Autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity Phenotype (AKA why you will never be NT)


Deleted member 15606

Oct 4, 2021
This explores how different information measures relate to human and artificial systems, and postulates that a spectrum of information theoretic processing exists in humans and computers.

Title: Exploring Cognitive Diversity in Autism: From Shannon Entropy to Kolmogorov Complexity in Information Processing

I. Abstract​

This paper proposes a hypothesis that the diverse cognitive styles observed in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may, in some cases, align with information processing tendencies that resemble Kolmogorov Complexity (KC) and Turing Machines. This contrasts with neurotypical cognition, which may exhibit tendencies that align more with Shannon Entropy and neural networks. This framework aims to complement existing theories of ASD, such as Enhanced Perceptual Functioning, Weak Central Coherence, Executive Dysfunction, and Theory of Mind Deficit. It's crucial to note that this framework is not intended to be a single, defining characteristic of ASD, nor is it meant to pathologize or stereotype. Rather, it offers one perspective among many to complement existing understandings of ASD. We highlight potential strengths in rule-based pattern detection and propose experimental designs to further explore these hypotheses, such as tasks involving probabilistic classification and rule-based pattern detection. This research is focused specifically on ASD and does not seek to generalize to all forms of neurodiversity at this time. Implications for understanding the heterogeneity of ASD are discussed

II. Introduction​

A. Neurodiversity and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)​

Neurodiversity is a concept that celebrates the natural variations in human brains and behavior. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one example of neurodiversity, characterized by distinctive cognitive and behavioral differences. Individuals with ASD often display exceptional attention to detail, heightened sensory sensitivities, and a preference for structured routines. While social communication differences are common, many individuals with ASD also exhibit strengths in pattern recognition, memory, and logical reasoning. These cognitive variations are not deficits but reflect the diverse ways brains process information. ASD affects approximately 1 in 36 individuals, showcasing a wide range of cognitive profiles and abilities.

B. Overview of Information Theory and Computer Science Concepts​

Information processing is critical for both survival and intelligence. One key property of information is mutual information, which describes the overlap in information content between two objects. This is formalized in the subadditivity property of information measures, stating that the combined information content of two objects is less than or equal to the sum of their individual information contents. The two major information measures are Shannon Entropy and Kolmogorov Complexity.

Information measure:Shannon EntropyKolmogorov Complexity
Subadditivity formula:H(X,Y) ≤ H(X) + H(Y)K(xy) ≤ K(x) + K(y) + O(1)

Both neural networks and Turing machines can approximate arbitrary continuous functions, but their methods differ:

Neural Networks: Approximate any continuous function by mapping inputs to outputs.

Turing Machines: Compute functions to a desired precision through encoding and logical steps.

Algorithm:Neural NetworksTuring Machines
Universality:Universal Approximation TheoremsUniversal Turing Machine

C. Thesis statement:​

We hypothesize that information processing styles in some individuals with ASD may exhibit tendencies that align more with Kolmogorov Complexity, emphasizing discrete, rule-based patterns and minimizing algorithmic complexity. In contrast, neurotypical cognition may align more with Shannon Entropy, prioritizing probabilistic reasoning and statistical pattern recognition. This divergence may stem from distinct computational architectures and information processing strategies. Individuals with ASD may excel in memory for details and identifying algorithmic patterns, while neurotypical individuals may rely more on statistical learning and generalization. However, these characteristics may not apply to all individuals. We acknowledge the vast heterogeneity within the ASD population and aim to explore the potential diversity in information processing styles as one contributing factor among many others. This research is exploratory and does not seek to categorize individuals with ASD based on processing styles alone.

III. Theoretical Framework​

Information processing is a dynamic and multifaceted process, not simply a binary choice between Shannon entropy and Kolmogorov complexity. People likely use a combination of both approaches, influenced by the task, context, and their preferences. We hypothesize that neurotypical and ASD cognition can be understood as utilizing varying degrees of these information processing styles, differing in their reliance on probabilistic versus rule-based methods. Neurotypical cognition may favor probabilistic reasoning and statistical learning, aligning with Shannon entropy principles, which can be beneficial in complex and uncertain environments. Conversely, ASD cognition may lean more towards rule-based pattern recognition and deterministic processing, aligning with Kolmogorov complexity principles, potentially emphasizing precision and accuracy. This distinction is not absolute but represents a spectrum of cognitive styles, with individuals showing different degrees of each approach. These contrasting processing styles are thought to correspond to neural network and Turing machine computational architectures, respectively. While both are theoretically universal explainers, we suggest that evolutionary pressures for different cognitive niches led to this divergence. The heterogeneous ASD phenotype may reflect variations along a spectrum between these poles.

Important Note:

It is crucial to emphasize that this framework is a theoretical model and not a definitive or exclusive explanation of cognitive styles in ASD. Individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of cognitive profiles, and this framework is just one lens through which to view this diversity.

A. Detailed Explanation of Kolmogorov Complexity, its Applications, and Occam's Razor:​

Kolmogorov Complexity is an algorithmic measure of information content that quantifies the inherent complexity of an object based on the length of the shortest computer program capable of generating it. This measure focuses on the shortest description of an object, often represented as a string of symbols. While theoretically uncomputable due to the halting problem, its core principle, known as the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle, serves as a valuable heuristic in model selection and regularization techniques.

The MDL principle, akin to Occam's Razor, favors simpler models that concisely explain data, aligning with the goal of minimizing description length in Kolmogorov Complexity. Regularization techniques, such as L1 and L2, penalize large weights in models, indirectly incorporating the MDL principle by promoting sparsity and preventing overfitting.

Kolmogorov Complexity is closely related to the principle of Occam's Razor, which states that the simplest explanation is often the most likely one. Individuals with autism may have a heightened ability to identify patterns and find the most concise representations of complex systems, aligning with the principles of Kolmogorov Complexity. This preference for parsimonious explanations and rule-based systems may explain the exceptional abilities of some individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in fields like mathematics, physics, and computer science.

Universal Turing Machines and Autistic Cognition:​

Kolmogorov Complexity relies on Turing Completeness, a property of computational systems that can simulate any other Turing Machine. Those who excel at finding the shortest programs to describe complex objects may also be skilled at creating minimum viable product (MVP) programs, which are the most concise and efficient solutions to a given problem. This could explain the high prevalence of successful programmers and tech founders among individuals with autism, such as Elon Musk (Zip2, PayPal), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum), and Bill Gates (Altair BASIC, MS-DOS). The cognitive abilities of autistic individuals may resemble Universal Turing Machines (UTMs) in their capacity to process diverse information, showcasing strengths in logic, pattern recognition, and problem-solving.

Autism and Occam's Razor in Fields of Excellence:​

The hypothesis of autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity phenotype is supported by anecdotal evidence of highly successful individuals who are either confirmed or suspected to be on the autism spectrum. These include renowned scientists such as Albert Einstein (relativity), Isaac Newton (gravity, calculus), and Nikola Tesla (electricity), as well as mathematicians like Kurt Gödel (incompleteness theorems). Their groundbreaking contributions to their respective fields demonstrate a remarkable ability to identify fundamental patterns and develop concise, elegant theories that revolutionize our understanding of the world. Empirical evidence also shows autistic overrepresentation in fields like physics, mathematics, and computer science, suggesting that the KC hypothesis could explain this overrepresentation.

B. Detailed Explanation of Shannon Entropy and Its Applications​

Shannon Entropy is a fundamental concept in information theory that quantifies the uncertainty or randomness within a system. It applies to both continuous and discrete random variables, making it versatile for analyzing various types of data. In machine learning, variants of Shannon Entropy, such as Cross Entropy and Kullback-Leibler Divergence, are commonly employed as loss functions for training neural networks. These loss functions guide the learning process by measuring the discrepancy between predicted and actual probability distributions, enabling the model to identify statistical patterns and regularities within the training data.

Contrasting Autistic with Neurotypical Cognitive Strategies:​

While individuals with autism may specialize in Kolmogorov Complexity, neurotypicals may rely more on continuous statistical information approaches, such as Shannon Entropy. Shannon Entropy quantifies the amount of information contained in a message, focusing on the probability distribution of the message's elements. This difference in cognitive strategies could explain the distinct cluster of symptoms observed in autism, as well as the strengths and challenges associated with the condition. ASD may represent one end of a spectrum of cognitive styles, with neurotypical individuals potentially relying more on continuous statistical approaches.

IV. Illustrative Comparisons​

This exploration aims to draw conceptual analogies between various computational systems and cognitive processes observed in both neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals. We'll examine how these systems/individuals might approach tasks such as conversation, gravity modeling, face modeling, and memory. The comparisons between neural networks (particularly transformers), traditional algorithms, and cognitive tasks are intended to provide insights into the diverse ways information can be processed, without suggesting a direct equivalence between computational models and human cognition.


Neurotypical individuals typically engage in conversation in a flexible, context-dependent manner, adeptly interpreting social cues and adjusting their responses accordingly.Individuals with ASD may exhibit diverse conversational styles. Some demonstrate a preference for structured, rule-based interactions "social scripts" that prioritize factual information and logical consistency. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the wide range of communication abilities within the ASD population. Some individuals excel at interpreting social cues and engaging in nuanced conversations, while others may face challenges in these areas.
LLMs like GPT-3 engage in fluid, context-sensitive conversation by probabilistically sampling from learned distributions over sequences of words. Their outputs flexibly incorporate and blend information from across their training data, allowing them to handle ambiguity and generate novel, situationally appropriate responses—resembling how neurotypical individuals navigate the nuances of social interaction.In contrast, the classic ELIZA chatbot operates using simple pattern-matching rules, giving rigidly scripted responses to user inputs. It lacks genuine understanding and cannot flexibly adapt to novel contexts. This is somewhat analogous to the challenges some individuals with ASD may face in processing figurative language and navigating unstructured social interactions using literal, rule-based interpretations. However, it is essential to note that individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of communication abilities, and this comparison may not apply universally.

Gravity modeling​

A neurotypical individual may approach understanding gravity intuitively, using everyday experiences and observations to develop a general sense of how objects behave. They might first grasp qualitative relationships - such as that unsupported objects fall and that the moon orbits the Earth. From this foundation, they could gradually layer on more precise quantitative rules through physics education, refining their mental models. Importantly, their understanding may retain a degree of flexibility, allowing them to reason comfortably about approximations and boundary conditions.An individual with ASD might be more inclined towards an exact, formalized description from the outset. They may intensely study the equations of motion, deriving predictions through strict mathematical logic. Their mental model could be crisply defined, deterministic, and precise. This approach might enable highly accurate calculations in well-specified situations but could be less flexible in handling ambiguous scenarios or making "fuzzy" extrapolations to edge cases. It is speculated, though not definitively proven, that both Newton and Einstein may have exhibited traits of ASD.
OpenAI's SORA video generator: Generative models like SORA use learned statistical relationships in data to produce novel, plausible simulations of physical systems. Much like neurotypical individuals using intuitive mental models, these models can flexibly apply their learned representations to generate realistic counterfactual scenarios.Physics Simulations: Classical physics engines use explicit equations of motion to model systems in a deterministic, literal way. Similar to how some individuals with ASD might build models from precise mathematical representations, these engines can perform exact computations but may struggle with ambiguity or making plausible inferences in novel situations.

Face modeling​

Neurotypical individuals typically rely on prototypes or generalized templates of facial structure and features when processing faces. They can flexibly represent different faces as variations on these averages, interpreting unseen faces through interpolation and estimation. This allows for efficient recognition and categorization of faces, even with variations in lighting, angle, or expression. It may also give them more flexibility and nuance in their own expressions.Some individuals with ASD may encode faces as collections of discrete measurements and geometric relationships, comparing new faces to a vast database of exemplars. This approach prioritizes specific distinguishing details and precise differentiation, potentially leading to less tolerance for deviation from established patterns and more rigid categorization of facial features. Studies have shown that some individuals with ASD may have relative strengths in identifying cartoon faces over neurotypicals due to their simplified and exaggerated features. This may manifest as an aversion to eye contact, as they may be less adept at interpreting nuanced facial expressions, and it could result in reduced facial expressiveness.
Similar to neurotypical facial processing, models like Stable Diffusion learn statistical regularities from many examples, forming a latent space that captures the key dimensions of variation in faces. They can flexibly reconstruct unseen faces and generate novel, plausible blends. GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) fluidly interpolate between training examples to produce diverse samples, resembling neurotypical prototype-based face perception.Character designers for Unreal Engine or virtual character creators, much like some individuals with ASD encoding faces as collections of discrete features, represent faces using a library of discrete parts that can be manually specified. This allows precise reconstruction of seen examples but may struggle to tolerate deviations or make fine-grained distinctions.


Neurotypical memory formation likely involves extracting key details and contextual associations, weaving distinct episodes into a coherent narrative. Recall may revolve around generalized representations and reconstructing via interpolation.ASD memory may be more focused on rote memorization of exact details, accumulating a large store of facts and figures. Recall would then aim to reproduce these specifics as accurately as possible in their original form, with less integration and abstraction.
LLMs: Neural language models store knowledge as dense vector embeddings that capture statistical relationships between concepts. Memories are reconstructed by sampling from these fluid representations, retrieving relevant information while flexibly filling in gaps and abstracting away irrelevant details - similar to neurotypical narrative memory.Traditional Databases: Databases store information in rigid schemas, with each entry a literal record of some event. Queries return exact results matching the specified parameters without interpolation or generalization. This mirrors the precise, large rote storage posited for ASD memory, with a focus on accurate reproduction over flexible reconstruction.

V. Integration with Existing ASD Theories​

While the proposed framework suggests potential relationships between information processing styles and specific ASD traits, it is important to acknowledge the complex, multifactorial nature of ASD. ASD is influenced by a vast interplay of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors, making it highly heterogeneous. This framework should be viewed as one potential contributing factor among many others, not a comprehensive or deterministic explanation. Further research is needed to understand the complex interplay of factors that contribute to ASD traits.

A. Enhanced Perceptual Functioning (EPF) Theory​

EPF theory suggests that individuals with ASD have superior low-level processing and their attention to detail applies to sequences of units. "...perceptually defined class of units, a brain-behavior cycle, expertise effects, implicit learning, and generalization to new material…"

"The generalization of the material in memory to new material structured by the same rules, such as retrieving dates by extending the rules of the calendar to past or future years, the graphic creation of a town by combination of elementary 3D 'geons', mathematical inventiveness, and musical improvisation, is the ultimate stage of savant ability. At this stage, the merging of savant abilities with typical uses of explicit rules, including mathematical algorithms, musical notation, and explicit syntactic rules, is possible. An example of this integration of non-autistic notation is attested to by some calendar savants who display a secondary use of typical algorithms. This may also explain the counterintuitive observation that levels of savant performance are correlated with IQ level."

This aligns with the idea of ASD cognition involving Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing, with a focus on perceiving and learning discrete patterns that can be algorithmically manipulated. However, EPF varies significantly across individuals with ASD, and other factors might contribute to this cognitive style.

B. Weak Central Coherence (WCC) Theory​

The Weak Central Coherence (WCC) theory posits that individuals with ASD exhibit a cognitive style characterized by a heightened focus on details at the expense of the broader context. This detail-oriented processing preference can be likened to the calculation of Kolmogorov Complexity using Turing machines, where individuals with ASD might concentrate on intricate details and specific features of the information they encounter.

In contrast, typical neural network-based processing, akin to Shannon Information Theory, emphasizes the interconnectedness and overall patterns within the input data, leading to a more holistic and integrated understanding.

C. Executive Dysfunction Theory​

ASD may involve challenges in executive functions, particularly cognitive flexibility. Difficulties in a non-deterministic, probabilistic environment could potentially align with a preference for deterministic, rule-based processing, suggesting Kolmogorov complexity-like cognition.

D. Theory of Mind (ToM) Deficit and the Double Empathy Problem​

Individuals with ASD often experience challenges with Theory of Mind (ToM), which can manifest as difficulty in understanding and interpreting the mental states of others. The Double Empathy Problem suggests that the communication breakdown between autistic and neurotypical individuals is mutual, highlighting that social understanding is a two-way interaction challenge.

Individuals with a preference for Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing may have a different life experience compared to individuals with a preference for Shannon Information-like processing, potentially leading to difficulties relating to each other. Additionally, discrete Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing may have comparative limitations in representing ambiguous mental states compared to a vector neural net approach using Shannon Information.

E. Social Motivation Theory​

Social Motivation Theory suggests that individuals with ASD have reduced social motivation and reward sensitivity. A focus on discrete problem-solving may correlate with challenges in fluid, nuanced social environments, potentially contributing to diminished social drive. Negative interactions over time may lead to avoidance.

F. Extreme Male Brain (EMB) Theory​

EMB theory proposes that ASD represents an extreme version of male-typical cognitive traits, such as systemizing over empathizing. The Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing style hypothesized for ASD cognition, with its emphasis on procedural problem-solving, concrete rules, and logical manipulation, aligns conceptually with the male-typical traits described by EMB theory.

G. Hyper-Systematizing​

Hyper-systematizing posits that individuals with ASD have an enhanced ability to systematize, meaning they are exceptionally skilled at understanding and creating systems. This heightened focus on systematizing can lead to a preference for rule-based and predictable environments, consistent with the Kolmogorov complexity framework. While this strength can contribute to exceptional abilities in certain areas, it may also contribute to difficulties in more fluid, less structured social interactions.

VI. Ethical Implications​

It's vital to approach the Kolmogorov complexity framework with careful consideration and nuance. There is a potential risk of misinterpretation or misuse, which could lead to stereotyping or labeling individuals with ASD. Key points to emphasize include:

ASD is a spectrum: The framework should not be used to rigidly categorize individuals based on perceived processing styles. People with ASD exhibit a diverse range of cognitive profiles, and this framework is merely one way to understand that diversity.

No style is superior: The framework does not imply that one processing style is inherently better or more desirable than another. Each style has its own strengths and weaknesses, and individuals with varying profiles may excel in different areas.

Respect for individuality: The primary focus should be on understanding and appreciating the unique strengths and challenges of each individual, rather than reducing them to a single cognitive processing style.

Potential Risks and Limitations:​

While this framework provides a useful perspective on cognitive variability in ASD, it's essential to avoid stereotyping individuals to a single processing style. ASD is a multifaceted condition with numerous contributing factors, and this framework represents just one aspect of the overall picture. Overemphasis on this cognitive dimension might result in overlooking other critical factors that shape an individual's strengths and challenges.

This framework does not claim to fully explain the complex interplay of factors that contribute to ASD traits. Other biological, environmental, and developmental influences also play significant roles. The associations between processing styles and ASD traits are correlational and do not imply causation.

It is essential to approach this framework with caution and avoid stereotyping the complexities of ASD. Reducing individuals to a single cognitive processing style could lead to overlooking other crucial factors influencing their strengths, challenges, and overall well-being. Furthermore, this framework is primarily theoretical and exploratory at this stage. Extensive empirical validation and refinement are needed before any definitive conclusions can be drawn regarding its applicability to real-world scenarios.

It is crucial to exercise caution to avoid stigmatization, misdiagnosis, and an overemphasis on deficits. The framework should be used to promote understanding and personalized support, not to label or categorize individuals in harmful ways. By addressing these ethical considerations and emphasizing responsible interpretation and application, we can ensure that this framework is used to celebrate neurodiversity and promote well-being for individuals with ASD.

