Being jacked is a huge cheatcode for looksmaxxing and life



Nov 4, 2022
This might sound water to some but many niggers here just waste so much of their time waiting to earn money for their full facial implants when they all truly needed was to lose fat and water retention and build muscles
When you are jacked males give you respect (if you are not below 5'8) and will ask your diet and workout program and yes nigga male respect is also very very important in life you don't only want to fuck bitches when other males can kill you with their bare hands and girls will get attracted to you jfl at believing that they don't like muscles a jacked dude is even rare than a millionaire and what you need to be attractive is to be unique like having blue eyes or simply being jacked
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water, every looksmaxxer know that builiding muscle/being lean is extremely important.
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in order for this to be true you'd have to look like you lift in clothes and most lifters don't even look like they lift in clothes. i met a dude like 5'6 who brings protein shakes and shit everywhere and talks about lifting and i wouldn't have known that he lifts if he didn't say it.

his physique probably looks like this:
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  • JFL
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Reactions: future_, autistic_tendencies, mogging and 7 others
water, every looksmaxxer know that builiding muscle/being lean is extremely important.
I still see a lot of retards like @octilionaire and @JBcollector pushing the "gym is cope anorexic twinks are ideal" narrative but whats funny is that the same prettyboys these guys fawn over like vinnie hacker are gymcelled jfl
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in order for this to be true you'd have to look like you lift in clothes and most lifters don't even look like they lift in clothes. i met a dude like 5'6 who brings protein shakes and shit everywhere and talks about lifting and i wouldn't have known that he lifts if he didn't say it.

his physique probably looks like this:
View attachment 2037920
Just use an example of someone who probably has only been lifting for a few months or has bottom percentile genetics to prove that most gymcelled guys don't look like they lift theory

If you have average genetics, train and eat properly for 2 years and wear fitting clothing you will look like you lift
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Cope, I have a better body than most roided up gymcels just by existing. Just be tall breh
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  • JFL
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in order for this to be true you'd have to look like you lift in clothes and most lifters don't even look like they lift in clothes. i met a dude like 5'6 who brings protein shakes and shit everywhere and talks about lifting and i wouldn't have known that he lifts if he didn't say it.

his physique probably looks like this:
View attachment 2037920
It's a literal meme to be natty in 2023 jfl if you cope with protein shakes and not 500mg test
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Reactions: Napoleon1800, litaz, garoupilled_ and 1 other person
I still see a lot of retards like @octilionaire and @JBcollector pushing the "gym is cope anorexic twinks are ideal" narrative but whats funny is that the same prettyboys these guys fawn over like vinnie hacker are gymcelled jfl
Massive cope
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I still see a lot of retards like @octilionaire and @JBcollector pushing the "gym is cope anorexic twinks are ideal" narrative but whats funny is that the same prettyboys these guys fawn over like vinnie hacker are gymcelled jfl
true, almost every ''prettyboy'' have decent muscle muss but is very lean. Thats female gaze.
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nigga why do you talk like you're from 2012, always using XD and shit
That is because I am a the 1337 king of the ebin memes XD, from 2012.
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Just use an example of someone who probably has only been lifting for a few months or has bottom percentile genetics to prove that most gymcelled guys don't look like they lift theory

If you have average genetics, train and eat properly for 2 years and wear fitting clothing you will look like you lift

Yeah if you’re close to natty max while lean, you will still look like you lift in clothes. Not yoked, not huge. But your delts, chest, and arms will still have shape and be visible in well fit clothes
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  • Ugh..
Reactions: Deleted member 2268 and twilight
Yeah if you’re close to natty max while lean, you will still look like you lift in clothes. Not yoked, not huge. But your delts, chest, and arms will still have shape and be visible in well fit clothes
Yep and you can still look yolked but you need to be 20%+ bf which isn't good for face aesthetics
Face > Height > NT > Frame > Muscles
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Yeah if you’re close to natty max while lean, you will still look like you lift in clothes. Not yoked, not huge. But your delts, chest, and arms will still have shape and be visible in well fit clothes
No, not really
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Reactions: Deleted member 2268 and lebronjames23
only autists who deny gymcelling are prettyboy copers

I need to look into steroids this year when I move out 4 college
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When you are jacked males give you respect (if you are not below 5'8) and will ask your diet and workout program and yes nigga male respect is also very very important in life you don't only want to fuck bitches when other males can kill you with their bare hands
What the fuck is this delusional worldview?
If you want to have friends and male respect you don't need to be jacked. Being a fun NT guy is more than enough to enjoy plenty of male friendships. Nobody "respects" a jacked autist.

