All this shit just because we didn't get on the wave when people around us started using social media.

sad batman GIF
Wtf were you doing when you were younger if you weren’t on social media at all? I’m not a normie who was deep into social media. I’ve probably only ever posted less than 5 pictures on any. I would be lucky if I ever got double digit follower counts. But I was definitely a spectator on social media. I mostly use it to coom nowadays
Late millennials were really screwed by this. Born early enough to get used to the pre-social media world and not really grow up in it, but late enough that they need it and are expected to understand it and use it. Previous gens are too old for it to matter, zoomers have been familiar with it since they were pre-teens.
  • +1
Reactions: yoyoyo
The best guide is the PHD course by Tate on YouTube low key
I got permabanned off Instagram for wrongthink.

Honestly, I don't miss it. The only poeple who ever bothered following me were homos and scammers.
This thread is an enhanced version of a previous IG maxxing guide posted by @xefo
@OOGABOOGA asked me to tag him so here you go
@Pendejo you might want to take a look at this thread

Why do this?

First of all you need to understand that in today's world: your Instagram account = your social life, whether you like it or not. You need to have some kind of online presence, and having an Instagram account is the best and easiest way to do it.

Here's a story from when I was travelling in Latin America about a year ago. As you can understand, I was looking forward to get my Willy wet. So here I was, swiping on Tinder and talking to girls. One thing that happened very often is that the girl would ask for my Instagram account. Once I told them I didn't have one they all seemed very reluctant to meet me. I sensed something was wrong so I decided to create one in a hurry, posted a shitty pic and managed to get just over 200 followers over a few weeks.

I eventually met a girl (keep in mind that she made sure I sent her my newly created Instagram before we met) and everything went fine, I eventually fucked her regularly for a month before I left the city. While we were chatting a couple of days after we met she confessed that she was a bit scared of meeting me because of my shitty Instagram, she wasn't sure if I was a weird guy trying to kidnap and rape her. I'm 99% sure I wouldn't have been able to meet her, and therefore fuck her, if I didn't have an Instagram account.

Basically what happens is that girls will make sure to analyse your social media before you meet them IRL. Which is a very logical thing to do if you think about it, you're just a stranger she met on the Internet and she's trying to get as many info as possible. Which is why it's important to have a good Instagram account which show that (or at least makes it look like) you are NT and have a social circle.

TL;DR: women use Instagram as a way to filter weirdos as well as friendless and social circle-less autists and gauge your IRL status

It should also be noted that almost all young women nowadays have an active Instagram account. In fact, according to the report attached to this thread, 52% of Instagram users are female compared to 42% males. Which makes it a very favorable field to stand out as a man, much more than the sausage fest that is Tinder and other dating apps.

What you need

Very simple stuff:
  • Internet connection
  • PC
  • nFollowers extension on your browser (make sure you don't use a mobile app that automatically follows/unfollows accounts, there is a high chance of your account getting banned if you do this)
Creating your account

If you don't have an Instagram account yet, just got to their website or download their mobile app on your phone and create one.
There are 3 things that you need to complete when you create your Instagram profile, you can also check if everything is in order if you already have an account:

1) Unique username

You username should be short, easy to pronounce/write and to remember.

If your IRL name is John Doe, your username could be one of those:
  • john.doe
  • johndoe
  • john_doe
  • j.doe
Keep it simple, try not to use numbers and use as few special characters as possible.

2) Name

Unlike your username, your displayed name doesn't need to be unique.
Same as before, keep it simple and just put your actual name.

3) Profile picture

It needs to be a picture of you. Nothing complicated, just not something that screams "aspie".
Obviously don't use a retarded avatar like an anime character, the logo of your sports team or your favorite male model.

4) Bio

Keep it short, just write the name of the city you live in, where you study/work, an emoji of the team sports you're playing if you do play sports and your nationality if it's something exotic, eventually your age if you're younger than 25. Example: "London, LBS, 22yo 🏉🇦🇺"

The method


The important milestones you need to reach and maintain are:
  • A followers/following ratio equal to or above 1 (very important)
  • 1k followers (status halo)
  • 100+ likes per post
A good goal would be to have something like 1100 followers and 900 following. You would get the "status halo" provided by having a 4-digit follower count and the fact that you have a good ratio is highlighted by your 3-digit following count.

Ideally you would want to wait until you reach 500 followers to post your first pic, this will make it easier to reach the desired 100+ likes per post. This is also the point where people will consider that you have a "normal/NT" follower count.

The process (most important)

First, you need to get the ball rolling with a few dozen followers. Follow people that you personally know (friends, family, colleagues). Once that is done, you'll be able to start the process that you'll repeat everyday (won't take you more than 30 minutes a day):
  • Check your nFollowers and unfollow accounts that don't follow you back (copy/paste the usernames into Instagram)
  • Like new posts from your following (having a good engagement towards your following will make them more likely to like your pics)
  • Check you recent followers and go to their profile, start following people who follow them and have a followers/following ratio around 1 (ideally lower but not too low), focus on people who are around the same age as you and live in the same country. Avoid accounts who have a followers/following ratio too much in their favour because they probably won't follow you back. Also avoid people with a low followers count (below 200), they probably only follow people they know personally. Instagram is gonna block you from following more accounts after 50 new follows, you can stop there or wait a few hours and do it again (I suggest not overdoing it, once or twice a day is good enough)
  • Repeat everyday
You'll probably gain around 5-10 new followers everyday doing this. This will go up once you post your first picture.