VII. Empirical Evidence​

A. Predictions Derived from the Hypothesis​

The Kolmogorov complexity theory of ASD cognition generates several testable hypotheses:

Strengths in Deterministic Tasks:​

  • Rote memorization of discrete facts, sequences, and procedures.
  • Rule-based pattern detection and extrapolation.
  • Algorithmic transformations and formal language operations.
  • "Lossless" reconstruction of detailed exemplars from memory.

Challenges in Probabilistic Tasks:​

  • Extracting prototypes from sets of distorted or incomplete stimuli.
  • Filling in missing data points in time series.
  • Accurately estimating averages from rapidly presented numeric sequences.
  • Detecting outliers in continuous distributions.

B. Proposed tests and experimental designs​

To rigorously test these predictions, a research program would systematically compare the performance of matched ASD and neurotypical samples on a battery of information processing tasks. These tasks should be carefully designed to differentially load on the hypothesized Shannon entropy-like and Kolmogorov complexity-like processing styles.

Shannon Entropy-Like Tests:​

  • Probabilistic classification and prediction.
  • Outlier detection in noisy data streams from various probability distributions (normal, uniform, etc.).

Kolmogorov Complexity-Like Tests:​

  • Memorization of random numeric and visual sequences.
  • Deterministic pattern completion and extrapolation (e.g., extending arithmetic or geometric progressions).
  • Algorithmic transformation and generation tasks (e.g., writing concise programs to generate sequences of symbols)

VIII. Heterogeneity in ASD​

ASD is characterized by immense heterogeneity, and individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of cognitive profiles, preferences, and strengths. The proposed spectrum of processing styles is one potential dimension to consider, but it does not encompass the full complexity and diversity of ASD.

A. Implications for Variability in ASD Phenotypes​

While the proposed spectrum of processing styles does not encompass the full complexity and diversity of ASD phenotypes, it may offer a lens for understanding some of the observed variability in cognitive strengths and challenges. It's crucial to remember that ASD is a multi-factorial condition influenced by genetics, environment, and individual experiences. This framework is just one piece of the puzzle.


  • Sensory Sensitivities: May be associated with more detailed, discrete processing.
  • Social Challenges: Could be related to reduced fluid, contextual representations.
  • Repetitive Behaviors: May align with algorithmic, rule-based processing.
  • Hyperlexia: Precocious use of discrete symbols aligns with Turing machine-like processing.
  • Synesthesia: Shown to enhance several types of explicit memory.
  • Detail-Oriented Processing: Combined with large explicit memory of symbol sequences and rigid behavior, resembles the focused processing of a Turing machine or the program counter in a CPU.
This framework suggests ASD traits collectively promote Kolmogorov complexity-like cognition, contributing to the heterogeneity of the autism phenotype. Further research should explore how specific traits cluster and map onto processing styles in ASD.

B. Co-occurring conditions to the Autism Spectrum​

Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia):​

This condition may result from a rigid cognitive processing style, leading to difficulties in representing fluid vector motions.

Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD):​

OCD involves recurrent obsessive thoughts or compulsive actions, aligning with the repetitive and rigid nature of Turing machine-like processing seen in individuals with ASD.

Obsessive–Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD):​

OCPD is characterized by excessive concern with orderliness, perfectionism, attention to details, mental and interpersonal control, and a need for control over one's environment, impacting personal flexibility, openness, and efficiency.

Autism and OCPD share considerable similarities, such as list-making, rigid rule adherence, and repetitive routines. However, they differ in affective behaviors, social skills, theory of mind difficulties, and intense intellectual interests.

A 2009 study found that 40% of adults diagnosed with Autism met the diagnostic criteria for a comorbid OCPD diagnosis.

Schizoid Personality Disorder:​

Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is characterized by social detachment, emotional coldness, and a solitary lifestyle. People with SPD often have stilted speech patterns that are overly formal, terse, information-dense, and convey more details than needed in the context. This style of communication has similarities to the minimum description length (MDL) principle and mathematical proofs, which aim to compress information and present it in the most concise form possible, as posited by the Kolmogorov complexity hypothesis. The atypical speech patterns in SPD, which are also found in some individuals on the autism spectrum, may reflect an underlying cognitive style that emphasizes efficiency and logic over social norms and expectations.

Tourette Syndrome:​

Tourette syndrome includes complex tics related to speech (coprolalia, echolalia, palilalia) and motor actions (copropraxia, echopraxia, palipraxia).

These repetitive and rote behaviors, with a disregard for the global social environment, resemble Kolmogorov-like Turing machine processing.

C. Beyond Dichotomy: A Multifaceted View of ASD Cognition​

Rather than a strict binary distinction, the proposed framework suggests a spectrum of cognitive styles in both neurotypical individuals and those with ASD. This spectrum reflects varying degrees of preference for discrete, rule-based processing versus probabilistic, statistical reasoning. It is shaped by a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors, and does not imply a simple causal relationship between processing style and ASD traits.

Individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of cognitive profiles, with varying degrees of reliance on Shannon-like and Kolmogorov-like processing. This diversity highlights the importance of recognizing and appreciating the heterogeneity within the ASD population. It is essential to avoid generalizations and stereotypes and to acknowledge the unique strengths and challenges of each individual.

IX. Discussion and Future Directions:​

Key Research Priorities​

Empirical Validation: A crucial next step is to design and conduct empirical studies to rigorously test the predictions derived from the Kolmogorov complexity hypothesis. This will require developing a battery of cognitive tasks that can effectively capture the hypothesized differences in information processing styles between individuals with ASD and neurotypical controls. These tasks should be carefully designed to minimize confounding variables and to be feasible for a diverse range of participants. Collecting high-quality behavioral, eye-tracking, and neuroimaging data from a large, representative sample will be essential for drawing robust conclusions about the validity of the hypothesis.

Personalized Support Strategies: If the Kolmogorov complexity hypothesis is empirically supported, an important direction for future research will be to investigate how cognitive profiles map onto optimal support and accommodation strategies. This could involve studies that assess the effectiveness of different educational and therapeutic approaches for individuals with varying degrees of Shannon-like and Kolmogorov-like processing styles. The goal would be to develop personalized recommendations that leverage an individual's unique cognitive strengths and address their specific challenges, ultimately promoting well-being and positive outcomes.

Exploring Broader Applications: While the current framework is focused specifically on ASD, future research could explore its potential relevance to other neurocognitive differences. This could involve conducting comparative studies with individuals with other conditions that may involve atypical information processing, such as ADHD, dyslexia, or synesthesia. The aim would be to assess whether the Shannon-Kolmogorov spectrum of cognitive styles can provide a useful lens for understanding diverse cognitive profiles beyond ASD. However, any such extensions should be approached with caution and grounded in empirical evidence to avoid overgeneralization.


  • Validate framework through cognitive tasks comparing ASD and neurotypical samples.
  • Assess effectiveness of personalized support strategies based on cognitive profiles.
  • Conduct comparative studies with other neurocognitive differences to explore broader relevance.


  • Designing tasks that effectively capture information processing differences while minimizing confounds.
  • Recruiting large, diverse samples representative of the heterogeneity in ASD and other conditions.
  • Obtaining high-quality, multimodal data (behavioral, eye-tracking, neuroimaging) from diverse participants.
  • Ensuring sufficient statistical power to detect potentially subtle effects and interactions.
  • Avoiding overgeneralization and ensuring any extensions beyond ASD are grounded in empirical evidence.
The hypothesis of autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity phenotype offers a novel perspective on the evolutionary origins and cognitive strengths associated with ASD. By specializing in finding the shortest programs to describe complex systems, individuals with autism may excel in fields that require Occam's Razor and Universal Turing Machines. This framework provides a unifying explanation for the distinct cluster of symptoms observed in autism and the remarkable successes achieved by individuals on the spectrum. Future research should investigate the neural correlates of KC processing in ASD individuals, explore the evolutionary basis of neurodiversity, and examine the potential applications of this understanding for education, employment, and support services.

X. Conclusion: Embracing Neurodiversity through the Lens of Kolmogorov Complexity​

The Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis offers a novel framework for reconceptualizing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by emphasizing its evolutionary and cognitive strengths. This hypothesis suggests that ASD cognition may be characterized by Kolmogorov complexity-like information processing, in contrast to the Shannon entropy-like processing typical of neurotypical individuals. Recognizing ASD as a KC specialist phenotype highlights the unique contributions of autistic individuals and underscores the importance of embracing diverse cognitive approaches to problem-solving.

A. Implications for Understanding and Support​

Cognitive Diversity:

The Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis highlights the value of cognitive diversity, proposing that different processing styles have evolved to address various types of challenges. Appreciating this diversity is crucial for creating inclusive environments that cater to a wide range of cognitive profiles.

Personalized Approaches:

Conceptualizing ASD cognition along a spectrum from Shannon entropy to Kolmogorov complexity emphasizes the need for personalized educational, therapeutic, and support strategies. Tailoring approaches to individual cognitive profiles can help maximize potential and minimize challenges.

Collaborative Synergy:

The hypothesis points to the potential for powerful collaborations between individuals with ASD and neurotypical cognitive styles. Leveraging the unique strengths of each processing style can lead to innovative problem-solving and groundbreaking discoveries across various domains.

B. A Call for Empirical Validation and Ethical Application​

While the Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis offers an exciting new lens, it is crucial to approach it with a critical and cautious mindset. The theory remains largely speculative and requires rigorous empirical testing and refinement. Research should focus on designing studies that validate the key predictions of the hypothesis while accounting for the heterogeneity of ASD phenotypes.

As we explore potential applications of this theory, we must prioritize the well-being and autonomy of individuals with ASD. Any interventions or accommodations derived from the hypothesis must be grounded in robust evidence, guided by a deep understanding of individual needs and preferences, and implemented with the full consent and collaboration of the ASD community.

C. Towards a Neurodiverse Future​

The Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis is not just a theory about ASD cognition; it is an invitation to reframe our understanding of neurodiversity. By celebrating the unique contributions of diverse cognitive styles, we can work towards building a society that truly values and includes all individuals.

This vision requires a collective effort from researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and community members. We must invest in research that deepens our understanding of neurodiverse experiences, develop support systems that empower individuals to thrive, and create spaces that welcome and celebrate cognitive differences.

Ultimately, the Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis reminds us that there is no one "right" way of processing information. By embracing the diversity of human cognition, we open up endless possibilities for innovation, creativity, and human flourishing. Let us use this lens to build a world where every individual, regardless of their cognitive style, has the opportunity to shine.


Author's note:
Autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity Phenotype
Hypothesis: Autism evolved to find Kolmogorov Complexity, implying strengths in utilizing Occam's Razor and Universal Turing Machines. In contrast, neurotypicals may rely more on continuous statistical information approaches.
Motivation for this paper:
Why there would be such a distinct cluster of symptoms for autism?
Why would list-making and stiff facial expressions go together?
Why should tunnel vision be related to overly formal speaking?
Why should autism be anecdotally correlated with physicists and tech founders?
Then, I thought that Kolmogorov Complexity must be the missing connection. It is a formalization of Occam's Razor and would explain Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla. But Kolmogorov Complexity relies on Turing Completeness, so those who would be good at finding shortest programs must also be good minimum viable product programmers, like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Vitalik Buterin, and Bill Gates.
(Confirmed autism cases: Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Vitalik Buterin)
(Debated autism cases: Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Bill Gates)
Author's background:
I am a programmer on the autism spectrum. I wrote this paper after brainstorming from my own inner experiences and what I've read, and used AIs to polish it. It is mostly based on my own experience and seeing which autistic people have been the most successful.

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Some kind soul provide a summary
OP create a simplified short version no one would want to read for 4 hours of their day about autism
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Salute🫡 to those who read all of that
This explores how different information measures relate to human and artificial systems, and postulates that a spectrum of information theoretic processing exists in humans and computers.

Title: Exploring Cognitive Diversity in Autism: From Shannon Entropy to Kolmogorov Complexity in Information Processing

I. Abstract​

This paper proposes a hypothesis that the diverse cognitive styles observed in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may, in some cases, align with information processing tendencies that resemble Kolmogorov Complexity (KC) and Turing Machines. This contrasts with neurotypical cognition, which may exhibit tendencies that align more with Shannon Entropy and neural networks. This framework aims to complement existing theories of ASD, such as Enhanced Perceptual Functioning, Weak Central Coherence, Executive Dysfunction, and Theory of Mind Deficit. It's crucial to note that this framework is not intended to be a single, defining characteristic of ASD, nor is it meant to pathologize or stereotype. Rather, it offers one perspective among many to complement existing understandings of ASD. We highlight potential strengths in rule-based pattern detection and propose experimental designs to further explore these hypotheses, such as tasks involving probabilistic classification and rule-based pattern detection. This research is focused specifically on ASD and does not seek to generalize to all forms of neurodiversity at this time. Implications for understanding the heterogeneity of ASD are discussed

II. Introduction​

A. Neurodiversity and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)​

Neurodiversity is a concept that celebrates the natural variations in human brains and behavior. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one example of neurodiversity, characterized by distinctive cognitive and behavioral differences. Individuals with ASD often display exceptional attention to detail, heightened sensory sensitivities, and a preference for structured routines. While social communication differences are common, many individuals with ASD also exhibit strengths in pattern recognition, memory, and logical reasoning. These cognitive variations are not deficits but reflect the diverse ways brains process information. ASD affects approximately 1 in 36 individuals, showcasing a wide range of cognitive profiles and abilities.

B. Overview of Information Theory and Computer Science Concepts​

Information processing is critical for both survival and intelligence. One key property of information is mutual information, which describes the overlap in information content between two objects. This is formalized in the subadditivity property of information measures, stating that the combined information content of two objects is less than or equal to the sum of their individual information contents. The two major information measures are Shannon Entropy and Kolmogorov Complexity.

Information measure:Shannon EntropyKolmogorov Complexity
Subadditivity formula:H(X,Y) ≤ H(X) + H(Y)K(xy) ≤ K(x) + K(y) + O(1)

Both neural networks and Turing machines can approximate arbitrary continuous functions, but their methods differ:

Neural Networks: Approximate any continuous function by mapping inputs to outputs.

Turing Machines: Compute functions to a desired precision through encoding and logical steps.

Algorithm:Neural NetworksTuring Machines
Universality:Universal Approximation TheoremsUniversal Turing Machine

C. Thesis statement:​

We hypothesize that information processing styles in some individuals with ASD may exhibit tendencies that align more with Kolmogorov Complexity, emphasizing discrete, rule-based patterns and minimizing algorithmic complexity. In contrast, neurotypical cognition may align more with Shannon Entropy, prioritizing probabilistic reasoning and statistical pattern recognition. This divergence may stem from distinct computational architectures and information processing strategies. Individuals with ASD may excel in memory for details and identifying algorithmic patterns, while neurotypical individuals may rely more on statistical learning and generalization. However, these characteristics may not apply to all individuals. We acknowledge the vast heterogeneity within the ASD population and aim to explore the potential diversity in information processing styles as one contributing factor among many others. This research is exploratory and does not seek to categorize individuals with ASD based on processing styles alone.

III. Theoretical Framework​

Information processing is a dynamic and multifaceted process, not simply a binary choice between Shannon entropy and Kolmogorov complexity. People likely use a combination of both approaches, influenced by the task, context, and their preferences. We hypothesize that neurotypical and ASD cognition can be understood as utilizing varying degrees of these information processing styles, differing in their reliance on probabilistic versus rule-based methods. Neurotypical cognition may favor probabilistic reasoning and statistical learning, aligning with Shannon entropy principles, which can be beneficial in complex and uncertain environments. Conversely, ASD cognition may lean more towards rule-based pattern recognition and deterministic processing, aligning with Kolmogorov complexity principles, potentially emphasizing precision and accuracy. This distinction is not absolute but represents a spectrum of cognitive styles, with individuals showing different degrees of each approach. These contrasting processing styles are thought to correspond to neural network and Turing machine computational architectures, respectively. While both are theoretically universal explainers, we suggest that evolutionary pressures for different cognitive niches led to this divergence. The heterogeneous ASD phenotype may reflect variations along a spectrum between these poles.

Important Note:

It is crucial to emphasize that this framework is a theoretical model and not a definitive or exclusive explanation of cognitive styles in ASD. Individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of cognitive profiles, and this framework is just one lens through which to view this diversity.

A. Detailed Explanation of Kolmogorov Complexity, its Applications, and Occam's Razor:​

Kolmogorov Complexity is an algorithmic measure of information content that quantifies the inherent complexity of an object based on the length of the shortest computer program capable of generating it. This measure focuses on the shortest description of an object, often represented as a string of symbols. While theoretically uncomputable due to the halting problem, its core principle, known as the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle, serves as a valuable heuristic in model selection and regularization techniques.

The MDL principle, akin to Occam's Razor, favors simpler models that concisely explain data, aligning with the goal of minimizing description length in Kolmogorov Complexity. Regularization techniques, such as L1 and L2, penalize large weights in models, indirectly incorporating the MDL principle by promoting sparsity and preventing overfitting.

Kolmogorov Complexity is closely related to the principle of Occam's Razor, which states that the simplest explanation is often the most likely one. Individuals with autism may have a heightened ability to identify patterns and find the most concise representations of complex systems, aligning with the principles of Kolmogorov Complexity. This preference for parsimonious explanations and rule-based systems may explain the exceptional abilities of some individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in fields like mathematics, physics, and computer science.

Universal Turing Machines and Autistic Cognition:​

Kolmogorov Complexity relies on Turing Completeness, a property of computational systems that can simulate any other Turing Machine. Those who excel at finding the shortest programs to describe complex objects may also be skilled at creating minimum viable product (MVP) programs, which are the most concise and efficient solutions to a given problem. This could explain the high prevalence of successful programmers and tech founders among individuals with autism, such as Elon Musk (Zip2, PayPal), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum), and Bill Gates (Altair BASIC, MS-DOS). The cognitive abilities of autistic individuals may resemble Universal Turing Machines (UTMs) in their capacity to process diverse information, showcasing strengths in logic, pattern recognition, and problem-solving.

Autism and Occam's Razor in Fields of Excellence:​

The hypothesis of autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity phenotype is supported by anecdotal evidence of highly successful individuals who are either confirmed or suspected to be on the autism spectrum. These include renowned scientists such as Albert Einstein (relativity), Isaac Newton (gravity, calculus), and Nikola Tesla (electricity), as well as mathematicians like Kurt Gödel (incompleteness theorems). Their groundbreaking contributions to their respective fields demonstrate a remarkable ability to identify fundamental patterns and develop concise, elegant theories that revolutionize our understanding of the world. Empirical evidence also shows autistic overrepresentation in fields like physics, mathematics, and computer science, suggesting that the KC hypothesis could explain this overrepresentation.

B. Detailed Explanation of Shannon Entropy and Its Applications​

Shannon Entropy is a fundamental concept in information theory that quantifies the uncertainty or randomness within a system. It applies to both continuous and discrete random variables, making it versatile for analyzing various types of data. In machine learning, variants of Shannon Entropy, such as Cross Entropy and Kullback-Leibler Divergence, are commonly employed as loss functions for training neural networks. These loss functions guide the learning process by measuring the discrepancy between predicted and actual probability distributions, enabling the model to identify statistical patterns and regularities within the training data.

Contrasting Autistic with Neurotypical Cognitive Strategies:​

While individuals with autism may specialize in Kolmogorov Complexity, neurotypicals may rely more on continuous statistical information approaches, such as Shannon Entropy. Shannon Entropy quantifies the amount of information contained in a message, focusing on the probability distribution of the message's elements. This difference in cognitive strategies could explain the distinct cluster of symptoms observed in autism, as well as the strengths and challenges associated with the condition. ASD may represent one end of a spectrum of cognitive styles, with neurotypical individuals potentially relying more on continuous statistical approaches.

