Being to old to looksmaxx properly is fucked. Had society not lied to me all my life, me and others could have scraped a chance

@FrailPaleStaleMale dont rope brpcur life is precious

Get LL, hair transplant etc

You can looks max till you die. But don't rope since you go to hell for that
@FrailPaleStaleMale dont rope brpcur life is precious

Get LL, hair transplant etc

You can looks max till you die. But don't rope since you go to hell for that
Life is disposable. And I don't care about hell. If it exists I'm going there anyway.
I used to feel bad about being 23-24, but things are looking up for me. You're not much older than me, you shouldn't feel that bad. You can look quite good all the way into your forties if you really take care of your body.

I'm fixing my body (bf%, APT and posture in general.) I've grown a little from this and now I'm a weak 6ft (182 - 182.5cm barefoot midday.) With small 1cm lifts I'm a legit solid 6'0" and over 6'1" in regular shoes. I used to be a 5'11" manlet.
I think I'll look the best I've ever looked by next year when I turn 25. I'll make that my prime and I'll try to enjoy life again like I did when I was a kid.

I'm still young despite all the memes. I also have all my hair and I look quite young for my age. I just have to stop being skinnyfat and stop being such a timid bitch. I'm still in college and I know some girls who are kind of in to me tbh, but I'm so high inhib and aspie.

What I'm saying is, you can't feel confident and be low inhib when you know you haven't reached your looks potential with reasonable methods. I'm not even talking about surgeries, but shit you can easily change with a bit of time and effort. Just dropping to 10-12% body fat with some muscle mass is huge if you're skinnyfat/fat and your face isn't deformed or completely lacking bone mass.
Last edited:
Looksmaxxing after 25 = cope
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Warlow
I used to feel bad about being 23-24, but things are looking up for me. You're not much older than me, you shouldn't feel that bad. You can look quite good all the way into your forties if you really take care of your body.

I'm fixing my body (bf%, APT and posture in general.) I've grown a little from this and now I'm a weak 6ft (182 - 182.5cm barefoot midday.) With small 1cm lifts I'm a legit solid 6'0" and over 6'1" in regular shoes. I used to be a 5'11" manlet.
I think I'll look the best I've ever looked by next year when I turn 25. I'll make that my prime and I'll try to enjoy life again like I did when I was a kid.

I'm still young despite all the memes. I also have all my hair and I look quite young for my age. I just have to stop being skinnyfat and stop being such a timid bitch. I'm still in college and I know some girls who are kind of in to me tbh, but I'm so high inhib and aspie.

What I'm saying is, you can't feel confident and be low inhib when you know you haven't reached your looks potential with reasonable methods. I'm not even talking about surgeries, but shit you can easily change with a bit of time and effort. Just dropping to 10-12% body fat with some muscle mass is huge if you're skinnyfat/fat and your face isn't deformed or completely lacking bone mass.
My face is bordering deformed. There's pretty much nothing else for me to try at this point anyway. And low inhib doesnt matter to me in the slightest. It's no benefit either.
I'm just about 30 now. And there's nothing further I can do anyway nowadays. Short of surgery, it's just fucking done. I already look a mess. Society should stop lying to young guys. Blackpill them young so they actually have the relevant information to improve what they can while they can. But I doubt it. I still believe a lot of society denies obvious shit just to make the males they deem subhuman, kill themselves off.
I'm 37.
I'm have been improving, in the last 6 -10 months.

WTF, is wrong with you that you can't improve at 30 already??

There is only 3 aging factors, that can fuck it up for a dude. imo:
1. skin-wrinkled and hyper-pigmentation (cancallogen maxx)
2. balding/blad (difficult to solve, only maybe hair transplant or something
3. getting fat (can be managed)
I used to feel bad about being 23-24, but things are looking up for me. You're not much older than me, you shouldn't feel that bad. You can look quite good all the way into your forties if you really take care of your body.