Once in a while you'll need to "purge" your following to take your followers/following ratio slightly above 1. Unfollow people with shitty usernames, no profile pics, very low followers/following ratio, low engagement towards your posts, etc.


Post a nice picture of you with a good photo quality, try to avoid selfies. Ideally a picture of you doing stuff outside, at a social event or around people (make sure that nobody mogs you on the pic).

It is best to post in the late afternoon/early evening to get as much engagement as possible. This is when people are coming back from work/school and check their social media in the bus/metro or when they get home.

Studies also found that carousel posts (posts with multiple pictures) get the best engagement rate, so if you have multiple nice pictures post them all in one post. Using the location can also yield more engagement. I suggest avoiding hashtags because they're not that effective and you'll look like a tryhard if you use them.

Tag your bros and/or people who were there when the picture was taken, this will get you additional likes and potentially comments. People check stories more than they check posts so make sure you share your post in a story.

Other important stuff
  • Post stories when you do cool stuff (travelling, going to a sports game, eating at fancy restaurant) and post it in the highlights section
  • Make your profile private, this will do two things: make people more likely to follow you back because they're curious and make sure that people who follow you won't unfollow if you take too long to follow them back because you need to accept their follow request first
  • People can easily notice when someone is buying followers: they have a weird followers/following ratio when you consider their looks level, likes/followers ratio is very low (they usually buy followers but not likes) and the fake accounts are easily noticeable (weird names, low follower count, all accounts look the same)

Good luck everyone!
ok but how do i do cool stuff with friends
thanks god this shit cancer app is banned in my country
  • Love it
Reactions: Baban
The best guide is the PHD course by Tate on YouTube low key

Whatever you do, do not post the types of pics that Tate or Tristan post

Dan Bilzerian said in a video about how those guys are cringe tryhards since all their pictures are them posing for the camera. He didn't explicitly mention their names but it was obvious. (Dan does a great job of making his own posts seem natural even though they're staged)

I personally think their posts are non-NT due to them looking like photoshoots in suits and in front of cars, whereas Chads simply post candid-type pics of them out doing stuff without it seeming like much thought went into it.

The Tate brothers were losers growing up, so the natural pics were never natural to them.
  • +1
Reactions: Davide33 and conquer
jfl i have lik 90 followers how tf do I increase it? I don't want to randomly follow people I know, that's awkward af
This thread is an enhanced version of a previous IG maxxing guide posted by @xefo
@OOGABOOGA asked me to tag him so here you go
@Pendejo you might want to take a look at this thread

Why do this?

First of all you need to understand that in today's world: your Instagram account = your social life, whether you like it or not. You need to have some kind of online presence, and having an Instagram account is the best and easiest way to do it.

Here's a story from when I was travelling in Latin America about a year ago. As you can understand, I was looking forward to get my Willy wet. So here I was, swiping on Tinder and talking to girls. One thing that happened very often is that the girl would ask for my Instagram account. Once I told them I didn't have one they all seemed very reluctant to meet me. I sensed something was wrong so I decided to create one in a hurry, posted a shitty pic and managed to get just over 200 followers over a few weeks.

I eventually met a girl (keep in mind that she made sure I sent her my newly created Instagram before we met) and everything went fine, I eventually fucked her regularly for a month before I left the city. While we were chatting a couple of days after we met she confessed that she was a bit scared of meeting me because of my shitty Instagram, she wasn't sure if I was a weird guy trying to kidnap and rape her. I'm 99% sure I wouldn't have been able to meet her, and therefore fuck her, if I didn't have an Instagram account.

Basically what happens is that girls will make sure to analyse your social media before you meet them IRL. Which is a very logical thing to do if you think about it, you're just a stranger she met on the Internet and she's trying to get as many info as possible. Which is why it's important to have a good Instagram account which show that (or at least makes it look like) you are NT and have a social circle.

TL;DR: women use Instagram as a way to filter weirdos as well as friendless and social circle-less autists and gauge your IRL status

It should also be noted that almost all young women nowadays have an active Instagram account. In fact, according to the report attached to this thread, 52% of Instagram users are female compared to 42% males. Which makes it a very favorable field to stand out as a man, much more than the sausage fest that is Tinder and other dating apps.

What you need

Very simple stuff:
  • Internet connection
  • PC
  • nFollowers extension on your browser (make sure you don't use a mobile app that automatically follows/unfollows accounts, there is a high chance of your account getting banned if you do this)
Creating your account

If you don't have an Instagram account yet, just got to their website or download their mobile app on your phone and create one.
There are 3 things that you need to complete when you create your Instagram profile, you can also check if everything is in order if you already have an account:

1) Unique username

You username should be short, easy to pronounce/write and to remember.

If your IRL name is John Doe, your username could be one of those:
  • john.doe
  • johndoe
  • john_doe
  • j.doe
Keep it simple, try not to use numbers and use as few special characters as possible.

2) Name

Unlike your username, your displayed name doesn't need to be unique.
Same as before, keep it simple and just put your actual name.