IV. Illustrative Comparisons​

This exploration aims to draw conceptual analogies between various computational systems and cognitive processes observed in both neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals. We'll examine how these systems/individuals might approach tasks such as conversation, gravity modeling, face modeling, and memory. The comparisons between neural networks (particularly transformers), traditional algorithms, and cognitive tasks are intended to provide insights into the diverse ways information can be processed, without suggesting a direct equivalence between computational models and human cognition.


Neurotypical individuals typically engage in conversation in a flexible, context-dependent manner, adeptly interpreting social cues and adjusting their responses accordingly.Individuals with ASD may exhibit diverse conversational styles. Some demonstrate a preference for structured, rule-based interactions "social scripts" that prioritize factual information and logical consistency. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the wide range of communication abilities within the ASD population. Some individuals excel at interpreting social cues and engaging in nuanced conversations, while others may face challenges in these areas.
LLMs like GPT-3 engage in fluid, context-sensitive conversation by probabilistically sampling from learned distributions over sequences of words. Their outputs flexibly incorporate and blend information from across their training data, allowing them to handle ambiguity and generate novel, situationally appropriate responses—resembling how neurotypical individuals navigate the nuances of social interaction.In contrast, the classic ELIZA chatbot operates using simple pattern-matching rules, giving rigidly scripted responses to user inputs. It lacks genuine understanding and cannot flexibly adapt to novel contexts. This is somewhat analogous to the challenges some individuals with ASD may face in processing figurative language and navigating unstructured social interactions using literal, rule-based interpretations. However, it is essential to note that individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of communication abilities, and this comparison may not apply universally.

Gravity modeling​

A neurotypical individual may approach understanding gravity intuitively, using everyday experiences and observations to develop a general sense of how objects behave. They might first grasp qualitative relationships - such as that unsupported objects fall and that the moon orbits the Earth. From this foundation, they could gradually layer on more precise quantitative rules through physics education, refining their mental models. Importantly, their understanding may retain a degree of flexibility, allowing them to reason comfortably about approximations and boundary conditions.An individual with ASD might be more inclined towards an exact, formalized description from the outset. They may intensely study the equations of motion, deriving predictions through strict mathematical logic. Their mental model could be crisply defined, deterministic, and precise. This approach might enable highly accurate calculations in well-specified situations but could be less flexible in handling ambiguous scenarios or making "fuzzy" extrapolations to edge cases. It is speculated, though not definitively proven, that both Newton and Einstein may have exhibited traits of ASD.
OpenAI's SORA video generator: Generative models like SORA use learned statistical relationships in data to produce novel, plausible simulations of physical systems. Much like neurotypical individuals using intuitive mental models, these models can flexibly apply their learned representations to generate realistic counterfactual scenarios.Physics Simulations: Classical physics engines use explicit equations of motion to model systems in a deterministic, literal way. Similar to how some individuals with ASD might build models from precise mathematical representations, these engines can perform exact computations but may struggle with ambiguity or making plausible inferences in novel situations.

Face modeling​

Neurotypical individuals typically rely on prototypes or generalized templates of facial structure and features when processing faces. They can flexibly represent different faces as variations on these averages, interpreting unseen faces through interpolation and estimation. This allows for efficient recognition and categorization of faces, even with variations in lighting, angle, or expression. It may also give them more flexibility and nuance in their own expressions.Some individuals with ASD may encode faces as collections of discrete measurements and geometric relationships, comparing new faces to a vast database of exemplars. This approach prioritizes specific distinguishing details and precise differentiation, potentially leading to less tolerance for deviation from established patterns and more rigid categorization of facial features. Studies have shown that some individuals with ASD may have relative strengths in identifying cartoon faces over neurotypicals due to their simplified and exaggerated features. This may manifest as an aversion to eye contact, as they may be less adept at interpreting nuanced facial expressions, and it could result in reduced facial expressiveness.
Similar to neurotypical facial processing, models like Stable Diffusion learn statistical regularities from many examples, forming a latent space that captures the key dimensions of variation in faces. They can flexibly reconstruct unseen faces and generate novel, plausible blends. GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) fluidly interpolate between training examples to produce diverse samples, resembling neurotypical prototype-based face perception.Character designers for Unreal Engine or virtual character creators, much like some individuals with ASD encoding faces as collections of discrete features, represent faces using a library of discrete parts that can be manually specified. This allows precise reconstruction of seen examples but may struggle to tolerate deviations or make fine-grained distinctions.


Neurotypical memory formation likely involves extracting key details and contextual associations, weaving distinct episodes into a coherent narrative. Recall may revolve around generalized representations and reconstructing via interpolation.ASD memory may be more focused on rote memorization of exact details, accumulating a large store of facts and figures. Recall would then aim to reproduce these specifics as accurately as possible in their original form, with less integration and abstraction.
LLMs: Neural language models store knowledge as dense vector embeddings that capture statistical relationships between concepts. Memories are reconstructed by sampling from these fluid representations, retrieving relevant information while flexibly filling in gaps and abstracting away irrelevant details - similar to neurotypical narrative memory.Traditional Databases: Databases store information in rigid schemas, with each entry a literal record of some event. Queries return exact results matching the specified parameters without interpolation or generalization. This mirrors the precise, large rote storage posited for ASD memory, with a focus on accurate reproduction over flexible reconstruction.

V. Integration with Existing ASD Theories​

While the proposed framework suggests potential relationships between information processing styles and specific ASD traits, it is important to acknowledge the complex, multifactorial nature of ASD. ASD is influenced by a vast interplay of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors, making it highly heterogeneous. This framework should be viewed as one potential contributing factor among many others, not a comprehensive or deterministic explanation. Further research is needed to understand the complex interplay of factors that contribute to ASD traits.

A. Enhanced Perceptual Functioning (EPF) Theory​

EPF theory suggests that individuals with ASD have superior low-level processing and their attention to detail applies to sequences of units. "...perceptually defined class of units, a brain-behavior cycle, expertise effects, implicit learning, and generalization to new material…"

"The generalization of the material in memory to new material structured by the same rules, such as retrieving dates by extending the rules of the calendar to past or future years, the graphic creation of a town by combination of elementary 3D 'geons', mathematical inventiveness, and musical improvisation, is the ultimate stage of savant ability. At this stage, the merging of savant abilities with typical uses of explicit rules, including mathematical algorithms, musical notation, and explicit syntactic rules, is possible. An example of this integration of non-autistic notation is attested to by some calendar savants who display a secondary use of typical algorithms. This may also explain the counterintuitive observation that levels of savant performance are correlated with IQ level."

This aligns with the idea of ASD cognition involving Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing, with a focus on perceiving and learning discrete patterns that can be algorithmically manipulated. However, EPF varies significantly across individuals with ASD, and other factors might contribute to this cognitive style.

B. Weak Central Coherence (WCC) Theory​

The Weak Central Coherence (WCC) theory posits that individuals with ASD exhibit a cognitive style characterized by a heightened focus on details at the expense of the broader context. This detail-oriented processing preference can be likened to the calculation of Kolmogorov Complexity using Turing machines, where individuals with ASD might concentrate on intricate details and specific features of the information they encounter.

In contrast, typical neural network-based processing, akin to Shannon Information Theory, emphasizes the interconnectedness and overall patterns within the input data, leading to a more holistic and integrated understanding.

C. Executive Dysfunction Theory​

ASD may involve challenges in executive functions, particularly cognitive flexibility. Difficulties in a non-deterministic, probabilistic environment could potentially align with a preference for deterministic, rule-based processing, suggesting Kolmogorov complexity-like cognition.

D. Theory of Mind (ToM) Deficit and the Double Empathy Problem​

Individuals with ASD often experience challenges with Theory of Mind (ToM), which can manifest as difficulty in understanding and interpreting the mental states of others. The Double Empathy Problem suggests that the communication breakdown between autistic and neurotypical individuals is mutual, highlighting that social understanding is a two-way interaction challenge.

Individuals with a preference for Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing may have a different life experience compared to individuals with a preference for Shannon Information-like processing, potentially leading to difficulties relating to each other. Additionally, discrete Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing may have comparative limitations in representing ambiguous mental states compared to a vector neural net approach using Shannon Information.

E. Social Motivation Theory​

Social Motivation Theory suggests that individuals with ASD have reduced social motivation and reward sensitivity. A focus on discrete problem-solving may correlate with challenges in fluid, nuanced social environments, potentially contributing to diminished social drive. Negative interactions over time may lead to avoidance.

F. Extreme Male Brain (EMB) Theory​

EMB theory proposes that ASD represents an extreme version of male-typical cognitive traits, such as systemizing over empathizing. The Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing style hypothesized for ASD cognition, with its emphasis on procedural problem-solving, concrete rules, and logical manipulation, aligns conceptually with the male-typical traits described by EMB theory.

G. Hyper-Systematizing​

Hyper-systematizing posits that individuals with ASD have an enhanced ability to systematize, meaning they are exceptionally skilled at understanding and creating systems. This heightened focus on systematizing can lead to a preference for rule-based and predictable environments, consistent with the Kolmogorov complexity framework. While this strength can contribute to exceptional abilities in certain areas, it may also contribute to difficulties in more fluid, less structured social interactions.

VI. Ethical Implications​

It's vital to approach the Kolmogorov complexity framework with careful consideration and nuance. There is a potential risk of misinterpretation or misuse, which could lead to stereotyping or labeling individuals with ASD. Key points to emphasize include:

ASD is a spectrum: The framework should not be used to rigidly categorize individuals based on perceived processing styles. People with ASD exhibit a diverse range of cognitive profiles, and this framework is merely one way to understand that diversity.

No style is superior: The framework does not imply that one processing style is inherently better or more desirable than another. Each style has its own strengths and weaknesses, and individuals with varying profiles may excel in different areas.

Respect for individuality: The primary focus should be on understanding and appreciating the unique strengths and challenges of each individual, rather than reducing them to a single cognitive processing style.

Potential Risks and Limitations:​

While this framework provides a useful perspective on cognitive variability in ASD, it's essential to avoid stereotyping individuals to a single processing style. ASD is a multifaceted condition with numerous contributing factors, and this framework represents just one aspect of the overall picture. Overemphasis on this cognitive dimension might result in overlooking other critical factors that shape an individual's strengths and challenges.

This framework does not claim to fully explain the complex interplay of factors that contribute to ASD traits. Other biological, environmental, and developmental influences also play significant roles. The associations between processing styles and ASD traits are correlational and do not imply causation.

It is essential to approach this framework with caution and avoid stereotyping the complexities of ASD. Reducing individuals to a single cognitive processing style could lead to overlooking other crucial factors influencing their strengths, challenges, and overall well-being. Furthermore, this framework is primarily theoretical and exploratory at this stage. Extensive empirical validation and refinement are needed before any definitive conclusions can be drawn regarding its applicability to real-world scenarios.

It is crucial to exercise caution to avoid stigmatization, misdiagnosis, and an overemphasis on deficits. The framework should be used to promote understanding and personalized support, not to label or categorize individuals in harmful ways. By addressing these ethical considerations and emphasizing responsible interpretation and application, we can ensure that this framework is used to celebrate neurodiversity and promote well-being for individuals with ASD.

VII. Empirical Evidence​

A. Predictions Derived from the Hypothesis​

The Kolmogorov complexity theory of ASD cognition generates several testable hypotheses:

Strengths in Deterministic Tasks:​

  • Rote memorization of discrete facts, sequences, and procedures.
  • Rule-based pattern detection and extrapolation.
  • Algorithmic transformations and formal language operations.
  • "Lossless" reconstruction of detailed exemplars from memory.

Challenges in Probabilistic Tasks:​

  • Extracting prototypes from sets of distorted or incomplete stimuli.
  • Filling in missing data points in time series.
  • Accurately estimating averages from rapidly presented numeric sequences.
  • Detecting outliers in continuous distributions.

B. Proposed tests and experimental designs​

To rigorously test these predictions, a research program would systematically compare the performance of matched ASD and neurotypical samples on a battery of information processing tasks. These tasks should be carefully designed to differentially load on the hypothesized Shannon entropy-like and Kolmogorov complexity-like processing styles.

Shannon Entropy-Like Tests:​

  • Probabilistic classification and prediction.
  • Outlier detection in noisy data streams from various probability distributions (normal, uniform, etc.).

Kolmogorov Complexity-Like Tests:​

  • Memorization of random numeric and visual sequences.
  • Deterministic pattern completion and extrapolation (e.g., extending arithmetic or geometric progressions).
  • Algorithmic transformation and generation tasks (e.g., writing concise programs to generate sequences of symbols)

VIII. Heterogeneity in ASD​

ASD is characterized by immense heterogeneity, and individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of cognitive profiles, preferences, and strengths. The proposed spectrum of processing styles is one potential dimension to consider, but it does not encompass the full complexity and diversity of ASD.

A. Implications for Variability in ASD Phenotypes​

While the proposed spectrum of processing styles does not encompass the full complexity and diversity of ASD phenotypes, it may offer a lens for understanding some of the observed variability in cognitive strengths and challenges. It's crucial to remember that ASD is a multi-factorial condition influenced by genetics, environment, and individual experiences. This framework is just one piece of the puzzle.


  • Sensory Sensitivities: May be associated with more detailed, discrete processing.
  • Social Challenges: Could be related to reduced fluid, contextual representations.
  • Repetitive Behaviors: May align with algorithmic, rule-based processing.
  • Hyperlexia: Precocious use of discrete symbols aligns with Turing machine-like processing.
  • Synesthesia: Shown to enhance several types of explicit memory.
  • Detail-Oriented Processing: Combined with large explicit memory of symbol sequences and rigid behavior, resembles the focused processing of a Turing machine or the program counter in a CPU.
This framework suggests ASD traits collectively promote Kolmogorov complexity-like cognition, contributing to the heterogeneity of the autism phenotype. Further research should explore how specific traits cluster and map onto processing styles in ASD.

B. Co-occurring conditions to the Autism Spectrum​

Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia):​

This condition may result from a rigid cognitive processing style, leading to difficulties in representing fluid vector motions.

Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD):​

OCD involves recurrent obsessive thoughts or compulsive actions, aligning with the repetitive and rigid nature of Turing machine-like processing seen in individuals with ASD.

Obsessive–Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD):​

OCPD is characterized by excessive concern with orderliness, perfectionism, attention to details, mental and interpersonal control, and a need for control over one's environment, impacting personal flexibility, openness, and efficiency.

Autism and OCPD share considerable similarities, such as list-making, rigid rule adherence, and repetitive routines. However, they differ in affective behaviors, social skills, theory of mind difficulties, and intense intellectual interests.

A 2009 study found that 40% of adults diagnosed with Autism met the diagnostic criteria for a comorbid OCPD diagnosis.

Schizoid Personality Disorder:​

Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is characterized by social detachment, emotional coldness, and a solitary lifestyle. People with SPD often have stilted speech patterns that are overly formal, terse, information-dense, and convey more details than needed in the context. This style of communication has similarities to the minimum description length (MDL) principle and mathematical proofs, which aim to compress information and present it in the most concise form possible, as posited by the Kolmogorov complexity hypothesis. The atypical speech patterns in SPD, which are also found in some individuals on the autism spectrum, may reflect an underlying cognitive style that emphasizes efficiency and logic over social norms and expectations.

Tourette Syndrome:​

Tourette syndrome includes complex tics related to speech (coprolalia, echolalia, palilalia) and motor actions (copropraxia, echopraxia, palipraxia).

These repetitive and rote behaviors, with a disregard for the global social environment, resemble Kolmogorov-like Turing machine processing.

C. Beyond Dichotomy: A Multifaceted View of ASD Cognition​

Rather than a strict binary distinction, the proposed framework suggests a spectrum of cognitive styles in both neurotypical individuals and those with ASD. This spectrum reflects varying degrees of preference for discrete, rule-based processing versus probabilistic, statistical reasoning. It is shaped by a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors, and does not imply a simple causal relationship between processing style and ASD traits.

Individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of cognitive profiles, with varying degrees of reliance on Shannon-like and Kolmogorov-like processing. This diversity highlights the importance of recognizing and appreciating the heterogeneity within the ASD population. It is essential to avoid generalizations and stereotypes and to acknowledge the unique strengths and challenges of each individual.

IX. Discussion and Future Directions:​

Key Research Priorities​

Empirical Validation: A crucial next step is to design and conduct empirical studies to rigorously test the predictions derived from the Kolmogorov complexity hypothesis. This will require developing a battery of cognitive tasks that can effectively capture the hypothesized differences in information processing styles between individuals with ASD and neurotypical controls. These tasks should be carefully designed to minimize confounding variables and to be feasible for a diverse range of participants. Collecting high-quality behavioral, eye-tracking, and neuroimaging data from a large, representative sample will be essential for drawing robust conclusions about the validity of the hypothesis.

Personalized Support Strategies: If the Kolmogorov complexity hypothesis is empirically supported, an important direction for future research will be to investigate how cognitive profiles map onto optimal support and accommodation strategies. This could involve studies that assess the effectiveness of different educational and therapeutic approaches for individuals with varying degrees of Shannon-like and Kolmogorov-like processing styles. The goal would be to develop personalized recommendations that leverage an individual's unique cognitive strengths and address their specific challenges, ultimately promoting well-being and positive outcomes.

Exploring Broader Applications: While the current framework is focused specifically on ASD, future research could explore its potential relevance to other neurocognitive differences. This could involve conducting comparative studies with individuals with other conditions that may involve atypical information processing, such as ADHD, dyslexia, or synesthesia. The aim would be to assess whether the Shannon-Kolmogorov spectrum of cognitive styles can provide a useful lens for understanding diverse cognitive profiles beyond ASD. However, any such extensions should be approached with caution and grounded in empirical evidence to avoid overgeneralization.


  • Validate framework through cognitive tasks comparing ASD and neurotypical samples.
  • Assess effectiveness of personalized support strategies based on cognitive profiles.
  • Conduct comparative studies with other neurocognitive differences to explore broader relevance.


  • Designing tasks that effectively capture information processing differences while minimizing confounds.
  • Recruiting large, diverse samples representative of the heterogeneity in ASD and other conditions.
  • Obtaining high-quality, multimodal data (behavioral, eye-tracking, neuroimaging) from diverse participants.
  • Ensuring sufficient statistical power to detect potentially subtle effects and interactions.
  • Avoiding overgeneralization and ensuring any extensions beyond ASD are grounded in empirical evidence.
The hypothesis of autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity phenotype offers a novel perspective on the evolutionary origins and cognitive strengths associated with ASD. By specializing in finding the shortest programs to describe complex systems, individuals with autism may excel in fields that require Occam's Razor and Universal Turing Machines. This framework provides a unifying explanation for the distinct cluster of symptoms observed in autism and the remarkable successes achieved by individuals on the spectrum. Future research should investigate the neural correlates of KC processing in ASD individuals, explore the evolutionary basis of neurodiversity, and examine the potential applications of this understanding for education, employment, and support services.

X. Conclusion: Embracing Neurodiversity through the Lens of Kolmogorov Complexity​

The Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis offers a novel framework for reconceptualizing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by emphasizing its evolutionary and cognitive strengths. This hypothesis suggests that ASD cognition may be characterized by Kolmogorov complexity-like information processing, in contrast to the Shannon entropy-like processing typical of neurotypical individuals. Recognizing ASD as a KC specialist phenotype highlights the unique contributions of autistic individuals and underscores the importance of embracing diverse cognitive approaches to problem-solving.

