
Oct 9, 2020
Disclaimer: This guide is mostly meant to help newbies out so it may feel like some of you already know most of this information.

Okay so I’ll break this off into sections here we go.

Before anyone starts screaming cope, here is some justification. Mewing may or may not work for you but it depends on the person. (By work I am referring to changing face shape and promoting forward growth)
Now obviously the amount of Gains you will achieve from mewing
Is minimal, especially if you aren’t still in your main development ages. But regardless if you do get results or not, mewing should be done because it is proper posture and will promote nose breathing which is where we are intended to breathe from.

This article explains A bit about Nasal vs Oral Breathing and the defects of of Oral breathing.
Okay So here are the basics of how to Mew.

1.) Proper Tongue Posture

So in order to keep your posture correct in your mouth, you must keep the whole tongue against the palate (roof of mouth). Not just the tip of the tongue, which is a common mistake many have made, myself included. Getting the back of the tongue against the palate may be difficult for some, and you may require to tongue chew to get a stronger tongue. But if you need additional instruction on how to get the proper tongue posture down, this video by AstroSky explains it pretty well.

2.) Proper Swallowing and Chewing
Many people have been very used to Swallowing with their cheeks and swallowing while allowing their tongue to push against their top incisor teeth. The downside of Cheek swallowing is buccinator hypertrophy, causing a look of chubbier cheeks. The downside of Swallowing while allowing tongue to push on teeth can cause teeth to grow crooked. Ok so first food should be chewed to a paste as much as possible.
Next—Proper swallowing is preformed when the tongue is Against the palate and pulled back to push all the food down to the esophagus.

There is so much more to mewing that can be researched such as chin tucks and such but I don’t want the thread to last forever so I’ll move on now.


There is many factors that go into skin maxing and it all depends on your skin type. Everyone can have a different skin type like dry, oily, combination etc. For this reason, one skinmaxxing guide won’t work for everyone.

Ok to start, cleansers and moisturizers are not ideal! - Many Face cosmetics and cleansers are made with Parabens. This article explains a bit about them in Cosmetics if you want to read up on them.

Parabens are safe for people but the downside is that Parabens Have been shown to cause lower sperm count in men. Although it may not always be the case, lower sperm count can be a sign of lower testosterone. If you want to read up more this article is about the study.

So what is the best skinmaxxing routine? Obviously I am not a trained professional and going to a dermatologist and getting a prescription would be ideal for best results, but here will be the most basic that will help people.

-Eating a good diet
-Washing face with Cold water

I know I must sound like a commoner but this truly will help with basic results as I’m sure many people already know.

What foods should you eat to help skinmaxxing?
I’m obviously not gonna give a whole diet but I’ll give the fundamentals.

-Healthy Amount of Vitamin D
-Healthy amount of Collagen
-Low or No amounts of processed/refined sugars.
-Healthy amount of vitamin C

I know this doesn’t sound like much but it will help especially if you are used to eating like a fat lard all your life. By all means if this still isn’t enough feel free to invest into acutane, retinol etc. but this will help most people out.


Quick Disclaimer: Chewing will not work for everyone. If you have a softer/more roundish shaped mandible, your results won’t be as good as others.

This is what happened to a user, Native, after chewing. (Before on left, After on Right)

4654FA0C 3DE0 4A78 8C0A BD91A732D023 A05D537D 3C20 4AD9 BF07 ED031F894A63
The results did have some masseter growth and the face overall became wider, but it gave a chipmunk sort of appearance. If he reduced all face bloat though he would Look better + atrophy Buccinators.

Anyway now that that has been cleared proceed if you still want to give it a go.

So chewing is usually done to try and get development of the masseter muscles. (Shown below in image)
40B5051E D28B 4ABE B939 1D257E97F7FB

Chewing for Masseter development should be done with premolars and molars. Incisor Teeth are not meant to be chewed with. Here is what is recommended you do:

-Get falim or Mastic Gum. Personally I prefer falim but to each his own. You can also use normal gum but you’ll have to chew multiple pieces for a better effect Here is a cheap falim brand you can buy online.

Amazon product ASIN B005GR1WO0

Chew for about 30 minutes- 1 hour and switch sides. Make sure you do the same amount on both sides. I recommend not to go over that time too much because you can develop Jaw issues like TMJ.

Also if you want to track progress better, try and be at a lower body fat percentage because it will be easier to see masseter development. Also you’ll probably see bloat from the pump it will give you but once you stop the bloat will go away eventually.


Before you go on to read this section, I recommend just reading Mohamad’s Hairmaxxing Guide because he explained it way better.

If you would rather read here, I’ll give a basic summary of what should be done.