3) Profile picture

It needs to be a picture of you. Nothing complicated, just not something that screams "aspie".
Obviously don't use a retarded avatar like an anime character, the logo of your sports team or your favorite male model.

4) Bio

Keep it short, just write the name of the city you live in, where you study/work, an emoji of the team sports you're playing if you do play sports and your nationality if it's something exotic, eventually your age if you're younger than 25. Example: "London, LBS, 22yo 🏉🇦🇺"

The method


The important milestones you need to reach and maintain are:
  • A followers/following ratio equal to or above 1 (very important)
  • 1k followers (status halo)
  • 100+ likes per post
A good goal would be to have something like 1100 followers and 900 following. You would get the "status halo" provided by having a 4-digit follower count and the fact that you have a good ratio is highlighted by your 3-digit following count.

Ideally you would want to wait until you reach 500 followers to post your first pic, this will make it easier to reach the desired 100+ likes per post. This is also the point where people will consider that you have a "normal/NT" follower count.

The process (most important)

First, you need to get the ball rolling with a few dozen followers. Follow people that you personally know (friends, family, colleagues). Once that is done, you'll be able to start the process that you'll repeat everyday (won't take you more than 30 minutes a day):
  • Check your nFollowers and unfollow accounts that don't follow you back (copy/paste the usernames into Instagram)
  • Like new posts from your following (having a good engagement towards your following will make them more likely to like your pics)
  • Check you recent followers and go to their profile, start following people who follow them and have a followers/following ratio around 1 (ideally lower but not too low), focus on people who are around the same age as you and live in the same country. Avoid accounts who have a followers/following ratio too much in their favour because they probably won't follow you back. Also avoid people with a low followers count (below 200), they probably only follow people they know personally. Instagram is gonna block you from following more accounts after 50 new follows, you can stop there or wait a few hours and do it again (I suggest not overdoing it, once or twice a day is good enough)
  • Repeat everyday
You'll probably gain around 5-10 new followers everyday doing this. This will go up once you post your first picture.

Once in a while you'll need to "purge" your following to take your followers/following ratio slightly above 1. Unfollow people with shitty usernames, no profile pics, very low followers/following ratio, low engagement towards your posts, etc.


Post a nice picture of you with a good photo quality, try to avoid selfies. Ideally a picture of you doing stuff outside, at a social event or around people (make sure that nobody mogs you on the pic).

It is best to post in the late afternoon/early evening to get as much engagement as possible. This is when people are coming back from work/school and check their social media in the bus/metro or when they get home.

Studies also found that carousel posts (posts with multiple pictures) get the best engagement rate, so if you have multiple nice pictures post them all in one post. Using the location can also yield more engagement. I suggest avoiding hashtags because they're not that effective and you'll look like a tryhard if you use them.

Tag your bros and/or people who were there when the picture was taken, this will get you additional likes and potentially comments. People check stories more than they check posts so make sure you share your post in a story.

Other important stuff
  • Post stories when you do cool stuff (travelling, going to a sports game, eating at fancy restaurant) and post it in the highlights section
  • Make your profile private, this will do two things: make people more likely to follow you back because they're curious and make sure that people who follow you won't unfollow if you take too long to follow them back because you need to accept their follow request first
  • People can easily notice when someone is buying followers: they have a weird followers/following ratio when you consider their looks level, likes/followers ratio is very low (they usually buy followers but not likes) and the fake accounts are easily noticeable (weird names, low follower count, all accounts look the same)

Good luck everyone!
Is there a safe way to just buy followers without having to do all of this?
This thread is an enhanced version of a previous IG maxxing guide posted by @xefo
@OOGABOOGA asked me to tag him so here you go
@Pendejo you might want to take a look at this thread

Why do this?

First of all you need to understand that in today's world: your Instagram account = your social life, whether you like it or not. You need to have some kind of online presence, and having an Instagram account is the best and easiest way to do it.

Here's a story from when I was travelling in Latin America about a year ago. As you can understand, I was looking forward to get my Willy wet. So here I was, swiping on Tinder and talking to girls. One thing that happened very often is that the girl would ask for my Instagram account. Once I told them I didn't have one they all seemed very reluctant to meet me. I sensed something was wrong so I decided to create one in a hurry, posted a shitty pic and managed to get just over 200 followers over a few weeks.

I eventually met a girl (keep in mind that she made sure I sent her my newly created Instagram before we met) and everything went fine, I eventually fucked her regularly for a month before I left the city. While we were chatting a couple of days after we met she confessed that she was a bit scared of meeting me because of my shitty Instagram, she wasn't sure if I was a weird guy trying to kidnap and rape her. I'm 99% sure I wouldn't have been able to meet her, and therefore fuck her, if I didn't have an Instagram account.

Basically what happens is that girls will make sure to analyse your social media before you meet them IRL. Which is a very logical thing to do if you think about it, you're just a stranger she met on the Internet and she's trying to get as many info as possible. Which is why it's important to have a good Instagram account which show that (or at least makes it look like) you are NT and have a social circle.

TL;DR: women use Instagram as a way to filter weirdos as well as friendless and social circle-less autists and gauge your IRL status

It should also be noted that almost all young women nowadays have an active Instagram account. In fact, according to the report attached to this thread, 52% of Instagram users are female compared to 42% males. Which makes it a very favorable field to stand out as a man, much more than the sausage fest that is Tinder and other dating apps.

