Behavior mogs looks when it comes to securing sex from foids

No, they’re fucking, and many times the girl is the one obsessing over the guy while the guy cheats on her, abuses her, etc. I know this because my sister has a history of dating down and I’ve spent countless hours of my life counseling her about abusive relationships that she had with subhumans. Girls give themselves to subhumans, it’s one of the blackest pills there is.
anecdotal evidence, give a study that suggests why this would be the case and the common scenario and not just an anomaly.
no behaviour for your receding hairline
anecdotal evidence, give a study that suggests why this would be the case and the common scenario and not just an anomaly.

This topic would never be thoroughly covered in a study. This is the kind of thing that anecdotal evidence tells the story of and that’s why I’m even on .org, to post and read anecdotes. I don’t need to read some long winded academic bullshit, I’ve lived life, I know what I’ve been around and what I see. And if I see something on the internet that contradicts my real life experience, then I’ll stick with my real life experience, and honestly everyone on here should do the same.

There’s no reason why my sister would be some anomaly. It’s easier for me to believe that there are a lot of girls like my sister, because what made her that way was conditions that a lot of people grow up in. She’s not even the only girl I know who dates down. And I definitely see plenty of girls who I get oneitis for on the spot with some subhuman who I mog, and if you left the house enough then so would you. But I can kinda guess what goes on in those relationships and maybe I shouldn’t be so jealous.
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This topic would never be thoroughly covered in a study. This is the kind of thing that anecdotal evidence tells the story of and that’s why I’m even on .org, to post and read anecdotes. I don’t need to read some long winded academic bullshit, I’ve lived life, I know what I’ve been around and what I see. And if I see something on the internet that contradicts my real life experience, then I’ll stick with my real life experience, and honestly everyone on here should do the same.

There’s no reason why my sister would be some anomaly. It’s easier for me to believe that there are a lot of girls like my sister, because what made her that way was conditions that a lot of people grow up in. She’s not even the only girl I know who dates down. And I definitely see plenty of girls who I get oneitis for on the spot with some subhuman who I mog, and if you left the house enough then so would you. But I can kinda guess what goes on in those relationships and maybe I shouldn’t be so jealous.
muh anecdotes. :lul: anecdotal evidence isnt considered accurate at measuring the objective truth because of stuff like confirmation bias and tunnel vision, dnrd
This topic would never be thoroughly covered in a study. This is the kind of thing that anecdotal evidence tells the story of and that’s why I’m even on .org, to post and read anecdotes. I don’t need to read some long winded academic bullshit, I’ve lived life, I know what I’ve been around and what I see. And if I see something on the internet that contradicts my real life experience, then I’ll stick with my real life experience, and honestly everyone on here should do the same.

There’s no reason why my sister would be some anomaly. It’s easier for me to believe that there are a lot of girls like my sister, because what made her that way was conditions that a lot of people grow up in. She’s not even the only girl I know who dates down. And I definitely see plenty of girls who I get oneitis for on the spot with some subhuman who I mog, and if you left the house enough then so would you. But I can kinda guess what goes on in those relationships and maybe I shouldn’t be so jealous.
I see this all the time as well as have most people with a decent level of life experience
Have you ever had her explain to you how she meets these subhumans and why she gives them a chance?

As a HTN, In recent years I haven't even had a foid give enough of a shit about me sending them snaps of my HTN face to get into consistent chatting/talking stage (granted I havent really had the motivation for being persistant with it given I'm living rural and meeting a foid would be a masisve hassle to organize)
Pre surgery it would've been easy to assume my face was holding me back but from gaining favour with foids and developing talking stages over snapchat but it was actually way easier for me back then to get a girls interest despite looking back at some of the snaps I sent and they looked shit (more bloated face with an underbite and dogshit camera quality and background)

My current self mogs my former self hard yet girls I tried to engage with online in recent times just weren't interested
I have seen what some MTNs and LTNs look like in selfie cameras and if I was a foid I would be utterly disgusted at seeing their face show up on my screen yet there are HTBs who somehow can develop attraction to objectively unattractive faces.
Fair enough familiarity works on foids, that's old news but how the fuck do they get their foot in the door in the first place to build the familiarity?

