Bernie Sanders Lost Because He's An Incel



Dec 17, 2019
if you look at the demographic spits in the polls, you'll notice that Biden won female voters by huge margins despite being a child predator, war criminal, international terrorist, corrupt, and having dementia. This is because Joe Biden was a Chad in his prime. Its crazy how you're literally able to get away with anything if you have Chad genetics.
Chad Biden vs Incel Sanders

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if you look at the demographic spits in the polls, you'll notice that Biden won female voters by huge margins despite being a child predator, war criminal, international terrorist, corrupt, and having dementia. This is because Joe Biden was a Chad in his prime. Its crazy how you're literally able to get away with anything if you have Chad genetics.
Chad Biden vs Incel Sanders

View attachment 303237View attachment 303238
Damn I thought Sanders would be leading
Allowing women to vote was a huge mistake.
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jfl at retarded working and middle class voting against their own self interest. these retards would gladly starve to death so billionaires can get their new mansions
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jfl at retarded working and middle class voting against their own self interest. these retards would gladly starve to death so billionaires can get their new mansions

slugroach iq detected. lol at you unironically believing bernie's socialist propaganda. only retards with no understanding of economy thinks it's in the best interest of the non-rich to vote for socialism. go book a ticket to cuba or venezeual and see how great socialism is for the lower classes you abject retard

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jfl at retarded working and middle class voting against their own self interest. these retards would gladly starve to death so billionaires can get their new mansions

Bootlickers of peace. Anything to please their corporate overlords.
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slugroach iq detected. lol at you unironically believing bernie's socialist propaganda. only retards with no understanding of economy thinks it's in the best interest of the non-rich to vote for socialism. go book a ticket to cuba or venezeual and see how great socialism is for the lower classes you abject retard

Dumbass sanders isn’t a fucking communist look at Scandinavian countries he’s purposing their system which even the uk takes from. Jfl at the average American iq who gladly vote to enslave themselves to the rich
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slugroach iq detected. lol at you unironically believing bernie's socialist propaganda. only retards with no understanding of economy thinks it's in the best interest of the non-rich to vote for socialism. go book a ticket to cuba or venezeual and see how great socialism is for the lower classes you abject retard

I hate socialism, because of personal reasons. But also, Cuba an Venezuala are not good examples of well executed socialism. Socialism is expensive, and only works when you have a prosperous economy in a country where alot of money is made. Then from that prosperous economy, the govenment/state can extract alot of money (and people are still not in poverty) through taxation, and redistribute the money and waiste alot of it as well.

Good examples are, Sweden, plenty European countries.

I dislike socialism. because it fucks up the sexual market place. In a good socialst country. The government is rich. And they willtake (in general) the money from men (like me) and give it to women (in general). Often there are extensive programms, for single mothers, child-care and supprt type of money, and so on.

I prefer a poor government (like Russia). Where women/people can't get wellfare. So at least, my Beta-Buxxing ability holds some value, and raises my smv.
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slugroach iq detected. lol at you unironically believing bernie's socialist propaganda. only retards with no understanding of economy thinks it's in the best interest of the non-rich to vote for socialism. go book a ticket to cuba or venezeual and see how great socialism is for the lower classes you abject retard

brainlet iq detected. sander's policies are democratic socialist ones like those of denmark and norway, where the average person lives much better than americans. you're a retard if you think it's the same as venezuela or cuba
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Dumbass sanders isn’t a fucking communist look at Scandinavian countries he’s purposing their system which even the uk takes from. Jfl at the average American iq who gladly vote to enslave themselves to the rich

scandanavian countries have zero of the problems faced in america, applying a system that works in some homogenous, majory white country with low crime, high standard of living and high wage by default isn't going to work in amerikanistan.

keep thinking socialism in america will solve all you issues meanwhile the rich will remain rich while you remain poor, delusional twink.
brainlet iq detected. sander's policies are democratic socialist ones like those of denmark and norway, where the average person lives much better than americans. you're a retard if you think it's the same as venezuela or cuba

denamark and norway organically adopted socialism because they could afford to. you=btfi
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Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in Kentucky???? This is so fucked.
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scandanavian countries have zero of the problems faced in america, applying a system that works in some homogenous, majory white country with low crime, high standard of living and high wage by default isn't going to work in amerikanistan.

keep thinking socialism in america will solve all you issues meanwhile the rich will remain rich while you remain poor, delusional twink.

