Athiests gtfih

lol, I have various things on the docket. Try again.
Cope, those things on the docket are hedonistic and nihlistic since you're an atheist.
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Like what lmao Everyone can use science to support their moral belief. A fagg can say that the reason for him to be gay is because he cant get a women. A cannibal can show you all the proteins he gets and argue for eating humans. You will not be able to persuade him. Science cant make a moral stance, it can only provide support for it
moral stances = feelings. I'm talking about facts, you can't bend facts.
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Cope, those things on the docket are hedonistic and nihlistic since you're an atheist.
Morals are an innately human thing. Remember that religion is fake, the books are made up. It's in a males Human nature to have codes, women don't have that.
  • JFL
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Morals are an innately human thing. Remember that religion is fake, the books are made up. It's in a males Human nature to have codes, women don't have that.
That's like saying evwrything is a coincidence, there is no creator, proof is black matter which came out of nowhere.

Which doesnt make sense btw, complete bullshit.
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That's like saying evwrything is a coincidence, there is no creator, proof is black matter which came out of nowhere.

Which doesnt make sense btw, complete bullshit.
Everything is a coincidence. Trail and error has made it seem like the world has been perfectly crafted by some sort of intellect but that's nothing more than mere human ego. The world is nothing more than trial and error, especially before sentient life came into play.
Human are hardwired to look for answers
What does this dissprove again? Your first task in this life is to function. Not to look for 'answers' because you cant. It is as simple as that. We are fixed on a certain place, time, space, condition. The only answers we might know is within these bounderies. Nothing else.
Majority of people need comfort and religion provides that.
It's not about what religion gives you. Some might get a feeling of comfort and others will not. I can argue the same tbh. Atheists dont want to be held accountable for their deeds or even have the feeling that they would be held accountable, hence they cant bring themselves to believe in God.
My main argument however is that humans need to believe in God and the afterlife. Your brain is PROVEN to be hardwired for this. In the case someone is atheist simply means his brain cant seem to function properly. Do you get it? Your brain being hardwired means this is the proper way to functions.

Look at it this way your body can only function by consuming food. Some fool who claims he doenst need this would be mentally ill and die. Your body simply cant function without it. NOW WOULD YOU SAY THAT EATING IS DONE BECAUSE OF COMFORT? No you wouldn't because eating is a necessary for your survival. The same argument is also applied in the belief in God and the afterlife.
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moral stances = feelings. I'm talking about facts, you can't bend facts.
With 'facts' you can't proof 'x' deed is true or false. So your claim on proving why homosexuality is bad will be empty words. Like I said it's the same with cannibalism. It wouldn't make sense to show that this is scientifically bad because science doesn't concern itself with this.
Moral stances are not feelings if their origin is from divine intervention. They would be facts
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Everything is a coincidence.
Stopped reading there, i think i know what youre about. Also if women dont have morals why arent they running around naked.
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With 'facts' you can't proof 'x' deed is true or false. So your claim on proving why homosexuality is bad will be empty words. Like I said it's the same with cannibalism. It wouldn't make sense to show that this is scientifically bad because science doesn't concern itself with this.
Moral stances are not feelings if their origin is from divine intervention. They would be facts
divine intervention isn't real so they ARE feelings.
Stopped reading there, i think i know what youre about. Also if women dont have morals why arent they running around naked.
lol, download tik tok and see how much morals women have. look at female behavior, just open your eyes. talk to your mother, sisters etc. you will hear them say all kinds of fucked up shit.
divine intervention isn't real so they ARE feelings.
Look you don't get the point. If you yourself believed it to be real would mean that it is not based on your feelings. You might recognize x law to be true by feelings alone but the basis of it are not feelings.
lol, download tik tok and see how much morals women have. look at female behavior, just open your eyes. talk to your mother, sisters etc. you will hear them say all kinds of fucked up shit.
Whats the point?
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Look you don't get the point. If you yourself believed it to be real would mean that it is not based on your feelings. You might recognize x law to be true by feelings alone but the basis of it are not feelings.
If I believed in divine intervention I'd wonder what god is doing right now. now here's the thing, when you "believed it to be real" that doesn't mean it's real. Belief is not facts, Sounds like female logic.
The answer to all our questions and this universe is probably in space but idk if its even possible to understand it even with billions of years to study it.
lol, download tik tok and see how much morals women have.
Ah yes, tiktok, the judge of every woman. I'm talking about originally, not after they change.
Need @streege tbh
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Ah yes, tiktok, the judge of every woman. I'm talking about originally, not after they change.
Female nature is innate, It doesn't change. Society changes allowing women to do more or less.
I did read
Hahaha shukran akhi, May Allah Protect you and your loved ones

At the end of the day only those who are really seeking knowledge and at least are somehow seeking the truth read these long comments, whether they agree or not
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If I believed in divine intervention I'd wonder what god is doing right now.

