Average guy is a ltn


Deleted member 77954

Gymcel manlet
Jun 18, 2024
More specifically mid-high ltn.
This is dependent on location. In the high class areas it tends to be low mtn
Average is mid-high ltn
Low class areas usually low-mid ltn.

Average is ugly
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*women see an average guy as LTN.

MTN shouldn't mean no flaws, MTN should mean 50-percentile.

The fact women see an average guy as below average doesn't change that fact. Using your logic, an average woman is a HTB or stacylite since she has pretty much infinite options
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*women see an average guy as LTN.

MTN shouldn't mean no flaws, MTN should mean 50-percentile.

The fact women see an average guy as below average doesn't change that fact. Using your logic, an average woman is a HTB or stacylite since she has pretty much infinite options
Ratings should be based off what girls view as average so being a MTN (average to girls) is above average
Ratings should be based off what girls view as average so being a MTN (average to girls) is above average
Women rate 80% of men as below average. I agree that a MTN stands 0 chance, but you can't base ratings on female standards since they are becoming worse and worse by year.

Using your logic 80% of men are LTNs at BEST, 10% are MTN, 5% HTN, 3% chadlites and 2% chads
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Women rate 80% of men as below average. I agree that a MTN stands 0 chance, but you can't base ratings on female standards since they are becoming worse and worse by year.

Using your logic 80% of men are LTNs at BEST, 10% are MTN, 5% HTN, 3% chadlites and 2% chads
Nah top 70% is MTN top 90% htn top 3% chadlite top 1% Chad.
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*women see an average guy as LTN.
This is a good and retarded point at the same time.

No, women don't see an average guy as a LTN, average dude for foids is between high MTN or low HTN because they don't actually see mid MTN's and below and they ignore them completely.
Average for foids = ugliest one she's willing to fuck
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  • JFL
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Nah top 70% is MTN top 90% htn top 3% chadlite top 1% Chad.
Then you are just justifying female's crazy standards. You can say "oh look, they will date a MTN" but your "MTN" mogs 70% of men lmao.

Not to mention, if you rate men by the percentile they stand at, its universal. The same guy will be a HTN today and when you look at his picture in a 100 years. Using your logic, we are all becoming more and more LTNs with each passing year
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Above average men are rare we all know this I live in a white middle class area and most men are ugly too it isn't just the ethnics
Using your logic 80% of men are LTNs
They pretty much are, this site has corroded our brains into thinking that an average person looks how a MTN looks on here, which is wrong.
You could see this for yourself jfl just go outside and look at random men. This is the truth, most men are ugly.
This is a good and retarded point at the same time.

No, women don't see an average guy as a LTN, average dude for foids is between high MTN or low HTN because they don't actually see mid MTN's and below and they ignore them completely.
Average for foids = ugliest one she's willing to fuck
The "average guy" exists even if he is invisible to women. The fact women consider only men in top 30% as human beings doesn't mean those standards are normal. If you rate top 30% of men as MTNs then you think female standards are legit
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When will retards understand that you nigas are competing for women between 18 to 25 year olds

And for that you are competing with guys 18 to 25 year olds .

And among those guys average guy is hairstyle maxed and mtn facially .
He is not LTN at all .

When will you nigas stop coping.
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They pretty much are, this site has corroded our brains into thinking that an average person looks how a MTN looks on here, which is wrong.
You could see this for yourself jfl just go outside and look at random men. This is the truth, most men are ugly.
Okay and lemme ask you then. What is the average female rating?
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Yes and average doesn't matter. 90% of men simply don't register on the radar, and are sadly not in tune with women's "personality detectors".
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  • JFL
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Idk jfl im not a woman, I was just saying based on what foids I've talked to
Okay, but if we use your logic by which ratins are based on how many options someone has, then the average female, who has INFINITE OPTIONS, is a stacylite lmao
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Then you are just justifying female's crazy standards. You can say "oh look, they will date a MTN" but your "MTN" mogs 70% of men lmao.

Not to mention, if you rate men by the percentile they stand at, its universal. The same guy will be a HTN today and when you look at his picture in a 100 years. Using your logic, we are all becoming more and more LTNs with each passing year
Standards aren't rising anymore than they have now though so no
Yes and average doesn't matter. 90% of men simply don't register on the radar, and are sadly not in tune with women's "personality detectors".
90% is a bit too far more like 70%
Okay, but if we use your logic by which ratins are based on how many options someone has, then the average female, who has INFINITE OPTIONS, is a stacylite lmao
I think that you are making a confusion between lookslevel and SMV, the ugliest, most repulsive women you've ever encountered in your life probably has more options than a MTN.
Foids also can fraud with makeup and shit like that, as a man if you are born ugly and don't have the money for surgery it's pretty much wraps
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average woman is also ugly, only issue is that women don't tend to date down unless there's compensatory factors.
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This, but they can actually fraud a lot with makeup unlike men
men can fraud their value with assets and status women can't because men don't care.
men can fraud their value with assets and status
Assets and status take a long time to achieve, foids just go to sephora spend $100 and look like a totally different person in about 2 hours.
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Assets and status take a long time to achieve, foids just go to sephora spend $100 and look like a totally different person in about 2 hours.
it takes years to become good at doing make up it's a learned skill that you don't gain overnight.
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I think that you are making a confusion between lookslevel and SMV, the ugliest, most repulsive women you've ever encountered in your life probably has more options than a MTN.
Foids also can fraud with makeup and shit like that, as a man if you are born ugly and don't have the money for surgery it's pretty much wraps
Absolutely, but thats exactly why you need to rate men by comparing them among themselves as opposed to what females see them as.

