Best kept secret in the world about white girls with lower standards

It's the french girls. I honestly never wanted to say it because I wanted to keep it a secret but I wanna help the community.
French girls have the lowest standards about guys appearance. Only Paris is a little bit different, in the rest of the country you'll see girls dating mediocre guys.
Even asian guys with cute white girls are pretty common, even in Paris. The girls also like hipsters and are sweet

Well, you don't believe me? Your loss.
By giving this advice I almost lost a piece of me, a big secret has been revealed

le lel beta this is me & my french gf keep coping
She is average. Stop being proud of her.Just another 6/10 foid.
Im fcking incel in France
FUCKING OVER FOR ME :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree: :feelsree:

I don't agree about EE
Girls there are just gold diggers, they don't have low standards
I've been to Ukraine, most 18yo nice girls are with 18yo good looking ukraininan girls. The exceptions are men with money

I repeat, French girls have the lowest standars....the are the most likely to give you a shot
Try the south of europe, spain italy and portugal are basically an open-air brothel
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This is true my short bald soft spoken boss has a 5/10 skinny french wife
I'm white, 6'1, good ribcage frame, crap wrists frame and dark eye color. Can i slay ukrainians?

Very possible. You have photo of yourself? Feel free to PM.

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