I'm fixing my body (bf%, APT and posture in general.) I've grown a little from this and now I'm a weak 6ft (182 - 182.5cm barefoot midday.) With small 1cm lifts I'm a legit solid 6'0" and over 6'1" in regular shoes. I used to be a 5'11" manlet.
I think I'll look the best I've ever looked by next year when I turn 25. I'll make that my prime and I'll try to enjoy life again like I did when I was a kid.

I'm still young despite all the memes. I also have all my hair and I look quite young for my age. I just have to stop being skinnyfat and stop being such a timid bitch. I'm still in college and I know some girls who are kind of in to me tbh, but I'm so high inhib and aspie.

What I'm saying is, you can't feel confident and be low inhib when you know you haven't reached your looks potential with reasonable methods. I'm not even talking about surgeries, but shit you can easily change with a bit of time and effort. Just dropping to 10-12% body fat with some muscle mass is huge if you're skinnyfat/fat and your face isn't deformed or completely lacking bone mass.
To add.
My peak years dating wise, without putting much efforts into looks where between 26 - 32 years of age. I looked my best around that time, I think. Better then at 22 orso, when I looked like a 16 year old child still. I was incel untill 26, and then stuff finally got rolling.
Nowadays, at 26. I think I look my best ever.because I actually now started putting good effort into my looks for the first time in my life. (i was lucky though, to be born with good skin quality, and still have my hair).

Ascension while aging. Is possible. If you have good skin genes and your hair. Plus maintain it well, and go full effort into looks
The best exmaple I know.


Male peak is on average 26 - 36 years old.
(if he: doesn't go ugly bald(ing), doesn't get fat, doesn't get fucked up skin)


Massive OkCupid study done on Age and SMV decline and peak on Men and Women based on overall desirability. Done in 2015 with both young and older people. Millions of people.

Aging and desirability of both men and women is something this community gets wrong most of the time. While "the wall" is hyperbole female desirability drops very far very fast after 23-24 and male desirability shoots up rapidly up to about 26-27 where it peaks for a good 10 years then declines.


Male Prime=26-36

Go lookup "hot men" on google, nearly 75% of results are of men aged in that bracket above. Chads become higher tier chads in their early-mid 30s before declining.

Understand that things other than looks change what a girl thinks of you and having a more masculine looks which you can get at older age is one of them. Although looks are 75% of the battle. Social proof(signals of high status, easy to fake), money(bitches orgasm more with rich guys, google it), or generally any display of sexual dimorphic power. Basically femoids get off on sex more when they're getting plowed by a man they perceive as powerful.

This is why SOME older guys have higher SMV with age(Chads and Chadlites). Age isn't the crippling factor you guys make it out to be. Go look up "Top 100 sexiest men" or "/r/ladyboners" or just google "Hot guys" and the MAJORITY of those guys are in their late twenties to mid thirties. This is because testosterone causes masculinization of the face and voice over your entire lifetime. Meaning your voice and face and still changing(albeit much slower) even in your 20's and 30's.

Age doesn't make much so much of a difference to women (as it does to us men, visa versa) as long as you're actually attractive.

For example:

See Here - He's in his Thirties.

Perhaps even better this tinder experiment article down below concerning younger vs older attractive men on tinder. Make sure you read and understand the entire article, but in summary a 26 year old attractive guy on tinder pulled tons of foids. A 34 year old attractive guy pulled even more(age ranges, older women have less options) and when factoring for age and setting the 34 year old man to an age range only allowing matches between 18-26 he pulled 3% less of this age range than the 26 year old. See this picture here.

Tinder Experiments

Tinder Experiments II: Guys, unless you are really hot you are probably better off not wasting your time on Tinder — a quantitative socio-economic study

In summary JFL if you aren't attractive, age doesn't matter much only your face.

Look at the way roasties talk about guys like Jared Leto, they would gladly line themselves up, strip down, and allow him to plow them all one by one without a care in the world about his age. The dude is just attractive looking.