Someone just explain to me how foids give these subhumans a chance in the first place to even show their behaviour
Foids must geneuinely feel better about themselves for "giving an ugly guy a chance" like it's a legit kink of theirs and on the opposite end they want to make life for decent looking guys as difficult as possible.
Obviously Chads have it easy but the guys stuck in the decent to fairly goodlooking range who you'd expect to be getting results equivalent to their looks just underperform so hard because there's no foid to take sympathy on them with their kink for going for a guy beneath them but there's also no foid who deems them attractive enough to worship them

What the fuck are the exact specfics of the scenarios where your sister has met these subhumans she fucks?
Why does she let them get their foot in the door and give them a chance?

I could write more on the topic but will leave it at that for now
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I see this all the time as well as have most people with a decent level of life experience
Have you ever had her explain to you how she meets these subhumans and why she gives them a chance?

As a HTN, In recent years I haven't even had a foid give enough of a shit about me sending them snaps of my HTN face to get into consistent chatting/talking stage (granted I havent really had the motivation for being persistant with it given I'm living rural and meeting a foid would be a masisve hassle to organize)
Pre surgery it would've been easy to assume my face was holding me back but from gaining favour with foids and developing talking stages over snapchat but it was actually way easier for me back then to get a girls interest despite looking back at some of the snaps I sent and they looked shit (more bloated face with an underbite and dogshit camera quality and background)

My current self mogs my former self hard yet girls I tried to engage with online in recent times just weren't interested
I have seen what some MTNs and LTNs look like in selfie cameras and if I was a foid I would be utterly disgusted at seeing their face show up on my screen yet there are HTBs who somehow can develop attraction to objectively unattractive faces.
Fair enough familiarity works on foids, that's old news but how the fuck do they get their foot in the door in the first place to build the familiarity?

Someone just explain to me how foids give these subhumans a chance in the first place to even show their behaviour
Foids must geneuinely feel better about themselves for "giving an ugly guy a chance" like it's a legit kink of theirs and on the opposite end they want to make life for decent looking guys as difficult as possible.
Obviously Chads have it easy but the guys stuck in the decent to fairly goodlooking range who you'd expect to be getting results equivalent to their looks just underperform so hard because there's no foid to take sympathy on them with their kink for going for a guy beneath them but there's also no foid who deems them attractive enough to worship them

What the fuck are the exact specfics of the scenarios where your sister has met these subhumans she fucks?
Why does she let them get their foot in the door and give them a chance?

I could write more on the topic but will leave it at that for now

Ok, this will be another long .org diary entry, but I've got time. It's funny, apparently me having a sister (we're very close, I'm not saying any of this to shit on her) puts me way ahead of some people in understanding things on here who don't and who need to look up studies because they have no real life experience. Maybe you can even fuck and have relationships with dozens of foids, but because you're so involved in it, you lack the bird's eye vantage point that it takes to get a balanced understanding of things. I was also pretty close with her friends and always had female friends in high school and college so this helped my understanding, even though I was KV until I was 20. I remember this slayer friend I had saying "I wish I had a sister so I could understand girls better" even though he had a constant rotation since high school.

First of all, our parents got divorced when we were teenagers, and our dad was very distant and neglectful even before he left. I'm convinced that the problems between our parents are the cause of all of both mine and her struggles with relationships, with some of mine that I have yet to even get to the bottom of. Certain dynamics that were in our home have always followed us well into adulthood. Both of our parents are legit good looking, but they're both non-NT as fuck, especially our mom who has a hard time with understanding pretty simple things in life and just can't handle life on her own, so much so that she had to move in with me about 3 years ago. Our mom has dated a little bit since the divorce, millionaire guys who look great for their age, but those things ended and she hasn't even tried in several years. She's extremely picky about everything, men included, my sister recognizes this in her and considers it a bad example, so her dating down is among other things like some remedy for our mom's unforgiving standards.