A. Implications for Understanding and Support​

Cognitive Diversity:

The Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis highlights the value of cognitive diversity, proposing that different processing styles have evolved to address various types of challenges. Appreciating this diversity is crucial for creating inclusive environments that cater to a wide range of cognitive profiles.

Personalized Approaches:

Conceptualizing ASD cognition along a spectrum from Shannon entropy to Kolmogorov complexity emphasizes the need for personalized educational, therapeutic, and support strategies. Tailoring approaches to individual cognitive profiles can help maximize potential and minimize challenges.

Collaborative Synergy:

The hypothesis points to the potential for powerful collaborations between individuals with ASD and neurotypical cognitive styles. Leveraging the unique strengths of each processing style can lead to innovative problem-solving and groundbreaking discoveries across various domains.

B. A Call for Empirical Validation and Ethical Application​

While the Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis offers an exciting new lens, it is crucial to approach it with a critical and cautious mindset. The theory remains largely speculative and requires rigorous empirical testing and refinement. Research should focus on designing studies that validate the key predictions of the hypothesis while accounting for the heterogeneity of ASD phenotypes.

As we explore potential applications of this theory, we must prioritize the well-being and autonomy of individuals with ASD. Any interventions or accommodations derived from the hypothesis must be grounded in robust evidence, guided by a deep understanding of individual needs and preferences, and implemented with the full consent and collaboration of the ASD community.

C. Towards a Neurodiverse Future​

The Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis is not just a theory about ASD cognition; it is an invitation to reframe our understanding of neurodiversity. By celebrating the unique contributions of diverse cognitive styles, we can work towards building a society that truly values and includes all individuals.

This vision requires a collective effort from researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and community members. We must invest in research that deepens our understanding of neurodiverse experiences, develop support systems that empower individuals to thrive, and create spaces that welcome and celebrate cognitive differences.

Ultimately, the Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis reminds us that there is no one "right" way of processing information. By embracing the diversity of human cognition, we open up endless possibilities for innovation, creativity, and human flourishing. Let us use this lens to build a world where every individual, regardless of their cognitive style, has the opportunity to shine.


Author's note:
Autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity Phenotype
Hypothesis: Autism evolved to find Kolmogorov Complexity, implying strengths in utilizing Occam's Razor and Universal Turing Machines. In contrast, neurotypicals may rely more on continuous statistical information approaches.
Motivation for this paper:
Why there would be such a distinct cluster of symptoms for autism?
Why would list-making and stiff facial expressions go together?
Why should tunnel vision be related to overly formal speaking?
Why should autism be anecdotally correlated with physicists and tech founders?
Then, I thought that Kolmogorov Complexity must be the missing connection. It is a formalization of Occam's Razor and would explain Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla. But Kolmogorov Complexity relies on Turing Completeness, so those who would be good at finding shortest programs must also be good minimum viable product programmers, like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Vitalik Buterin, and Bill Gates.
(Confirmed autism cases: Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Vitalik Buterin)
(Debated autism cases: Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Bill Gates)
Author's background:
I am a programmer on the autism spectrum. I wrote this paper after brainstorming from my own inner experiences and what I've read, and used AIs to polish it. It is mostly based on my own experience and seeing which autistic people have been the most successful.

This post was made by GM from from lesswrong:
Most recent cases of autism in the west are pseudo-autism. Studies show in Amish populations autism rates are much much lower. Society has fucked the youth up, largely due to social media.
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall and Maalik
jfl if you have all this
Wtf is this bullshit just go out and talk to someone
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 30843
not a single molecule
It's funny how you had to caveat the title with something consistent with this forum's topic. You're casting pearls.

The rhythm of Kolmogorov cognitive styles cropping up from the spectrum of schizophrenic-like disorders is fascinating. This articulation is helpful and in some aspects this idea is even novel! But I noticed something wrong here.

Phenotypic Autism is characterized by a fitness fall-off function. Autism, to a greater or lesser extent (spectrum), is an extreme of a selective optimum (disorder). In other words, autism as a disorder is comprised of beneficial features that are harmfully exaggerated. For example, genuine high-functioning autistics still suffer from pathological symptoms found nowhere else but in other diagnosed cognitive disorders.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 15606
If you can, recapitulate this into an essay with less AI assistance. This just makes it easier to understand.
If you can, recapitulate this into an essay with less AI assistance. This just makes it easier to understand.
Exactly, long text writen by ai = NOT READABLE
Autism has no effect on inceldom
This explores how different information measures relate to human and artificial systems, and postulates that a spectrum of information theoretic processing exists in humans and computers.

Title: Exploring Cognitive Diversity in Autism: From Shannon Entropy to Kolmogorov Complexity in Information Processing

I. Abstract​

This paper proposes a hypothesis that the diverse cognitive styles observed in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may, in some cases, align with information processing tendencies that resemble Kolmogorov Complexity (KC) and Turing Machines. This contrasts with neurotypical cognition, which may exhibit tendencies that align more with Shannon Entropy and neural networks. This framework aims to complement existing theories of ASD, such as Enhanced Perceptual Functioning, Weak Central Coherence, Executive Dysfunction, and Theory of Mind Deficit. It's crucial to note that this framework is not intended to be a single, defining characteristic of ASD, nor is it meant to pathologize or stereotype. Rather, it offers one perspective among many to complement existing understandings of ASD. We highlight potential strengths in rule-based pattern detection and propose experimental designs to further explore these hypotheses, such as tasks involving probabilistic classification and rule-based pattern detection. This research is focused specifically on ASD and does not seek to generalize to all forms of neurodiversity at this time. Implications for understanding the heterogeneity of ASD are discussed

II. Introduction​

A. Neurodiversity and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)​

Neurodiversity is a concept that celebrates the natural variations in human brains and behavior. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one example of neurodiversity, characterized by distinctive cognitive and behavioral differences. Individuals with ASD often display exceptional attention to detail, heightened sensory sensitivities, and a preference for structured routines. While social communication differences are common, many individuals with ASD also exhibit strengths in pattern recognition, memory, and logical reasoning. These cognitive variations are not deficits but reflect the diverse ways brains process information. ASD affects approximately 1 in 36 individuals, showcasing a wide range of cognitive profiles and abilities.

B. Overview of Information Theory and Computer Science Concepts​

Information processing is critical for both survival and intelligence. One key property of information is mutual information, which describes the overlap in information content between two objects. This is formalized in the subadditivity property of information measures, stating that the combined information content of two objects is less than or equal to the sum of their individual information contents. The two major information measures are Shannon Entropy and Kolmogorov Complexity.

Information measure:Shannon EntropyKolmogorov Complexity
Subadditivity formula:H(X,Y) ≤ H(X) + H(Y)K(xy) ≤ K(x) + K(y) + O(1)

Both neural networks and Turing machines can approximate arbitrary continuous functions, but their methods differ:

Neural Networks: Approximate any continuous function by mapping inputs to outputs.

Turing Machines: Compute functions to a desired precision through encoding and logical steps.

Algorithm:Neural NetworksTuring Machines
Universality:Universal Approximation TheoremsUniversal Turing Machine

C. Thesis statement:​

We hypothesize that information processing styles in some individuals with ASD may exhibit tendencies that align more with Kolmogorov Complexity, emphasizing discrete, rule-based patterns and minimizing algorithmic complexity. In contrast, neurotypical cognition may align more with Shannon Entropy, prioritizing probabilistic reasoning and statistical pattern recognition. This divergence may stem from distinct computational architectures and information processing strategies. Individuals with ASD may excel in memory for details and identifying algorithmic patterns, while neurotypical individuals may rely more on statistical learning and generalization. However, these characteristics may not apply to all individuals. We acknowledge the vast heterogeneity within the ASD population and aim to explore the potential diversity in information processing styles as one contributing factor among many others. This research is exploratory and does not seek to categorize individuals with ASD based on processing styles alone.

III. Theoretical Framework​

Information processing is a dynamic and multifaceted process, not simply a binary choice between Shannon entropy and Kolmogorov complexity. People likely use a combination of both approaches, influenced by the task, context, and their preferences. We hypothesize that neurotypical and ASD cognition can be understood as utilizing varying degrees of these information processing styles, differing in their reliance on probabilistic versus rule-based methods. Neurotypical cognition may favor probabilistic reasoning and statistical learning, aligning with Shannon entropy principles, which can be beneficial in complex and uncertain environments. Conversely, ASD cognition may lean more towards rule-based pattern recognition and deterministic processing, aligning with Kolmogorov complexity principles, potentially emphasizing precision and accuracy. This distinction is not absolute but represents a spectrum of cognitive styles, with individuals showing different degrees of each approach. These contrasting processing styles are thought to correspond to neural network and Turing machine computational architectures, respectively. While both are theoretically universal explainers, we suggest that evolutionary pressures for different cognitive niches led to this divergence. The heterogeneous ASD phenotype may reflect variations along a spectrum between these poles.

Important Note:

It is crucial to emphasize that this framework is a theoretical model and not a definitive or exclusive explanation of cognitive styles in ASD. Individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of cognitive profiles, and this framework is just one lens through which to view this diversity.

A. Detailed Explanation of Kolmogorov Complexity, its Applications, and Occam's Razor:​

Kolmogorov Complexity is an algorithmic measure of information content that quantifies the inherent complexity of an object based on the length of the shortest computer program capable of generating it. This measure focuses on the shortest description of an object, often represented as a string of symbols. While theoretically uncomputable due to the halting problem, its core principle, known as the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle, serves as a valuable heuristic in model selection and regularization techniques.

The MDL principle, akin to Occam's Razor, favors simpler models that concisely explain data, aligning with the goal of minimizing description length in Kolmogorov Complexity. Regularization techniques, such as L1 and L2, penalize large weights in models, indirectly incorporating the MDL principle by promoting sparsity and preventing overfitting.

Kolmogorov Complexity is closely related to the principle of Occam's Razor, which states that the simplest explanation is often the most likely one. Individuals with autism may have a heightened ability to identify patterns and find the most concise representations of complex systems, aligning with the principles of Kolmogorov Complexity. This preference for parsimonious explanations and rule-based systems may explain the exceptional abilities of some individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in fields like mathematics, physics, and computer science.

Universal Turing Machines and Autistic Cognition:​

Kolmogorov Complexity relies on Turing Completeness, a property of computational systems that can simulate any other Turing Machine. Those who excel at finding the shortest programs to describe complex objects may also be skilled at creating minimum viable product (MVP) programs, which are the most concise and efficient solutions to a given problem. This could explain the high prevalence of successful programmers and tech founders among individuals with autism, such as Elon Musk (Zip2, PayPal), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum), and Bill Gates (Altair BASIC, MS-DOS). The cognitive abilities of autistic individuals may resemble Universal Turing Machines (UTMs) in their capacity to process diverse information, showcasing strengths in logic, pattern recognition, and problem-solving.

Autism and Occam's Razor in Fields of Excellence:​

The hypothesis of autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity phenotype is supported by anecdotal evidence of highly successful individuals who are either confirmed or suspected to be on the autism spectrum. These include renowned scientists such as Albert Einstein (relativity), Isaac Newton (gravity, calculus), and Nikola Tesla (electricity), as well as mathematicians like Kurt Gödel (incompleteness theorems). Their groundbreaking contributions to their respective fields demonstrate a remarkable ability to identify fundamental patterns and develop concise, elegant theories that revolutionize our understanding of the world. Empirical evidence also shows autistic overrepresentation in fields like physics, mathematics, and computer science, suggesting that the KC hypothesis could explain this overrepresentation.

B. Detailed Explanation of Shannon Entropy and Its Applications​

Shannon Entropy is a fundamental concept in information theory that quantifies the uncertainty or randomness within a system. It applies to both continuous and discrete random variables, making it versatile for analyzing various types of data. In machine learning, variants of Shannon Entropy, such as Cross Entropy and Kullback-Leibler Divergence, are commonly employed as loss functions for training neural networks. These loss functions guide the learning process by measuring the discrepancy between predicted and actual probability distributions, enabling the model to identify statistical patterns and regularities within the training data.

Contrasting Autistic with Neurotypical Cognitive Strategies:​

While individuals with autism may specialize in Kolmogorov Complexity, neurotypicals may rely more on continuous statistical information approaches, such as Shannon Entropy. Shannon Entropy quantifies the amount of information contained in a message, focusing on the probability distribution of the message's elements. This difference in cognitive strategies could explain the distinct cluster of symptoms observed in autism, as well as the strengths and challenges associated with the condition. ASD may represent one end of a spectrum of cognitive styles, with neurotypical individuals potentially relying more on continuous statistical approaches.

IV. Illustrative Comparisons​

This exploration aims to draw conceptual analogies between various computational systems and cognitive processes observed in both neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals. We'll examine how these systems/individuals might approach tasks such as conversation, gravity modeling, face modeling, and memory. The comparisons between neural networks (particularly transformers), traditional algorithms, and cognitive tasks are intended to provide insights into the diverse ways information can be processed, without suggesting a direct equivalence between computational models and human cognition.


Neurotypical individuals typically engage in conversation in a flexible, context-dependent manner, adeptly interpreting social cues and adjusting their responses accordingly.Individuals with ASD may exhibit diverse conversational styles. Some demonstrate a preference for structured, rule-based interactions "social scripts" that prioritize factual information and logical consistency. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the wide range of communication abilities within the ASD population. Some individuals excel at interpreting social cues and engaging in nuanced conversations, while others may face challenges in these areas.
LLMs like GPT-3 engage in fluid, context-sensitive conversation by probabilistically sampling from learned distributions over sequences of words. Their outputs flexibly incorporate and blend information from across their training data, allowing them to handle ambiguity and generate novel, situationally appropriate responses—resembling how neurotypical individuals navigate the nuances of social interaction.In contrast, the classic ELIZA chatbot operates using simple pattern-matching rules, giving rigidly scripted responses to user inputs. It lacks genuine understanding and cannot flexibly adapt to novel contexts. This is somewhat analogous to the challenges some individuals with ASD may face in processing figurative language and navigating unstructured social interactions using literal, rule-based interpretations. However, it is essential to note that individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of communication abilities, and this comparison may not apply universally.

Gravity modeling​

A neurotypical individual may approach understanding gravity intuitively, using everyday experiences and observations to develop a general sense of how objects behave. They might first grasp qualitative relationships - such as that unsupported objects fall and that the moon orbits the Earth. From this foundation, they could gradually layer on more precise quantitative rules through physics education, refining their mental models. Importantly, their understanding may retain a degree of flexibility, allowing them to reason comfortably about approximations and boundary conditions.An individual with ASD might be more inclined towards an exact, formalized description from the outset. They may intensely study the equations of motion, deriving predictions through strict mathematical logic. Their mental model could be crisply defined, deterministic, and precise. This approach might enable highly accurate calculations in well-specified situations but could be less flexible in handling ambiguous scenarios or making "fuzzy" extrapolations to edge cases. It is speculated, though not definitively proven, that both Newton and Einstein may have exhibited traits of ASD.
OpenAI's SORA video generator: Generative models like SORA use learned statistical relationships in data to produce novel, plausible simulations of physical systems. Much like neurotypical individuals using intuitive mental models, these models can flexibly apply their learned representations to generate realistic counterfactual scenarios.Physics Simulations: Classical physics engines use explicit equations of motion to model systems in a deterministic, literal way. Similar to how some individuals with ASD might build models from precise mathematical representations, these engines can perform exact computations but may struggle with ambiguity or making plausible inferences in novel situations.

Face modeling​

Neurotypical individuals typically rely on prototypes or generalized templates of facial structure and features when processing faces. They can flexibly represent different faces as variations on these averages, interpreting unseen faces through interpolation and estimation. This allows for efficient recognition and categorization of faces, even with variations in lighting, angle, or expression. It may also give them more flexibility and nuance in their own expressions.Some individuals with ASD may encode faces as collections of discrete measurements and geometric relationships, comparing new faces to a vast database of exemplars. This approach prioritizes specific distinguishing details and precise differentiation, potentially leading to less tolerance for deviation from established patterns and more rigid categorization of facial features. Studies have shown that some individuals with ASD may have relative strengths in identifying cartoon faces over neurotypicals due to their simplified and exaggerated features. This may manifest as an aversion to eye contact, as they may be less adept at interpreting nuanced facial expressions, and it could result in reduced facial expressiveness.
Similar to neurotypical facial processing, models like Stable Diffusion learn statistical regularities from many examples, forming a latent space that captures the key dimensions of variation in faces. They can flexibly reconstruct unseen faces and generate novel, plausible blends. GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) fluidly interpolate between training examples to produce diverse samples, resembling neurotypical prototype-based face perception.Character designers for Unreal Engine or virtual character creators, much like some individuals with ASD encoding faces as collections of discrete features, represent faces using a library of discrete parts that can be manually specified. This allows precise reconstruction of seen examples but may struggle to tolerate deviations or make fine-grained distinctions.


Neurotypical memory formation likely involves extracting key details and contextual associations, weaving distinct episodes into a coherent narrative. Recall may revolve around generalized representations and reconstructing via interpolation.ASD memory may be more focused on rote memorization of exact details, accumulating a large store of facts and figures. Recall would then aim to reproduce these specifics as accurately as possible in their original form, with less integration and abstraction.
LLMs: Neural language models store knowledge as dense vector embeddings that capture statistical relationships between concepts. Memories are reconstructed by sampling from these fluid representations, retrieving relevant information while flexibly filling in gaps and abstracting away irrelevant details - similar to neurotypical narrative memory.Traditional Databases: Databases store information in rigid schemas, with each entry a literal record of some event. Queries return exact results matching the specified parameters without interpolation or generalization. This mirrors the precise, large rote storage posited for ASD memory, with a focus on accurate reproduction over flexible reconstruction.

V. Integration with Existing ASD Theories​

While the proposed framework suggests potential relationships between information processing styles and specific ASD traits, it is important to acknowledge the complex, multifactorial nature of ASD. ASD is influenced by a vast interplay of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors, making it highly heterogeneous. This framework should be viewed as one potential contributing factor among many others, not a comprehensive or deterministic explanation. Further research is needed to understand the complex interplay of factors that contribute to ASD traits.

A. Enhanced Perceptual Functioning (EPF) Theory​

EPF theory suggests that individuals with ASD have superior low-level processing and their attention to detail applies to sequences of units. "...perceptually defined class of units, a brain-behavior cycle, expertise effects, implicit learning, and generalization to new material…"

"The generalization of the material in memory to new material structured by the same rules, such as retrieving dates by extending the rules of the calendar to past or future years, the graphic creation of a town by combination of elementary 3D 'geons', mathematical inventiveness, and musical improvisation, is the ultimate stage of savant ability. At this stage, the merging of savant abilities with typical uses of explicit rules, including mathematical algorithms, musical notation, and explicit syntactic rules, is possible. An example of this integration of non-autistic notation is attested to by some calendar savants who display a secondary use of typical algorithms. This may also explain the counterintuitive observation that levels of savant performance are correlated with IQ level."

This aligns with the idea of ASD cognition involving Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing, with a focus on perceiving and learning discrete patterns that can be algorithmically manipulated. However, EPF varies significantly across individuals with ASD, and other factors might contribute to this cognitive style.

B. Weak Central Coherence (WCC) Theory​

The Weak Central Coherence (WCC) theory posits that individuals with ASD exhibit a cognitive style characterized by a heightened focus on details at the expense of the broader context. This detail-oriented processing preference can be likened to the calculation of Kolmogorov Complexity using Turing machines, where individuals with ASD might concentrate on intricate details and specific features of the information they encounter.

In contrast, typical neural network-based processing, akin to Shannon Information Theory, emphasizes the interconnectedness and overall patterns within the input data, leading to a more holistic and integrated understanding.