Think about how creepy it would be perceived if a 35 year old man were to be flirting with a 19 year old foid in the club. Now picture this 35 year old men flirting with her. Suddenly it went from creepy to A-okay with her, her friends, and everyone else(except bitter old roasties). Hell I bet if you're a loaded 35 year old and look like this you could pull her and her friends. Tell them there'a an after party with booze, movies, a huge TV, a Jacuzzi/Hot-tub, and a pool at your mansion. You get her and her friends and they would prefer you over a guy her own age of equal attractive with less flashy shit. That's a fact. Once guys are of equal attractiveness it comes down to other stuff after that, like status(or the perception there of), and money. You get the picture.

I understand I'm using Actors to prove my point and they're famous but it isn't the fame. It's what they look like.

Notice how for the most part it's only the attractive famous guys fucking a huge variety of 18-25 year old models and switching them out all the time(looking at you Leonardo DiCaprio). It's because they're still PSLI 7-10 they can fuck whoever the hell they want. Add their attractiveness in with their money and status and they're outright slayers.
Nick Bateman right now at 31 and Jeremy Meeks right now at 33 could both double team any college slut in the country with ease. Any guys that bash "older" dudes just for the age factor, but don't realize most of the men they prop up as chads are usually in their early to mid thirties.

I know I'm only talking about actors and models. But the same can be said of any attractive man in his 30's even late 30's. Can still pull young 18-25 women with ease if they look like these men I listed out(PSLI 7-10). If not then oh well they can always fuck post wall 25-35 year old women that are still hot(they exist). They all would gladly hand their pussy over for a chance to marry(lmfao not even once) a guy with a PSLI 5-6.5 Face and decent body (with money). If you are over 6.5 PSL you can choce to don't bother with them and just date 18-25 and have fun maybe it's easier and better for you in the end. Physically and mentally.

Anyway if you don't know this, or believe this, you might be that you're coping about age for some reason. Idk but either way it is what it is, can't argue with data and statistics.

Watch what they do. Not what they say.
Last edited:
I'm 37.
I'm have been improving, in the last 6 -10 months.

WTF, is wrong with you that you can't improve at 30 already??

There is only 3 aging factors, that can fuck it up for a dude. imo:
1. skin-wrinkled and hyper-pigmentation (cancallogen maxx)
2. balding/blad (difficult to solve, only maybe hair transplant or something
3. getting fat (can be managed)

To add.
My peak years dating wise, without putting much efforts into looks where between 26 - 32 years of age. I looked my best around that time, I think. Better then at 22 orso, when I looked like a 16 year old child still. I was incel untill 26, and then stuff finally got rolling.
Nowadays, at 26. I think I look my best ever.because I actually now started putting good effort into my looks for the first time in my life. (i was lucky though, to be born with good skin quality, and still have my hair).

Ascension while aging. Is possible. If you have good skin genes and your hair. Plus maintain it well, and go full effort into looks
The best exmaple I know.


Male peak is on average 26 - 36 years old.
(if he: doesn't go ugly bald(ing), doesn't get fat, doesn't get fucked up skin)


Massive OkCupid study done on Age and SMV decline and peak on Men and Women based on overall desirability. Done in 2015 with both young and older people. Millions of people.

Aging and desirability of both men and women is something this community gets wrong most of the time. While "the wall" is hyperbole female desirability drops very far very fast after 23-24 and male desirability shoots up rapidly up to about 26-27 where it peaks for a good 10 years then declines.


Male Prime=26-36

Go lookup "hot men" on google, nearly 75% of results are of men aged in that bracket above. Chads become higher tier chads in their early-mid 30s before declining.

Understand that things other than looks change what a girl thinks of you and having a more masculine looks which you can get at older age is one of them. Although looks are 75% of the battle. Social proof(signals of high status, easy to fake), money(bitches orgasm more with rich guys, google it), or generally any display of sexual dimorphic power. Basically femoids get off on sex more when they're getting plowed by a man they perceive as powerful.