What my sister did get from our mom is the control freak tendency, it was a very maternalistic household that we grew up in, so both me and my sister have it deep in our heads that women lead. And when you have divorced, seemingly asexual and aromantic, non-NT parents you're this huge step behind kids who grew up with parents in a normal relationship - although this is becoming more and more common, so the experiences of me and my sister are if nothing else ahead of their time, everything so many younger zoomers (I was born in 1993 and my sister in 1995) say is so relatable to me. For me this has meant only bothering with girls who approach me and are pretty direct, for my sister this means a lot but one big thing is only dating guys that she thinks she can have control over. Me and my sister's experiences have this symmetry to each other.

Maybe subhumans is a bit harsh, like I said my sister has dated a variety, and if there were any drunken hookups then I don't know, I only know about the ones she dated for at least a few months. The first guy she had a thing with, ya I'll rate him subhuman. Fat, shit face with melted bones and NCT, no style or niche, not popular at school, he had literally nothing going in his favor. But he added my sister on Facebook and sent her a message "you a sexy lady" and I guess since that was the first bit of direct attention that my sister had ever received, boom, he's in via just be first. The uglier guys she has dated - I'd say LTN, they had decent overall phenos but shitty faces with PSL flaws like horseface or shitty eye area, it went something like that each time. They approached her with low inhib, direct attention at just the right time in her life and yes, it struck her right in the "give the ugly guy the chance" chord. It's nothing specific in the guys' behavior that I was able to discern, if anything they acted like desperate retards, it was 100% the low inhib and the timing that made it work. When I see mismatched couples I have those exact questions "how did they meet and at what point did they start to pair off?" and "at what point did she decide to actually have sex with the subhuman?". Maybe the specifics are a little bit different in each case, but 100% for absolute certain low inhib and lucky timing is the constant.

After high school she almost went to the other extreme. She went to a college with a lot of international students and dated this French soccer player, I was so happy for her and wanted them to get married (I want to have a cool brother in law and successful nieces and nephews). She had this group of friends that she would go out with, party hard with, chase after the Chaddiest guys at the school... but this life kinda chewed my sister up and spat her back out. She would call me drunk, crying hysterically, she just couldn't keep up with it. And maybe ever since she has since associated chasing good looking guys with really negative experiences so she didn't wanna do it.

She has never approached guys on impulse, only once that I know of because she called me to tell me about it right afterwards. She was in a gift shop somewhere and this guy who might've been an NHL hockey player walked in, she was in legit awe of this man, but he didn't speak much English and nothing happened. I've been approached way more than once in my life, so what I'll always remember about this is that girls have totally varying inhibition levels... no matter how many low inhib sluts approach you, some girls are so high inhib that you have to approach them.

Even in situations where it should be all about the face, like online dating, my sister still never picked the guy with the best face. She lives in an area with demographics in her favor (extremely high male to female ratio), she downloaded Hinge and got like 300 likes the first 24 hours. And who did she end up with... a manlet 11 years older than her. He has a lot of money and his face is at least average but once again, she could've done better, but she didn't. They're getting married soon.

Again, my experiences are kinda the contrast of hers, this complex I have that came from being raised by a single mother and then my one year in college, experience after experience I had drilled it into my head "let them come to me". So I've never been the one to approach girls, take the lead, I let them come to me and that means when I go into extreme reclusion (like for most of my life) I get nothing. Even making a Hinge with the goal of actually meeting girls and messaging them first is a big step for me, I'm not all the way comfortable with it but I'm forcing myself to do it. I have 8 slays (all 2014-2019) and what's interesting is the only one that I approached first - every other one totally fell in my lap - but the one that I met in a hostel in Europe and approached myself - was by far the hottest, most interesting, best everything girl that I've ever been with. Everything about her and that experience felt so perfect, like I was truly peaking in life. So I know that when you approach the right girl at the right time, the sky is the limit, but it's like you need to have good things happen first or be riding some high in life and the girl will almost magically appear there. My first girl was I'd say 2 PSL points above me on the old scale (5.5 and 7.5) but my pheno and that I'm 6'2" somewhat balanced it out, it made sense to everyone that we were together, but I was still in this talking/dating/friend zone thing for 3 months before we finally fucked. Two points about this: pheno is way more important than face, I think physical attraction is more about phenotype matching than PSL score. And if you put in some kind of work, be it approaching first or being patient until the girl is in the mood, that's how I dated up. And at 6'4" and HTN that would mean you need to do that on top tier girls of certain phenos, obviously the question is how do you meet them.