What you need

Very simple stuff:
  • Internet connection
  • PC
  • nFollowers extension on your browser (make sure you don't use a mobile app that automatically follows/unfollows accounts, there is a high chance of your account getting banned if you do this)
Creating your account

If you don't have an Instagram account yet, just got to their website or download their mobile app on your phone and create one.
There are 3 things that you need to complete when you create your Instagram profile, you can also check if everything is in order if you already have an account:

1) Unique username

You username should be short, easy to pronounce/write and to remember.

If your IRL name is John Doe, your username could be one of those:
  • john.doe
  • johndoe
  • john_doe
  • j.doe
Keep it simple, try not to use numbers and use as few special characters as possible.

2) Name

Unlike your username, your displayed name doesn't need to be unique.
Same as before, keep it simple and just put your actual name.

3) Profile picture

It needs to be a picture of you. Nothing complicated, just not something that screams "aspie".
Obviously don't use a retarded avatar like an anime character, the logo of your sports team or your favorite male model.

4) Bio

Keep it short, just write the name of the city you live in, where you study/work, an emoji of the team sports you're playing if you do play sports and your nationality if it's something exotic, eventually your age if you're younger than 25. Example: "London, LBS, 22yo 🏉🇦🇺"

The method


The important milestones you need to reach and maintain are:
  • A followers/following ratio equal to or above 1 (very important)
  • 1k followers (status halo)
  • 100+ likes per post
A good goal would be to have something like 1100 followers and 900 following. You would get the "status halo" provided by having a 4-digit follower count and the fact that you have a good ratio is highlighted by your 3-digit following count.

Ideally you would want to wait until you reach 500 followers to post your first pic, this will make it easier to reach the desired 100+ likes per post. This is also the point where people will consider that you have a "normal/NT" follower count.

The process (most important)

First, you need to get the ball rolling with a few dozen followers. Follow people that you personally know (friends, family, colleagues). Once that is done, you'll be able to start the process that you'll repeat everyday (won't take you more than 30 minutes a day):
  • Check your nFollowers and unfollow accounts that don't follow you back (copy/paste the usernames into Instagram)
  • Like new posts from your following (having a good engagement towards your following will make them more likely to like your pics)
  • Check you recent followers and go to their profile, start following people who follow them and have a followers/following ratio around 1 (ideally lower but not too low), focus on people who are around the same age as you and live in the same country. Avoid accounts who have a followers/following ratio too much in their favour because they probably won't follow you back. Also avoid people with a low followers count (below 200), they probably only follow people they know personally. Instagram is gonna block you from following more accounts after 50 new follows, you can stop there or wait a few hours and do it again (I suggest not overdoing it, once or twice a day is good enough)
  • Repeat everyday
You'll probably gain around 5-10 new followers everyday doing this. This will go up once you post your first picture.

Once in a while you'll need to "purge" your following to take your followers/following ratio slightly above 1. Unfollow people with shitty usernames, no profile pics, very low followers/following ratio, low engagement towards your posts, etc.


Post a nice picture of you with a good photo quality, try to avoid selfies. Ideally a picture of you doing stuff outside, at a social event or around people (make sure that nobody mogs you on the pic).

It is best to post in the late afternoon/early evening to get as much engagement as possible. This is when people are coming back from work/school and check their social media in the bus/metro or when they get home.

Studies also found that carousel posts (posts with multiple pictures) get the best engagement rate, so if you have multiple nice pictures post them all in one post. Using the location can also yield more engagement. I suggest avoiding hashtags because they're not that effective and you'll look like a tryhard if you use them.

Tag your bros and/or people who were there when the picture was taken, this will get you additional likes and potentially comments. People check stories more than they check posts so make sure you share your post in a story.

Other important stuff
  • Post stories when you do cool stuff (travelling, going to a sports game, eating at fancy restaurant) and post it in the highlights section
  • Make your profile private, this will do two things: make people more likely to follow you back because they're curious and make sure that people who follow you won't unfollow if you take too long to follow them back because you need to accept their follow request first
  • People can easily notice when someone is buying followers: they have a weird followers/following ratio when you consider their looks level, likes/followers ratio is very low (they usually buy followers but not likes) and the fake accounts are easily noticeable (weird names, low follower count, all accounts look the same)

Good luck everyone!
Niggas there are better ways to get followers. Just tap in to the human psyche
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 66828 and cringemaxxer
Dont use nfollowers, got me banned and made me send an appeal, unbanned after though
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 66828 and cringemaxxer
ratiomogged to oblivion


  • IMG_7169.jpeg
    214.3 KB · Views: 0
ratiomogged to oblivion
Bro no offense but your profile just seems autistic and something seems off. Try following about 200-250 people at least. If a girl looks at your IG and sees you follow 22 people she is just going to think you have no friends and cant manage socially
Bro no offense but your profile just seems autistic and something seems off. Try following about 200-250 people at least. If a girl looks at your IG and sees you follow 22 people she is just going to think you have no friends and cant manage socially
i just dont want to follow useless people

i use tinder for girls so ig doesnt even matter that much
i just dont want to follow useless people

i use tinder for girls so ig doesnt even matter that much
What are you going to do when the girl from tinder asks you for your ig?
What are you going to do when the girl from tinder asks you for your ig?
give her my ig but not gonna follow back or say i dont really use ig heres my snap

depends if shes valid or not
Last edited:
genuine question, what if you have a really unappealing face? how should you post photos? would making a lifestyle account just full of story highlights with minimal face pics be a good idea
This thread is an enhanced version of a previous IG maxxing guide posted by @xefo
@OOGABOOGA asked me to tag him so here you go
@Pendejo you might want to take a look at this thread

Why do this?