C. Executive Dysfunction Theory​

ASD may involve challenges in executive functions, particularly cognitive flexibility. Difficulties in a non-deterministic, probabilistic environment could potentially align with a preference for deterministic, rule-based processing, suggesting Kolmogorov complexity-like cognition.

D. Theory of Mind (ToM) Deficit and the Double Empathy Problem​

Individuals with ASD often experience challenges with Theory of Mind (ToM), which can manifest as difficulty in understanding and interpreting the mental states of others. The Double Empathy Problem suggests that the communication breakdown between autistic and neurotypical individuals is mutual, highlighting that social understanding is a two-way interaction challenge.

Individuals with a preference for Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing may have a different life experience compared to individuals with a preference for Shannon Information-like processing, potentially leading to difficulties relating to each other. Additionally, discrete Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing may have comparative limitations in representing ambiguous mental states compared to a vector neural net approach using Shannon Information.

E. Social Motivation Theory​

Social Motivation Theory suggests that individuals with ASD have reduced social motivation and reward sensitivity. A focus on discrete problem-solving may correlate with challenges in fluid, nuanced social environments, potentially contributing to diminished social drive. Negative interactions over time may lead to avoidance.

F. Extreme Male Brain (EMB) Theory​

EMB theory proposes that ASD represents an extreme version of male-typical cognitive traits, such as systemizing over empathizing. The Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing style hypothesized for ASD cognition, with its emphasis on procedural problem-solving, concrete rules, and logical manipulation, aligns conceptually with the male-typical traits described by EMB theory.

G. Hyper-Systematizing​

Hyper-systematizing posits that individuals with ASD have an enhanced ability to systematize, meaning they are exceptionally skilled at understanding and creating systems. This heightened focus on systematizing can lead to a preference for rule-based and predictable environments, consistent with the Kolmogorov complexity framework. While this strength can contribute to exceptional abilities in certain areas, it may also contribute to difficulties in more fluid, less structured social interactions.

VI. Ethical Implications​

It's vital to approach the Kolmogorov complexity framework with careful consideration and nuance. There is a potential risk of misinterpretation or misuse, which could lead to stereotyping or labeling individuals with ASD. Key points to emphasize include:

ASD is a spectrum: The framework should not be used to rigidly categorize individuals based on perceived processing styles. People with ASD exhibit a diverse range of cognitive profiles, and this framework is merely one way to understand that diversity.

No style is superior: The framework does not imply that one processing style is inherently better or more desirable than another. Each style has its own strengths and weaknesses, and individuals with varying profiles may excel in different areas.

Respect for individuality: The primary focus should be on understanding and appreciating the unique strengths and challenges of each individual, rather than reducing them to a single cognitive processing style.

Potential Risks and Limitations:​

While this framework provides a useful perspective on cognitive variability in ASD, it's essential to avoid stereotyping individuals to a single processing style. ASD is a multifaceted condition with numerous contributing factors, and this framework represents just one aspect of the overall picture. Overemphasis on this cognitive dimension might result in overlooking other critical factors that shape an individual's strengths and challenges.

This framework does not claim to fully explain the complex interplay of factors that contribute to ASD traits. Other biological, environmental, and developmental influences also play significant roles. The associations between processing styles and ASD traits are correlational and do not imply causation.

It is essential to approach this framework with caution and avoid stereotyping the complexities of ASD. Reducing individuals to a single cognitive processing style could lead to overlooking other crucial factors influencing their strengths, challenges, and overall well-being. Furthermore, this framework is primarily theoretical and exploratory at this stage. Extensive empirical validation and refinement are needed before any definitive conclusions can be drawn regarding its applicability to real-world scenarios.

It is crucial to exercise caution to avoid stigmatization, misdiagnosis, and an overemphasis on deficits. The framework should be used to promote understanding and personalized support, not to label or categorize individuals in harmful ways. By addressing these ethical considerations and emphasizing responsible interpretation and application, we can ensure that this framework is used to celebrate neurodiversity and promote well-being for individuals with ASD.

VII. Empirical Evidence​

A. Predictions Derived from the Hypothesis​

The Kolmogorov complexity theory of ASD cognition generates several testable hypotheses:

Strengths in Deterministic Tasks:​

  • Rote memorization of discrete facts, sequences, and procedures.
  • Rule-based pattern detection and extrapolation.
  • Algorithmic transformations and formal language operations.
  • "Lossless" reconstruction of detailed exemplars from memory.

Challenges in Probabilistic Tasks:​

  • Extracting prototypes from sets of distorted or incomplete stimuli.
  • Filling in missing data points in time series.
  • Accurately estimating averages from rapidly presented numeric sequences.
  • Detecting outliers in continuous distributions.

B. Proposed tests and experimental designs​

To rigorously test these predictions, a research program would systematically compare the performance of matched ASD and neurotypical samples on a battery of information processing tasks. These tasks should be carefully designed to differentially load on the hypothesized Shannon entropy-like and Kolmogorov complexity-like processing styles.

Shannon Entropy-Like Tests:​

  • Probabilistic classification and prediction.
  • Outlier detection in noisy data streams from various probability distributions (normal, uniform, etc.).

Kolmogorov Complexity-Like Tests:​

  • Memorization of random numeric and visual sequences.
  • Deterministic pattern completion and extrapolation (e.g., extending arithmetic or geometric progressions).
  • Algorithmic transformation and generation tasks (e.g., writing concise programs to generate sequences of symbols)

VIII. Heterogeneity in ASD​

ASD is characterized by immense heterogeneity, and individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of cognitive profiles, preferences, and strengths. The proposed spectrum of processing styles is one potential dimension to consider, but it does not encompass the full complexity and diversity of ASD.

A. Implications for Variability in ASD Phenotypes​

While the proposed spectrum of processing styles does not encompass the full complexity and diversity of ASD phenotypes, it may offer a lens for understanding some of the observed variability in cognitive strengths and challenges. It's crucial to remember that ASD is a multi-factorial condition influenced by genetics, environment, and individual experiences. This framework is just one piece of the puzzle.


  • Sensory Sensitivities: May be associated with more detailed, discrete processing.
  • Social Challenges: Could be related to reduced fluid, contextual representations.
  • Repetitive Behaviors: May align with algorithmic, rule-based processing.
  • Hyperlexia: Precocious use of discrete symbols aligns with Turing machine-like processing.
  • Synesthesia: Shown to enhance several types of explicit memory.
  • Detail-Oriented Processing: Combined with large explicit memory of symbol sequences and rigid behavior, resembles the focused processing of a Turing machine or the program counter in a CPU.
This framework suggests ASD traits collectively promote Kolmogorov complexity-like cognition, contributing to the heterogeneity of the autism phenotype. Further research should explore how specific traits cluster and map onto processing styles in ASD.

B. Co-occurring conditions to the Autism Spectrum​

Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia):​

This condition may result from a rigid cognitive processing style, leading to difficulties in representing fluid vector motions.

Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD):​

OCD involves recurrent obsessive thoughts or compulsive actions, aligning with the repetitive and rigid nature of Turing machine-like processing seen in individuals with ASD.

Obsessive–Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD):​

OCPD is characterized by excessive concern with orderliness, perfectionism, attention to details, mental and interpersonal control, and a need for control over one's environment, impacting personal flexibility, openness, and efficiency.

Autism and OCPD share considerable similarities, such as list-making, rigid rule adherence, and repetitive routines. However, they differ in affective behaviors, social skills, theory of mind difficulties, and intense intellectual interests.

A 2009 study found that 40% of adults diagnosed with Autism met the diagnostic criteria for a comorbid OCPD diagnosis.

Schizoid Personality Disorder:​

Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is characterized by social detachment, emotional coldness, and a solitary lifestyle. People with SPD often have stilted speech patterns that are overly formal, terse, information-dense, and convey more details than needed in the context. This style of communication has similarities to the minimum description length (MDL) principle and mathematical proofs, which aim to compress information and present it in the most concise form possible, as posited by the Kolmogorov complexity hypothesis. The atypical speech patterns in SPD, which are also found in some individuals on the autism spectrum, may reflect an underlying cognitive style that emphasizes efficiency and logic over social norms and expectations.

Tourette Syndrome:​

Tourette syndrome includes complex tics related to speech (coprolalia, echolalia, palilalia) and motor actions (copropraxia, echopraxia, palipraxia).

These repetitive and rote behaviors, with a disregard for the global social environment, resemble Kolmogorov-like Turing machine processing.

C. Beyond Dichotomy: A Multifaceted View of ASD Cognition​

Rather than a strict binary distinction, the proposed framework suggests a spectrum of cognitive styles in both neurotypical individuals and those with ASD. This spectrum reflects varying degrees of preference for discrete, rule-based processing versus probabilistic, statistical reasoning. It is shaped by a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors, and does not imply a simple causal relationship between processing style and ASD traits.

Individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of cognitive profiles, with varying degrees of reliance on Shannon-like and Kolmogorov-like processing. This diversity highlights the importance of recognizing and appreciating the heterogeneity within the ASD population. It is essential to avoid generalizations and stereotypes and to acknowledge the unique strengths and challenges of each individual.

IX. Discussion and Future Directions:​

Key Research Priorities​

Empirical Validation: A crucial next step is to design and conduct empirical studies to rigorously test the predictions derived from the Kolmogorov complexity hypothesis. This will require developing a battery of cognitive tasks that can effectively capture the hypothesized differences in information processing styles between individuals with ASD and neurotypical controls. These tasks should be carefully designed to minimize confounding variables and to be feasible for a diverse range of participants. Collecting high-quality behavioral, eye-tracking, and neuroimaging data from a large, representative sample will be essential for drawing robust conclusions about the validity of the hypothesis.

Personalized Support Strategies: If the Kolmogorov complexity hypothesis is empirically supported, an important direction for future research will be to investigate how cognitive profiles map onto optimal support and accommodation strategies. This could involve studies that assess the effectiveness of different educational and therapeutic approaches for individuals with varying degrees of Shannon-like and Kolmogorov-like processing styles. The goal would be to develop personalized recommendations that leverage an individual's unique cognitive strengths and address their specific challenges, ultimately promoting well-being and positive outcomes.

Exploring Broader Applications: While the current framework is focused specifically on ASD, future research could explore its potential relevance to other neurocognitive differences. This could involve conducting comparative studies with individuals with other conditions that may involve atypical information processing, such as ADHD, dyslexia, or synesthesia. The aim would be to assess whether the Shannon-Kolmogorov spectrum of cognitive styles can provide a useful lens for understanding diverse cognitive profiles beyond ASD. However, any such extensions should be approached with caution and grounded in empirical evidence to avoid overgeneralization.


  • Validate framework through cognitive tasks comparing ASD and neurotypical samples.
  • Assess effectiveness of personalized support strategies based on cognitive profiles.
  • Conduct comparative studies with other neurocognitive differences to explore broader relevance.


  • Designing tasks that effectively capture information processing differences while minimizing confounds.
  • Recruiting large, diverse samples representative of the heterogeneity in ASD and other conditions.
  • Obtaining high-quality, multimodal data (behavioral, eye-tracking, neuroimaging) from diverse participants.
  • Ensuring sufficient statistical power to detect potentially subtle effects and interactions.
  • Avoiding overgeneralization and ensuring any extensions beyond ASD are grounded in empirical evidence.
The hypothesis of autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity phenotype offers a novel perspective on the evolutionary origins and cognitive strengths associated with ASD. By specializing in finding the shortest programs to describe complex systems, individuals with autism may excel in fields that require Occam's Razor and Universal Turing Machines. This framework provides a unifying explanation for the distinct cluster of symptoms observed in autism and the remarkable successes achieved by individuals on the spectrum. Future research should investigate the neural correlates of KC processing in ASD individuals, explore the evolutionary basis of neurodiversity, and examine the potential applications of this understanding for education, employment, and support services.

X. Conclusion: Embracing Neurodiversity through the Lens of Kolmogorov Complexity​

The Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis offers a novel framework for reconceptualizing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by emphasizing its evolutionary and cognitive strengths. This hypothesis suggests that ASD cognition may be characterized by Kolmogorov complexity-like information processing, in contrast to the Shannon entropy-like processing typical of neurotypical individuals. Recognizing ASD as a KC specialist phenotype highlights the unique contributions of autistic individuals and underscores the importance of embracing diverse cognitive approaches to problem-solving.

A. Implications for Understanding and Support​

Cognitive Diversity:

The Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis highlights the value of cognitive diversity, proposing that different processing styles have evolved to address various types of challenges. Appreciating this diversity is crucial for creating inclusive environments that cater to a wide range of cognitive profiles.

Personalized Approaches:

Conceptualizing ASD cognition along a spectrum from Shannon entropy to Kolmogorov complexity emphasizes the need for personalized educational, therapeutic, and support strategies. Tailoring approaches to individual cognitive profiles can help maximize potential and minimize challenges.

Collaborative Synergy:

The hypothesis points to the potential for powerful collaborations between individuals with ASD and neurotypical cognitive styles. Leveraging the unique strengths of each processing style can lead to innovative problem-solving and groundbreaking discoveries across various domains.

B. A Call for Empirical Validation and Ethical Application​

While the Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis offers an exciting new lens, it is crucial to approach it with a critical and cautious mindset. The theory remains largely speculative and requires rigorous empirical testing and refinement. Research should focus on designing studies that validate the key predictions of the hypothesis while accounting for the heterogeneity of ASD phenotypes.

As we explore potential applications of this theory, we must prioritize the well-being and autonomy of individuals with ASD. Any interventions or accommodations derived from the hypothesis must be grounded in robust evidence, guided by a deep understanding of individual needs and preferences, and implemented with the full consent and collaboration of the ASD community.

C. Towards a Neurodiverse Future​

The Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis is not just a theory about ASD cognition; it is an invitation to reframe our understanding of neurodiversity. By celebrating the unique contributions of diverse cognitive styles, we can work towards building a society that truly values and includes all individuals.

This vision requires a collective effort from researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and community members. We must invest in research that deepens our understanding of neurodiverse experiences, develop support systems that empower individuals to thrive, and create spaces that welcome and celebrate cognitive differences.

Ultimately, the Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis reminds us that there is no one "right" way of processing information. By embracing the diversity of human cognition, we open up endless possibilities for innovation, creativity, and human flourishing. Let us use this lens to build a world where every individual, regardless of their cognitive style, has the opportunity to shine.


Author's note:
Autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity Phenotype
Hypothesis: Autism evolved to find Kolmogorov Complexity, implying strengths in utilizing Occam's Razor and Universal Turing Machines. In contrast, neurotypicals may rely more on continuous statistical information approaches.
Motivation for this paper:
Why there would be such a distinct cluster of symptoms for autism?
Why would list-making and stiff facial expressions go together?
Why should tunnel vision be related to overly formal speaking?
Why should autism be anecdotally correlated with physicists and tech founders?
Then, I thought that Kolmogorov Complexity must be the missing connection. It is a formalization of Occam's Razor and would explain Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla. But Kolmogorov Complexity relies on Turing Completeness, so those who would be good at finding shortest programs must also be good minimum viable product programmers, like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Vitalik Buterin, and Bill Gates.
(Confirmed autism cases: Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Vitalik Buterin)
(Debated autism cases: Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Bill Gates)
Author's background:
I am a programmer on the autism spectrum. I wrote this paper after brainstorming from my own inner experiences and what I've read, and used AIs to polish it. It is mostly based on my own experience and seeing which autistic people have been the most successful.

This post was made by GM from from lesswrong:
  • JFL
Reactions: thecel
not a single molecule
Most recent cases of autism in the west are pseudo-autism. Studies show in Amish populations autism rates are much much lower. Society has fucked the youth up, largely due to social media.
normal kids all have a "higher consciousness" phase where they feel like aliens trying to slot into society. A period of self discovery, emulation, immersion is all they need to Calibrate themselves
I assume "pseudo autists" failed that period of calibration so They mistakenly derived the understanding they aren't supposed to fit in.
  • +1
Reactions: horizontallytall
i'm half afraid to learn more about autism fearing the knowledge of it would cement my autism in place forever.
normal kids all have a "higher consciousness" phase where they feel like aliens trying to slot into society. A period of self discovery, emulation, immersion is all they need to Calibrate themselves
I assume "pseudo autists" failed that period of calibration so They mistakenly derived the understanding they aren't supposed to fit in.
Mostly young men. But yeah you’re right. I think the blackpill forces a certain amount of new intelligence on men though. I would have to type paragraphs to express this though.
This explores how different information measures relate to human and artificial systems, and postulates that a spectrum of information theoretic processing exists in humans and computers.

Title: Exploring Cognitive Diversity in Autism: From Shannon Entropy to Kolmogorov Complexity in Information Processing

I. Abstract​

This paper proposes a hypothesis that the diverse cognitive styles observed in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may, in some cases, align with information processing tendencies that resemble Kolmogorov Complexity (KC) and Turing Machines. This contrasts with neurotypical cognition, which may exhibit tendencies that align more with Shannon Entropy and neural networks. This framework aims to complement existing theories of ASD, such as Enhanced Perceptual Functioning, Weak Central Coherence, Executive Dysfunction, and Theory of Mind Deficit. It's crucial to note that this framework is not intended to be a single, defining characteristic of ASD, nor is it meant to pathologize or stereotype. Rather, it offers one perspective among many to complement existing understandings of ASD. We highlight potential strengths in rule-based pattern detection and propose experimental designs to further explore these hypotheses, such as tasks involving probabilistic classification and rule-based pattern detection. This research is focused specifically on ASD and does not seek to generalize to all forms of neurodiversity at this time. Implications for understanding the heterogeneity of ASD are discussed

II. Introduction​

A. Neurodiversity and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)​

Neurodiversity is a concept that celebrates the natural variations in human brains and behavior. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one example of neurodiversity, characterized by distinctive cognitive and behavioral differences. Individuals with ASD often display exceptional attention to detail, heightened sensory sensitivities, and a preference for structured routines. While social communication differences are common, many individuals with ASD also exhibit strengths in pattern recognition, memory, and logical reasoning. These cognitive variations are not deficits but reflect the diverse ways brains process information. ASD affects approximately 1 in 36 individuals, showcasing a wide range of cognitive profiles and abilities.

B. Overview of Information Theory and Computer Science Concepts​

Information processing is critical for both survival and intelligence. One key property of information is mutual information, which describes the overlap in information content between two objects. This is formalized in the subadditivity property of information measures, stating that the combined information content of two objects is less than or equal to the sum of their individual information contents. The two major information measures are Shannon Entropy and Kolmogorov Complexity.

Information measure:Shannon EntropyKolmogorov Complexity
Subadditivity formula:H(X,Y) ≤ H(X) + H(Y)K(xy) ≤ K(x) + K(y) + O(1)

Both neural networks and Turing machines can approximate arbitrary continuous functions, but their methods differ:

Neural Networks: Approximate any continuous function by mapping inputs to outputs.

Turing Machines: Compute functions to a desired precision through encoding and logical steps.

Algorithm:Neural NetworksTuring Machines
Universality:Universal Approximation TheoremsUniversal Turing Machine

C. Thesis statement:​

We hypothesize that information processing styles in some individuals with ASD may exhibit tendencies that align more with Kolmogorov Complexity, emphasizing discrete, rule-based patterns and minimizing algorithmic complexity. In contrast, neurotypical cognition may align more with Shannon Entropy, prioritizing probabilistic reasoning and statistical pattern recognition. This divergence may stem from distinct computational architectures and information processing strategies. Individuals with ASD may excel in memory for details and identifying algorithmic patterns, while neurotypical individuals may rely more on statistical learning and generalization. However, these characteristics may not apply to all individuals. We acknowledge the vast heterogeneity within the ASD population and aim to explore the potential diversity in information processing styles as one contributing factor among many others. This research is exploratory and does not seek to categorize individuals with ASD based on processing styles alone.