-Shampoo less often. Try and use it less and less before eventually getting yourself to only have to use it once or twice a month.
-Limit or completely stop the use of hair products. For example Gel, hairspray, conditioner.
-Don’t use hair appliances especially ones that apply heat to hair.
-Use Olive Oil and/or Rice water in Hair to promote healthy hair growth.
-Stay away from hair dye

Like I said it’s a brief explanation of the thread attached above so try and read that one if you can.


Basic info, darker/thicker looking eyebrows are ideal for having a good eye area. There are a couple methods to promote eyebrow growth.

Minoxidil is ideal but there can be side effects, so if you don’t wanna drop money on it, you can try virgin olive oil, Vaseline, and coconut oil, though You will not see as much results as you would with minoxidil.


Having Longer Eyelashes can actually make an eye area way better than you think.

This Thread here is pretty helpful on eyelash growth serums that can work wonders:


Some people here will Leanmaxx, but they will still notice they have Quite fat faces.
Much of the bloat can be caused by water retention, which occurs when you store excess water in certain parts of the body. The best ways that helped me slim my face down and reduce bloat are below:

-Reduce Sodium Intake
-Limit or completely stop intake of processed/refined sugars
-Healthy amount of Vitamin C per day
-Healthy amount of Potassium per day.
-Water Fast (Don’t eat for about a week) if you don’t want to water fast, intermittent fasting works just as great but it will take a bit longer to see noticeable results. If you intermittent fast, I recommend about 14-16 hours of fasting at least.
-Get at least 7-9 hours of sleep a night

This may not work for everyone, and perhaps you might just not have good bone structure for the reason your face still looks subhuman, but this was helpful for me in the past.

Only try this once you are down to about 10-15% BF and you still notice some bloat.


Obviously there are many vitamins essential for everyday life, but I will list the three I recommend supplement and why.

Vitamin k2 is known to help will supporting bone health and bone growth.

Vitamin d3 is also known to help with bone health + works with calcium to support bone growth.

Magnesium can be known to boost testosterone levels when supplemented.


I’m going to be ending the guide here, even though there are other very important softmaxxes you can do, such as leanmaxxing, working on better posture etc. but I felt those are obvious ones to most people. I hope this guide helps at least one new user to better himself throughout the year.

Also I cannot stress this enough. Please do not make Looksmaxxing your only thing you care about this year, or the rest of your life for that matter. Get a stable routine down and focus on other stuff wether it’s school, work, sports or anything but just find something you are passionate about before you spiral into depression because the only thing you can think about is looks. That is not healthy for your mental state. I also recommend just reading, meditating, or anything to help you reduce stress and lower cortisol levels. Try and limit your time in front of a screen, and go out and explore the real world, make connections with people, and stay active. In time after following certain stuff from this guide for a year or so, you’ll see noticeable changes. Anyway this is the first time I’ve put effort into a thread so hopefully it doesn’t flop. Happy New Years lads and let’s try and start the New Years right and ascend.
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Reactions: Aero, maximuslaid, Deleted member 4946 and 41 others
Incisor chewing activates my massitters only while molar chewing activates both my massitters and temporalis. Wouldn’t only activating the massitters be the goal for chewing so you don’t end up looking like mega mind
  • +1
Reactions: thecel and motherbeefer123
Anything for softmaxxing methods for height and dick for 17/18 yo?

And man, idk about posturemaxxing, it ain't obvious to me
Incisor chewing activates my massitters only while molar chewing activates both my massitters and temporalis. Wouldn’t only activating the massitters be the goal for chewing so you don’t end up looking like mega mind
Yep don't chew with your molar, incisor has been proved to be much more better to chew with if your goal is massetters hyperthrophy
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Bookmarked but will probably never read again lul
  • JFL
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Yep don't chew with your molar, incisor has been proved to be much more better to chew with if your goal is massetters hyperthrophy
I completely agree but I only suggested molar chewing for a short period time over incisor because more people who chewed for longer and with more pieces of gum on incisor claimed to have developed tmj but if you limit time on incisor it should be fine.
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Anything for softmaxxing methods for height and dick for 17/18 yo?

And man, idk about posturemaxxing, it ain't obvious to me
Height isn’t really a softmaxx because it involves many more complex things, but I would suggest stuff to you anyway.
EE2D80B7 58A7 42C3 A10F BF23CAF16EFC Click. Chart shows average ages growth plates in different parts fuse. Obviously getting an X-ray of your growth plates would be ideal but if you would rather just roll the dice and spend money on things you do you.

First you should try and stretch parts of your back and legs and shit just every morning and night just incase you have muscles that are pushing against bones causing a couple mm of height decrease.
this playlist has some decent stretches

Now here are some Actual things you might be interested in.

-Mk 677. This alone won’t do much but it is an ibutamoren, which stimulates growth hormone production. But this alone won’t grow much or even at all. I recommend further research on it.