I have similar questions about being in this awkward middle ground. I feel invisible just walking around, I wasn't 5-10 years ago before I looksmaxxed, I used to get IOIs and approaches but not any more. I don't think I'm too good looking for the girl to feel like she's dating down, but more like I have too many of the good traits (height, big skull and jaw, great skin and hair for 30) of a Chad without the whole package, so with me she doesn't get Chad but she's not really settling either if that's what she wants. And tall mogging guys might remind her of pump and dumps, being rejected, things she's tired of. Call it post-hypergamy, maybe we're entering a post-hypergamous world. I haven't met any girl off of Hinge yet but the 19-20 year old ones are way more receptive, I'm noticing. And this is where some oofy doofy might come in, I did so much cringe shit in front of my first girl that I don't have it in me to do again, but not only did I end up with her, she specifically liked me doing the cringe shit and would come over uninvited just so we could get drunk and laugh hysterically at I don't even remember what and fuck. It's all about blasting their dopamine receptors. I've tried different openers and approaches on Hinge but compliments and oofy doofy get me way more responses. Ugh, I have to run oofy doofy game on girls that seem out of my league again, holy shit, the past really does repeat itself.
Our mom has dated a little bit since the divorce, millionaire guys who look great for their age, but those things ended and she hasn't even tried in several years. She's extremely picky about everything, men included, my sister recognizes this in her and considers it a bad example, so her dating down is among other things like some remedy for our mom's unforgiving standards.
It honestly seems like women fall into one extreme or the other, insane standards for success and looks metrics or no standards for them but seek certain behaviours mostly cuckish/oofy doofy or low IQ retard

What my sister did get from our mom is the control freak tendency. For me this has meant only bothering with girls who approach me and are pretty direct, for my sister this means a lot but one big thing is only dating guys that she thinks she can have control over.
This is what I always felt, foids who date down desire control over the guy, they want to know the guy cant do better than her and wont leave her even tho they fail to realize that if she's willing to date down then other girls are willing to do the same thing so the guy will probably get more chances to date girls of her level
This leaves decent looking guys stuck in looks purgatory since no HTB thinks she can have total control over a HTN in a relationship but if she's going to risk getting pumped and dumped she may as well have hookups with Chads and Chadlites

he first guy she had a thing with, ya I'll rate him subhuman. Fat, shit face with melted bones and NCT, no style or niche, not popular at school, he had literally nothing going in his favor. But he added my sister on Facebook and sent her a message "you a sexy lady" and I guess since that was the first bit of direct attention that my sister had ever received, boom, he's in via just be first. The uglier guys she has dated - I'd say LTN, they had decent overall phenos but shitty faces with PSL flaws like horseface or shitty eye area, it went something like that each time. They approached her with low inhib, direct attention at just the right time in her life and yes, it struck her right in the "give the ugly guy the chance" chord. It's nothing specific in the guys' behavior that I was able to discern, if anything they acted like desperate retards, it was 100% the low inhib and the timing that made it work.
Fuck this is enraging. I've been low inhib more times than I can count in clubs but it's gotten me nowhere except dumpster diving slays.
I know I've only done a handful of daytime cold approaches but why the fuck weren't the average looking chubsters keen to exchange contact details after I demonstrated low inhib. Maybe approaching girls who are objectively below my level and expecting the results I used to get pre 2020 is just out of the question in 2024.
The dynamic I feel when I approach girls who think they're hot is just so shit tho, I sense no submissiveness from them, they just remain stone faced like it's a business meeting where I have to sell a product to them and do everything to gain their approval, it's fucking enraging.
It's like girls only feel a need to reward below average guys for being low inhib because they think he must have a lot of confidence to approach a girl leagues above him when he looks like that but if you're above average looking you don't receive this reward for being confident or low inhib since it's just expected of you while it's a GIGA handicap if you display any moment of high inhib.