First of all you need to understand that in today's world: your Instagram account = your social life, whether you like it or not. You need to have some kind of online presence, and having an Instagram account is the best and easiest way to do it.

Here's a story from when I was travelling in Latin America about a year ago. As you can understand, I was looking forward to get my Willy wet. So here I was, swiping on Tinder and talking to girls. One thing that happened very often is that the girl would ask for my Instagram account. Once I told them I didn't have one they all seemed very reluctant to meet me. I sensed something was wrong so I decided to create one in a hurry, posted a shitty pic and managed to get just over 200 followers over a few weeks.

I eventually met a girl (keep in mind that she made sure I sent her my newly created Instagram before we met) and everything went fine, I eventually fucked her regularly for a month before I left the city. While we were chatting a couple of days after we met she confessed that she was a bit scared of meeting me because of my shitty Instagram, she wasn't sure if I was a weird guy trying to kidnap and rape her. I'm 99% sure I wouldn't have been able to meet her, and therefore fuck her, if I didn't have an Instagram account.

Basically what happens is that girls will make sure to analyse your social media before you meet them IRL. Which is a very logical thing to do if you think about it, you're just a stranger she met on the Internet and she's trying to get as many info as possible. Which is why it's important to have a good Instagram account which show that (or at least makes it look like) you are NT and have a social circle.

TL;DR: women use Instagram as a way to filter weirdos as well as friendless and social circle-less autists and gauge your IRL status

It should also be noted that almost all young women nowadays have an active Instagram account. In fact, according to the report attached to this thread, 52% of Instagram users are female compared to 42% males. Which makes it a very favorable field to stand out as a man, much more than the sausage fest that is Tinder and other dating apps.

What you need

Very simple stuff:
  • Internet connection
  • PC
  • nFollowers extension on your browser (make sure you don't use a mobile app that automatically follows/unfollows accounts, there is a high chance of your account getting banned if you do this)
Creating your account

If you don't have an Instagram account yet, just got to their website or download their mobile app on your phone and create one.
There are 3 things that you need to complete when you create your Instagram profile, you can also check if everything is in order if you already have an account:

1) Unique username

You username should be short, easy to pronounce/write and to remember.

If your IRL name is John Doe, your username could be one of those:
  • john.doe
  • johndoe
  • john_doe
  • j.doe
Keep it simple, try not to use numbers and use as few special characters as possible.

2) Name

Unlike your username, your displayed name doesn't need to be unique.
Same as before, keep it simple and just put your actual name.

3) Profile picture

It needs to be a picture of you. Nothing complicated, just not something that screams "aspie".
Obviously don't use a retarded avatar like an anime character, the logo of your sports team or your favorite male model.

4) Bio

Keep it short, just write the name of the city you live in, where you study/work, an emoji of the team sports you're playing if you do play sports and your nationality if it's something exotic, eventually your age if you're younger than 25. Example: "London, LBS, 22yo 🏉🇦🇺"

The method


The important milestones you need to reach and maintain are:
  • A followers/following ratio equal to or above 1 (very important)
  • 1k followers (status halo)
  • 100+ likes per post
A good goal would be to have something like 1100 followers and 900 following. You would get the "status halo" provided by having a 4-digit follower count and the fact that you have a good ratio is highlighted by your 3-digit following count.

Ideally you would want to wait until you reach 500 followers to post your first pic, this will make it easier to reach the desired 100+ likes per post. This is also the point where people will consider that you have a "normal/NT" follower count.

The process (most important)

First, you need to get the ball rolling with a few dozen followers. Follow people that you personally know (friends, family, colleagues). Once that is done, you'll be able to start the process that you'll repeat everyday (won't take you more than 30 minutes a day):
  • Check your nFollowers and unfollow accounts that don't follow you back (copy/paste the usernames into Instagram)
  • Like new posts from your following (having a good engagement towards your following will make them more likely to like your pics)
  • Check you recent followers and go to their profile, start following people who follow them and have a followers/following ratio around 1 (ideally lower but not too low), focus on people who are around the same age as you and live in the same country. Avoid accounts who have a followers/following ratio too much in their favour because they probably won't follow you back. Also avoid people with a low followers count (below 200), they probably only follow people they know personally. Instagram is gonna block you from following more accounts after 50 new follows, you can stop there or wait a few hours and do it again (I suggest not overdoing it, once or twice a day is good enough)
  • Repeat everyday
You'll probably gain around 5-10 new followers everyday doing this. This will go up once you post your first picture.

Once in a while you'll need to "purge" your following to take your followers/following ratio slightly above 1. Unfollow people with shitty usernames, no profile pics, very low followers/following ratio, low engagement towards your posts, etc.


Post a nice picture of you with a good photo quality, try to avoid selfies. Ideally a picture of you doing stuff outside, at a social event or around people (make sure that nobody mogs you on the pic).

