Be low inhib and u can fuck whoever if psl 5.5



Feb 11, 2020
High tier normie friend got wasted af, didnt even aknowledge one girl yet had like 5 girls approach him and he was talking to dudes and wondering around club **fucking alone for most of night**.

Literally barred every girl cuz he didnt want to have sex. Didnt even let them get a word in just ignored them and left them babling at his feet.

Me on the other hand w rest of friends couldnt even attract 1 girl trying to status cool guy max. Its over niggas if high inhib talking to everyone trying to be cool

If u *legitamatley dont give a fuck* girls pick up on it and want to fuck u cuz they think ur interesting. If u look like u are trying hard and high inhib its fucking over confirmed
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  • JFL
Reactions: themotherfucker, Michael, shimada and 16 others
Nice anecdote without any pics of the guy
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Reactions: Norwooder, HighIQcel, hebbewem and 2 others
True, if you legitamately dont gaf you can get laid time to time as an ugly guy.
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Reactions: HighIQcel, Deleted member 4887 and Deleted member 2607
high tier normie? is he tall or something?
So be irl 8 and outgoing and social and you can fuck girls? Isn’t that obvious already?
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Reactions: Norwooder, CristianT, hebbewem and 2 others
i believe our definitions of high tier normie may differ
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Reactions: william, HighIQcel, hebbewem and 1 other person
How tall was he
High Inhib is death sentence unless you are really good looking.
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  • JFL
Reactions: sonicgamer1337, william, ChaddeusPeuterschmit and 5 others
A0461762358 10

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Reactions: rydofx and LowTierNormie
I believe either this is a be low inhibition cope or a high tier normie guy is actually chad
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: HighIQcel, middayshowers, hebbewem and 2 others
only works if youre at least above average facially
  • JFL
Reactions: loromate
Waiting for the friend's photo
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Reactions: DidntRead and rydofx
True, if you legitamately dont gaf you can get laid time to time as an ugly guy.

high inhib aspie copers will disagree with you and “laugh“
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Reactions: loromate, rydofx and BigBoy
Laughing at all the basement dwelling Copers, women have a 6th sense. They can smell if you beat your meat daily and your range of motions scream I’m a simp that needs to be inside pussy. They also subconsciously read body language so they know if you truly DGAF or not. If you can train your brain to Stop thinking about pussy and SoftMaxx as much as you can naturally women will pick up on that
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: sonicgamer1337, Michael, HighIQcel and 4 others
I thought it would be simple... the way people think here is very linear, if you are 5PSL you can have GF and if you are one in 300 ie 6PSL you can have one night stands...

ive also seen time and time again ugly guys completely and utterly slay 5 PSL women regularly they hit the gym a bit and arr confident but people here are too aspie to understand
  • +1
Reactions: sonicgamer1337, BigBoy and rydofx
Laughing at all the basement dwelling Copers, women have a 6th sense. They can smell if you beat your meat daily and your range of motions scream I’m a simp that needs to be inside pussy. They also subconsciously read body language so they know if you truly DGAF or not. If you can train your brain to Stop thinking about pussy and SoftMaxx as much as you can naturally women will pick up on that
i cant tell if ur trolling or not
this is what all nofap retards say "women can tell when you havent fapped, it gives u this supernatural energy that they can pick up with their 6th sense and that makes them more attracted to u"
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Reactions: HighIQcel and hebbewem
i cant tell if ur trolling or not
this is what all nofap retards say "women can tell when you havent fapped, it gives u this supernatural energy that they can pick up with their 6th sense and that makes them more attracted to u"

Not trolling. I have no idea if hes no fap or not either
high inhib aspie copers will disagree with you and “laugh“

Agreed be low inhib or its over niggas
Most social skills is just being a loud abhorrent moron
I thought it would be simple... the way people think here is very linear, if you are 5PSL you can have GF and if you are one in 300 ie 6PSL you can have one night stands...

ive also seen time and time again ugly guys completely and utterly slay 5 PSL women regularly they hit the gym a bit and arr confident but people here are too aspie to understand
I thought you meant confidence wise.

Like if an ugly guy gets made fun of he will sadly laugh and agree.

I do this tbh and I feel beta, it was projection on my part.
So be irl 8 and outgoing and social and you can fuck girls? Isn’t that obvious already?

Psl 5.3 ish. Not even that outgoing. Just good social skills. Has great read on ppl can talk to anyone
I believe either this is a be low inhibition cope or a high tier normie guy is actually chad

Not chad cuz he doesnt have hardly any defined features. neutral canthal tilt. Okay brow ridge non hunter eyes. I guess he just has good harmony good nordic pheno

dresses well
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i cant tell if ur trolling or not
this is what all nofap retards say "women can tell when you havent fapped, it gives u this supernatural energy that they can pick up with their 6th sense and that makes them more attracted to u"
The thing about NoFap retards is that they’re doing NoFap in hopes of women picking up the “DGAF” attitude so they’re really just wasting their time with it. I can’t explain it but you truly not have to Gaf if you ever get pussy thrown your way or not while self improving.
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Reactions: BigBoy and rydofx
Basically not chadlite. Not chad

No big failos. dresses nice, groomed nice. height 5 10
I feel like your theory is right, because you can test it in every other aspect of life, but concerning dating and sex, you stil must be above average. As you said your friend is.

I'd say yeah, being low inhib is surely the best in general (better than high inhib without any doubt)
  • +1
Reactions: rydofx
The thing about NoFap retards is that they’re doing NoFap in hopes of women picking up the “DGAF” attitude so they’re really just wasting their time with it. I can’t explain it but you truly not have to Gaf if you ever get pussy thrown your way or not while self improving.
Truth. Yah the mentality of this kid is that he truly doesnt care about anything besides having a good time. Meeting intersting ppl. Sex is not on his mind unless he meets someone intersting i guess
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Joined Feb 12, 2020
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Reactions: hebbewem, DidntRead and rydofx
I feel like your theory is right, because you can test it in every other aspect of life, but concerning dating and sex, you stil must be above average. As you said your friend is.

I'd say yeah, being low inhib is surely the best in general (better than high inhib without any doubt)
Even because the stereotyped classic "Chad" is low inhib by nature so..
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@OwlGod I cucked o'pry with this method
  • JFL
  • Woah
Reactions: rydofx and Deleted member 2227
Truth. Yah the mentality of this kid is that he truly doesnt care about anything besides having a good time. Meeting intersting ppl. Sex is not on his mind unless he meets someone intersting i guess
Is he above average in looks? Does he look better than all of you guys? 5’10” is meh height but acceptable if you have a good face
Show his pics
Tales from the mumbai mental asylum
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  • JFL
Reactions: HighIQcel, ChaddeusPeuterschmit and rydofx
High tier normie friend got wasted af, didnt even aknowledge one girl yet had like 5 girls approach him and he was talking to dudes and wondering around club **fucking alone for most of night**.

Literally barred every girl cuz he didnt want to have sex. Didnt even let them get a word in just ignored them and left them babling at his feet.

Me on the other hand w rest of friends couldnt even attract 1 girl trying to status cool guy max. Its over niggas if high inhib talking to everyone trying to be cool

If u *legitamatley dont give a fuck* girls pick up on it and want to fuck u cuz they think ur interesting. If u look like u are trying hard and high inhib its fucking over confirmed
Only if monkeymaxxed
Tales from the basement
but im saying if you legitmately dgaf as an ugly guy you will get laid time to time
idgaf , where is my gf?

oh yeah cause im psl 1.5
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Reactions: rydofx
A low inhib 5/10 would out-slay a shy, awkward 8/10

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