This is why SOME older guys have higher SMV with age(Chads and Chadlites). Age isn't the crippling factor you guys make it out to be. Go look up "Top 100 sexiest men" or "/r/ladyboners" or just google "Hot guys" and the MAJORITY of those guys are in their late twenties to mid thirties. This is because testosterone causes masculinization of the face and voice over your entire lifetime. Meaning your voice and face and still changing(albeit much slower) even in your 20's and 30's.

Age doesn't make much so much of a difference to women (as it does to us men, visa versa) as long as you're actually attractive.

For example:

See Here - He's in his Thirties.

Perhaps even better this tinder experiment article down below concerning younger vs older attractive men on tinder. Make sure you read and understand the entire article, but in summary a 26 year old attractive guy on tinder pulled tons of foids. A 34 year old attractive guy pulled even more(age ranges, older women have less options) and when factoring for age and setting the 34 year old man to an age range only allowing matches between 18-26 he pulled 3% less of this age range than the 26 year old. See this picture here.

Tinder Experiments

Tinder Experiments II: Guys, unless you are really hot you are probably better off not wasting your time on Tinder — a quantitative socio-economic study

In summary JFL if you aren't attractive, age doesn't matter much only your face.

Look at the way roasties talk about guys like Jared Leto, they would gladly line themselves up, strip down, and allow him to plow them all one by one without a care in the world about his age. The dude is just attractive looking.

Think about how creepy it would be perceived if a 35 year old man were to be flirting with a 19 year old foid in the club. Now picture this 35 year old men flirting with her. Suddenly it went from creepy to A-okay with her, her friends, and everyone else(except bitter old roasties). Hell I bet if you're a loaded 35 year old and look like this you could pull her and her friends. Tell them there'a an after party with booze, movies, a huge TV, a Jacuzzi/Hot-tub, and a pool at your mansion. You get her and her friends and they would prefer you over a guy her own age of equal attractive with less flashy shit. That's a fact. Once guys are of equal attractiveness it comes down to other stuff after that, like status(or the perception there of), and money. You get the picture.

I understand I'm using Actors to prove my point and they're famous but it isn't the fame. It's what they look like.

Notice how for the most part it's only the attractive famous guys fucking a huge variety of 18-25 year old models and switching them out all the time(looking at you Leonardo DiCaprio). It's because they're still PSLI 7-10 they can fuck whoever the hell they want. Add their attractiveness in with their money and status and they're outright slayers.
Nick Bateman right now at 31 and Jeremy Meeks right now at 33 could both double team any college slut in the country with ease. Any guys that bash "older" dudes just for the age factor, but don't realize most of the men they prop up as chads are usually in their early to mid thirties.

I know I'm only talking about actors and models. But the same can be said of any attractive man in his 30's even late 30's. Can still pull young 18-25 women with ease if they look like these men I listed out(PSLI 7-10). If not then oh well they can always fuck post wall 25-35 year old women that are still hot(they exist). They all would gladly hand their pussy over for a chance to marry(lmfao not even once) a guy with a PSLI 5-6.5 Face and decent body (with money). If you are over 6.5 PSL you can choce to don't bother with them and just date 18-25 and have fun maybe it's easier and better for you in the end. Physically and mentally.

Anyway if you don't know this, or believe this, you might be that you're coping about age for some reason. Idk but either way it is what it is, can't argue with data and statistics.

Watch what they do. Not what they say.
I'm like you. I looked like a kid up until last year. I look 19-22 now at 24. I feel like if I just drop down to 10-12% bodyfat I'll actually look good. I'm tall enough and the only thing holding me back is being skinnyfat which also causes some facial bloat, but I have bones and good eyes.
lmfao ur 29 why are you acting like you're in your 50s or some shit???

not even a 50 yo talk like him.
Legit depression bro
  • +1
Reactions: Heirio
I'm like you. I looked like a kid up until last year. I look 19-22 now at 24. I feel like if I just drop down to 10-12% bodyfat I'll actually look good. I'm tall enough and the only thing holding me back is being skinnyfat which also causes some facial bloat, but I have bones and good eyes.
I wished. I knew this earlier what I know now.