It is best to post in the late afternoon/early evening to get as much engagement as possible. This is when people are coming back from work/school and check their social media in the bus/metro or when they get home.

Studies also found that carousel posts (posts with multiple pictures) get the best engagement rate, so if you have multiple nice pictures post them all in one post. Using the location can also yield more engagement. I suggest avoiding hashtags because they're not that effective and you'll look like a tryhard if you use them.

Tag your bros and/or people who were there when the picture was taken, this will get you additional likes and potentially comments. People check stories more than they check posts so make sure you share your post in a story.

Other important stuff
  • Post stories when you do cool stuff (travelling, going to a sports game, eating at fancy restaurant) and post it in the highlights section
  • Make your profile private, this will do two things: make people more likely to follow you back because they're curious and make sure that people who follow you won't unfollow if you take too long to follow them back because you need to accept their follow request first
  • People can easily notice when someone is buying followers: they have a weird followers/following ratio when you consider their looks level, likes/followers ratio is very low (they usually buy followers but not likes) and the fake accounts are easily noticeable (weird names, low follower count, all accounts look the same)

Good luck everyone!
Instagram maxxing is for cucks like Aidan rosssss, ruins my vamp aura sorry brahhh
Good effort post i was gonna do a guide like this but icba
  • +1
Reactions: Fusionxz
This thread is an enhanced version of a previous IG maxxing guide posted by @xefo
@OOGABOOGA asked me to tag him so here you go
@Pendejo you might want to take a look at this thread

Why do this?

First of all you need to understand that in today's world: your Instagram account = your social life, whether you like it or not. You need to have some kind of online presence, and having an Instagram account is the best and easiest way to do it.

Here's a story from when I was travelling in Latin America about a year ago. As you can understand, I was looking forward to get my Willy wet. So here I was, swiping on Tinder and talking to girls. One thing that happened very often is that the girl would ask for my Instagram account. Once I told them I didn't have one they all seemed very reluctant to meet me. I sensed something was wrong so I decided to create one in a hurry, posted a shitty pic and managed to get just over 200 followers over a few weeks.

I eventually met a girl (keep in mind that she made sure I sent her my newly created Instagram before we met) and everything went fine, I eventually fucked her regularly for a month before I left the city. While we were chatting a couple of days after we met she confessed that she was a bit scared of meeting me because of my shitty Instagram, she wasn't sure if I was a weird guy trying to kidnap and rape her. I'm 99% sure I wouldn't have been able to meet her, and therefore fuck her, if I didn't have an Instagram account.

Basically what happens is that girls will make sure to analyse your social media before you meet them IRL. Which is a very logical thing to do if you think about it, you're just a stranger she met on the Internet and she's trying to get as many info as possible. Which is why it's important to have a good Instagram account which show that (or at least makes it look like) you are NT and have a social circle.

TL;DR: women use Instagram as a way to filter weirdos as well as friendless and social circle-less autists and gauge your IRL status

It should also be noted that almost all young women nowadays have an active Instagram account. In fact, according to the report attached to this thread, 52% of Instagram users are female compared to 42% males. Which makes it a very favorable field to stand out as a man, much more than the sausage fest that is Tinder and other dating apps.

What you need

Very simple stuff:
  • Internet connection
  • PC
  • nFollowers extension on your browser (make sure you don't use a mobile app that automatically follows/unfollows accounts, there is a high chance of your account getting banned if you do this)
Creating your account

If you don't have an Instagram account yet, just got to their website or download their mobile app on your phone and create one.
There are 3 things that you need to complete when you create your Instagram profile, you can also check if everything is in order if you already have an account:

1) Unique username

You username should be short, easy to pronounce/write and to remember.

If your IRL name is John Doe, your username could be one of those:
  • john.doe
  • johndoe
  • john_doe
  • j.doe
Keep it simple, try not to use numbers and use as few special characters as possible.

2) Name

Unlike your username, your displayed name doesn't need to be unique.
Same as before, keep it simple and just put your actual name.

3) Profile picture

It needs to be a picture of you. Nothing complicated, just not something that screams "aspie".
Obviously don't use a retarded avatar like an anime character, the logo of your sports team or your favorite male model.

4) Bio

Keep it short, just write the name of the city you live in, where you study/work, an emoji of the team sports you're playing if you do play sports and your nationality if it's something exotic, eventually your age if you're younger than 25. Example: "London, LBS, 22yo 🏉🇦🇺"

The method


The important milestones you need to reach and maintain are:
  • A followers/following ratio equal to or above 1 (very important)
  • 1k followers (status halo)
  • 100+ likes per post
A good goal would be to have something like 1100 followers and 900 following. You would get the "status halo" provided by having a 4-digit follower count and the fact that you have a good ratio is highlighted by your 3-digit following count.

Ideally you would want to wait until you reach 500 followers to post your first pic, this will make it easier to reach the desired 100+ likes per post. This is also the point where people will consider that you have a "normal/NT" follower count.