denamark and norway organically adopted socialism because they could afford to. you=btfi
USA has a higher gdp than both of those countries you fucking retard. but you're right we "can't afford to"
Dumbass sanders isn’t a fucking communist look at Scandinavian countries he’s purposing their system which even the uk takes from. Jfl at the average American iq who gladly vote to enslave themselves to the rich
Yeah bro, I'm sure the "scandinavian system" will work in a country where 40% of the population is comprised of niggers and spics.
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Hopefully Trump wins in the end
Yeah bro, I'm sure the "scandinavian system" will work in a country where 40% of the population is comprised of niggers and spics.
As if Scandinavia isn’t populated by sandnigs and other ethnics
As if Scandinavia isn’t populated by sandnigs and other ethnics
Definitely not as much as America. The worst is Sweden and they're probably still around 70-80% white.
Even if i agreed with Bernie Sanders i would have never voted for him, why? Because he is a jew and he would most likely be in support of Zionism
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Biden has dementia
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bernie to nonwhite voters: "don't you want healthcare?"

"we get that anyway"

"what about student loan forgiveness?"

"what about what now?" :lul:

the guy has no appeal to anyone other than college age whites who are economically illiterate
Allowing women to vote was a huge mistake.

Muslims know it
Also OP u are right, of course Bernie lost because he is an incel
Water is wet
Even if i agreed with Bernie Sanders i would have never voted for him, why? Because he is a jew and he would most likely be in support of Zionism
He's the only politician who has said that palestinians should have human rights and hasn't completely sucked israel's dick. Ironic since he's a jew, I know, but it takes 5 seconds to do research instead of assuming
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Zionist puppet Drumpf will win prob
can someone tell me a single reason why i should care about politics
Also Biden was still an incel according to this site, he would be rated 4.5 max here
But for normies, he is GL for sure and thats all that matters
  • Hmm...
Reactions: turkproducer
Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in Kentucky???? This is so fucked.
Never, ever. Put as much importance into politics; as you do.

In general (few exceptions) politics in "the West", well developed countries. Only has like 5-10% influence on your life (guestimation). Therefore, not worth spending much time + effort + energy on.

Obviously media, politicians, etc..; will want us to believe it has mayor importance.

As a person, I like Bernie Sanders.
But I wouldn't vote for him, because I hate the personal influence his views/ideas has on me. Those extensive wellfare programms he has in mind. It will likely benifit (as mearly always does, with wellfare) women most. Since I'm capable to handle myself okay. I prefer a nation with limited or no wellfare; so women end up in poverty or harsh situationif they don't have a provider man. Which, thoughout history, always has been the great equalizer (in smv) for males. She has the fertility and sexual power; and he has the resources power. And so that could be exchanged. Now with extensive wellfare porgrams in rich countries, the governement will be the provider if shit goes wrong/down for her. Makeing men in general lose smv.

I live in the netherlands.
As an adult (18 years now). I "only" recieved, 4 years of wellfare (scholarship/study allowance, of like €400/month). The other 14 years I have only been paying taxes. And due to being self-employed I can apply for near zero wellfare if shit goes down. I know plenty women, whom get alot ofdifferent types of money from the state, especially single moms.

This on from USa (I bet Europe is even worse). Men get screwed on wellfare programms; and pay most of the taxes.

For example. Check poor states/countries; where the government doesn't have the money for wellfare prgramms much. And you'll see men have an easier time finding a partner. Because she needs a man, for his resources.
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Even if i agreed with Bernie Sanders i would have never voted for him, why? Because he is a jew and he would most likely be in support of Zionism
As if not voting for him would make any difference
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I called that Biden would be nominated long time ago cause he is the establishment. At least it will be nice to see soyboys and roasties crying over Bernie and then chimping out when Trump beats Biden cause of their own party incompetence.
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slugroach iq detected. lol at you unironically believing bernie's socialist propaganda. only retards with no understanding of economy thinks it's in the best interest of the non-rich to vote for socialism. go book a ticket to cuba or venezeual and see how great socialism is for the lower classes you abject retard

youre an absolute fucking mong if you think bernie wants """actual""" socialism. he just wants free healthcare and education for all. MANY western european countries and canada have that
I called that Biden would be nominated long time ago cause he is the establishment. At least it will be nice to see soyboys and roasties crying over Bernie and then chimping out when Trump beats Biden cause of their own party incompetence.
Bernie and co will split from the democrats. I’m calling it now
I agree that biden moggs bernie but I like biden because bernie has the worst kind of supporters. The radical feminists and the tranny freaks support bernie. As a low value (ugly) male I cannot support a candidate who has the backing of people who want me dead because of my subpar looks.
Also Biden was still an incel according to this site, he would be rated 4.5 max here
But for normies, he is GL for sure and thats all that matters
No Biden was unirocinally at least chadlite in his youth. He is also VERY tall for his generation. I height mogg pretty much all boomers and Biden is taller than me.
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