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How To get a Pro card :
(Contrairly too the previous thread this one i don’t give a fuck about your health all i care about is you staying alive and winning your pro card that supposing you have atleast slightly above average genetics (you’ll need 6/10 genetics) and have balls of steel and sheer fucking will
(Medical disclaimer : Do not do this protocol this thread doesn’t contain any Medical advice , i am not a doctor This thread is only for entertainment only if you truly Want to compete on stage this isn’t for beginners this is literally sacrificing your health i want do this cycle unless im 100% sure this is what i want to do for the rest of my life this is a Carear plan
Supposing you have atleast 1 year of steroid use under your belt you probably aware of the sude effects)
So their are 5 rules for you to aquire your pro card those are :
1)you should be 21 or older (Sorry your not jeff seid also shoutout to people who think that jeff seid is natural that mf was in the fucking mr olympia you dumbass ni….gerian political figure)
2)you should have 4-7 years of natty training on your belt with 1-2 years of enhanced training a good measure to value if you are ready or not is strenght go see if you have atleast advanced levels of strengh in key compound movement
3)you don’t have any major health issue if you already have issues (diabaetes heart kidney or liver complications ect…..) now that the gear would only make them worse or bine health problem like scholiosis or severe oestroporosis or have a low blood cell count basicaly being an average dude is actually being an above average dude
4)have atleast slightly more than average genetics what i mean about that you have decent insertion you don’t find a problem eating a lot off food you rate of muscle growth seems normal your pr keep increasing week by week even if its 1 rep its still progress that all and your height is between (165 cm-188 cm anything taller or shorter than that you’ll have problem aesthetically speaking) and also you wnt to have atleast an average bideltoid of 48 cm which is strange knowing that arnold looked massive on photos while he had a 56 cm bideltoid while being a hipcel and have a desk or at home job that doesn’t stress you out
Thats pay you enough thatt you can affford this lifestyle .
The 5th rule would be at the end of the thread
So their will be 2 chapters with 4 phases
2)Gear and Supps
3) Diet
*1 Chapter* (off season)
for the Mike mentzer&Dorian yates fans
(Soucesmid:25546444/Pmid :31868813 /Pmid :30153194for the high volume keep in mind those study are on natty lifters so omagine the gains on gear )
(Pmid: 20581041 Showing that low volume is effective than moderate volume)
Talking about Mike mentzer every set would be taken to failure because you can’t truly
Track Rpe also im sure all of you gymcels watches pumping iron documentary and their this scene we’re arnold say that the last reps of the set are the most anabolic reps of the reps well turn out ots true those reps are called myo-reps and those are the most anabolic reps of the set and that’s why low volume advocate ise something like rest-pause
fullbody workout 3-4x per week 1 day in 1 day
Off so why did i chose full body i know a lot of you are gonna say protein synthesis but protein synthesis is irrelevant when your on gear its mainly because Full body workout lower inhibits myostatin better than split workout and remember we wanna maximize everything even the slighest growth
So before we start i have to adress some things first training naturally is mush different from training on gear when training naturaly you should always seek so first :
1)you should always seek performance How strong you are will equal how big you are while when your on gear its start getting screwed because when your on gear you start responding to a variety of stimulus how mish weight in the bar is irrelevant the only thing that matter is the volume of mecjanical tens
ion applied to the muscle yes i know training strenght while on steroids is important but as not important as training strength while natural the reason behins it is helps with myonuclei in the muscle and also androgen receptors and with gear its gonna be mush more Op and also keep on track with your strength cause it help you see of you are losing muscle while on the cutting phase .