-Hgh. This might help you a bit more. Hgh is injecting you with growth hormone itself.

Now before you decide you take these, research on your own, and also be careful. Watch your diet. If you take these without cycling off for a long period of time, you’ll develop insulin resistance.
Anyway I’m busy now but I’ll come back later and right a bit more. Hope this helps a bit.
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Mewing only works between ages 7-13.
  • +1
Reactions: motherbeefer123
Mewing only works between ages 7-13.
Yeah Ik like I said its results will take years and probably be minimal if you even see any at all but it will still promote nasal breathing which is proper breathing habits and will somewhat prevent any further downward and clockwise growth.

Yeah Ik like I said its results will take years and probably be minimal if you even see any at all but it will still promote nasal breathing which is proper breathing habits and will somewhat prevent any further downward and clockwise growth.
I will say though that mewing helps reduce submental fat.
  • +1
Reactions: motherbeefer123
terrible thread

the only useful bit of advice is that you should be active and eat healthy, the rest is pointless at best and literally detrimental to ones looks at worst.
  • +1
Reactions: oatmeal
Good post. Respect earnt.
  • +1
Reactions: motherbeefer123
high effort thread, good editing, but you just said the obvious
  • +1
Reactions: motherbeefer123
Stopped reading at mewing
  • +1
Reactions: motherbeefer123
Great thread Idk why people hate mewing on here I think it helps if anything its good posture
Also I cannot stress this enough. Please do not make Looksmaxxing your only thing you care about this year, or the rest of your life for that matter. Get a stable routine down and focus on other stuff wether it’s school, work, sports or anything but just find something you are passionate about before you spiral into depression because the only thing you can think about is looks. That is not healthy for your mental state. I also recommend just reading, meditating, or anything to help you reduce stress and lower cortisol levels. Try and limit your time in front of a screen, and go out and explore the real world, make connections with people, and stay active. In time after following certain stuff from this guide for a year or so, you’ll see noticeable changes. Anyway this is the first time I’ve put effort into a thread so hopefully it doesn’t flop. Happy New Years lads and let’s try and start the New Years right and ascend.
you're a genius
Disclaimer: This guide is mostly meant to help newbies out so it may feel like some of you already know most of this information.

Okay so I’ll break this off into sections here we go.

Before anyone starts screaming cope, here is some justification. Mewing may or may not work for you but it depends on the person. (By work I am referring to changing face shape and promoting forward growth)
Now obviously the amount of Gains you will achieve from mewing
Is minimal, especially if you aren’t still in your main development ages. But regardless if you do get results or not, mewing should be done because it is proper posture and will promote nose breathing which is where we are intended to breathe from.

This article explains A bit about Nasal vs Oral Breathing and the defects of of Oral breathing.
Okay So here are the basics of how to Mew.

1.) Proper Tongue Posture

So in order to keep your posture correct in your mouth, you must keep the whole tongue against the palate (roof of mouth). Not just the tip of the tongue, which is a common mistake many have made, myself included. Getting the back of the tongue against the palate may be difficult for some, and you may require to tongue chew to get a stronger tongue. But if you need additional instruction on how to get the proper tongue posture down, this video by AstroSky explains it pretty well.

2.) Proper Swallowing and Chewing
Many people have been very used to Swallowing with their cheeks and swallowing while allowing their tongue to push against their top incisor teeth. The downside of Cheek swallowing is buccinator hypertrophy, causing a look of chubbier cheeks. The downside of Swallowing while allowing tongue to push on teeth can cause teeth to grow crooked. Ok so first food should be chewed to a paste as much as possible.
Next—Proper swallowing is preformed when the tongue is Against the palate and pulled back to push all the food down to the esophagus.

There is so much more to mewing that can be researched such as chin tucks and such but I don’t want the thread to last forever so I’ll move on now.


There is many factors that go into skin maxing and it all depends on your skin type. Everyone can have a different skin type like dry, oily, combination etc. For this reason, one skinmaxxing guide won’t work for everyone.

Ok to start, cleansers and moisturizers are not ideal! - Many Face cosmetics and cleansers are made with Parabens. This article explains a bit about them in Cosmetics if you want to read up on them.

Parabens are safe for people but the downside is that Parabens Have been shown to cause lower sperm count in men. Although it may not always be the case, lower sperm count can be a sign of lower testosterone. If you want to read up more this article is about the study.

So what is the best skinmaxxing routine? Obviously I am not a trained professional and going to a dermatologist and getting a prescription would be ideal for best results, but here will be the most basic that will help people.

-Eating a good diet
-Washing face with Cold water

I know I must sound like a commoner but this truly will help with basic results as I’m sure many people already know.

What foods should you eat to help skinmaxxing?
I’m obviously not gonna give a whole diet but I’ll give the fundamentals.