After high school she almost went to the other extreme. She went to a college with a lot of international students and dated this French soccer player, I was so happy for her and wanted them to get married (I want to have a cool brother in law and successful nieces and nephews). She had this group of friends that she would go out with, party hard with, chase after the Chaddiest guys at the school... but this life kinda chewed my sister up and spat her back out. She would call me drunk, crying hysterically, she just couldn't keep up with it. And maybe ever since she has since associated chasing good looking guys with really negative experiences so she didn't wanna do it.
Did the guys even do anything bad to her though, Like lets say they meet at a party and fuck then never see each other again, it should be the foids role to pursue after a hookup if she wants anything more.
I suppose a lot of jocks will fuck girls a few times and lead them on then ghost but I've never had that mindset since I'd rather just find a new one night stand than pursue a hookup for a second slay

I've been approached way more than once in my life, so what I'll always remember about this is that girls have totally varying inhibition levels... no matter how many low inhib sluts approach you, some girls are so high inhib that you have to approach them.
What were the circumstances in which you were approached?
I feel there was a span where I was getting approached most nights out but since the foids are drunk it feels meaningless, none even spring to mind off the top of my head meaning none were worth remembering.
Sober circumstances are everything
The times I got approached as a bouncer still live with me but it still triggers enragement by knowing if I was a paying customer they'd be expecting me to impress them rather than them seeking my approval

Even in situations where it should be all about the face, like online dating, my sister still never picked the guy with the best face. She lives in an area with demographics in her favor (extremely high male to female ratio), she downloaded Hinge and got like 300 likes the first 24 hours. And who did she end up with... a manlet 11 years older than her. He has a lot of money and his face is at least average but once again, she could've done better, but she didn't. They're getting married soon.
Fuck I genuinely want her to suffer, no offense.
She makes a mockery of men who are trying to do everything to ascend just to get their looksmatch while already being decent looking meanwhile girls just give these manlets and subhumans a golden ticket without them having any traits that makes them worthy of it.
But I guess there is no such thing as deserving anything in the dating game, the dating game just exists to mentally torture some people and I've been believing in simulation theory more and more by the day

Again, my experiences are kinda the contrast of hers, this complex I have that came from being raised by a single mother and then my one year in college, experience after experience I had drilled it into my head "let them come to me". So I've never been the one to approach girls, take the lead, I let them come to me and that means when I go into extreme reclusion (like for most of my life) I get nothing. Even making a Hinge with the goal of actually meeting girls and messaging them first is a big step for me, I'm not all the way comfortable with it but I'm forcing myself to do it. I have 8 slays (all 2014-2019) and what's interesting is the only one that I approached first - every other one totally fell in my lap - but the one that I met in a hostel in Europe and approached myself - was by far the hottest, most interesting, best everything girl that I've ever been with. Everything about her and that experience felt so perfect, like I was truly peaking in life. So I know that when you approach the right girl at the right time, the sky is the limit, but it's like you need to have good things happen first or be riding some high in life and the girl will almost magically appear there. My first girl was I'd say 2 PSL points above me on the old scale (5.5 and 7.5) but my pheno and that I'm 6'2" somewhat balanced it out, it made sense to everyone that we were together, but I was still in this talking/dating/friend zone thing for 3 months before we finally fucked.
In secondary school I had the same mindset of letting foids come to me which meant no girls in school ever showed interest yet when I went to teen discos girls would ask me to kiss their friends just on the basis of me passing the looks threshold by being average looking.
This made me crave the validation of foids pursuing me so much and it's funny to think that it never got any easier for me than that despite gaining insane amounts of height and lean mass in my later teen years as well as going from a child to man's face.
When I started drinking at 18 I began approaching foids just out of desperation for slays on nights out and I was pretty low inhib but I felt no foids ever came close to being attractive enough for me to want a relationship with them.
I did have two girls beg me to be their boyfriend after slaying them a couple of times to which I agreed but I knew they were destined to fail and sure enough they both broke up with me over not seeing me often enough then wanted me back weeks later.
Complete emotional wrecks who have both fucked utter subhumans then acted like their praise of my traits meant something when they were subhuman fuckers (I'll never touch a subhuman fucker again)