2)the stretch buy that i mean the full stretch of muscle like the pause at the end of the rep the stretch is no that important natty training because it wouldn’t help that mush you might lose 2.5-20 % (highly depending on the muscle or exercise) same for training on gear so why would i give attention to that is that because even the slightest amount of gains missed could make you lose you could literally as big as all the competitors in every muscle but be placed 5th because you left biceps is lacking its as brutal as what mention so we want to make sure that you don’t miss anything on the table that you use every pink twist every negative
3)the pump it works it just works for some reason pump workouts work in enhanced lifter (not in natty lifters you’ll be dumb to train with the pump as a natural lifter mainly because of
Nitrogen bs that im not gonna discuss right now because Nerddddd and also worst case scenario even if it not effective it show you if you have slept well eated well
So our full body will be like this :
Big muscle groups :
Compound movement from choice (1 set to failure in the 3-7 rep range)
(Note : the exercise you should chose shouldn’t Fry you Cns like Squats or Deadlift or ohp avoid those chose alternative like machine Compound variants of those same exercise ect……
Take stretch Isolation exercises (5 sets to failure in the 6-35 rep range and add in drop sets till’s you can’t literally lift anymore you shouldn’t exeed 10 drop sets)
Then a pump exercise to see if your not alteady pumped
So because im nice I’ll do examples of it but feel free to change the exercise :
Week 1) Monday:Full body 1
Tuesday : rest
Wednesday : Full body 2
Thursday : rest
Friday : Full body 1
Saturday : rest
Sunday : Full body 2
Week 2) Monday : rest
Tuesday : Full body 1
Wednesday : rest
Thursday : Full body 2
Friday : rest
Saturday : Full body 1
Sunday : rest
Week 3) Monday : Full body 2
Tuesday : rest
Wednesday : Full body 1
Thursday : rest
Friday : Full body 2
Saturday : rest
Sunday : Full body 1
Week 4) Monday : rest
Tuesday : Full body 2
Wednesday : rest
Thursday : Full body 1
Friday : rest
Saturday : Full body 2
Sunday : rest
Take the rest of the month (2-3 days depending in the months) at the exemption of february you take a whole week off
(Note : i Would like you in this protocol to always train in the same hours if you can its not mandatory just optimal) you aslo want to take a whole week off before training
Full Body 1 : Hack Squats (1 set to failure 3-7 reps )
Smith machine Rdl (1 set to failure 3-7 reps )
Bulgarian Split squats (1 set to failure 3-7 reps)
Wide grip Neutral Lat pull down (1 set to failure 3-7 reps)
Machine row (1 set to failure 3-7 reps range)
Incline Db bench press (1 set to failure 3-7 rep range)
Weighted Dips (1 set to gailure 3-7 reps)
Inverted grip Seated Cable row (1 set to failure 3-7 reps)
Seated Machine shoulder press (1 set to failure 3-7 reps)
Note: 5-10 min of rest period between exercise
Full body 2 : Leg extension 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
Seated leg curl 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
Leg press Calf raise 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
Cable chest fly 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
Cable pull overs 5 sets (+multiple dropsets )
Smith machine shrugs 5 sets (+multiple dropsets sets)
Supinated 1 arm Cable preasher curl 5 sets (+multiple dropsets sets)
Rope hammer curl 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
1 arm Cable triceps extension 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
1 arm Db triceps extension 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
1 arm Cable lateral raise 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
Note:rest period shouldn’t exceed 2 min in sets and 30 s in drop sets
The rep ranges are between 6-30 reps
Also at the end of the session do 30 min of low intinsity Cardio (130 bpm) that’s to help you with your hearth health and also help with blood pressure management
Not mandatory but you could also use the sauna with cold exposure just after for 15 min 3x per week for health benefits (do not do that you dont wanna end up like zyzz)
Yes ahhh thats painfully even looking at it give me the chills that not training that torture but don’t let anything make you forget your dream and why you are doing this for now
Now the moment everyone waiting for the fucking roids
Gear :
The base test duhhh
Testosterone enanthate 80 mg daily
(The reason of daily injection is to mitigate the risk the more frequent you inject the less side effects)
For the Oral :
Oxymethalone 100 mg with 20 mg tamoxifen only in Full body 1 day
Oxandrolone 20 mg during the whole cycle
A lot of thing just overate liver toxicity and shit bitch its either your drugs are mess up or else its just placebo cause they literally literature of little girls in burned to the 3rd degree being prescribed high dose oxymethalone or oxandrolone for her to quickly heal from the damage were talking about an 8 year old using
20-50 mg anavar or using 100-150 mg Oxymethalone for like 6-12 months treatment without any liver or any basic health control
(Their is 2 options :
Either you take Nandralone with Something to control your estrogen (if you have family pattern boldness running in your family)
Or you take Primo or Masteron or Boldenone )
i. 80 mg Nandrolone propionate daily with Exemestane why exemestane cause its the safest estrogen blocker you’ll take so you just take exemestane you (do blood work to determine the dosage start with 12.5 mg if its not enough increase the dose) you can also Spam natural supplements to keep you estrogen in check I’ll show you how to that in the next thread )
ii. 80 mg drostanolone enanthate (i know what you will be telling me why Masteron in the off season its so androgenic and has metabolites that will fry my hair line the reason behind me taking Masteron is as you can see you only take anadrol only in Full body 1 days it might fuck your blood concentration levels i know that but anadrol and superdrol are popular to give you mystery gyno and you surely don’t want that to happen that why even put nolvadex with it (im scared of you having blood clots thats why the tamoxifen wasn’t daily) isn’t enought because anadrol has priority on the estrogen blocker pr some shit nahh anadrol is really the weirdest steroid by far also dont use fucking anadrol if you never used it for some reason its just anecdotal masteron metabolites block anadrol gyno that why