In Islam the nature of Allah, The Creator, is impossible to understand for the Creation, The Creator is not The Creation
Allah said in Surat Al Ikhlas (Interpretation of the meaning) "Say He is Allah, Unique, Allah The Self Sufficient Master (He doesn't need no one and everyone needs Him), He neither Begot nor is He Begotten, and there is none comparable to Him"

No matter how much we humans reflect upon it we can never never understand or have an image of Allah in our mind since we are limited to our observable reality, Allah explains to us some of his characteristics, that He is The Most Merciful, that He is The Forgiving One, that He is All Powerful, that He is Severe in Punishment, etc, these are things from which we can reason but our capacity to understand it is very limited no matter how much effort we put on it, what i'm trying to say is that we muslims believe that Allah is not limited to time and space

We have even examples of things which we cannot understand that much even in our observable reality, like for example Quantum Physics

At the end of the day and resuming it a lot Quantum Physics teaches us that one object is at two places at the same time, this is pretty hard to understand for the human mind but it is there and it exists, let alone to imagine The One who created all of this

By the way, look at the paradigm shift which Quantum Physics did to the science of Physics, Physics was probably one of the most if not the most solid of science fields and one of the most established but at the end of the day it changed because is science, and as we knows science by it's nature is constantly changing

Quantum Physics and what it did to the field of Physics is one of the greatest examples of our time that science is constantly changing and that every theory no matter how rock solid it looks like, it is prone to change
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In Islam the nature of Allah, The Creator, is impossible to understand for the Creation, The Creator is not The Creation
Allah said in Surat Al Ikhlas (Interpretation of the meaning) "Say He is Allah, Unique, Allah The Self Sufficient Master (He doesn't need no one and everyone needs Him), He neither Begot nor is He Begotten, and there is none comparable to Him"

No matter how much we humans reflect upon it we can never never understand or have an image of Allah in our mind since we are limited to our observable reality, Allah explains to us some of his characteristics, that He is The Most Merciful, that He is The Forgiving One, that He is All Powerful, that He is Severe in Punishment, etc, these are things from which we can reason but our capacity to understand it is very limited no matter how much effort we put on it, what i'm trying to say is that we muslims believe that Allah is not limited to time and space

We have even examples of things which we cannot understand that much even in our observable reality, like for example Quantum Physics

At the end of the day and resuming it a lot Quantum Physics teaches us that one object is at two places at the same time, this is pretty hard to understand for the human mind but it is there and it exists, let alone to imagine The One who created all of this

By the way, look at the paradigm shift which Quantum Physics did to the science of Physics, Physics was probably one of the most if not the most solid of science fields and one of the most established but at the end of the day it changed because is science, and as we knows science by it's nature is constantly changing

Quantum Physics and what it did to the field of Physics is one of the greatest examples of our time that science is constantly changing and that every theory no matter how rock solid it looks like, it is prone to change
sounds like stuff above the 3rd dimension. The 4th axis being duration allowing you to see your past and present without actually being there. getting even more crazy with each new dimension added. really cool stuff in theory.
Another religion thread. Gotta react farm this shit one day
  • JFL
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I'd wonder what god is doing right now
That´s what you only can do. Just wonder.
ow here's the thing, when you "believed it to be real" that doesn't mean it's real. Belief is not facts, Sounds like female logic.
Your argument was wether the morals that came from divine intervention are emotional. The answer is no. If you believed something came from the creator, it may or may not align with your emotions. Stick to the subject, no one here is using female logic.
Human Civilization cant exist without religion and marriage

It will fall into the abyss, full of degenerate animals that even the elite cant properly maintain
religion creation = a normal human behavior.
Because everywhere around the world. Independanlty of each other. Groups of people created religions, or something that resemebles that.

it's like a natural innate process, or program in us.
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religion creation = a normal human behavior.
Because everywhere around the world. Independanlty of each other. Groups of people created religions, or something that resemebles that.

it's like a natural innate process, or program in us.
Try to ask an atheist ( which I am one ) what successful nation that ever existed was atheist

And watch them stutter and stutter, durrr its because people didnt know science back then

Bullshit, people nowadays are less scientific than Christians in the past, people in the past understood the differences between races, men and women, and the dollar has to be backed by gold
Try to ask an atheist ( which I am one ) what successful nation that ever existed was atheist

And watch them stutter and stutter, durrr its because people didnt know science back then

Bullshit, people nowadays are less scientific than Christians in the past, people in the past understood the differences between races, men and women, and the dollar has to be backed by gold
Here a list of top nations as % of people in there claiming not to beaffilaieted to a religion.
China, Vietnam. The Government enfirces state religion of the ciommunist party is the greatest ever. So religion there gets fucked over band invokvements by groverbnemnt.

