Mogs every asian guy ever jfl niggas legit think overly forward cheekbones due to flat maxillas and flat nasions/brow ridges are attractive :lul:
Dnrd you're 70 IQ+low t rat
>Time online174d 21h 2m

ROFL this kid has no life irl holy shit
>Masculine side profile
>Recessed chin
Every midget white boy I see IRL has a recessed chin with no jawline. MUH JBW
>Time online174d 21h 2m

ROFL this kid has no life irl holy shit
Coming from the gook who feels the need to prove his fragile race on an incel forum, also been here for like 3 years already keep coping chink
  • JFL
Reactions: Chadeep, Babyblackcarrot, Deleted member 12827 and 1 other person
Not a word you flat faced permabloat cheeked insect looking ass troll
Can't relate ROFL. My face is forward grown unlike yours which needs a lefort 10 from years of retarded mouthbreathing. INB4 PROJECTION COPE ONLY USED BY 13 YEAR OLDS
Can't relate ROFL. My face is forward grown unlike yours which needs a lefort 10 from years of retarded mouthbreathing. INB4 PROJECTION COPE ONLY USED BY 13 YEAR OLDS

“Very flat faces in the transverse plane are the most common condition in eastern Asians.”
:lul: :lul: :lul:

Keep coping you insect, back on ignore the trolls go
Also keep posting shitty white pseudo-science studies for me you 1.2 FWHR RAT FACED FAGGOT
No white person looks like that ROFL.
White men are definitely closer to looking like that than any Asian guy.

No, it's mostly Caucasoids who have recessed, convex mouths ROFL.
Do you even know what CONVEX means retard? Asians have convex mouths and the images YOU posted evidence it lmao, whites have for the most part flat mouths.

White men are definitely closer to looking like that than any Asian guy.

Do you even know what CONVEX means retard? Asians have convex mouths and the images YOU posted evidence it lmao, whites have for the most part flat mouths.

Flat mouth=neoteny IT'S OVER FOR WHITES
Have fun with your recessed lower maxillas ROFL

>White men are definitely closer to looking like that than any Asian guy.
No, white people have recessed lower thirds. They can never actually look like Superman.
Last edited:
Coming from the gook who feels the need to prove his fragile race on an incel forum, also been here for like 3 years already keep coping chink

So OP is PunchFace from Lookism? That explains it all jfl.
Mirin that 13 inches neck, asians are indeed superior!
Also forgot to mention the average white boy has necks the size of a 12 year old girl's WRISTS LMFAO

So OP is PunchFace from Lookism? That explains it all jfl.
You have schizophrenia and it shows, thinking I'm some other kid on this retarded/funny site.
@Nutbuster420 I literally just came here dipshit
reads like a @BigJimsWornOutTires copypasta ngl
  • JFL
Reactions: BigJimsWornOutTires
reads like a @BigJimsWornOutTires copypasta ngl
The American culture is centered around Chinese. They have holidays for Chinese. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free Chinese. They listen to Chinese music. They elect a Chinese as their president. They dress and act like Chinese. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from Chinese. They post sassy gifs about Chinese. They watch sportsball in worship of Chinese. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of Chinese playing sports. They use Chineseslang like "cao ni ma" and "bi". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the Chinese. Their cities are completely overrun with Chinese. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with Chineseand their global police force of soldiers filled with Chinese. They sided with the Chinese in Angola, Mozambique, Rhodesia and South Africa against the whites. Their men sit around watching Chineseball while their women sit around watching Chinese talk shows and fantasizing about Chinese dick. They worship Chinese like Zhao Lei and Hao Yunxiang and Yaoming and while attacking the whites who actually built their country before Chinese took over. Their movies are filled with Chinese and their music charts are topped by Chinese. They send Chinese to the Olympics and celebrate when the Chinese win because those Chinese are true red blooded Chinese . They watch Chinese porn to a point where "BBC (BIG BEIJING COCK)" does not make them think of an international media company but about Chinese penises instead.
  • JFL
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Posting full-res pictures from my starter post cus this site is shit at formatting ROFL
  • JFL
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I am aware you jerk off to porn and hentai all day--which is ironic, because you don't even have a foreskin! You will never know the pleasure that an intact man has, you will never be whole, and you will never un-kike the basest and most significant part of your existence. Your dolichocephalic recessed cheekbones look gaunt. Your bug-like, low canthal tilt eyes make you look eternally fatigued. Your race is destined to be cucked by ANY nonwhite--Turks, Blacks, Arabs, Asians, even Jews. Europe's been a cumdumpster since the beginning of time. Everything remotely good about your race comes from its women. Which is why despite living in a society that coddles white 'men' you are still getting outbred by Nonwhites on a daily basis. China's rise outshadows your pathetic "Nations" growth--you are living in the Asian century. Your women are getting taken by nonwhites, left, right and centre. Obesity is somehow worse than it was before (is that even possible? lol) and drug addiction and fentanyl epidemics are running rampant. And to top it all off, you will never have a woman. You will never have a foreskin. And you will never be an indigenous European. Your downfall is inevitable, try not to rope QAnon. It never began for "whites".