A man who is in 50-percentile is a MTN. Then you can say women don't feel anything about a MTN, which is true. Because a MTN today has less options than he would've had 30 years ago. Using your logic, his looks level changed in those 30 years?
it takes years to become good at doing make up it's a learned skill that you don't gain overnight.
Foids teach themselves how to do makeup since 12-13 jfl, nobody actually gives good advice on how to make a shit ton of money when you are young.
You are just proving my point that foids have it waaaaay waaaaaay easier.
Standards aren't rising anymore than they have now though so no
They are rising tho. More and more women are finding their partners online, which raises competition. Once that number reaches 100% of all relationships, and men women see on social media become even better looking, then you can say standards stopped rising
Foids teach themselves how to do makeup since 12-13 jfl, nobody actually gives good advice on how to make a shit ton of money when you are young.
You are just proving my point that foids have it waaaaay waaaaaay easier.
if you started mowing lawns at age 12 you would've already had more money now.
They are rising tho. More and more women are finding their partners online, which raises competition. Once that number reaches 100% of all relationships, and men women see on social media become even better looking, then you can say standards stopped rising
Propaganda shit. Mtns can still get cute girls
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Using your logic, his looks level changed in those 30 years?
They changed but not by a significant lot, it was the standards that blew up. In 10 years even chad couldn't pull a LTB :lul:
if you started mowing lawns at age 12 you would've already had more money now.
Sure, but I would most certainly not be a millionaire or a 6 figure man
Propaganda shit. Mtns can still get cute girls
Because your MTN is above average lmao wtf are you on about. You mean HTNs can get gfs? Yes ofc they can. But people always overrate women and underrate men. A man who is in top 30% is a HTN. Period.
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Sure, but I would most certainly not be a millionaire or a 6 figure man
I mow a vacation park every 10 days, I charge 30 euros per lawn and there's 80~ or so houses, it takes me 6 hours.

so that's 2.4k every 10 days just from cutting grass.
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Because your MTN is above average lmao wtf are you on about. You mean HTNs can get gfs? Yes ofc they can. But people always overrate women and underrate men. A man who is in top 30% is a HTN. Period.
Nah top 70% is not great at all. Mtns can get HTbs Which are top 10%
this mathematically doesnt make sense
if the the bottom 20% of men are supposed to be ltns how can the majority of men be ltns
this mathematically doesnt make sense
if the the bottom 20% of men are supposed to be ltns how can the majority of men be ltns
Bottom 20% are subhumans
Bottom 20% are subhumans
true subhumans bottom 0.01%
as rare as a chad
I am above average

true subhumans bottom 0.01%
as rare as a chad
Truecel according to that scale
Depends on location.

in Utah/Colorado average zoomer is High MTN
in Germany/Sweden average zoomer is Mid MTN
in Turkey/Greece average zoomer is low MTN
in India/Pakistan average zoomer is LTN
Women rate 80% of men as below average. I agree that a MTN stands 0 chance, but you can't base ratings on female standards since they are becoming worse and worse by year.

Using your logic 80% of men are LTNs at BEST, 10% are MTN, 5% HTN, 3% chadlites and 2% chads
ngl i wouldnt be suprised if 80% of men are LTN or sub 5s. :lul:
Bottom 20% are subhumans
More specifically mid-high ltn.
This is dependent on location. In the high class areas it tends to be low mtn
Average is mid-high ltn
Low class areas usually low-mid ltn.

Average is ugly
Do people really think like a bus for example with like usually 50 people on it, or a train carriage ur on, usually has 50 people on it. That there will even be a HTN on there. Its fucking incredibly rare. HTN is anywhere from 1 in 45 to 1 in a 100. It always varies.
Do people really think like a bus for example with like usually 50 people on it, or a train carriage ur on, usually has 50 people on it. That there will even be a HTN on there. Its fucking incredibly rare. HTN is anywhere from 1 in 45 to 1 in a 100. It always varies.
>taking rotten corpses into equation
The usual fallacies @HerpDerpson
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I mow a vacation park every 10 days, I charge 30 euros per lawn and there's 80~ or so houses, it takes me 6 hours.

so that's 2.4k every 10 days just from cutting grass.
how did you get them as client called or walked in and asked im curios

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