III. Theoretical Framework​

Information processing is a dynamic and multifaceted process, not simply a binary choice between Shannon entropy and Kolmogorov complexity. People likely use a combination of both approaches, influenced by the task, context, and their preferences. We hypothesize that neurotypical and ASD cognition can be understood as utilizing varying degrees of these information processing styles, differing in their reliance on probabilistic versus rule-based methods. Neurotypical cognition may favor probabilistic reasoning and statistical learning, aligning with Shannon entropy principles, which can be beneficial in complex and uncertain environments. Conversely, ASD cognition may lean more towards rule-based pattern recognition and deterministic processing, aligning with Kolmogorov complexity principles, potentially emphasizing precision and accuracy. This distinction is not absolute but represents a spectrum of cognitive styles, with individuals showing different degrees of each approach. These contrasting processing styles are thought to correspond to neural network and Turing machine computational architectures, respectively. While both are theoretically universal explainers, we suggest that evolutionary pressures for different cognitive niches led to this divergence. The heterogeneous ASD phenotype may reflect variations along a spectrum between these poles.

Important Note:

It is crucial to emphasize that this framework is a theoretical model and not a definitive or exclusive explanation of cognitive styles in ASD. Individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of cognitive profiles, and this framework is just one lens through which to view this diversity.

A. Detailed Explanation of Kolmogorov Complexity, its Applications, and Occam's Razor:​

Kolmogorov Complexity is an algorithmic measure of information content that quantifies the inherent complexity of an object based on the length of the shortest computer program capable of generating it. This measure focuses on the shortest description of an object, often represented as a string of symbols. While theoretically uncomputable due to the halting problem, its core principle, known as the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle, serves as a valuable heuristic in model selection and regularization techniques.

The MDL principle, akin to Occam's Razor, favors simpler models that concisely explain data, aligning with the goal of minimizing description length in Kolmogorov Complexity. Regularization techniques, such as L1 and L2, penalize large weights in models, indirectly incorporating the MDL principle by promoting sparsity and preventing overfitting.

Kolmogorov Complexity is closely related to the principle of Occam's Razor, which states that the simplest explanation is often the most likely one. Individuals with autism may have a heightened ability to identify patterns and find the most concise representations of complex systems, aligning with the principles of Kolmogorov Complexity. This preference for parsimonious explanations and rule-based systems may explain the exceptional abilities of some individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in fields like mathematics, physics, and computer science.

Universal Turing Machines and Autistic Cognition:​

Kolmogorov Complexity relies on Turing Completeness, a property of computational systems that can simulate any other Turing Machine. Those who excel at finding the shortest programs to describe complex objects may also be skilled at creating minimum viable product (MVP) programs, which are the most concise and efficient solutions to a given problem. This could explain the high prevalence of successful programmers and tech founders among individuals with autism, such as Elon Musk (Zip2, PayPal), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum), and Bill Gates (Altair BASIC, MS-DOS). The cognitive abilities of autistic individuals may resemble Universal Turing Machines (UTMs) in their capacity to process diverse information, showcasing strengths in logic, pattern recognition, and problem-solving.

Autism and Occam's Razor in Fields of Excellence:​

The hypothesis of autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity phenotype is supported by anecdotal evidence of highly successful individuals who are either confirmed or suspected to be on the autism spectrum. These include renowned scientists such as Albert Einstein (relativity), Isaac Newton (gravity, calculus), and Nikola Tesla (electricity), as well as mathematicians like Kurt Gödel (incompleteness theorems). Their groundbreaking contributions to their respective fields demonstrate a remarkable ability to identify fundamental patterns and develop concise, elegant theories that revolutionize our understanding of the world. Empirical evidence also shows autistic overrepresentation in fields like physics, mathematics, and computer science, suggesting that the KC hypothesis could explain this overrepresentation.

B. Detailed Explanation of Shannon Entropy and Its Applications​

Shannon Entropy is a fundamental concept in information theory that quantifies the uncertainty or randomness within a system. It applies to both continuous and discrete random variables, making it versatile for analyzing various types of data. In machine learning, variants of Shannon Entropy, such as Cross Entropy and Kullback-Leibler Divergence, are commonly employed as loss functions for training neural networks. These loss functions guide the learning process by measuring the discrepancy between predicted and actual probability distributions, enabling the model to identify statistical patterns and regularities within the training data.

Contrasting Autistic with Neurotypical Cognitive Strategies:​

While individuals with autism may specialize in Kolmogorov Complexity, neurotypicals may rely more on continuous statistical information approaches, such as Shannon Entropy. Shannon Entropy quantifies the amount of information contained in a message, focusing on the probability distribution of the message's elements. This difference in cognitive strategies could explain the distinct cluster of symptoms observed in autism, as well as the strengths and challenges associated with the condition. ASD may represent one end of a spectrum of cognitive styles, with neurotypical individuals potentially relying more on continuous statistical approaches.

IV. Illustrative Comparisons​

This exploration aims to draw conceptual analogies between various computational systems and cognitive processes observed in both neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals. We'll examine how these systems/individuals might approach tasks such as conversation, gravity modeling, face modeling, and memory. The comparisons between neural networks (particularly transformers), traditional algorithms, and cognitive tasks are intended to provide insights into the diverse ways information can be processed, without suggesting a direct equivalence between computational models and human cognition.


Neurotypical individuals typically engage in conversation in a flexible, context-dependent manner, adeptly interpreting social cues and adjusting their responses accordingly.Individuals with ASD may exhibit diverse conversational styles. Some demonstrate a preference for structured, rule-based interactions "social scripts" that prioritize factual information and logical consistency. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the wide range of communication abilities within the ASD population. Some individuals excel at interpreting social cues and engaging in nuanced conversations, while others may face challenges in these areas.
LLMs like GPT-3 engage in fluid, context-sensitive conversation by probabilistically sampling from learned distributions over sequences of words. Their outputs flexibly incorporate and blend information from across their training data, allowing them to handle ambiguity and generate novel, situationally appropriate responses—resembling how neurotypical individuals navigate the nuances of social interaction.In contrast, the classic ELIZA chatbot operates using simple pattern-matching rules, giving rigidly scripted responses to user inputs. It lacks genuine understanding and cannot flexibly adapt to novel contexts. This is somewhat analogous to the challenges some individuals with ASD may face in processing figurative language and navigating unstructured social interactions using literal, rule-based interpretations. However, it is essential to note that individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of communication abilities, and this comparison may not apply universally.

Gravity modeling​

A neurotypical individual may approach understanding gravity intuitively, using everyday experiences and observations to develop a general sense of how objects behave. They might first grasp qualitative relationships - such as that unsupported objects fall and that the moon orbits the Earth. From this foundation, they could gradually layer on more precise quantitative rules through physics education, refining their mental models. Importantly, their understanding may retain a degree of flexibility, allowing them to reason comfortably about approximations and boundary conditions.An individual with ASD might be more inclined towards an exact, formalized description from the outset. They may intensely study the equations of motion, deriving predictions through strict mathematical logic. Their mental model could be crisply defined, deterministic, and precise. This approach might enable highly accurate calculations in well-specified situations but could be less flexible in handling ambiguous scenarios or making "fuzzy" extrapolations to edge cases. It is speculated, though not definitively proven, that both Newton and Einstein may have exhibited traits of ASD.
OpenAI's SORA video generator: Generative models like SORA use learned statistical relationships in data to produce novel, plausible simulations of physical systems. Much like neurotypical individuals using intuitive mental models, these models can flexibly apply their learned representations to generate realistic counterfactual scenarios.Physics Simulations: Classical physics engines use explicit equations of motion to model systems in a deterministic, literal way. Similar to how some individuals with ASD might build models from precise mathematical representations, these engines can perform exact computations but may struggle with ambiguity or making plausible inferences in novel situations.

Face modeling​

Neurotypical individuals typically rely on prototypes or generalized templates of facial structure and features when processing faces. They can flexibly represent different faces as variations on these averages, interpreting unseen faces through interpolation and estimation. This allows for efficient recognition and categorization of faces, even with variations in lighting, angle, or expression. It may also give them more flexibility and nuance in their own expressions.Some individuals with ASD may encode faces as collections of discrete measurements and geometric relationships, comparing new faces to a vast database of exemplars. This approach prioritizes specific distinguishing details and precise differentiation, potentially leading to less tolerance for deviation from established patterns and more rigid categorization of facial features. Studies have shown that some individuals with ASD may have relative strengths in identifying cartoon faces over neurotypicals due to their simplified and exaggerated features. This may manifest as an aversion to eye contact, as they may be less adept at interpreting nuanced facial expressions, and it could result in reduced facial expressiveness.
Similar to neurotypical facial processing, models like Stable Diffusion learn statistical regularities from many examples, forming a latent space that captures the key dimensions of variation in faces. They can flexibly reconstruct unseen faces and generate novel, plausible blends. GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) fluidly interpolate between training examples to produce diverse samples, resembling neurotypical prototype-based face perception.Character designers for Unreal Engine or virtual character creators, much like some individuals with ASD encoding faces as collections of discrete features, represent faces using a library of discrete parts that can be manually specified. This allows precise reconstruction of seen examples but may struggle to tolerate deviations or make fine-grained distinctions.


Neurotypical memory formation likely involves extracting key details and contextual associations, weaving distinct episodes into a coherent narrative. Recall may revolve around generalized representations and reconstructing via interpolation.ASD memory may be more focused on rote memorization of exact details, accumulating a large store of facts and figures. Recall would then aim to reproduce these specifics as accurately as possible in their original form, with less integration and abstraction.
LLMs: Neural language models store knowledge as dense vector embeddings that capture statistical relationships between concepts. Memories are reconstructed by sampling from these fluid representations, retrieving relevant information while flexibly filling in gaps and abstracting away irrelevant details - similar to neurotypical narrative memory.Traditional Databases: Databases store information in rigid schemas, with each entry a literal record of some event. Queries return exact results matching the specified parameters without interpolation or generalization. This mirrors the precise, large rote storage posited for ASD memory, with a focus on accurate reproduction over flexible reconstruction.

V. Integration with Existing ASD Theories​

While the proposed framework suggests potential relationships between information processing styles and specific ASD traits, it is important to acknowledge the complex, multifactorial nature of ASD. ASD is influenced by a vast interplay of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors, making it highly heterogeneous. This framework should be viewed as one potential contributing factor among many others, not a comprehensive or deterministic explanation. Further research is needed to understand the complex interplay of factors that contribute to ASD traits.

A. Enhanced Perceptual Functioning (EPF) Theory​

EPF theory suggests that individuals with ASD have superior low-level processing and their attention to detail applies to sequences of units. "...perceptually defined class of units, a brain-behavior cycle, expertise effects, implicit learning, and generalization to new material…"

"The generalization of the material in memory to new material structured by the same rules, such as retrieving dates by extending the rules of the calendar to past or future years, the graphic creation of a town by combination of elementary 3D 'geons', mathematical inventiveness, and musical improvisation, is the ultimate stage of savant ability. At this stage, the merging of savant abilities with typical uses of explicit rules, including mathematical algorithms, musical notation, and explicit syntactic rules, is possible. An example of this integration of non-autistic notation is attested to by some calendar savants who display a secondary use of typical algorithms. This may also explain the counterintuitive observation that levels of savant performance are correlated with IQ level."

This aligns with the idea of ASD cognition involving Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing, with a focus on perceiving and learning discrete patterns that can be algorithmically manipulated. However, EPF varies significantly across individuals with ASD, and other factors might contribute to this cognitive style.

B. Weak Central Coherence (WCC) Theory​

The Weak Central Coherence (WCC) theory posits that individuals with ASD exhibit a cognitive style characterized by a heightened focus on details at the expense of the broader context. This detail-oriented processing preference can be likened to the calculation of Kolmogorov Complexity using Turing machines, where individuals with ASD might concentrate on intricate details and specific features of the information they encounter.

In contrast, typical neural network-based processing, akin to Shannon Information Theory, emphasizes the interconnectedness and overall patterns within the input data, leading to a more holistic and integrated understanding.

C. Executive Dysfunction Theory​

ASD may involve challenges in executive functions, particularly cognitive flexibility. Difficulties in a non-deterministic, probabilistic environment could potentially align with a preference for deterministic, rule-based processing, suggesting Kolmogorov complexity-like cognition.

D. Theory of Mind (ToM) Deficit and the Double Empathy Problem​

Individuals with ASD often experience challenges with Theory of Mind (ToM), which can manifest as difficulty in understanding and interpreting the mental states of others. The Double Empathy Problem suggests that the communication breakdown between autistic and neurotypical individuals is mutual, highlighting that social understanding is a two-way interaction challenge.

Individuals with a preference for Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing may have a different life experience compared to individuals with a preference for Shannon Information-like processing, potentially leading to difficulties relating to each other. Additionally, discrete Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing may have comparative limitations in representing ambiguous mental states compared to a vector neural net approach using Shannon Information.

E. Social Motivation Theory​

Social Motivation Theory suggests that individuals with ASD have reduced social motivation and reward sensitivity. A focus on discrete problem-solving may correlate with challenges in fluid, nuanced social environments, potentially contributing to diminished social drive. Negative interactions over time may lead to avoidance.

F. Extreme Male Brain (EMB) Theory​

EMB theory proposes that ASD represents an extreme version of male-typical cognitive traits, such as systemizing over empathizing. The Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing style hypothesized for ASD cognition, with its emphasis on procedural problem-solving, concrete rules, and logical manipulation, aligns conceptually with the male-typical traits described by EMB theory.

G. Hyper-Systematizing​

Hyper-systematizing posits that individuals with ASD have an enhanced ability to systematize, meaning they are exceptionally skilled at understanding and creating systems. This heightened focus on systematizing can lead to a preference for rule-based and predictable environments, consistent with the Kolmogorov complexity framework. While this strength can contribute to exceptional abilities in certain areas, it may also contribute to difficulties in more fluid, less structured social interactions.

VI. Ethical Implications​

It's vital to approach the Kolmogorov complexity framework with careful consideration and nuance. There is a potential risk of misinterpretation or misuse, which could lead to stereotyping or labeling individuals with ASD. Key points to emphasize include:

ASD is a spectrum: The framework should not be used to rigidly categorize individuals based on perceived processing styles. People with ASD exhibit a diverse range of cognitive profiles, and this framework is merely one way to understand that diversity.

No style is superior: The framework does not imply that one processing style is inherently better or more desirable than another. Each style has its own strengths and weaknesses, and individuals with varying profiles may excel in different areas.

Respect for individuality: The primary focus should be on understanding and appreciating the unique strengths and challenges of each individual, rather than reducing them to a single cognitive processing style.

Potential Risks and Limitations:​

While this framework provides a useful perspective on cognitive variability in ASD, it's essential to avoid stereotyping individuals to a single processing style. ASD is a multifaceted condition with numerous contributing factors, and this framework represents just one aspect of the overall picture. Overemphasis on this cognitive dimension might result in overlooking other critical factors that shape an individual's strengths and challenges.

This framework does not claim to fully explain the complex interplay of factors that contribute to ASD traits. Other biological, environmental, and developmental influences also play significant roles. The associations between processing styles and ASD traits are correlational and do not imply causation.

It is essential to approach this framework with caution and avoid stereotyping the complexities of ASD. Reducing individuals to a single cognitive processing style could lead to overlooking other crucial factors influencing their strengths, challenges, and overall well-being. Furthermore, this framework is primarily theoretical and exploratory at this stage. Extensive empirical validation and refinement are needed before any definitive conclusions can be drawn regarding its applicability to real-world scenarios.

It is crucial to exercise caution to avoid stigmatization, misdiagnosis, and an overemphasis on deficits. The framework should be used to promote understanding and personalized support, not to label or categorize individuals in harmful ways. By addressing these ethical considerations and emphasizing responsible interpretation and application, we can ensure that this framework is used to celebrate neurodiversity and promote well-being for individuals with ASD.

VII. Empirical Evidence​

A. Predictions Derived from the Hypothesis​

The Kolmogorov complexity theory of ASD cognition generates several testable hypotheses:

Strengths in Deterministic Tasks:​

  • Rote memorization of discrete facts, sequences, and procedures.
  • Rule-based pattern detection and extrapolation.
  • Algorithmic transformations and formal language operations.
  • "Lossless" reconstruction of detailed exemplars from memory.

Challenges in Probabilistic Tasks:​

  • Extracting prototypes from sets of distorted or incomplete stimuli.
  • Filling in missing data points in time series.
  • Accurately estimating averages from rapidly presented numeric sequences.
  • Detecting outliers in continuous distributions.

B. Proposed tests and experimental designs​

To rigorously test these predictions, a research program would systematically compare the performance of matched ASD and neurotypical samples on a battery of information processing tasks. These tasks should be carefully designed to differentially load on the hypothesized Shannon entropy-like and Kolmogorov complexity-like processing styles.

Shannon Entropy-Like Tests:​

  • Probabilistic classification and prediction.
  • Outlier detection in noisy data streams from various probability distributions (normal, uniform, etc.).

Kolmogorov Complexity-Like Tests:​

  • Memorization of random numeric and visual sequences.
  • Deterministic pattern completion and extrapolation (e.g., extending arithmetic or geometric progressions).
  • Algorithmic transformation and generation tasks (e.g., writing concise programs to generate sequences of symbols)

VIII. Heterogeneity in ASD​

ASD is characterized by immense heterogeneity, and individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of cognitive profiles, preferences, and strengths. The proposed spectrum of processing styles is one potential dimension to consider, but it does not encompass the full complexity and diversity of ASD.

A. Implications for Variability in ASD Phenotypes​

While the proposed spectrum of processing styles does not encompass the full complexity and diversity of ASD phenotypes, it may offer a lens for understanding some of the observed variability in cognitive strengths and challenges. It's crucial to remember that ASD is a multi-factorial condition influenced by genetics, environment, and individual experiences. This framework is just one piece of the puzzle.


  • Sensory Sensitivities: May be associated with more detailed, discrete processing.
  • Social Challenges: Could be related to reduced fluid, contextual representations.
  • Repetitive Behaviors: May align with algorithmic, rule-based processing.
  • Hyperlexia: Precocious use of discrete symbols aligns with Turing machine-like processing.
  • Synesthesia: Shown to enhance several types of explicit memory.
  • Detail-Oriented Processing: Combined with large explicit memory of symbol sequences and rigid behavior, resembles the focused processing of a Turing machine or the program counter in a CPU.
This framework suggests ASD traits collectively promote Kolmogorov complexity-like cognition, contributing to the heterogeneity of the autism phenotype. Further research should explore how specific traits cluster and map onto processing styles in ASD.

B. Co-occurring conditions to the Autism Spectrum​

Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia):​

This condition may result from a rigid cognitive processing style, leading to difficulties in representing fluid vector motions.

Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD):​

OCD involves recurrent obsessive thoughts or compulsive actions, aligning with the repetitive and rigid nature of Turing machine-like processing seen in individuals with ASD.

Obsessive–Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD):​

OCPD is characterized by excessive concern with orderliness, perfectionism, attention to details, mental and interpersonal control, and a need for control over one's environment, impacting personal flexibility, openness, and efficiency.

Autism and OCPD share considerable similarities, such as list-making, rigid rule adherence, and repetitive routines. However, they differ in affective behaviors, social skills, theory of mind difficulties, and intense intellectual interests.