What I think you mean when you say "males give you respect" is that you don't want to feel mogged. You don't want to look at another man in fear that he may crush you in two if he wanted.

But to be honest, being jacked doesn't necessarily translate into better fighting capability. I am NOT saying a skinny manlet can beat a 6'6 200lbs gigachad in a fight. I'm saying that if you're worried you can't hold your own in a fight, you should actually learn how to fight, since for people around average height, knowing how to fight and having actual fighting experience always beats sheer muscularity.
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recommend steroids
  • JFL
Reactions: Dystopian
Yes but the thing is their side effects of roids

Personally face and height is all you need

As long as you have a normal frame and not skinny ur fine
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Reactions: LiteralCaucasian
the fact that 80% of looksmaxxing advice here only works if you're at least 5'7-5'8 is suifuel
  • JFL
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Reactions: litaz, garoupilled_ and ifyouwannabemylover
What the fuck is this delusional worldview?
If you want to have friends and male respect you don't need to be jacked. Being a fun NT guy is more than enough to enjoy plenty of male friendships. Nobody "respects" a jacked autist.

What I think you mean when you say "males give you respect" is that you don't want to feel mogged. You don't want to look at another man in fear that he may crush you in two if he wanted.

But to be honest, being jacked doesn't necessarily translate into better fighting capability. I am NOT saying a skinny manlet can beat a 6'6 200lbs gigachad in a fight. I'm saying that if you're worried you can't hold your own in a fight, you should actually learn how to fight, since for people around average height, knowing how to fight and having actual fighting experience always beats sheer muscularity.
not wrong at all but i believe every man should definitely be partaking in combat sports + lifting, the benefits are immense and im not pertaining to the context of this forum and the common ideology here.
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Reactions: garoupilled_
the fact that 80% of looksmaxxing advice here only works if you're at least 5'7-5'8 is suifuel
100% advice only works if your above 5'8
  • JFL
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Sad how this isn't painfully water on a looksmaxxing thread. Muh male gaze. People that say this obviously don't observe the real world. When males respect you, you get invited to meetings/organizations where you can network and progress your career. When males respect you, you get invited to parties, frats, and places to meet women. Male respect can indirectly lead to female respect and attraction. They aren't disparate things like the binary thinkers on this forum suggest.
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Reactions: future_, autistic_tendencies, litaz and 2 others
Water is wet and fire burns

Everyone alive knows that working out makes you look better

Wtf was the point in this thread
recommend steroids
Testosterone don't exceed 750mg a week
I think these are only the steroids you should take
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Reactions: crimclown63 and Deleted member 19766
You guys need to go out and be around girls more often.

Girls like an athletic physique which was acquired effortlessly (that doesn't exist but you have to make them believe that) but despise gymrats and roidcels : the minute your start talking about your training routines, weighing your food and meal prep, her pussy turns drier than the sahara.

Roidcels don't get the most attention on the beaches.
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Reactions: NegativeNorwood, Lurkerslep, garoupilled_ and 1 other person
This might sound water to some but many niggers here just waste so much of their time waiting to earn money for their full facial implants when they all truly needed was to lose fat and water retention and build muscles
When you are jacked males give you respect (if you are not below 5'8) and will ask your diet and workout program and yes nigga male respect is also very very important in life you don't only want to fuck bitches when other males can kill you with their bare hands and girls will get attracted to you jfl at believing that they don't like muscles a jacked dude is even rare than a millionaire and what you need to be attractive is to be unique like having blue eyes or simply being jacked
The only thing that matters is being lean
If you’re being disrespected by other men you’re probably built like mclovin and it’s 100% over in that regard no matter what you do.

Most girls are indifferent to muscles, moving into disgust if you’ve overdone it like a bodybuilder. Gymcels need to understand that what you’re doing is a NICHEMAXX, you’re heavily leaning into a specific subset of girl that likes that look and thus boosting your own attractiveness in her eyes. There’s nothing wrong with that, stop pretending like you’re working your way towards mass appeal, you’re not.

