Best feel good or appetite suppresing drug to take during cutting?



Jan 13, 2022
I have seen so many drugs thrown about, dont have access to addy & its hard to get in England, I need something that destroys the desire for food/feeling for it, junk food gives such a good dopamine flush I need to remove it so I dont rely on it as a stress reliever, I heard bupropion is good & atexpta too, idc about the "after effects"
of using these drugs, I havent ran a test cycle and added size just to not be shredded, when you have a life and job it becomes difficult to sustain/stay motivated, im gonna lose my mind if I dont get shredded
adderall, clen, or caffeine+Excedrin
Focus on high protein and high fiber foods, avoid high calorie carbs that lack fiber.

You don't need drugs.
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Focus on high protein and high fiber foods, avoid high calorie carbs that lack fiber.

You don't need drugs.

I have 220-240 a day, im an advanced lifter, im at like 15% bf @ 91kg🤣 (180cm)never had to cut in my life as been ecto asf but I think using tren nuked my dopamine or some shit in my brain because im depressed without food or easily demotivated, i dont eat to cope with stress although it helps, i eat because i can, i do a 7000 calorie binge like 3 times a week and because im barely getting fat from it its easier for me fall back into it(im doing cardio still tho so that might help), only on trt dose rn doe
adderall, clen, or caffeine+Excedrin

nah clen wont suppress appetite, caffiene is good but I dont wanna fuck with my sleep, struggle enough with that as it is
If you lose the weight using supplements to keep your shit in check, chances are you're going relapse and become a fat fuck again.

Now that we got that disclaimer out of the way.

You WILL feel hungry while cutting, no way around that. The best way is discipline and a diet plan.

If you are so weak willed that you can't do that then there are these things that I have found that help:

Nicotine, great for stimulation & appetite suppression, can be used vaped, chewed, snus ect. Just don't do cigarettes.

Caffeine is good, but black only, also has antioxidants, great for mornings, try not to drink it past 5pm for optimal sleep

If you wanna go hardcore there is the ECA stac, but do that at your own risk, it can get sketchy.

Ultimately, healthy habits are the only way long term.
nicotine lozenges between meals
nah clen wont suppress appetite, caffiene is good but I dont wanna fuck with my sleep, struggle enough with that as it is
First of all clen causes your body to burn more calories which is even better than suppressing appetite for your goal. Second of all every drug that is reasonable for the use case of appetite supression is a stimulant that can fuck with your sleep so you're shit out of luck then. Can't have your cake and eat it too buddy
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Ephedrine is good
First of all clen causes your body to burn more calories which is even better than suppressing appetite for your goal. Second of all every drug that is reasonable for the use case of appetite supression is a stimulant that can fuck with your sleep so you're shit out of luck then. Can't have your cake and eat it too buddy

Yes true but with clen your getting an extra 100-150 cals burned, DNP is a real fat burner, clen should be saved for lower percentages, I would rather use addy as a stim because you have a nuked appetite/desire for food, more energy & better mood, but i dont have access to it in England
ECA, easy. Modafinil and Amphetamine are good too
If you lose the weight using supplements to keep your shit in check, chances are you're going relapse and become a fat fuck again.

Now that we got that disclaimer out of the way.

You WILL feel hungry while cutting, no way around that. The best way is discipline and a diet plan.

If you are so weak willed that you can't do that then there are these things that I have found that help:

Nicotine, great for stimulation & appetite suppression, can be used vaped, chewed, snus ect. Just don't do cigarettes.

Caffeine is good, but black only, also has antioxidants, great for mornings, try not to drink it past 5pm for optimal sleep

If you wanna go hardcore there is the ECA stac, but do that at your own risk, it can get sketchy.

Ultimately, healthy habits are the only way long term.

thats the thing im not fat, I have a fast metabolism but it can only do so much, im 15% rn and thats after 7000 calorie binges 3x a week, if I lost that weight it take a lot to add it back on since i lift heavy & for good volume, I might try that ECA
ECA, easy. Modafinil and Amphetamine are good too

moda doesnt help, might try ECA, and I dont have access to any of the good amphetamines
moda doesnt help, might try ECA, and I dont have access to any of the good amphetamines
Yeah Moda and most other stims weren't enough for me to suppress hunger either. Now that I'm doing keto, the appetite supressants work like they're supposed to, I guess there's a synergy.
just use 150-200mL yogurt about 20 ice cubes and blend that
Yeah Moda and most other stims weren't enough for me to suppress hunger either. Now that I'm doing keto, the appetite supressants work like they're supposed to, I guess there's a synergy.

are the ECA stacks listed on google
fake? as far as im aware eph isnt illegal in England and is legal??
are the ECA stacks listed on google
fake? as far as im aware eph isnt illegal in England and is legal??
I think in England Ephedrine might be available OTC as a decongestant. ECA stands for caffeine, ephedrine and aspirin, and the aspirin isn't particularly important. C and E are synergistic.
thats the thing im not fat, I have a fast metabolism but it can only do so much, im 15% rn and thats after 7000 calorie binges 3x a week, if I lost that weight it take a lot to add it back on since i lift heavy & for good volume, I might try that ECA
Lmao, what the fuck are you talking about, get real.

Just dont do 3x binges, instead eat 3500kcal and you will have a deficit of 10500kcal, if we take that 1kg of burned fat is around 7000kcal that means you already would have lost 1kg.

I highly doubt you have a fast metabolism which can burn 7k kcal, that would be a shit ton of physical activity.

Idk why it is so hard for you to do a normal diet. That is by all means the best way.

Maybe instead of trying to find supplements for it, ask yourself why you can't stick to a diet...
never heard of that, will it nuke the desire for food?
it's not magic for me nothing truly nukes the desire for food even meth you need discipline but it helps alot
All drugs come with a crash that is proportional to the high or feelgood effect. Stim-based suppressants will just intensify hunger later in the day. If you want satiety without any downside or crash then just eat tons of meat. I guarantee you will feel full for a surprisingly long time.
He goes over drugs and supplements in the ending, the entire video is worth a watch though.

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