I understand europoids have little foresight and cannot think too far ahead or back in history. I'll break it down in a way your tiny brain can understand. Y-DNA haplogroups are gene markers, on your Y chromosome, which trace the genetic record of your male ancestors. It's literally a genetic surname, unchanged and passed from father to son for millennia. Europeans have something called Haplogroup R, Q and N. If you carry these haplogroups, you are a rape baby of Asian ancestry. Tatar turkics invaded Russia, Avars did so as well. Siberian Corded ware Aryans colonized the entire continent from the east. Chinese reindeer herders outbred europoids, became the Uralic peoples, and forced their way into Finland, Russia, Sweden, and the Baltics. The Inuits fucked the Welsh and Vikings despite being isolated backwooders. Magyar turkics FOUNDED Hungary, the Mongols owned all of Eastern Europe. The Huns conquered as far west as Paris. Through these millennia of invasions, Y haplogroups R, Q, N, and C have dominated europe, displacing the original G and I lineages almost completely. The only caucasian haplogroups are GHIJ, and of those only I is uniquely european (J and G come from the middle east). Oh and to add insult to injury, haplogroup E comes from africa, you mulatto.

The only reason "white people" ascended to the level they have is geographic luck. Mongol invasions brought Eastern stirrup tech, and warfare tactics. Asia and Mesoamerica never had a Dark age or regression as significant as Europe's fall of Rome. The only reason you lucked out was because you were on an easy-mode distance from the american continent. And even after all that, you still managed to lose your empires and colonies. Euro birthrates are even lower than Japanese ones when "POC" immigration is accounted for. Your people are getting bred by nonwhites faster than a malignant melanoma (pun intended). Inceldom continues to rise with mayocels offing themselves and shooting women out of frustration, with only 12% of under-20 white boys being able to touch a woman. Your race is dying.

Your dolichocephalic recessed cheekbones look gaunt. Your bug-like, low canthal tilt eyes make you look eternally fatigued. Your race is destined to be cucked by ANY nonwhite--Turks, Blacks, Arabs, Asians, even Jews. Europe's been a cumdumpster since the beginning of time. Everything remotely good about your race comes from its women. Which is why despite living in a society that coddles white 'men' you are still getting outbred by Nonwhites on a daily basis. China's rise outshadows your pathetic "Nations" growth--you are living in the Asian century. Your women are getting taken by nonwhites, left, right and centre. Obesity is somehow worse than it was before (is that even possible? lol) and drug addiction and fentanyl epidemics are running rampant. And to top it all off, you will never have a woman. You will never have a foreskin. And you will never be an indigenous European. Your downfall is inevitable, try not to rope QAnon. It never began for "whites".
Ugh. Boogers.

And the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on etc etc.
Download 12
Download 13
Images 3
Download 14
Prototypical unattractive
Images 4
74396e83a0cb7112b94bb791429373953abe7b9cf23aac793f0b9f4929cc84ba 1
And the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on etc etc.

Whites don't have recessed lower maxillas, it is just that we don't have flat upper maxillas and browridges, we don't have anteroinclined teeth and our chins actually protrude.

Asian vs White skull:

ROFL at "studies" that try to make Asians look more recessed than Europeans when we easily jaw/zygo/fwhr mog them
Yeah, flat mouth=neoteny. Whites have recessed lower maxillas
>Average male bizygomatic width by ethnicity:
Korean: 147.6 mm
Chinese: 147.5 mm
Japanese: 147.2 mm
Thai: 147.1 mm
Vietnamese: 144.0 mm
Black American: 139.5 mm
White American: 137.1 mm

Smaller, narrower face=more neoteny
> The Mongoloid subjects were found to have approximately 20% higher bone density at the angle of mandible than Caucasoid subjects (P = 0.0094 for males, P = 0.0004 for females). Race is the most important variable associated with bone density. Mongoloid subjects should be given a higher exposure for panoramic radiography than that normally used for Caucasoid subjects.

The SiH/StH ratio is higher in Asians than in Europeans or Africans. It is lowest in North Indians.
Asians have the greatest torso-length-to-height ratio of all ethnicities.

Asians have the same wingspan-to-height ratio as Whites, but greater wingspan-to-leg-length ratio, and not only relative to Whites but also to Africans.

This is called the robust build.

The long bones of australopiths were more robust, that is, they have thicker walls ... short legs, small femoral heads, small knee joints surface that are particularly ... long arms with particularly long forearms, a robust lateral epicondylar crest on ...
... in general terms these australopithecines have relatively long arms, short legs, ... General characteristics These are the so-called robust australopithecines or ...

In biology, robustness is used to describe a species with a morphology based on strength and a heavy build. The alternative morphology is the gracile body type.

The term gracile—and its opposite, robust—occur in discussion of the morphology of various hominids for example.
Africans have long arms and long legs and short torsos. Whites have regular arms and long legs and regular torsos. Asians have regular arms and short legs and long torsos.