The process (most important)

First, you need to get the ball rolling with a few dozen followers. Follow people that you personally know (friends, family, colleagues). Once that is done, you'll be able to start the process that you'll repeat everyday (won't take you more than 30 minutes a day):
  • Check your nFollowers and unfollow accounts that don't follow you back (copy/paste the usernames into Instagram)
  • Like new posts from your following (having a good engagement towards your following will make them more likely to like your pics)
  • Check you recent followers and go to their profile, start following people who follow them and have a followers/following ratio around 1 (ideally lower but not too low), focus on people who are around the same age as you and live in the same country. Avoid accounts who have a followers/following ratio too much in their favour because they probably won't follow you back. Also avoid people with a low followers count (below 200), they probably only follow people they know personally. Instagram is gonna block you from following more accounts after 50 new follows, you can stop there or wait a few hours and do it again (I suggest not overdoing it, once or twice a day is good enough)
  • Repeat everyday
You'll probably gain around 5-10 new followers everyday doing this. This will go up once you post your first picture.

Once in a while you'll need to "purge" your following to take your followers/following ratio slightly above 1. Unfollow people with shitty usernames, no profile pics, very low followers/following ratio, low engagement towards your posts, etc.


Post a nice picture of you with a good photo quality, try to avoid selfies. Ideally a picture of you doing stuff outside, at a social event or around people (make sure that nobody mogs you on the pic).

It is best to post in the late afternoon/early evening to get as much engagement as possible. This is when people are coming back from work/school and check their social media in the bus/metro or when they get home.

Studies also found that carousel posts (posts with multiple pictures) get the best engagement rate, so if you have multiple nice pictures post them all in one post. Using the location can also yield more engagement. I suggest avoiding hashtags because they're not that effective and you'll look like a tryhard if you use them.

Tag your bros and/or people who were there when the picture was taken, this will get you additional likes and potentially comments. People check stories more than they check posts so make sure you share your post in a story.

Other important stuff
  • Post stories when you do cool stuff (travelling, going to a sports game, eating at fancy restaurant) and post it in the highlights section
  • Make your profile private, this will do two things: make people more likely to follow you back because they're curious and make sure that people who follow you won't unfollow if you take too long to follow them back because you need to accept their follow request first
  • People can easily notice when someone is buying followers: they have a weird followers/following ratio when you consider their looks level, likes/followers ratio is very low (they usually buy followers but not likes) and the fake accounts are easily noticeable (weird names, low follower count, all accounts look the same)

Good luck everyone!
just find a niche, find something on pinterest that you like and replicate that. woman love aesthetic men. just copy pinterest
  • A followers/following ratio equal to or above 1 (very important)
  • 1k followers (status halo)
  • 100+ likes per post
Bro no one cares about your follower ratio. Infact if you get caught trying to lower it, people will call you out and you will look like a geek.
This thread is an enhanced version of a previous IG maxxing guide posted by @xefo
@OOGABOOGA asked me to tag him so here you go
@Pendejo you might want to take a look at this thread

Why do this?

First of all you need to understand that in today's world: your Instagram account = your social life, whether you like it or not. You need to have some kind of online presence, and having an Instagram account is the best and easiest way to do it.

Here's a story from when I was travelling in Latin America about a year ago. As you can understand, I was looking forward to get my Willy wet. So here I was, swiping on Tinder and talking to girls. One thing that happened very often is that the girl would ask for my Instagram account. Once I told them I didn't have one they all seemed very reluctant to meet me. I sensed something was wrong so I decided to create one in a hurry, posted a shitty pic and managed to get just over 200 followers over a few weeks.

I eventually met a girl (keep in mind that she made sure I sent her my newly created Instagram before we met) and everything went fine, I eventually fucked her regularly for a month before I left the city. While we were chatting a couple of days after we met she confessed that she was a bit scared of meeting me because of my shitty Instagram, she wasn't sure if I was a weird guy trying to kidnap and rape her. I'm 99% sure I wouldn't have been able to meet her, and therefore fuck her, if I didn't have an Instagram account.

Basically what happens is that girls will make sure to analyse your social media before you meet them IRL. Which is a very logical thing to do if you think about it, you're just a stranger she met on the Internet and she's trying to get as many info as possible. Which is why it's important to have a good Instagram account which show that (or at least makes it look like) you are NT and have a social circle.

TL;DR: women use Instagram as a way to filter weirdos as well as friendless and social circle-less autists and gauge your IRL status

It should also be noted that almost all young women nowadays have an active Instagram account. In fact, according to the report attached to this thread, 52% of Instagram users are female compared to 42% males. Which makes it a very favorable field to stand out as a man, much more than the sausage fest that is Tinder and other dating apps.

What you need

Very simple stuff:
  • Internet connection
  • PC
  • nFollowers extension on your browser (make sure you don't use a mobile app that automatically follows/unfollows accounts, there is a high chance of your account getting banned if you do this)
Creating your account

If you don't have an Instagram account yet, just got to their website or download their mobile app on your phone and create one.
There are 3 things that you need to complete when you create your Instagram profile, you can also check if everything is in order if you already have an account:

1) Unique username

You username should be short, easy to pronounce/write and to remember.

If your IRL name is John Doe, your username could be one of those:
  • john.doe
  • johndoe
  • john_doe
  • j.doe
Keep it simple, try not to use numbers and use as few special characters as possible.

2) Name

Unlike your username, your displayed name doesn't need to be unique.
Same as before, keep it simple and just put your actual name.

3) Profile picture

It needs to be a picture of you. Nothing complicated, just not something that screams "aspie".
Obviously don't use a retarded avatar like an anime character, the logo of your sports team or your favorite male model.