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Here a list of top nations as % of people in there claiming not to beaffilaieted to a religion.
China, Vietnam. The Government enfirces state religion of the ciommunist party is the greatest ever. So religion there gets fucked over band invokvements by groverbnemnt.

View attachment 1075705
Religion is overrated bro

Just make cheap products for cents an hour and worship the State

People without religion will stand for nothing, believe in anything, and behave like total lunatics

Religion is as old as man
Its not a cope retard, you have to be completely stupid if you think religion or science has a credible explanation for why anything exist. You can look back at the microwave radiation and see the big bang caused this but cant answer why it was there in the 1st place or if anything was before. You don't have the answers dumb fuck, no one does.
Its not a cope retard, you have to be completely stupid if you think religion or science has a credible explanation for why anything exist. You can look back at the microwave radiation and see the big bang caused this but cant answer why it was there in the 1st place or if anything was before. You don't have the answers dumb fuck, no one does.
So knowing the scope of the universe, somebody would think there is a god, not only that, one that is personally involved with humans so much so that god has been speaking to us like we matter at all and were not just a bunch of carbon on giant rock? OK LOL.

we do have most of the answers, you're using the fact that we have YET to figure out every single fucking answer when 20 years ago we were fucking playing snake on a Nokia
so no shit, retard. Over for your IQ.
Science is the answers faggot.
So knowing the scope of the universe, somebody would think there is a god, not only that, one that is personally involved with humans so much so that god has been speaking to us like we matter at all and were not just a bunch of carbon on giant rock? OK LOL.

we do have most of the answers, you're using the fact that we have YET to figure out every single fucking answer when 20 years ago we were fucking playing snake on a Nokia
so no shit, retard. Over for your IQ.
Science is the answers faggot.
are you actually retarded? never did i say i believed in a god especially a personal god. I also think humans are just biological machines that are no more important than an ant but I also acknowledge that "the universe is here just cause" is a lazy ass answer that isn't even science. Science is testable, you cant test that. You don't why the universe exist or why anything exist in general just like no one else, you can go ahead and say its here just cause but it wont be anymore credible than the people saying god did it.
are you actually retarded? never did i say i believed in a god especially a personal god. I also think humans are just biological machines that are no more important than an ant but I also acknowledge that "the universe is here just cause" is a lazy ass answer that isn't even science. Science is testable, you cant test that. You don't why the universe exist or why anything exist in general just like no one else, you can go ahead and say its here just cause but it wont be anymore credible than the people saying god did it.
lol I never said it was here "just cause" neither does science say that. Also, damn near all theist arguments are for that of a personal god. even if everything came from "nothing" which is relative and possibly objective we didn't need a god in order to come into formation.why would we need a god to create the big bang which basically exploded from (with all intesive purposes) infinite matter.

Making shit up does not serve as a sufficient answer especially with literally no evidence of such, Not that the existence of a true universal /multi-versal god would matter to use anyway. unless this god is of the 4th dimension or higher.
Religion's stories are bull shit, moral are debatable, but the community is a powerful thing you can use,
you need some sort of religious bull shit to make people compliance, ,working together, bulding society, follow rules
if you smart, you should support religion,
but avoid being get fucked by religion like donation and brainwashy stories.
Lots of good thoughtful discussion in this thread as always but the real question is why hasn’t jesus gotten me some pussy yet
lol I never said it was here "just cause" neither does science say that. Also, damn near all theist arguments are for that of a personal god. even if everything came from "nothing" which is relative and possibly objective we didn't need a god in order to come into formation.why would we need a god to create the big bang which basically exploded from (with all intesive purposes) infinite matter.

Making shit up does not serve as a sufficient answer especially with literally no evidence of such, Not that the existence of a true universal /multi-versal god would matter to use anyway. unless this god is of the 4th dimension or higher.
I never made anything up ffs, all I said was no one knows why anything exists not religion or science. I never said I believed in some personal god or even some type of conscious being coming before the universe.
I never made anything up ffs, all I said was no one knows why anything exists not religion or science. I never said I believed in some personal god or even some type of conscious being coming before the universe.
Fair enough, I just don't like to lend credence to religion and validate their beliefs is all.

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