You have genuinely no clue what attractiveness is. First off, money does NOT make a girl ATTRACTED to you except as a potential victim. Her pussy is as dry for you as it always was, she might sense an opportunity in you and work towards that but that’s the exact same sort of “attraction” that YOU would probably feel towards a guy like that for friendship. What you’re imagining is a situation where you get enough money and suddenly a switch is flipped in a girl’s brain where her pussy is suddenly wet for you, it doesn’t work that way. What happens is for SOME thots, they’re willing to essentially prostitute themselves in exchange for your money (and if you’re gonna count that you may as well just go get a real prostitute, same shit but much cheaper.)

If being unique was what it took then ugly deformed fucks would be the top of the food chain cause they’re rare as shit, they’re not though. You can maybe debate the importance of muscles but you CAN’T debate the fact that the vast majority of girls are disgusted by bodybuilders and find them comical and not attractive (even though they’re “muhhhhh unique!!”) and if you try to argue that then you’re a literal virgin 100% confirmed.
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  • +1
Reactions: NegativeNorwood, litaz, blackgriffin_1 and 2 others
The only thing that matters is being lean
If you’re being disrespected by other men you’re probably built like mclovin and it’s 100% over in that regard no matter what you do.

Most girls are indifferent to muscles, moving into disgust if you’ve overdone it like a bodybuilder. Gymcels need to understand that what you’re doing is a NICHEMAXX, you’re heavily leaning into a specific subset of girl that likes that look and thus boosting your own attractiveness in her eyes. There’s nothing wrong with that, stop pretending like you’re working your way towards mass appeal, you’re not.

You have genuinely no clue what attractiveness is. First off, money does NOT make a girl ATTRACTED to you except as a potential victim. Her pussy is as dry for you as it always was, she might sense an opportunity in you and work towards that but that’s the exact same sort of “attraction” that YOU would probably feel towards a guy like that for friendship. What you’re imagining is a situation where you get enough money and suddenly a switch is flipped in a girl’s brain where her pussy is suddenly wet for you, it doesn’t work that way. What happens is for SOME thots, they’re willing to essentially prostitute themselves in exchange for your money (and if you’re gonna count that you may as well just go get a real prostitute, same shit but much cheaper.)

If being unique was what it took then ugly deformed fucks would be the top of the food chain cause they’re rare as shit, they’re not though. You can maybe debate the importance of muscles but you CAN’T debate the fact that the vast majority of girls are disgusted by bodybuilders and find them comical and not attractive (even though they’re “muhhhhh unique!!”) and if you try to argue that then you’re a literal virgin 100% confirmed.

I've started lifting in the early 2010's when It was reaching its peak with Zyzz and co.

The periods I slayed the most were when I was taking some time off the gym instead of using up all my free time between training, meal prep and furiously collecting any content available on youtube, boards,etc...

As long as your not on either extreme : bloatloard or skinny twink, you're good.

Bodybuilding is viewed by most girl as an autistic hobby for try-hards. Whenever I talk to a girl I only let her believe that I lift twice a week at most and my training is mainly for cardio and stretching.

It's 2023 and some nikkas are still using shirtless pictures of them on dating apps JFL. I stopped that shit in 2012 after 2 days on Tinder.
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Reactions: NegativeNorwood, litaz and loksr

I've started lifting in the early 2010's when It was reaching its peak with Zyzz and co.

The periods I slayed the most were when I was taking some time off the gym instead of using up all my free time between training, meal prep and furiously collecting any content available on youtube, boards,etc...

As long as your not on either extreme : bloatloard or skinny twink, you're good.

Bodybuilding is viewed by most girl as an autistic hobby for try-hards. Whenever I talk to a girl I only let her believe that I lift twice a week at most and my training is mainly for cardio and stretching.

It's 2023 and some nikkas are still using shirtless pictures of them on dating apps JFL. I stopped that shit in 2012 after 2 days on Tinder.
2970670 SIPbphL   Imgur
  • JFL
Reactions: Skywalker
The only thing that matters is being lean
If you’re being disrespected by other men you’re probably built like mclovin and it’s 100% over in that regard no matter what you do.