The leverages of the robust build are ideal for squatting, deadlifting, benching, Olympic weightlifting, and many other fundamental lifts and exercises.

Asian skulls are also robust, (but that's a topic for another post).

[2:16 AM] "The sexual dimorphism in 2D:4D was present across ethnic and country groupings, suggesting that it is universal in humans. However, there was also evidence that mean 2D:4D varied across ethnic groups with higher ratios for Whites, Non-Chinese Asians, and Mid-Easterners and lower ratios in Chinese and Black samples. There were significant differences in 2D:4D across sexual orientation groups but these were confined to men. Male homosexuals and bisexuals had higher mean 2D:4D (suggesting exposure to lower prenatal T) than heterosexuals."
> After adjustment for age and Quetelet's index, the levels of total and bioavailable testosterone were highest in Asian-Americans, intermediate in African-Americans, and lowest in whites. In both US and Chinese men, TT, FT, and Bio T concentration peaked at 20–24 years of age, at 23.19, 0.49, and 12.23 nmol/l in US men, and 20.72, 0.48 and 12.59 nmol/l in Chinese men, respectively. Among those aged 18–24 years, after adjusting for age, US men had higher TT (mean, 95% confidence interval: 21.64, 21.31–21.99 versus 20.20, 20.12–20.28 nmol/l), but not FT (0.47, 0.47–0.48 versus 0.47, 0.47–0.47 nmol/l) or Bio T (11.90, 11.83–11.97 versus 12.39, 12.35–12.42 nmol/l) than Chinese men. After adjustment for age and Quetelet's index, the levels of total and bioavailable testosterone were highest in Asian-Americans, intermediate in African-Americans, and lowest in whites.
> White men produced greater volumes of semen on average; however, Asian men had higher sperm concentrations and total sperm count. A lower proportion of Asian men compared to white men had semen quality in the suboptimal range for most semen parameters, whereas a higher proportion of white men were found to have azoospermia. Stratification by BMI groups attenuated the observed differences between whites and Asians, yet Asian male semen quality remained higher.
Unknown 2
Unknown 4

Ingush, Dagestani, Kalmyk conscripts would bullying Russian Slavic soldiers and spray paint their heads with "Ingush power" "Dagestani power" "Kavkaz power" and take those photographs. Dagestani soldiers bullying Russian Slavic soldiers again. >Mother Of Russian Soldier Found Dead Demands Probe >Hazing is a big problem in the Russian army. In this file photo, a man stands in front of other soldiers with letters that make out the word "Dagestan" on their backs. >Mother Of Russian Soldier Found Dead Demands Probe
  • Woah
Reactions: Numb The Pain
>tfw youre the majority ethnic group of a country named after your people but still get hazed and humiliated by caucasus, central asian and siberian soldiers
  • JFL
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  • +1
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Gook cope. Dont even dare compare us finno-ugrics and our Turkic brothers to Koreans or other chinks. North Asians are diffrent from East Asians. Turkics and even mongols had aryan ancestry that is where their warrior and horse tradtitions came from.
The average asian has recessed chin, no browridge (Lol), no prominent cheekbones and flat wide noses similar to blacks. Only a few that doesn't have those features plus high cheekbones, zygos and over 5'10 can get laid. You honestly think this guy can get a good matches on Tinder?? Maybe a landwhale.

Gook cope. Dont even dare compare us finno-ugrics and our Turkic brothers to Koreans or other chinks. North Asians are diffrent from East Asians. Turkics and even mongols had aryan ancestry that is where their warrior and horse tradtitions came from.
ROFL at this little cucklet. You're saying this when the entire white race came from the ballsacks of Mongoloid men (It's genetically proven, I posted it as the starter). A pinkoid would look at your Turkic "brother" and a Chinese and call them both chinks. China also had heavy warrior tradition JFL look at all the wars we've fought. INB4 GENGHIS HAD GREEN EYES CUS SOME IRANIAN SAID SO ONE HUNDRED YEARS AFTER HE DIED!!
  • JFL
Reactions: Numb The Pain
The average asian has recessed chin, no browridge (Lol), no prominent cheekbones and flat wide noses similar to blacks. Only a few that doesn't have those features plus high cheekbones, zygos and over 5'10 can get laid. You honestly think this guy can get a good matches on Tinder?? Maybe a landwhale.

View attachment 1065096
Take a step out of your tiny attic, fag. Yes there are some recessed Asians but the MAJORITY of Asians have SUPERIOR bone structure compared to whites.
Download 15
Average Northern Chinese Man
Peaskulled North Atlantid Rat
  • +1
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The average asian has recessed chin, no browridge (Lol), no prominent cheekbones and flat wide noses similar to blacks. Only a few that doesn't have those features plus high cheekbones, zygos and over 5'10 can get laid. You honestly think this guy can get a good matches on Tinder?? Maybe a landwhale.

View attachment 1065096
The average asian actually looks worse than that lol.

  • JFL
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