What I had needed to do back then and what you can do likely also:

short term
* because lack of masculinity. Add the following things that look masculine: 12% body fat range, some muscles, heavy stubble maxx. This will add masculinity, aka being seen as a man and not a boy, while maintaining youthfullness;

long term
First thanks to God, thanking for great skin quality. I did (near) nothing for skin (and my hairline) up till last year (36). I atrted last year to learn about skin and maintaining it well, as in collagenmaxxed. I'm now all about collagen and perserverence of my skin. And my hairline I try to save well, which started slowly thinning.
* Nowaday. I get guessed by others between the ages of 19-29. It's funny as hell, the way people talk with/to me sometimes, and the questions they ask.(if I still study, if I have a car already, that I have a whole future ahead of me just starting out, peoples giving me advice like I'm a youngter (while maybe we only are like 5-10 years appart, lol)
I hated looking like a teenage boy in my 20's, now I am happy as hell about my skin. Just need to masculinity maxx.
I'm 37.
I'm have been improving, in the last 6 -10 months.

WTF, is wrong with you that you can't improve at 30 already??

There is only 3 aging factors, that can fuck it up for a dude. imo:
1. skin-wrinkled and hyper-pigmentation (cancallogen maxx)
2. balding/blad (difficult to solve, only maybe hair transplant or something
3. getting fat (can be managed)

To add.
My peak years dating wise, without putting much efforts into looks where between 26 - 32 years of age. I looked my best around that time, I think. Better then at 22 orso, when I looked like a 16 year old child still. I was incel untill 26, and then stuff finally got rolling.
Nowadays, at 26. I think I look my best ever.because I actually now started putting good effort into my looks for the first time in my life. (i was lucky though, to be born with good skin quality, and still have my hair).

Ascension while aging. Is possible. If you have good skin genes and your hair. Plus maintain it well, and go full effort into looks
The best exmaple I know.


Male peak is on average 26 - 36 years old.
(if he: doesn't go ugly bald(ing), doesn't get fat, doesn't get fucked up skin)


Massive OkCupid study done on Age and SMV decline and peak on Men and Women based on overall desirability. Done in 2015 with both young and older people. Millions of people.

Aging and desirability of both men and women is something this community gets wrong most of the time. While "the wall" is hyperbole female desirability drops very far very fast after 23-24 and male desirability shoots up rapidly up to about 26-27 where it peaks for a good 10 years then declines.


Male Prime=26-36

Go lookup "hot men" on google, nearly 75% of results are of men aged in that bracket above. Chads become higher tier chads in their early-mid 30s before declining.

Understand that things other than looks change what a girl thinks of you and having a more masculine looks which you can get at older age is one of them. Although looks are 75% of the battle. Social proof(signals of high status, easy to fake), money(bitches orgasm more with rich guys, google it), or generally any display of sexual dimorphic power. Basically femoids get off on sex more when they're getting plowed by a man they perceive as powerful.

This is why SOME older guys have higher SMV with age(Chads and Chadlites). Age isn't the crippling factor you guys make it out to be. Go look up "Top 100 sexiest men" or "/r/ladyboners" or just google "Hot guys" and the MAJORITY of those guys are in their late twenties to mid thirties. This is because testosterone causes masculinization of the face and voice over your entire lifetime. Meaning your voice and face and still changing(albeit much slower) even in your 20's and 30's.

Age doesn't make much so much of a difference to women (as it does to us men, visa versa) as long as you're actually attractive.

For example:

See Here - He's in his Thirties.