-Healthy Amount of Vitamin D
-Healthy amount of Collagen
-Low or No amounts of processed/refined sugars.
-Healthy amount of vitamin C

I know this doesn’t sound like much but it will help especially if you are used to eating like a fat lard all your life. By all means if this still isn’t enough feel free to invest into acutane, retinol etc. but this will help most people out.


Quick Disclaimer: Chewing will not work for everyone. If you have a softer/more roundish shaped mandible, your results won’t be as good as others.

This is what happened to a user, Native, after chewing. (Before on left, After on Right)

View attachment 918439View attachment 918440
The results did have some masseter growth and the face overall became wider, but it gave a chipmunk sort of appearance. If he reduced all face bloat though he would Look better + atrophy Buccinators.

Anyway now that that has been cleared proceed if you still want to give it a go.

So chewing is usually done to try and get development of the masseter muscles. (Shown below in image)
View attachment 918467

Chewing for Masseter development should be done with premolars and molars. Incisor Teeth are not meant to be chewed with. Here is what is recommended you do:

-Get falim or Mastic Gum. Personally I prefer falim but to each his own. You can also use normal gum but you’ll have to chew multiple pieces for a better effect Here is a cheap falim brand you can buy online.

Amazon product ASIN B005GR1WO0

Chew for about 30 minutes- 1 hour and switch sides. Make sure you do the same amount on both sides. I recommend not to go over that time too much because you can develop Jaw issues like TMJ.

Also if you want to track progress better, try and be at a lower body fat percentage because it will be easier to see masseter development. Also you’ll probably see bloat from the pump it will give you but once you stop the bloat will go away eventually.


Before you go on to read this section, I recommend just reading Mohamad’s Hairmaxxing Guide because he explained it way better.

If you would rather read here, I’ll give a basic summary of what should be done.

-Shampoo less often. Try and use it less and less before eventually getting yourself to only have to use it once or twice a month.
-Limit or completely stop the use of hair products. For example Gel, hairspray, conditioner.
-Don’t use hair appliances especially ones that apply heat to hair.
-Use Olive Oil and/or Rice water in Hair to promote healthy hair growth.
-Stay away from hair dye

Like I said it’s a brief explanation of the thread attached above so try and read that one if you can.


Basic info, darker/thicker looking eyebrows are ideal for having a good eye area. There are a couple methods to promote eyebrow growth.

Minoxidil is ideal but there can be side effects, so if you don’t wanna drop money on it, you can try virgin olive oil, Vaseline, and coconut oil, though You will not see as much results as you would with minoxidil.


Having Longer Eyelashes can actually make an eye area way better than you think.

This Thread here is pretty helpful on eyelash growth serums that can work wonders:


Some people here will Leanmaxx, but they will still notice they have Quite fat faces.
Much of the bloat can be caused by water retention, which occurs when you store excess water in certain parts of the body. The best ways that helped me slim my face down and reduce bloat are below:

-Reduce Sodium Intake
-Limit or completely stop intake of processed/refined sugars
-Healthy amount of Vitamin C per day
-Healthy amount of Potassium per day.
-Water Fast (Don’t eat for about a week) if you don’t want to water fast, intermittent fasting works just as great but it will take a bit longer to see noticeable results. If you intermittent fast, I recommend about 14-16 hours of fasting at least.
-Get at least 7-9 hours of sleep a night

This may not work for everyone, and perhaps you might just not have good bone structure for the reason your face still looks subhuman, but this was helpful for me in the past.

Only try this once you are down to about 10-15% BF and you still notice some bloat.


Obviously there are many vitamins essential for everyday life, but I will list the three I recommend supplement and why.

Vitamin k2 is known to help will supporting bone health and bone growth.

Vitamin d3 is also known to help with bone health + works with calcium to support bone growth.

Magnesium can be known to boost testosterone levels when supplemented.


I’m going to be ending the guide here, even though there are other very important softmaxxes you can do, such as leanmaxxing, working on better posture etc. but I felt those are obvious ones to most people. I hope this guide helps at least one new user to better himself throughout the year.

Also I cannot stress this enough. Please do not make Looksmaxxing your only thing you care about this year, or the rest of your life for that matter. Get a stable routine down and focus on other stuff wether it’s school, work, sports or anything but just find something you are passionate about before you spiral into depression because the only thing you can think about is looks. That is not healthy for your mental state. I also recommend just reading, meditating, or anything to help you reduce stress and lower cortisol levels. Try and limit your time in front of a screen, and go out and explore the real world, make connections with people, and stay active. In time after following certain stuff from this guide for a year or so, you’ll see noticeable changes. Anyway this is the first time I’ve put effort into a thread so hopefully it doesn’t flop. Happy New Years lads and let’s try and start the New Years right and ascend.

Thx u

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