Two points about this: pheno is way more important than face, I think physical attraction is more about phenotype matching than PSL score. And if you put in some kind of work, be it approaching first or being patient until the girl is in the mood, that's how I dated up. And at 6'4" and HTN that would mean you need to do that on top tier girls of certain phenos, obviously the question is how do you meet them.
I think I found the location where my pheno will do the best based on the amount of looks from foids I was getting on the street there but it will still be a challenge to convert any IOIs to meetups or a relationship
It's crazy though how my pheno went from deformed/caricature (underbite with massive chin height) to within the bounds of a normal human face (still with a masc but not caricature chin) and suddenly my success in nightclubs goes to shit.

I have similar questions about being in this awkward middle ground. I feel invisible just walking around, I wasn't 5-10 years ago before I looksmaxxed, I used to get IOIs and approaches but not any more. I don't think I'm too good looking for the girl to feel like she's dating down, but more like I have too many of the good traits (height, big skull and jaw, great skin and hair for 30) of a Chad without the whole package, so with me she doesn't get Chad but she's not really settling either if that's what she wants. And tall mogging guys might remind her of pump and dumps, being rejected, things she's tired of. Call it post-hypergamy, maybe we're entering a post-hypergamous world.
I genuinely believe this to be the case
I wonder how much of the content online about shaming women for being hypergamous and being sluts is changing women's dating strategy, maybe not massively but it wasn't so long ago when there was pretty much zero pushback to girls being giga sluts in college since a certain percentage of men in college were benefitting from it but thanks to all these street interviews and redpill podcasters who's clips will be pushed on tiktok, foids are being bombarded 24/7 with messages about sleeping around lowering their value.

I haven't met any girl off of Hinge yet but the 19-20 year old ones are way more receptive, I'm noticing. And this is where some oofy doofy might come in, I did so much cringe shit in front of my first girl that I don't have it in me to do again, but not only did I end up with her, she specifically liked me doing the cringe shit and would come over uninvited just so we could get drunk and laugh hysterically at I don't even remember what and fuck. It's all about blasting their dopamine receptors. I've tried different openers and approaches on Hinge but compliments and oofy doofy get me way more responses. Ugh, I have to run oofy doofy game on girls that seem out of my league again, holy shit, the past really does repeat itself.
Can you give examples of cringe shit?
I was walking with a girl after a night out recently and I made a post about how I was making her laugh to the point of snorting multiple times without having any idea what I was saying because I was drunk but I hit a moment of sudden soberness where I lost this vibe and she lost interest.
Foids absolutely despise my natural seriousness and inability to be upbeat and "playful" when sober
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sex has become a social activity, thus the social dimension is important. but looks get your foot in the door
Yea but why can’t incels understand there is more ways than one to get your foot in the door
Unfortnately my brain so so subhuman even getting drunk doesnt lower my inhin and improve my behavior
im scared that being intoxicated would make me even more likely to commit social suicide saying something giga non-nt
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your logic doesnt really make sense because you could do the exact same thing youve done with "how many slays would i have if sober" and just change it to "how many slays would i have if short" or if ugly and make the same conclusions
im scared that being intoxicated would make me even more likely to commit social suicide saying something giga non-nt
happened to me when i started complaining to a nt friend how his female friend is dating a “subhuman”. He looked at me like i was crazy
  • JFL
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happened to me when i started complaining to a nt friend how his female friend is dating a “subhuman”. He looked at me like i was crazy
ive called girls ugly and fat before while completely sober one time i said to a girl her tummy was hanging out her top and she started crying i cant imagine what would happen if i ever got drunk
  • JFL
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Women believe that extraverted behaviour (which is heritable) is a greater predicter that their potential male offspring will reproduce to pass on their genes than if their potential male offspring are physically attractive but behave in a non extraverted manner


Anyone who has taken mdma and went from being rejected by foids to having foids gravitate to them within the same night will know what I'm saying is 100% facts.
how tf do I change my behavior to be more extroverted Like I'm aware looksmaxing helps my confidence put not sure with beign outgoing

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