Perhaps even better this tinder experiment article down below concerning younger vs older attractive men on tinder. Make sure you read and understand the entire article, but in summary a 26 year old attractive guy on tinder pulled tons of foids. A 34 year old attractive guy pulled even more(age ranges, older women have less options) and when factoring for age and setting the 34 year old man to an age range only allowing matches between 18-26 he pulled 3% less of this age range than the 26 year old. See this picture here.

Tinder Experiments

Tinder Experiments II: Guys, unless you are really hot you are probably better off not wasting your time on Tinder — a quantitative socio-economic study

In summary JFL if you aren't attractive, age doesn't matter much only your face.

Look at the way roasties talk about guys like Jared Leto, they would gladly line themselves up, strip down, and allow him to plow them all one by one without a care in the world about his age. The dude is just attractive looking.

Think about how creepy it would be perceived if a 35 year old man were to be flirting with a 19 year old foid in the club. Now picture this 35 year old men flirting with her. Suddenly it went from creepy to A-okay with her, her friends, and everyone else(except bitter old roasties). Hell I bet if you're a loaded 35 year old and look like this you could pull her and her friends. Tell them there'a an after party with booze, movies, a huge TV, a Jacuzzi/Hot-tub, and a pool at your mansion. You get her and her friends and they would prefer you over a guy her own age of equal attractive with less flashy shit. That's a fact. Once guys are of equal attractiveness it comes down to other stuff after that, like status(or the perception there of), and money. You get the picture.

I understand I'm using Actors to prove my point and they're famous but it isn't the fame. It's what they look like.

Notice how for the most part it's only the attractive famous guys fucking a huge variety of 18-25 year old models and switching them out all the time(looking at you Leonardo DiCaprio). It's because they're still PSLI 7-10 they can fuck whoever the hell they want. Add their attractiveness in with their money and status and they're outright slayers.
Nick Bateman right now at 31 and Jeremy Meeks right now at 33 could both double team any college slut in the country with ease. Any guys that bash "older" dudes just for the age factor, but don't realize most of the men they prop up as chads are usually in their early to mid thirties.

I know I'm only talking about actors and models. But the same can be said of any attractive man in his 30's even late 30's. Can still pull young 18-25 women with ease if they look like these men I listed out(PSLI 7-10). If not then oh well they can always fuck post wall 25-35 year old women that are still hot(they exist). They all would gladly hand their pussy over for a chance to marry(lmfao not even once) a guy with a PSLI 5-6.5 Face and decent body (with money). If you are over 6.5 PSL you can choce to don't bother with them and just date 18-25 and have fun maybe it's easier and better for you in the end. Physically and mentally.

Anyway if you don't know this, or believe this, you might be that you're coping about age for some reason. Idk but either way it is what it is, can't argue with data and statistics.

Watch what they do. Not what they say.
Short of surgery there's no efforts I can make that make a single difference
I'm 31 and I'm beginning my looksmaxing journey
I'm 37.
I'm have been improving, in the last 6 -10 months.

My peak years dating wise, without putting much efforts into looks where between 26 - 32 years of age. I looked my best around that time, I think. Better then at 22 orso, when I looked like a 16 year old child still. I was incel untill 26, and then stuff finally got rolling.
Nowadays, at 26. I think I look my best ever.because I actually now started putting good effort into my looks for the first time in my life. (i was lucky though, to be born with good skin quality, and still have my hair).