A 2009 study found that 40% of adults diagnosed with Autism met the diagnostic criteria for a comorbid OCPD diagnosis.

Schizoid Personality Disorder:​

Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is characterized by social detachment, emotional coldness, and a solitary lifestyle. People with SPD often have stilted speech patterns that are overly formal, terse, information-dense, and convey more details than needed in the context. This style of communication has similarities to the minimum description length (MDL) principle and mathematical proofs, which aim to compress information and present it in the most concise form possible, as posited by the Kolmogorov complexity hypothesis. The atypical speech patterns in SPD, which are also found in some individuals on the autism spectrum, may reflect an underlying cognitive style that emphasizes efficiency and logic over social norms and expectations.

Tourette Syndrome:​

Tourette syndrome includes complex tics related to speech (coprolalia, echolalia, palilalia) and motor actions (copropraxia, echopraxia, palipraxia).

These repetitive and rote behaviors, with a disregard for the global social environment, resemble Kolmogorov-like Turing machine processing.

C. Beyond Dichotomy: A Multifaceted View of ASD Cognition​

Rather than a strict binary distinction, the proposed framework suggests a spectrum of cognitive styles in both neurotypical individuals and those with ASD. This spectrum reflects varying degrees of preference for discrete, rule-based processing versus probabilistic, statistical reasoning. It is shaped by a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors, and does not imply a simple causal relationship between processing style and ASD traits.

Individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of cognitive profiles, with varying degrees of reliance on Shannon-like and Kolmogorov-like processing. This diversity highlights the importance of recognizing and appreciating the heterogeneity within the ASD population. It is essential to avoid generalizations and stereotypes and to acknowledge the unique strengths and challenges of each individual.

IX. Discussion and Future Directions:​

Key Research Priorities​

Empirical Validation: A crucial next step is to design and conduct empirical studies to rigorously test the predictions derived from the Kolmogorov complexity hypothesis. This will require developing a battery of cognitive tasks that can effectively capture the hypothesized differences in information processing styles between individuals with ASD and neurotypical controls. These tasks should be carefully designed to minimize confounding variables and to be feasible for a diverse range of participants. Collecting high-quality behavioral, eye-tracking, and neuroimaging data from a large, representative sample will be essential for drawing robust conclusions about the validity of the hypothesis.

Personalized Support Strategies: If the Kolmogorov complexity hypothesis is empirically supported, an important direction for future research will be to investigate how cognitive profiles map onto optimal support and accommodation strategies. This could involve studies that assess the effectiveness of different educational and therapeutic approaches for individuals with varying degrees of Shannon-like and Kolmogorov-like processing styles. The goal would be to develop personalized recommendations that leverage an individual's unique cognitive strengths and address their specific challenges, ultimately promoting well-being and positive outcomes.

Exploring Broader Applications: While the current framework is focused specifically on ASD, future research could explore its potential relevance to other neurocognitive differences. This could involve conducting comparative studies with individuals with other conditions that may involve atypical information processing, such as ADHD, dyslexia, or synesthesia. The aim would be to assess whether the Shannon-Kolmogorov spectrum of cognitive styles can provide a useful lens for understanding diverse cognitive profiles beyond ASD. However, any such extensions should be approached with caution and grounded in empirical evidence to avoid overgeneralization.


  • Validate framework through cognitive tasks comparing ASD and neurotypical samples.
  • Assess effectiveness of personalized support strategies based on cognitive profiles.
  • Conduct comparative studies with other neurocognitive differences to explore broader relevance.


  • Designing tasks that effectively capture information processing differences while minimizing confounds.
  • Recruiting large, diverse samples representative of the heterogeneity in ASD and other conditions.
  • Obtaining high-quality, multimodal data (behavioral, eye-tracking, neuroimaging) from diverse participants.
  • Ensuring sufficient statistical power to detect potentially subtle effects and interactions.
  • Avoiding overgeneralization and ensuring any extensions beyond ASD are grounded in empirical evidence.
The hypothesis of autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity phenotype offers a novel perspective on the evolutionary origins and cognitive strengths associated with ASD. By specializing in finding the shortest programs to describe complex systems, individuals with autism may excel in fields that require Occam's Razor and Universal Turing Machines. This framework provides a unifying explanation for the distinct cluster of symptoms observed in autism and the remarkable successes achieved by individuals on the spectrum. Future research should investigate the neural correlates of KC processing in ASD individuals, explore the evolutionary basis of neurodiversity, and examine the potential applications of this understanding for education, employment, and support services.

X. Conclusion: Embracing Neurodiversity through the Lens of Kolmogorov Complexity​

The Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis offers a novel framework for reconceptualizing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by emphasizing its evolutionary and cognitive strengths. This hypothesis suggests that ASD cognition may be characterized by Kolmogorov complexity-like information processing, in contrast to the Shannon entropy-like processing typical of neurotypical individuals. Recognizing ASD as a KC specialist phenotype highlights the unique contributions of autistic individuals and underscores the importance of embracing diverse cognitive approaches to problem-solving.

A. Implications for Understanding and Support​

Cognitive Diversity:

The Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis highlights the value of cognitive diversity, proposing that different processing styles have evolved to address various types of challenges. Appreciating this diversity is crucial for creating inclusive environments that cater to a wide range of cognitive profiles.

Personalized Approaches:

Conceptualizing ASD cognition along a spectrum from Shannon entropy to Kolmogorov complexity emphasizes the need for personalized educational, therapeutic, and support strategies. Tailoring approaches to individual cognitive profiles can help maximize potential and minimize challenges.

Collaborative Synergy:

The hypothesis points to the potential for powerful collaborations between individuals with ASD and neurotypical cognitive styles. Leveraging the unique strengths of each processing style can lead to innovative problem-solving and groundbreaking discoveries across various domains.

B. A Call for Empirical Validation and Ethical Application​

While the Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis offers an exciting new lens, it is crucial to approach it with a critical and cautious mindset. The theory remains largely speculative and requires rigorous empirical testing and refinement. Research should focus on designing studies that validate the key predictions of the hypothesis while accounting for the heterogeneity of ASD phenotypes.

As we explore potential applications of this theory, we must prioritize the well-being and autonomy of individuals with ASD. Any interventions or accommodations derived from the hypothesis must be grounded in robust evidence, guided by a deep understanding of individual needs and preferences, and implemented with the full consent and collaboration of the ASD community.

C. Towards a Neurodiverse Future​

The Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis is not just a theory about ASD cognition; it is an invitation to reframe our understanding of neurodiversity. By celebrating the unique contributions of diverse cognitive styles, we can work towards building a society that truly values and includes all individuals.

This vision requires a collective effort from researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and community members. We must invest in research that deepens our understanding of neurodiverse experiences, develop support systems that empower individuals to thrive, and create spaces that welcome and celebrate cognitive differences.

Ultimately, the Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis reminds us that there is no one "right" way of processing information. By embracing the diversity of human cognition, we open up endless possibilities for innovation, creativity, and human flourishing. Let us use this lens to build a world where every individual, regardless of their cognitive style, has the opportunity to shine.


Author's note:
Autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity Phenotype
Hypothesis: Autism evolved to find Kolmogorov Complexity, implying strengths in utilizing Occam's Razor and Universal Turing Machines. In contrast, neurotypicals may rely more on continuous statistical information approaches.
Motivation for this paper:
Why there would be such a distinct cluster of symptoms for autism?
Why would list-making and stiff facial expressions go together?
Why should tunnel vision be related to overly formal speaking?
Why should autism be anecdotally correlated with physicists and tech founders?
Then, I thought that Kolmogorov Complexity must be the missing connection. It is a formalization of Occam's Razor and would explain Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla. But Kolmogorov Complexity relies on Turing Completeness, so those who would be good at finding shortest programs must also be good minimum viable product programmers, like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Vitalik Buterin, and Bill Gates.
(Confirmed autism cases: Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Vitalik Buterin)
(Debated autism cases: Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Bill Gates)
Author's background:
I am a programmer on the autism spectrum. I wrote this paper after brainstorming from my own inner experiences and what I've read, and used AIs to polish it. It is mostly based on my own experience and seeing which autistic people have been the most successful.

This post was made by GM from from lesswrong:
not a single molecule
This explores how different information measures relate to human and artificial systems, and postulates that a spectrum of information theoretic processing exists in humans and computers.

Title: Exploring Cognitive Diversity in Autism: From Shannon Entropy to Kolmogorov Complexity in Information Processing

I. Abstract​

This paper proposes a hypothesis that the diverse cognitive styles observed in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may, in some cases, align with information processing tendencies that resemble Kolmogorov Complexity (KC) and Turing Machines. This contrasts with neurotypical cognition, which may exhibit tendencies that align more with Shannon Entropy and neural networks. This framework aims to complement existing theories of ASD, such as Enhanced Perceptual Functioning, Weak Central Coherence, Executive Dysfunction, and Theory of Mind Deficit. It's crucial to note that this framework is not intended to be a single, defining characteristic of ASD, nor is it meant to pathologize or stereotype. Rather, it offers one perspective among many to complement existing understandings of ASD. We highlight potential strengths in rule-based pattern detection and propose experimental designs to further explore these hypotheses, such as tasks involving probabilistic classification and rule-based pattern detection. This research is focused specifically on ASD and does not seek to generalize to all forms of neurodiversity at this time. Implications for understanding the heterogeneity of ASD are discussed

II. Introduction​

A. Neurodiversity and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)​

Neurodiversity is a concept that celebrates the natural variations in human brains and behavior. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is one example of neurodiversity, characterized by distinctive cognitive and behavioral differences. Individuals with ASD often display exceptional attention to detail, heightened sensory sensitivities, and a preference for structured routines. While social communication differences are common, many individuals with ASD also exhibit strengths in pattern recognition, memory, and logical reasoning. These cognitive variations are not deficits but reflect the diverse ways brains process information. ASD affects approximately 1 in 36 individuals, showcasing a wide range of cognitive profiles and abilities.

B. Overview of Information Theory and Computer Science Concepts​

Information processing is critical for both survival and intelligence. One key property of information is mutual information, which describes the overlap in information content between two objects. This is formalized in the subadditivity property of information measures, stating that the combined information content of two objects is less than or equal to the sum of their individual information contents. The two major information measures are Shannon Entropy and Kolmogorov Complexity.

Information measure:Shannon EntropyKolmogorov Complexity
Subadditivity formula:H(X,Y) ≤ H(X) + H(Y)K(xy) ≤ K(x) + K(y) + O(1)

Both neural networks and Turing machines can approximate arbitrary continuous functions, but their methods differ:

Neural Networks: Approximate any continuous function by mapping inputs to outputs.

Turing Machines: Compute functions to a desired precision through encoding and logical steps.

Algorithm:Neural NetworksTuring Machines
Universality:Universal Approximation TheoremsUniversal Turing Machine

C. Thesis statement:​

We hypothesize that information processing styles in some individuals with ASD may exhibit tendencies that align more with Kolmogorov Complexity, emphasizing discrete, rule-based patterns and minimizing algorithmic complexity. In contrast, neurotypical cognition may align more with Shannon Entropy, prioritizing probabilistic reasoning and statistical pattern recognition. This divergence may stem from distinct computational architectures and information processing strategies. Individuals with ASD may excel in memory for details and identifying algorithmic patterns, while neurotypical individuals may rely more on statistical learning and generalization. However, these characteristics may not apply to all individuals. We acknowledge the vast heterogeneity within the ASD population and aim to explore the potential diversity in information processing styles as one contributing factor among many others. This research is exploratory and does not seek to categorize individuals with ASD based on processing styles alone.

III. Theoretical Framework​

Information processing is a dynamic and multifaceted process, not simply a binary choice between Shannon entropy and Kolmogorov complexity. People likely use a combination of both approaches, influenced by the task, context, and their preferences. We hypothesize that neurotypical and ASD cognition can be understood as utilizing varying degrees of these information processing styles, differing in their reliance on probabilistic versus rule-based methods. Neurotypical cognition may favor probabilistic reasoning and statistical learning, aligning with Shannon entropy principles, which can be beneficial in complex and uncertain environments. Conversely, ASD cognition may lean more towards rule-based pattern recognition and deterministic processing, aligning with Kolmogorov complexity principles, potentially emphasizing precision and accuracy. This distinction is not absolute but represents a spectrum of cognitive styles, with individuals showing different degrees of each approach. These contrasting processing styles are thought to correspond to neural network and Turing machine computational architectures, respectively. While both are theoretically universal explainers, we suggest that evolutionary pressures for different cognitive niches led to this divergence. The heterogeneous ASD phenotype may reflect variations along a spectrum between these poles.

Important Note:

It is crucial to emphasize that this framework is a theoretical model and not a definitive or exclusive explanation of cognitive styles in ASD. Individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of cognitive profiles, and this framework is just one lens through which to view this diversity.

A. Detailed Explanation of Kolmogorov Complexity, its Applications, and Occam's Razor:​

Kolmogorov Complexity is an algorithmic measure of information content that quantifies the inherent complexity of an object based on the length of the shortest computer program capable of generating it. This measure focuses on the shortest description of an object, often represented as a string of symbols. While theoretically uncomputable due to the halting problem, its core principle, known as the Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle, serves as a valuable heuristic in model selection and regularization techniques.

The MDL principle, akin to Occam's Razor, favors simpler models that concisely explain data, aligning with the goal of minimizing description length in Kolmogorov Complexity. Regularization techniques, such as L1 and L2, penalize large weights in models, indirectly incorporating the MDL principle by promoting sparsity and preventing overfitting.

Kolmogorov Complexity is closely related to the principle of Occam's Razor, which states that the simplest explanation is often the most likely one. Individuals with autism may have a heightened ability to identify patterns and find the most concise representations of complex systems, aligning with the principles of Kolmogorov Complexity. This preference for parsimonious explanations and rule-based systems may explain the exceptional abilities of some individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in fields like mathematics, physics, and computer science.

Universal Turing Machines and Autistic Cognition:​

Kolmogorov Complexity relies on Turing Completeness, a property of computational systems that can simulate any other Turing Machine. Those who excel at finding the shortest programs to describe complex objects may also be skilled at creating minimum viable product (MVP) programs, which are the most concise and efficient solutions to a given problem. This could explain the high prevalence of successful programmers and tech founders among individuals with autism, such as Elon Musk (Zip2, PayPal), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum), and Bill Gates (Altair BASIC, MS-DOS). The cognitive abilities of autistic individuals may resemble Universal Turing Machines (UTMs) in their capacity to process diverse information, showcasing strengths in logic, pattern recognition, and problem-solving.

Autism and Occam's Razor in Fields of Excellence:​

The hypothesis of autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity phenotype is supported by anecdotal evidence of highly successful individuals who are either confirmed or suspected to be on the autism spectrum. These include renowned scientists such as Albert Einstein (relativity), Isaac Newton (gravity, calculus), and Nikola Tesla (electricity), as well as mathematicians like Kurt Gödel (incompleteness theorems). Their groundbreaking contributions to their respective fields demonstrate a remarkable ability to identify fundamental patterns and develop concise, elegant theories that revolutionize our understanding of the world. Empirical evidence also shows autistic overrepresentation in fields like physics, mathematics, and computer science, suggesting that the KC hypothesis could explain this overrepresentation.

B. Detailed Explanation of Shannon Entropy and Its Applications​

Shannon Entropy is a fundamental concept in information theory that quantifies the uncertainty or randomness within a system. It applies to both continuous and discrete random variables, making it versatile for analyzing various types of data. In machine learning, variants of Shannon Entropy, such as Cross Entropy and Kullback-Leibler Divergence, are commonly employed as loss functions for training neural networks. These loss functions guide the learning process by measuring the discrepancy between predicted and actual probability distributions, enabling the model to identify statistical patterns and regularities within the training data.

Contrasting Autistic with Neurotypical Cognitive Strategies:​

While individuals with autism may specialize in Kolmogorov Complexity, neurotypicals may rely more on continuous statistical information approaches, such as Shannon Entropy. Shannon Entropy quantifies the amount of information contained in a message, focusing on the probability distribution of the message's elements. This difference in cognitive strategies could explain the distinct cluster of symptoms observed in autism, as well as the strengths and challenges associated with the condition. ASD may represent one end of a spectrum of cognitive styles, with neurotypical individuals potentially relying more on continuous statistical approaches.

IV. Illustrative Comparisons​

This exploration aims to draw conceptual analogies between various computational systems and cognitive processes observed in both neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals. We'll examine how these systems/individuals might approach tasks such as conversation, gravity modeling, face modeling, and memory. The comparisons between neural networks (particularly transformers), traditional algorithms, and cognitive tasks are intended to provide insights into the diverse ways information can be processed, without suggesting a direct equivalence between computational models and human cognition.


Neurotypical individuals typically engage in conversation in a flexible, context-dependent manner, adeptly interpreting social cues and adjusting their responses accordingly.Individuals with ASD may exhibit diverse conversational styles. Some demonstrate a preference for structured, rule-based interactions "social scripts" that prioritize factual information and logical consistency. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the wide range of communication abilities within the ASD population. Some individuals excel at interpreting social cues and engaging in nuanced conversations, while others may face challenges in these areas.
LLMs like GPT-3 engage in fluid, context-sensitive conversation by probabilistically sampling from learned distributions over sequences of words. Their outputs flexibly incorporate and blend information from across their training data, allowing them to handle ambiguity and generate novel, situationally appropriate responses—resembling how neurotypical individuals navigate the nuances of social interaction.In contrast, the classic ELIZA chatbot operates using simple pattern-matching rules, giving rigidly scripted responses to user inputs. It lacks genuine understanding and cannot flexibly adapt to novel contexts. This is somewhat analogous to the challenges some individuals with ASD may face in processing figurative language and navigating unstructured social interactions using literal, rule-based interpretations. However, it is essential to note that individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of communication abilities, and this comparison may not apply universally.

Gravity modeling​

A neurotypical individual may approach understanding gravity intuitively, using everyday experiences and observations to develop a general sense of how objects behave. They might first grasp qualitative relationships - such as that unsupported objects fall and that the moon orbits the Earth. From this foundation, they could gradually layer on more precise quantitative rules through physics education, refining their mental models. Importantly, their understanding may retain a degree of flexibility, allowing them to reason comfortably about approximations and boundary conditions.An individual with ASD might be more inclined towards an exact, formalized description from the outset. They may intensely study the equations of motion, deriving predictions through strict mathematical logic. Their mental model could be crisply defined, deterministic, and precise. This approach might enable highly accurate calculations in well-specified situations but could be less flexible in handling ambiguous scenarios or making "fuzzy" extrapolations to edge cases. It is speculated, though not definitively proven, that both Newton and Einstein may have exhibited traits of ASD.
OpenAI's SORA video generator: Generative models like SORA use learned statistical relationships in data to produce novel, plausible simulations of physical systems. Much like neurotypical individuals using intuitive mental models, these models can flexibly apply their learned representations to generate realistic counterfactual scenarios.Physics Simulations: Classical physics engines use explicit equations of motion to model systems in a deterministic, literal way. Similar to how some individuals with ASD might build models from precise mathematical representations, these engines can perform exact computations but may struggle with ambiguity or making plausible inferences in novel situations.

