still the number one theory on Evolution, is just that not solid as some want it to be, but again, we muslims don't reject it on it's entirety, just a very little part, and that little part probably can never be proven since 99,999% fossils of animals that had ever existed don't exist anymore, don't know about christians and others

With all due respect, don't mix up Islam with Chistianity and others
I did read
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it's too late
even returning back to monke wont help
sit back and watch the world collapse
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Vitruvian and eyelidcel
it's too late
even returning back to monke wont help
sit back and watch the world collapse
London: Human beings have natural tendencies to believe in God and life after death, according to a three-year international research project directed by two academics at the University of Oxford.

The 1.9 million pounds project involved 57 researchers who conducted over 40 separate studies in 20 countries representing a diverse range of cultures.

The studies (both analytical and empirical) conclude that humans are predisposed to believe in God and an afterlife.
London: Human beings have natural tendencies to believe in God and life after death, according to a three-year international research project directed by two academics at the University of Oxford.

The 1.9 million pounds project involved 57 researchers who conducted over 40 separate studies in 20 countries representing a diverse range of cultures.

The studies (both analytical and empirical) conclude that humans are predisposed to believe in God and an afterlife.

i know that
but society is on the point of no return
  • +1
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View attachment 1066552
i know that
but society is on the point of no return
Man I am not here to argue for darwinian evolution but even this theory that atheists are so fond of argues that it is from evolutionary point of view that belief in God is hardwired in the human brain. This means truth because darwinists argue that 'x' that helps your survival is objective truth.

Because humans are hardwired in their believe in God it won't fade away. The degeneracy that will first happen is that the religious will turn secular. After this atheism will be the result of nurture, not nature. The moment humanity will be mostly atheist, means the world will collapse like it is perdicted in the 4 divine books.
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@Enfant terrible
LOL a tendency to cope is proof that god is real? That just shows a lot of people are too retarded to discern fact from fiction.
Religion is cope, Imagine thinking a giant sky daddy made everything and there is enough info to write a book about it.

If you believe in god you are still Bluepilled.
I thought i respected you.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 10913
LOL a tendency to cope is proof that god is real? That just shows a lot of people are too retarded to discern fact from fiction.
Did you read the study? Humans are hardwired to believe in God. From an darwinian point of view believe in God is necessary for the human survival. Meaning it is objective truth. Anything other then this belief is you coping, because I believe that your ego can't accept the fact that there is a higher being who should be worshipped.
Lol this thread had nothing to do with deboonking science.

its basic communist marxist tactics soviet jews used to destroy other countries.

America has a tranny in the white house guys. Faggots are everywhere. Women are unhappy, decaying with their eggs.

jfl muuh god isnt real, nobody fucking cares about god, we care about having a decent place to grow kids otherwise why the fk would i.

stop thinking only about you you you. Look where we are, fucking end of the internet discussion forward growth to sleep with whores
Could've talked about trannies without the religious shit. I do know of scientific reasons why trannies and other gay people are wrong even though I'm an atheist.
  • +1
Reactions: Vitruvian
I thought i respected you.
lol I come from a heavy church background. I was skeptical then, It clicked that it's not real a while ago. Get your knowledge up.
Did you read the study? Humans are hardwired to believe in God. From an darwinian point of view believe in God is necessary for the human survival. Meaning it is objective truth. Anything other then this belief is you coping, because I believe that your ego can't accept the fact that there is a higher being who should be worshipped.
Human are hardwired to look for answers even if they have to make some shit up. Majority of people need comfort and religion provides that.
lol I come from a heavy church background. I was skeptical then, It clicked that it's not real a while ago. Get your knowledge up.
"Get your knowledge up" i don't wanna hear that from a guy whose purpose in life is to eat, sleep, fap and repeat, living like a cow with no purpose
  • +1
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Could've talked about trannies without the religious shit. I do know of scientific reasons why trannies and other gay people are wrong even though I'm an atheist.
Like what lmao Everyone can use science to support their moral belief. A fagg can say that the reason for him to be gay is because he cant get a women. A cannibal can show you all the proteins he gets and argue for eating humans. You will not be able to persuade him. Science cant make a moral stance, it can only provide support for it
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"Get your knowledge up" i don't wanna hear that from a guy whose purpose in life is to eat, sleep, fap and repeat, living like a cow with no purpose
lol, I have various things on the docket. Try again.

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