What do you mean with "peak years dating wise"? You slayed hot 20-25yrs old girls, when you where 26-32??
How much success do you have at the moment?
I know this might sound like some fucking joke but let me tell you dear oldies about the most potent skincareMaxingTip on planet earth. Urine therapy. YES I SAID IT. NOTHING IN THIS WORLD IS BETTER FOR THE SKIN THAN TO PUT YOUR OWN MORNING PEE ON YOUR FACE EVERY SINGLE DAY, MAYBE EVEN TWICE A DAY (MORNING AND NIGHT). Just google it if you don't believe me. I'm assuming that people here over 23 or so have enough life experience to know that one should look well into things before deciding if it's bullshit or not. Do you want the skin of a kid when you're and oldcel without destroying your liver with things like isotretinoin pills? Then start putting your own urine on your face. Many books have been written about it.
I know this might sound like some fucking joke but let me tell you dear oldies about the most potent skincareMaxingTip on planet earth. Urine therapy. YES I SAID IT. NOTHING IN THIS WORLD IS BETTER FOR THE SKIN THAN TO PUT YOUR OWN MORNING PEE ON YOUR FACE EVERY SINGLE DAY, MAYBE EVEN TWICE A DAY (MORNING AND NIGHT). Just google it if you don't believe me. I'm assuming that people here over 23 or so have enough life experience to know that one should look well into things before deciding if it's bullshit or not. Do you want the skin of a kid when you're and oldcel without destroying your liver with things like isotretinoin pills? Then start putting your own urine on your face. Many books have been written about it.
Stop writing wrong informations. I did some research, and found this article:

If this is true, this would be the cheapest facial moisturizer ever. But it still seems kind of strange. So we checked in with Mona Gohara, M.D. and associate clinical professor of dermatology at Yale University, to get her take.

"Urine is basically water. It has a little bit of urea in it, and there are some minerals and enzymes," she explains. "But I don't think it's ideal to use urine on your skin."

In fact, what Christy and other fans of this beauty trend are really touting is the urea found in urine. "Urea certainly does have beneficial properties for moisturization," says Gohara. But the amounts found in your pee are so small, you're probably better off just using beauty products from brands like Eucerin that use a more concentrated amount of synthetic urea.

Good news: If you've already tried this trick (wow, you're brave!), Gohara says that putting urine on your face won't actually hurt you. It's just not that effective in terms of anti-aging and beauty.“
What do you mean with "peak years dating wise"? You slayed hot 20-25yrs old girls, when you where 26-32??
How much success do you have at the moment?
Nope, never slayed.
I was incel untill 26. Then when I was 26 I had my first time, and then like 3 within 1.5 year. And I entered a LTR that lasted many years. So, I counldn't get any women, from teens until mid 20's; and then I at least could get some. I was a low tier normie back in the days, and due to aging and becoming more masculine became plain normie looking around my mid 20's.
Nope, never slayed.
I was incel untill 26. Then when I was 26 I had my first time, and then like 3 within 1.5 year. And I entered a LTR that lasted many years. So, I counldn't get any women, from teens until mid 20's; and then I at least could get some. I was a low tier normie back in the days, and due to aging and becoming more masculine became plain normie looking around my mid 20's.
Sry, but this is no success. 3 girls in 1.5 years is very bad.
My attractive chad friend, just had a new quarantine record of 13 new tinder lays in 2 weeks!!
Sry, but this is no success. 3 girls in 1.5 years is very bad.
My attractive chad friend, just had a new quarantine record of 13 new tinder lays in 2 weeks!!
I never claimed: success.
I claimed: "my peak years (26-32)", and "improvement". (I'm now 36, I made typo 26 in 1 post).
I'm now 36, and will enter the "dating market" again this year, I'll see what happens.

I see things always, mostly from a personal stand point. I was incel untill mid 20's. Which was/felt very bad, obviously.
Comming from such a starting postition, 3 in 1.5 year time feels alot better COMPARATIVE TO MYSELF.

I can't really be bothered, comparing myself to others or to Chads. What's the point in that(?), it's not my life, it's that dudes life.

Altough comparative. 3 new women (all non fat, and looksmatched) in 1.5 years time in the difficult dating location of a Western wolrd (no locationmaxxing), is not bad at all. For a (lowish) normie. Actually it is pretty good. It's alot better then most normie range dude, from what I see. most normie ranged dudes, hitting dry spells of like 2+ years and/or getting with absolutly hiddeous and fat women (which i never did).

