autistics are the true "jews"



Jul 3, 2021
Everything degenerate and evil comes from autistic people. Notice how society became exceedingly degenerate once the internet and social media became widely accessible/mainstream around 2012/2013? Why is this? Because it gave the autistic losers who were previously isolated a voice and exposed normal people to their bullshit, and now their ways are appropriated en-masse via social media and have become trendy.

  • The 75 genders and pronoun bullshit? That came from aspie girls on tumblr.
  • The femboy craze from tiktok? Autistic fuckups on 4chan.
  • The general culture of asocial behavior and awkwardness? Originates from internet culture made by autistic people.

Everything I see Jews get blamed for literally comes from autistic faggots on either 4chan/reddit or tumblr. Whether left or right leaning, autistic people are the root of all cultural and social depravity.

autistic retards think they are based and so much better than "NTs" when all the lgbt crap, social justice crap, cringy androgynous culture, etc comes from them. autistics are the true jews of society, and they should be gassed accordingly.
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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: der_komische, Deleted member 19997, Lmao and 13 others
Not all autistic people are like that though.
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What a black and white way of thinking, those kind of people are probably anti-social, not autistic
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Nope, they're just more gullible to the degenerate bullcrap and will more likely adopt those ideas.
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What a black and white way of thinking, those kind of people are probably anti-social, not autistic
Literally all of those fucking retards I am describing refer to themselves as "aspies" or "high functioning autistics." You are an example of how deluded society is to the autistic problem. Or maybe you're an autist yourself, covering your tracks like you creatures always do.
Autistic degenerates
  • +1
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Literally all of those fucking retards I am describing refer to themselves as "aspies" or "high functioning autistics." You are an example of how deluded society is to the autistic problem. Or maybe you're an autist yourself, covering your tracks like you creatures always do.
View attachment 1535617
Literally everyone nowadays who has a hobby, interests and thinks he is socially awkward refers to himself as an aspies
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 19997, Nothinginparticular, alriodai and 4 others
Aspies deserve compassion, be nice bro
Edit: Nvm.
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  • JFL
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Literally everyone nowadays who has a hobby, interests and thinks he is socially awkward refers to themselves as aspies nowadays
Because they have been exposed to the pervasive autistic culture that has subtly pressured neurotypicals into thinking it is cool/edgy or necessary for acceptance.

I saw it happening since 2012 when normal kids would literally be mocked by autistic freaks for not knowing the names of pokemon characters by heart.
  • JFL
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  • JFL
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Edit: Nvm.
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I dont think its evil but yeah people with extreme view are mostly autistic
"People" with aspergers are the literal scum of the earth. Bottom of the barrel genetic trash that have been empowered by the pro-dysgenics society.

The amount of passivity on this topic is truly horrifying. Society falls because we give our compassion to those who least deserve it.

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The soy thing is being ableist because femoids love ableism. Delete your account, soy boy and go trannymax while you’re at it. The law needs to kill you off for even speaking to one of the most non-cucked and based users (me) like this.
I don't believe in blaming groups, but individuals. Give me names. If you're not biased you'll probably find major names from each group.
could it be that X group is more prominent? I guess so, still harsh to blame the whole group.

But It's funny as hell so idk
The soy thing is being ableist because femoids love ableism. Delete your account, soy boy and go trannymax while you’re at it.
Femnist are the one complain about ableism the most
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I don't believe in blaming groups, but individuals.