Most girls are indifferent to muscles, moving into disgust if you’ve overdone it like a bodybuilder. Gymcels need to understand that what you’re doing is a NICHEMAXX, you’re heavily leaning into a specific subset of girl that likes that look and thus boosting your own attractiveness in her eyes. There’s nothing wrong with that, stop pretending like you’re working your way towards mass appeal, you’re not.

You have genuinely no clue what attractiveness is. First off, money does NOT make a girl ATTRACTED to you except as a potential victim. Her pussy is as dry for you as it always was, she might sense an opportunity in you and work towards that but that’s the exact same sort of “attraction” that YOU would probably feel towards a guy like that for friendship. What you’re imagining is a situation where you get enough money and suddenly a switch is flipped in a girl’s brain where her pussy is suddenly wet for you, it doesn’t work that way. What happens is for SOME thots, they’re willing to essentially prostitute themselves in exchange for your money (and if you’re gonna count that you may as well just go get a real prostitute, same shit but much cheaper.)

If being unique was what it took then ugly deformed fucks would be the top of the food chain cause they’re rare as shit, they’re not though. You can maybe debate the importance of muscles but you CAN’T debate the fact that the vast majority of girls are disgusted by bodybuilders and find them comical and not attractive (even though they’re “muhhhhh unique!!”) and if you try to argue that then you’re a literal virgin 100% confirmed.

3243862 1B6153B7 2FED 4846 B377 9A867B5150BA
3243864 A3976D6D B6C4 4EDC 86E9 ECEEAC48BB0D
(in 20 30 mins)
another any gymcel cope
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Reactions: Skywalker
Nikka you had to use roids to attrack bottom of the barrel mediocre white pussy.

You so geared up that you can't even get it up and have the balls of the same size of small marbles.

No wonder why you here hopping on my dick, roid rage.

Do your white massas know that you're frauding BBC genetics and are actually a nigger that wouldn't have made the cut for the slave auction JFL .

Too much dating apps, .org and austim , not enough outside real time : leave your mama basement a little.
  • +1
Reactions: Lurkerslep
Nikka you had to use roids to attrack bottom of the barrel mediocre white pussy.

You so geared up that you can't even get it up and have the balls of the same size of small marbles.

No wonder why you here hopping on my dick, roid rage.

Do your white massas know that you're frauding BBC genetics and are actually a nigger that wouldn't have made the cut for the slave auction JFL .

Too much dating apps, .org and austim , not enough outside real time : leave your mama basement a little.
you are the bottom of the barrel bro lol. im pretty sure people belittle you too based off how you look. from first glance you look like a cuckold.
you are the bottom of the barrel bro lol. im pretty sure people belittle you too based off how you look. from first glance you look like a cuckold.
6"2 who can belittle me bbcel little nigga ? You're 5"9, my little sister is taller than you JFL.

I never needed roids in my whole life, been boxing since age 11 and my demeanor is intimidating by itself.

Stop projecting Eugene you were wearing Urkel glasses not so long ago : JFL, must have been very hard for you before hardmaxxing.

Blackgymmax post filler

Nikka was probably bullied and ragdolled by tall white chad during his teenage years hence his now submissive slave coon behaviour in adulthood.
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6"2 who can belittle me bbcel little nigga ? You're 5"9, my little sister is taller than you JFL.

I never needed roids in my whole life, been boxing since age 11 and my demeanor is intimidating by itself.

Stop projecting Eugene you were wearing Urkel glasses not so long ago : JFL, must have been very hard for you before hardmaxxing.

View attachment 2039547

Nikka was probably bullied and ragdolled by tall white chad during his teenage years hence his now submissive slave coon behaviour in adulthood.
2970670 SIPbphL   Imgur
even back then i mogged u bro. you should just stop. Oh and you look retarded lol
Testosterone don't exceed 750mg a week
I think these are only the steroids you should take
Tren is not good?
Is that you bro ??
6"2 who can belittle me bbcel little nigga ? You're 5"9, my little sister is taller than you JFL.

I never needed roids in my whole life, been boxing since age 11 and my demeanor is intimidating by itself.

Stop projecting Eugene you were wearing Urkel glasses not so long ago : JFL, must have been very hard for you before hardmaxxing.

View attachment 2039547

Nikka was probably bullied and ragdolled by tall white chad during his teenage years hence his now submissive slave coon behaviour in adulthood.
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