Obviously, since I don't look like a Chad. I don't get Chad outcomes, like your friend. Nor will I ever. Unless I could ascend to Chad looks, but that's imo cope. If I'm lucky, I might ascend to high tier normie levels at best.

Anyways, in the end up till now. 26-32 aere my peak years. teens untill 26, were incel years, so I don't see from my perspective truth in quotes like "after 25, it's over". While for me, it finally started to begin after that age.
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I never claimed: success.
I claimed: "my peak years (26-32)", and "improvement". (I'm now 36, I made typo 26 in 1 post).
I'm now 36, and will enter the "dating market" again this year, I'll see what happens.

I see things always, mostly from a personal stand point. I was incel untill mid 20's. Which was/felt very bad, obviously.
Comming from such a starting postition, 3 in 1.5 year time feels alot better COMPARATIVE TO MYSELF.

I can't really be bothered, comparing myself to others or to Chads. What's the point in that(?), it's not my life, it's that dudes life.

Altough comparative. 3 new women (all non fat, and looksmatched) in 1.5 years time in the difficult dating location of a Western wolrd (no locationmaxxing), is not bad at all. For a (lowish) normie. Actually it is pretty good. It's alot better then most normie range dude, from what I see. most normie ranged dudes, hitting dry spells of like 2+ years and/or getting with absolutly hiddeous and fat women (which i never did).

Obviously, since I don't look like a Chad. I don't get Chad outcomes, like your friend. Nor will I ever. Unless I could ascend to Chad looks, but that's imo cope. If I'm lucky, I might ascend to high tier normie levels at best.

Anyways, in the end up till now. 26-32 aere my peak years. teens untill 26, were incel years, so I don't see from my perspective truth in quotes like "after 25, it's over". While for me, it finally started to begin after that age.
hey keep posting your success, im sure even in your late 30's you'll be able to pull dem late 20's women. i really do think that prime years are between 25-35 if you hairmaxx and dont let yourself over 12% bf
hey keep posting your success, im sure even in your late 30's you'll be able to pull dem late 20's women. i really do think that prime years are between 25-35 if you hairmaxx and dont let yourself over 12% bf
I don't ever saw myself as succssfull on this matter, it's extremely rare to see normies being succesfull on this matter actually. Myabe only the ones, that massively statusmaxxed, and money/BetaBuxx.
I was, and am, just happy if I'm not incel (like in my youth) and on a semi-regular bases can get a woman that's at my looksmatch WITHOUT betabuxxing. I betabuxxd once, and didn't like it.

I agree, and have decent proofs.
that for the general NORMIE man; HIS peak is (26-36) range. In practise, that only is on an individual bases the case: when he doesn't go ugly bald(ing), doesn'get fat, doesn't get shit skin quality (wrinkles, hyperpigmentation)..
all the growth based looksmaxxes for puberty came in too late for me

didn't even eat properly and stunted my growth

sui fuel seeing all the advancements come out.

My cope is that in the future growth plates can re-open and if you have M you can grow to whatever height you desire.

Looksmaxxing going mainstream too late, so methods to looksmax naturally arriving too late for anyone born pre 1998 ish

surgery is my last hope. Though with my current setup and a bit more mass i could somehow attract some atlantid pheno 5.5-6/10 girls (this happens already, so would happen with greater frequency post surgery and some other stuff)
all the growth based looksmaxxes for puberty came in too late for me

didn't even eat properly and stunted my growth

sui fuel seeing all the advancements come out.

My cope is that in the future growth plates can re-open and if you have M you can grow to whatever height you desire.

Looksmaxxing going mainstream too late, so methods to looksmax naturally arriving too late for anyone born pre 1998 ish

surgery is my last hope. Though with my current setup and a bit more mass i could somehow attract some atlantid pheno 5.5-6/10 girls (this happens already, so would happen with greater frequency post surgery and some other stuff)
Life us brutal

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