I guess so, still harsh to blame the whole group.
Fucking hypocrite. You blame women, literally billions of people, as a whole for your failures yet suddenly your aspieshit kin are off-limits? Typical autistic hypocrisy. Nothing is never your fault, is it?
They dont
You’re so bluepilled if you can’t see this. It sucks how I’m unironically one of the only blackpilled users in this community while the rest are just feminist cuckolds.
You’re so bluepilled if you can’t see this. It sucks how I’m unironically one of the only blackpilled users in this community.
They only one that care about them
Fucking hypocrite. You blame women, literally billions of people, as a whole for your failures yet suddenly your aspieshit kin are off-limits? Typical autistic hypocrisy. Nothing is never your fault, is it?
I'm a hypocrite there's no denying that bro, It's fun and comfortable. I would blame whoever the fuck I want, how much i want, the way I want. I don't blame women for my failures btw stop projecting. I am harsh about women being dumb etc tho.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Nothinginparticular
I'm a hypocrite there's no denying that bro, It's fun and comfortable. I would blame whoever the fuck I want, how much i want, the way I want. I don't blame women for my failures btw stop projecting. I am harsh about women being dumb etc tho.
He‘s a simp, don’t worry about him. He’s one of the ‘muh innocent teenagers‘ types so remember, ableism and cuckoldry go hand in hand.
  • JFL
Reactions: Sphinx
I'm a hypocrite there's no denying that bro, It's fun and comfortable. I would blame whoever the fuck I want, how much i want, the way I want. I don't blame women for my failures btw stop projecting. I am harsh about women being dumb etc tho.
autistics are the root of all evil and degeneracy. They are the reasons why civilizations fell. They destroy their hosts from the inside out. You are a disease to be wiped out.

Also zoomer men are more retarded than zoomer women.
autistics are the root of all evil and degeneracy. You are a disease to be wiped out.
Also zoomer men are more retarded than zoomer women.
I smell a foid in here? which chad rejected you babe
  • Ugh..
Reactions: Nothinginparticular
  • +1
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He sure acts like one, huh?
Too organized type of writing. hate men. blind hate calling everyone X in a male dominated forum and first example that comes to mind talking about how I'm a hypocrite for blaming women for my problems even tho I'm in no way shape or form said that.

Too organized type of writing. hate men. blind hate calling everyone X in a male dominated forum and first example that comes to mind talking about how I'm a hypocrite for blaming women for my problems even tho I'm in no way shape or form said that.

If I was in charge of the forum rules, he would be gone.
  • JFL
Reactions: Sphinx
If I was in charge of the forum rules, he would be gone.
Na you need people like that to spice things up, better than muh what u prefer to be 5 psl or 6'4
I smell a foid in here? which chad rejected you babe
"everyone I don't agree with is a scary wahmen!"
Autistic ape logic at its finest.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 19997 and hebbewem
autistics are the root of all evil and degeneracy. They are the reasons why civilizations fell. They destroy their hosts from the inside out. You are a disease to be wiped out.

Also zoomer men are more retarded than zoomer women.
Lies, that’s females that do that
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 19997
Thank you. :blackpill:
I don’t really know what OP is talking about tbh. Autists are just outcast like most of us here, the very early users of the Internet were almost all men & im sure plenty of them were autistic.
Aspies deserve compassion, be nice bro
OP’s logic:

Teenage femoid ’grooming’: ‘Pedophiles like you need to be killed’.

Society actually grooming autistic men into trannies: ‘That degenerate is the problem with society’.

So remember, femoid good, autistic man bad.
Ever wondered why Autistic boys Are often very large in size and more intelligent? Autistic men are the next stage of evolution as we become a space civilisation. They are literally superior species.

Many NTs in our society can’t even understand basic sciences/mathematics and such. They are dysgenic. If the world was only NTs, society would stagnate.

If the world was entirely people with autism, society would advance many times over immediately.
I agree, NT ‘people’ are useless
  • +1
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Ever wondered why Autistic boys Are often very large in size and more intelligent? Autistic men are the next stage of evolution as we become a space civilisation. They are literally superior species.

Many NTs in our society can’t even understand basic sciences/mathematics and such. They are dysgenic. If the world was only NTs, society would stagnate.

If the world was entirely people with autism, society would advance many times over immediately.
They aren't smarter they are dumber
Ever wondered why Autistic boys Are often very large in size and more intelligent? Autistic men are the next stage of evolution as we become a space civilisation. They are literally superior species.

Many NTs in our society can’t even understand basic sciences/mathematics and such. They are dysgenic. If the world was only NTs, society would stagnate.