Face modeling​

Neurotypical individuals typically rely on prototypes or generalized templates of facial structure and features when processing faces. They can flexibly represent different faces as variations on these averages, interpreting unseen faces through interpolation and estimation. This allows for efficient recognition and categorization of faces, even with variations in lighting, angle, or expression. It may also give them more flexibility and nuance in their own expressions.Some individuals with ASD may encode faces as collections of discrete measurements and geometric relationships, comparing new faces to a vast database of exemplars. This approach prioritizes specific distinguishing details and precise differentiation, potentially leading to less tolerance for deviation from established patterns and more rigid categorization of facial features. Studies have shown that some individuals with ASD may have relative strengths in identifying cartoon faces over neurotypicals due to their simplified and exaggerated features. This may manifest as an aversion to eye contact, as they may be less adept at interpreting nuanced facial expressions, and it could result in reduced facial expressiveness.
Similar to neurotypical facial processing, models like Stable Diffusion learn statistical regularities from many examples, forming a latent space that captures the key dimensions of variation in faces. They can flexibly reconstruct unseen faces and generate novel, plausible blends. GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) fluidly interpolate between training examples to produce diverse samples, resembling neurotypical prototype-based face perception.Character designers for Unreal Engine or virtual character creators, much like some individuals with ASD encoding faces as collections of discrete features, represent faces using a library of discrete parts that can be manually specified. This allows precise reconstruction of seen examples but may struggle to tolerate deviations or make fine-grained distinctions.


Neurotypical memory formation likely involves extracting key details and contextual associations, weaving distinct episodes into a coherent narrative. Recall may revolve around generalized representations and reconstructing via interpolation.ASD memory may be more focused on rote memorization of exact details, accumulating a large store of facts and figures. Recall would then aim to reproduce these specifics as accurately as possible in their original form, with less integration and abstraction.
LLMs: Neural language models store knowledge as dense vector embeddings that capture statistical relationships between concepts. Memories are reconstructed by sampling from these fluid representations, retrieving relevant information while flexibly filling in gaps and abstracting away irrelevant details - similar to neurotypical narrative memory.Traditional Databases: Databases store information in rigid schemas, with each entry a literal record of some event. Queries return exact results matching the specified parameters without interpolation or generalization. This mirrors the precise, large rote storage posited for ASD memory, with a focus on accurate reproduction over flexible reconstruction.

V. Integration with Existing ASD Theories​

While the proposed framework suggests potential relationships between information processing styles and specific ASD traits, it is important to acknowledge the complex, multifactorial nature of ASD. ASD is influenced by a vast interplay of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors, making it highly heterogeneous. This framework should be viewed as one potential contributing factor among many others, not a comprehensive or deterministic explanation. Further research is needed to understand the complex interplay of factors that contribute to ASD traits.

A. Enhanced Perceptual Functioning (EPF) Theory​

EPF theory suggests that individuals with ASD have superior low-level processing and their attention to detail applies to sequences of units. "...perceptually defined class of units, a brain-behavior cycle, expertise effects, implicit learning, and generalization to new material…"

"The generalization of the material in memory to new material structured by the same rules, such as retrieving dates by extending the rules of the calendar to past or future years, the graphic creation of a town by combination of elementary 3D 'geons', mathematical inventiveness, and musical improvisation, is the ultimate stage of savant ability. At this stage, the merging of savant abilities with typical uses of explicit rules, including mathematical algorithms, musical notation, and explicit syntactic rules, is possible. An example of this integration of non-autistic notation is attested to by some calendar savants who display a secondary use of typical algorithms. This may also explain the counterintuitive observation that levels of savant performance are correlated with IQ level."

This aligns with the idea of ASD cognition involving Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing, with a focus on perceiving and learning discrete patterns that can be algorithmically manipulated. However, EPF varies significantly across individuals with ASD, and other factors might contribute to this cognitive style.

B. Weak Central Coherence (WCC) Theory​

The Weak Central Coherence (WCC) theory posits that individuals with ASD exhibit a cognitive style characterized by a heightened focus on details at the expense of the broader context. This detail-oriented processing preference can be likened to the calculation of Kolmogorov Complexity using Turing machines, where individuals with ASD might concentrate on intricate details and specific features of the information they encounter.

In contrast, typical neural network-based processing, akin to Shannon Information Theory, emphasizes the interconnectedness and overall patterns within the input data, leading to a more holistic and integrated understanding.

C. Executive Dysfunction Theory​

ASD may involve challenges in executive functions, particularly cognitive flexibility. Difficulties in a non-deterministic, probabilistic environment could potentially align with a preference for deterministic, rule-based processing, suggesting Kolmogorov complexity-like cognition.

D. Theory of Mind (ToM) Deficit and the Double Empathy Problem​

Individuals with ASD often experience challenges with Theory of Mind (ToM), which can manifest as difficulty in understanding and interpreting the mental states of others. The Double Empathy Problem suggests that the communication breakdown between autistic and neurotypical individuals is mutual, highlighting that social understanding is a two-way interaction challenge.

Individuals with a preference for Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing may have a different life experience compared to individuals with a preference for Shannon Information-like processing, potentially leading to difficulties relating to each other. Additionally, discrete Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing may have comparative limitations in representing ambiguous mental states compared to a vector neural net approach using Shannon Information.

E. Social Motivation Theory​

Social Motivation Theory suggests that individuals with ASD have reduced social motivation and reward sensitivity. A focus on discrete problem-solving may correlate with challenges in fluid, nuanced social environments, potentially contributing to diminished social drive. Negative interactions over time may lead to avoidance.

F. Extreme Male Brain (EMB) Theory​

EMB theory proposes that ASD represents an extreme version of male-typical cognitive traits, such as systemizing over empathizing. The Kolmogorov Complexity-like processing style hypothesized for ASD cognition, with its emphasis on procedural problem-solving, concrete rules, and logical manipulation, aligns conceptually with the male-typical traits described by EMB theory.

G. Hyper-Systematizing​

Hyper-systematizing posits that individuals with ASD have an enhanced ability to systematize, meaning they are exceptionally skilled at understanding and creating systems. This heightened focus on systematizing can lead to a preference for rule-based and predictable environments, consistent with the Kolmogorov complexity framework. While this strength can contribute to exceptional abilities in certain areas, it may also contribute to difficulties in more fluid, less structured social interactions.

VI. Ethical Implications​

It's vital to approach the Kolmogorov complexity framework with careful consideration and nuance. There is a potential risk of misinterpretation or misuse, which could lead to stereotyping or labeling individuals with ASD. Key points to emphasize include:

ASD is a spectrum: The framework should not be used to rigidly categorize individuals based on perceived processing styles. People with ASD exhibit a diverse range of cognitive profiles, and this framework is merely one way to understand that diversity.

No style is superior: The framework does not imply that one processing style is inherently better or more desirable than another. Each style has its own strengths and weaknesses, and individuals with varying profiles may excel in different areas.

Respect for individuality: The primary focus should be on understanding and appreciating the unique strengths and challenges of each individual, rather than reducing them to a single cognitive processing style.

Potential Risks and Limitations:​

While this framework provides a useful perspective on cognitive variability in ASD, it's essential to avoid stereotyping individuals to a single processing style. ASD is a multifaceted condition with numerous contributing factors, and this framework represents just one aspect of the overall picture. Overemphasis on this cognitive dimension might result in overlooking other critical factors that shape an individual's strengths and challenges.

This framework does not claim to fully explain the complex interplay of factors that contribute to ASD traits. Other biological, environmental, and developmental influences also play significant roles. The associations between processing styles and ASD traits are correlational and do not imply causation.

It is essential to approach this framework with caution and avoid stereotyping the complexities of ASD. Reducing individuals to a single cognitive processing style could lead to overlooking other crucial factors influencing their strengths, challenges, and overall well-being. Furthermore, this framework is primarily theoretical and exploratory at this stage. Extensive empirical validation and refinement are needed before any definitive conclusions can be drawn regarding its applicability to real-world scenarios.

It is crucial to exercise caution to avoid stigmatization, misdiagnosis, and an overemphasis on deficits. The framework should be used to promote understanding and personalized support, not to label or categorize individuals in harmful ways. By addressing these ethical considerations and emphasizing responsible interpretation and application, we can ensure that this framework is used to celebrate neurodiversity and promote well-being for individuals with ASD.

VII. Empirical Evidence​

A. Predictions Derived from the Hypothesis​

The Kolmogorov complexity theory of ASD cognition generates several testable hypotheses:

Strengths in Deterministic Tasks:​

  • Rote memorization of discrete facts, sequences, and procedures.
  • Rule-based pattern detection and extrapolation.
  • Algorithmic transformations and formal language operations.
  • "Lossless" reconstruction of detailed exemplars from memory.

Challenges in Probabilistic Tasks:​

  • Extracting prototypes from sets of distorted or incomplete stimuli.
  • Filling in missing data points in time series.
  • Accurately estimating averages from rapidly presented numeric sequences.
  • Detecting outliers in continuous distributions.

B. Proposed tests and experimental designs​

To rigorously test these predictions, a research program would systematically compare the performance of matched ASD and neurotypical samples on a battery of information processing tasks. These tasks should be carefully designed to differentially load on the hypothesized Shannon entropy-like and Kolmogorov complexity-like processing styles.

Shannon Entropy-Like Tests:​

  • Probabilistic classification and prediction.
  • Outlier detection in noisy data streams from various probability distributions (normal, uniform, etc.).

Kolmogorov Complexity-Like Tests:​

  • Memorization of random numeric and visual sequences.
  • Deterministic pattern completion and extrapolation (e.g., extending arithmetic or geometric progressions).
  • Algorithmic transformation and generation tasks (e.g., writing concise programs to generate sequences of symbols)

VIII. Heterogeneity in ASD​

ASD is characterized by immense heterogeneity, and individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of cognitive profiles, preferences, and strengths. The proposed spectrum of processing styles is one potential dimension to consider, but it does not encompass the full complexity and diversity of ASD.

A. Implications for Variability in ASD Phenotypes​

While the proposed spectrum of processing styles does not encompass the full complexity and diversity of ASD phenotypes, it may offer a lens for understanding some of the observed variability in cognitive strengths and challenges. It's crucial to remember that ASD is a multi-factorial condition influenced by genetics, environment, and individual experiences. This framework is just one piece of the puzzle.


  • Sensory Sensitivities: May be associated with more detailed, discrete processing.
  • Social Challenges: Could be related to reduced fluid, contextual representations.
  • Repetitive Behaviors: May align with algorithmic, rule-based processing.
  • Hyperlexia: Precocious use of discrete symbols aligns with Turing machine-like processing.
  • Synesthesia: Shown to enhance several types of explicit memory.
  • Detail-Oriented Processing: Combined with large explicit memory of symbol sequences and rigid behavior, resembles the focused processing of a Turing machine or the program counter in a CPU.
This framework suggests ASD traits collectively promote Kolmogorov complexity-like cognition, contributing to the heterogeneity of the autism phenotype. Further research should explore how specific traits cluster and map onto processing styles in ASD.

B. Co-occurring conditions to the Autism Spectrum​

Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia):​

This condition may result from a rigid cognitive processing style, leading to difficulties in representing fluid vector motions.

Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder (OCD):​

OCD involves recurrent obsessive thoughts or compulsive actions, aligning with the repetitive and rigid nature of Turing machine-like processing seen in individuals with ASD.

Obsessive–Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD):​

OCPD is characterized by excessive concern with orderliness, perfectionism, attention to details, mental and interpersonal control, and a need for control over one's environment, impacting personal flexibility, openness, and efficiency.

Autism and OCPD share considerable similarities, such as list-making, rigid rule adherence, and repetitive routines. However, they differ in affective behaviors, social skills, theory of mind difficulties, and intense intellectual interests.

A 2009 study found that 40% of adults diagnosed with Autism met the diagnostic criteria for a comorbid OCPD diagnosis.

Schizoid Personality Disorder:​

Schizoid personality disorder (SPD) is characterized by social detachment, emotional coldness, and a solitary lifestyle. People with SPD often have stilted speech patterns that are overly formal, terse, information-dense, and convey more details than needed in the context. This style of communication has similarities to the minimum description length (MDL) principle and mathematical proofs, which aim to compress information and present it in the most concise form possible, as posited by the Kolmogorov complexity hypothesis. The atypical speech patterns in SPD, which are also found in some individuals on the autism spectrum, may reflect an underlying cognitive style that emphasizes efficiency and logic over social norms and expectations.

Tourette Syndrome:​

Tourette syndrome includes complex tics related to speech (coprolalia, echolalia, palilalia) and motor actions (copropraxia, echopraxia, palipraxia).

These repetitive and rote behaviors, with a disregard for the global social environment, resemble Kolmogorov-like Turing machine processing.

C. Beyond Dichotomy: A Multifaceted View of ASD Cognition​

Rather than a strict binary distinction, the proposed framework suggests a spectrum of cognitive styles in both neurotypical individuals and those with ASD. This spectrum reflects varying degrees of preference for discrete, rule-based processing versus probabilistic, statistical reasoning. It is shaped by a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors, and does not imply a simple causal relationship between processing style and ASD traits.

Individuals with ASD exhibit a wide range of cognitive profiles, with varying degrees of reliance on Shannon-like and Kolmogorov-like processing. This diversity highlights the importance of recognizing and appreciating the heterogeneity within the ASD population. It is essential to avoid generalizations and stereotypes and to acknowledge the unique strengths and challenges of each individual.

IX. Discussion and Future Directions:​

Key Research Priorities​

Empirical Validation: A crucial next step is to design and conduct empirical studies to rigorously test the predictions derived from the Kolmogorov complexity hypothesis. This will require developing a battery of cognitive tasks that can effectively capture the hypothesized differences in information processing styles between individuals with ASD and neurotypical controls. These tasks should be carefully designed to minimize confounding variables and to be feasible for a diverse range of participants. Collecting high-quality behavioral, eye-tracking, and neuroimaging data from a large, representative sample will be essential for drawing robust conclusions about the validity of the hypothesis.

Personalized Support Strategies: If the Kolmogorov complexity hypothesis is empirically supported, an important direction for future research will be to investigate how cognitive profiles map onto optimal support and accommodation strategies. This could involve studies that assess the effectiveness of different educational and therapeutic approaches for individuals with varying degrees of Shannon-like and Kolmogorov-like processing styles. The goal would be to develop personalized recommendations that leverage an individual's unique cognitive strengths and address their specific challenges, ultimately promoting well-being and positive outcomes.

Exploring Broader Applications: While the current framework is focused specifically on ASD, future research could explore its potential relevance to other neurocognitive differences. This could involve conducting comparative studies with individuals with other conditions that may involve atypical information processing, such as ADHD, dyslexia, or synesthesia. The aim would be to assess whether the Shannon-Kolmogorov spectrum of cognitive styles can provide a useful lens for understanding diverse cognitive profiles beyond ASD. However, any such extensions should be approached with caution and grounded in empirical evidence to avoid overgeneralization.


  • Validate framework through cognitive tasks comparing ASD and neurotypical samples.
  • Assess effectiveness of personalized support strategies based on cognitive profiles.
  • Conduct comparative studies with other neurocognitive differences to explore broader relevance.


  • Designing tasks that effectively capture information processing differences while minimizing confounds.
  • Recruiting large, diverse samples representative of the heterogeneity in ASD and other conditions.
  • Obtaining high-quality, multimodal data (behavioral, eye-tracking, neuroimaging) from diverse participants.
  • Ensuring sufficient statistical power to detect potentially subtle effects and interactions.
  • Avoiding overgeneralization and ensuring any extensions beyond ASD are grounded in empirical evidence.
The hypothesis of autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity phenotype offers a novel perspective on the evolutionary origins and cognitive strengths associated with ASD. By specializing in finding the shortest programs to describe complex systems, individuals with autism may excel in fields that require Occam's Razor and Universal Turing Machines. This framework provides a unifying explanation for the distinct cluster of symptoms observed in autism and the remarkable successes achieved by individuals on the spectrum. Future research should investigate the neural correlates of KC processing in ASD individuals, explore the evolutionary basis of neurodiversity, and examine the potential applications of this understanding for education, employment, and support services.

X. Conclusion: Embracing Neurodiversity through the Lens of Kolmogorov Complexity​

The Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis offers a novel framework for reconceptualizing Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by emphasizing its evolutionary and cognitive strengths. This hypothesis suggests that ASD cognition may be characterized by Kolmogorov complexity-like information processing, in contrast to the Shannon entropy-like processing typical of neurotypical individuals. Recognizing ASD as a KC specialist phenotype highlights the unique contributions of autistic individuals and underscores the importance of embracing diverse cognitive approaches to problem-solving.

A. Implications for Understanding and Support​

Cognitive Diversity:

The Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis highlights the value of cognitive diversity, proposing that different processing styles have evolved to address various types of challenges. Appreciating this diversity is crucial for creating inclusive environments that cater to a wide range of cognitive profiles.

Personalized Approaches:

Conceptualizing ASD cognition along a spectrum from Shannon entropy to Kolmogorov complexity emphasizes the need for personalized educational, therapeutic, and support strategies. Tailoring approaches to individual cognitive profiles can help maximize potential and minimize challenges.

Collaborative Synergy:

The hypothesis points to the potential for powerful collaborations between individuals with ASD and neurotypical cognitive styles. Leveraging the unique strengths of each processing style can lead to innovative problem-solving and groundbreaking discoveries across various domains.

B. A Call for Empirical Validation and Ethical Application​

While the Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis offers an exciting new lens, it is crucial to approach it with a critical and cautious mindset. The theory remains largely speculative and requires rigorous empirical testing and refinement. Research should focus on designing studies that validate the key predictions of the hypothesis while accounting for the heterogeneity of ASD phenotypes.

As we explore potential applications of this theory, we must prioritize the well-being and autonomy of individuals with ASD. Any interventions or accommodations derived from the hypothesis must be grounded in robust evidence, guided by a deep understanding of individual needs and preferences, and implemented with the full consent and collaboration of the ASD community.

C. Towards a Neurodiverse Future​

The Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis is not just a theory about ASD cognition; it is an invitation to reframe our understanding of neurodiversity. By celebrating the unique contributions of diverse cognitive styles, we can work towards building a society that truly values and includes all individuals.

This vision requires a collective effort from researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and community members. We must invest in research that deepens our understanding of neurodiverse experiences, develop support systems that empower individuals to thrive, and create spaces that welcome and celebrate cognitive differences.

Ultimately, the Kolmogorov Complexity hypothesis reminds us that there is no one "right" way of processing information. By embracing the diversity of human cognition, we open up endless possibilities for innovation, creativity, and human flourishing. Let us use this lens to build a world where every individual, regardless of their cognitive style, has the opportunity to shine.


Author's note:
Autism as the Kolmogorov Complexity Phenotype
Hypothesis: Autism evolved to find Kolmogorov Complexity, implying strengths in utilizing Occam's Razor and Universal Turing Machines. In contrast, neurotypicals may rely more on continuous statistical information approaches.
Motivation for this paper:
Why there would be such a distinct cluster of symptoms for autism?
Why would list-making and stiff facial expressions go together?
Why should tunnel vision be related to overly formal speaking?
Why should autism be anecdotally correlated with physicists and tech founders?
Then, I thought that Kolmogorov Complexity must be the missing connection. It is a formalization of Occam's Razor and would explain Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla. But Kolmogorov Complexity relies on Turing Completeness, so those who would be good at finding shortest programs must also be good minimum viable product programmers, like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Vitalik Buterin, and Bill Gates.
(Confirmed autism cases: Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Vitalik Buterin)
(Debated autism cases: Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Nikola Tesla, Bill Gates)
Author's background:
I am a programmer on the autism spectrum. I wrote this paper after brainstorming from my own inner experiences and what I've read, and used AIs to polish it. It is mostly based on my own experience and seeing which autistic people have been the most successful.

This post was made by GM from from lesswrong:
Not even the title.
  • JFL
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