4) Bio

Keep it short, just write the name of the city you live in, where you study/work, an emoji of the team sports you're playing if you do play sports and your nationality if it's something exotic, eventually your age if you're younger than 25. Example: "London, LBS, 22yo 🏉🇦🇺"

The method


The important milestones you need to reach and maintain are:
  • A followers/following ratio equal to or above 1 (very important)
  • 1k followers (status halo)
  • 100+ likes per post
A good goal would be to have something like 1100 followers and 900 following. You would get the "status halo" provided by having a 4-digit follower count and the fact that you have a good ratio is highlighted by your 3-digit following count.

Ideally you would want to wait until you reach 500 followers to post your first pic, this will make it easier to reach the desired 100+ likes per post. This is also the point where people will consider that you have a "normal/NT" follower count.

The process (most important)

First, you need to get the ball rolling with a few dozen followers. Follow people that you personally know (friends, family, colleagues). Once that is done, you'll be able to start the process that you'll repeat everyday (won't take you more than 30 minutes a day):
  • Check your nFollowers and unfollow accounts that don't follow you back (copy/paste the usernames into Instagram)
  • Like new posts from your following (having a good engagement towards your following will make them more likely to like your pics)
  • Check you recent followers and go to their profile, start following people who follow them and have a followers/following ratio around 1 (ideally lower but not too low), focus on people who are around the same age as you and live in the same country. Avoid accounts who have a followers/following ratio too much in their favour because they probably won't follow you back. Also avoid people with a low followers count (below 200), they probably only follow people they know personally. Instagram is gonna block you from following more accounts after 50 new follows, you can stop there or wait a few hours and do it again (I suggest not overdoing it, once or twice a day is good enough)
  • Repeat everyday
You'll probably gain around 5-10 new followers everyday doing this. This will go up once you post your first picture.

Once in a while you'll need to "purge" your following to take your followers/following ratio slightly above 1. Unfollow people with shitty usernames, no profile pics, very low followers/following ratio, low engagement towards your posts, etc.


Post a nice picture of you with a good photo quality, try to avoid selfies. Ideally a picture of you doing stuff outside, at a social event or around people (make sure that nobody mogs you on the pic).

It is best to post in the late afternoon/early evening to get as much engagement as possible. This is when people are coming back from work/school and check their social media in the bus/metro or when they get home.

Studies also found that carousel posts (posts with multiple pictures) get the best engagement rate, so if you have multiple nice pictures post them all in one post. Using the location can also yield more engagement. I suggest avoiding hashtags because they're not that effective and you'll look like a tryhard if you use them.

Tag your bros and/or people who were there when the picture was taken, this will get you additional likes and potentially comments. People check stories more than they check posts so make sure you share your post in a story.

Other important stuff
  • Post stories when you do cool stuff (travelling, going to a sports game, eating at fancy restaurant) and post it in the highlights section
  • Make your profile private, this will do two things: make people more likely to follow you back because they're curious and make sure that people who follow you won't unfollow if you take too long to follow them back because you need to accept their follow request first
  • People can easily notice when someone is buying followers: they have a weird followers/following ratio when you consider their looks level, likes/followers ratio is very low (they usually buy followers but not likes) and the fake accounts are easily noticeable (weird names, low follower count, all accounts look the same)

Good luck everyone!
What if everyone I follow follows me back, no bots either or low engagement people
Jose Zunigga once mentioned that having 1000+ followers can be equivalent to having 0-5 followers, with 60+ following, with 0 posts and very little bio. Gives you the mysterious touch 🔮
Does anyone have the sauce on how to get to 3k+ follows? A ton of my mates have 3-5k or even more, and I'm not sure how considering I'm more social in the real world than they are. I would ask them but I don't want to lose aura
My Instagram is terrible, I have one good pic only 180 followers (of which 100 I brought lol)
And I follow 300- I really don't use it much I find using it regularly posting stories etc ruins my mental health tbh.

But you gotta nowadays, I plan to travel and hadn't even considered this... However I'm good looking (rated here so no delusion) but people hardly ever followe back, and I hardly get many followers...

JFL I brought 1000 followers 3 years back to build my insta but over these past 3 year years some of them unfollowed me. I’m starting all over, this time trying to get to 2000 through PSL members and IRL friends.

What’s your handle I’ll shoot you a follow
I have 12 followers and 41 following rn should I stop at 50
  • JFL
Reactions: ShowerMaxxing
It's a huge part of social vetting. Girls I meet at bars and clubs always ask for it after we hook up and if they like it they pursue me further if not... they assume they had beer goggles and forget me
Just give them ur number instead saves u having to be a status mogger
  • +1
Reactions: MOGMASTER69
Just give them ur number instead saves u having to be a status mogger
The issue with that is they often think you're doing that because you have a bad instagram. You kind of have to play the game
  • So Sad
Reactions: ShowerMaxxing
nFollowers extension on your browser (make sure you don't use a mobile app that automatically follows/unfollows accounts, there is a high chance of your account getting banned if you do this)
Instagramaccounthackingmaxxing i see 🙈
The issue with that is they often think you're doing that because you have a bad instagram. You kind of have to play the game
Better to say u have no insta than a bad insta

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