If the world was entirely people with autism, society would advance many times over immediately.
Autistic men are the degenerates yet I had a NT implying he will kill me back in 2018 over having a wrong opinion.

The lighter the color blue, the higher the IQ. Look at how much more autistic people had an IQ of 70 or lower compared to neurotypicals (7.5%compared to 2.3%).

But also notice that 53.1% (37.3% + 15.8%) of autistic people are more than 1standard deviation above the average IQ, whereas in the neurotypical population, only 16% are more than 1 standard deviation above the average IQ! And almost 16% of us have an IQ higher than 130, compared to 2.3% in the general population.
Yeah i was wrong they are smarter and dumber
I think OP is a foid. They've stopped speaking after being accused of one. Also they don't handle banter in a male-like way. After reading some of their posts, they give off an obsessive e-girl vibe. I think this is cause for investigation.
  • Ugh..
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I think OP is a foid. They've stopped speaking after being accused of one. Also they don't handle banter in a male-like way. After reading some of their posts, they give off an obsessive e-girl vibe. I think this is cause for investigation.
OP is proof that spaces to go hell once normal fags touch it.
Ever wondered why Autistic boys Are often very large in size and more intelligent? Autistic men are the next stage of evolution as we become a space civilisation.
Most of the ones I see are scrawny feminine docile fags who think crossdressing and playing kids games all day is "based." You literally just described high IQ NTs with above-average psychopathic traits.

Pic related is what the average autistic trash looks like:
Ass pie 2

They are literally superior species.
ROFL. Did you unironically fall for that aUTistIC suPER gENiuS meme? Only coping narcissists and greta thunberg believe that. You sound like a coping autistic redditor who bought into the lies their mommy told them so you could shut the fuck up about your boring autistic bullshit. :feelskek::feelskek:
Many NTs in our society can’t even understand basic sciences/mathematics and such. They are dysgenic. If the world was only NTs, society would stagnate.

The IQ of an aspertard is actually slightly lower than that of NTs on average. You retards are also more prone to pedophilia, cross-dressing, suicide, transgenderism, and homosexuality. Additionally, you are more prone to arson, high neuroticism, high inhibition, and having meltdowns over things like an anime character not having the proper skin color.


What a superior race you are.

If the world was entirely people with autism, society would advance many times over immediately.

Is it a coincidence most of the "great scientists with aspergers" are dead and retrodiagnosed? Pretty much all great minds supposed to have aspergers are just NTs with a few quirks or quotes taken out of context. In reality, All you apes are good for is leeching off of society and wanking to hentai. You are disgusting freaks of nature, and you know it is true, but you choose to cope by appropriating the achievements of dead people.

Also, autism is largely the result of neanderthal genes and old sperm. You are a literal subhuman fluke of evolution that has been allowed to exist by the grace of the superior NT man.
Society would progress two-fold without you useless losers shitting up our culture. Shoot yourself in the head you coping piece of shit.
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It’s normal fags that ruin shit. I can‘t have a male hobby to myself without normie femoids taking over them and calling themselves le gamer girl for the sake of attention.
Shut the fuck up u retard. U don’t see shit. Ur a NT kid who rots online all day and calls people “autistic” in the same way u call people “nigger” , doesn’t mean the people u interact with mostly on the internet
Nigger autist
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Practically every person with a 130+ IQ is autistic. Our dicks are bigger , we are bigger, stronger, better men for your beautiful, symmetrical, angelic NT women. And what are you going to do about it? :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
It’s lucky that OP isn’t local and I’m not a violent person but I wouldn’t be able to resist getting rid of OP since he’s a typical, insufferable NPC who hates on those born with a disorder out of their control.
  • JFL
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It’s lucky that OP isn’t local and I’m not a violent person but I wouldn’t be able to resist getting rid of OP since he’s a typical, insufferable NPC who hates on those born with a disorder out of their control.
I would strike him in his sleep or at least do something to ruin his life.
Your 'innocent teenager' normie whore Bianca Devins deserved it, nice and slow painful death, just like what privileged normal fags need.

Unempathetic normal fags getting killed=Lifefuel.
  • JFL
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