iii. 80 mg metenolone enanthate daily its a safe dht derivative literraly one of the safest steroids help you control your estrogen overall 10/10 steroid
iiii. 100 mg boldenone undelynecate daily its a testosterone derivative also but has estrogen blocking effect its also pretty safe its just harsh on your kidneys but you can bypass that when we skip to the health part over all 10/10 steroid
You can also mix them just have basic knowledge on steroids if i had the choice i would’ve sone that :
60 mg testosterone enanthate
30 mg Boldenone undelynecate
40 mg drostanolone enanthate
50 mg Oxymethalone on full body 1 days
With 20 mg tamoxifen
15 mg oxandrolone daily
For the Growth hormone i recommend using only 4 iu (you can go up to 8 iu if your a rich cell) and combine it with otherSecrataguogues and peptidds the reason behind it is that growth hormonz isnt just one type you need multiplz growth hormones and when you you injtct your pituitary stop producing them so using peptides and secreataguoges would be more interesting also too save up money
So you have your 4-8 iu of hgh
Theen you’ll take with it 25 mg of mk 667
With 200 mcg of Cjc 295 No dac daily
And 200 mcg of ipamorelin
So next i would like to usee increlex as igf-1 but i know a lot od you wouldn’t know how to get it so will just use either with lr3 or Des (note you use igf-1 only in training days and if you use igf-1 des use it after your workout because its half time is so short) for the dosage its anything between 2-5 mg is a maximum daily
To avoid bubble gut some literraly feel their intestines growing while on igf-1
(Don’t think hgh and igf-1 is a free ridee youll
The price off it later that shit is multiplying your chance of cancer)
Insulin : Really this is one of the phew steroids that can actually kill you up just can’t tall you exactly how mush to take its highly individual if you wanna take it feel free but do your fucking research insulin is no joke
Also you can add an angiotensin inhibitor of your choice
Also for you brain health you’ll be taking :
50 mg Modafinil pre workout that training is like torture so using dopamine will trick your brain into liking it
Also take 25 mg Dhea and 25 mg pregnolone cause you are going to be suppressed of the steroids your using natural neuro steroids so you wanna replace them
1 g of Semak with 1 g of Selank the reason bzhind using both of them is that like said before do to you frying your CNs with all those sets to failure you need something to help you fight that maybe you could recover physiologically but want psychologicaly so that’s why were using Semak and Selank
So know for the health supplements :
200 mg Aspirin to lower inflammation
500 mg Citrus bergamot dor your lipids and cholesterol(you could also use 5 mg Cardarine it has been shown to have good benefits also at that low of a dose don’t worry about cancer risk)
200 mg injecatble glutathione
250 mg Tudca take. multiple times throughout the day (take it with a meal)
500 mg Berberine for Blood sugar control take it just after your workout is finished
500 mg of Astrafaglus root for kidney health
Take 5-10 mg Cialis and do not use Telmisrtan only as a last resort at 40 mg cause if you already using telmisartan ow boy your pretty mush fucked basicaly
Legit Supplements: Creatine monohydrate 5g
L carnitine 2g
Not Mandatory stuff :
Yohimbine 5 g
Hcg 500 iu 3x per week (if you wanna be fertile or have balls but do not use it if your deca because 19 nors fucks anything related to fertility so byby lh and )
For the diet you’ll basically want to Bulk up
For you to compete you’ll need an ffmi of 29 at a very lean bf% (4-6% bf territory) so you’ll basicaly go on ana ffmi calculaor and see how big you are and how many lb should you add for you to get 30 ffmi why 30 and not 29 just in case their multiple factors that might scew ffmi like water retention ect…..
so worst case scenario you would be 28 which is literally golden era level then your gonna see how push you still have for your competition and divide the number of lb you need to achieve your goals and the time you need lets say as an example you have 30 weeks before competition and you now you need 14 weeks for the cutting phase so you have 16 weeks remained your currently and you now your lets say 203 lb at 12 % and you calculated that you need to be 240 lb at 20 % to have an ffmi of 30 then you’ll basicaly bulk up to 240 lb while making sure you do not exeed 20% bf (just don’t worry too mush the drugs are probably gonna make all the calories go to muscle trust me just don’t exceed your maintenance with 3000 calories godammit that stupid)So for the caloric Calculation i cant tell you nothing you can use one online
Now for the diet you’ll need yo be taking 2 g of protein /lb of bodyweight you onviously need more proteinthe studies of 1g are for natty lifters training with a split routine not someone enhanced training full body high intensity high volume heavy workout does it majestic any sense do you take ronnie coleman was eating 1g of protein /lb of bodyweight no (atleast 100 g of fat composing majority of it from Saturated fat for health reasons) and fill the rest with Carbs
For water intake you’ll need 3-5 L of Water depending on you go calculate how mush water your need per day on google (Water is anabolic)
(Note:take the majority of your carbs before your workout and after your workout those are the best moment to eat the maximum amount of carbs also you can take moderate dose of sugar in this program (do not exceed 100 g) just take it slightly before or after your workout id recommend chocolate because of epicatechin that lowers myostatin id also recommend your carb source to have a low glycemic index)
You’ll also wanna take 1 meal every 3 hours and you take with it 1 capsule and 1 soft gel of a reputabal multivitamin and fish oil with it
(Im sorry for not giving examples but for the diet part it’s extremely specific)
Now for the second part the cutting phase for the training
Full body 1) would be the same nothing will chnage in this part I’ll want you to maintain or slightly atleast the level of strength you had in your bulking phase also the rep range are gonna change to 5-7 reps
For Full body 2) Wouldn’t change except no more drop sets you’ll just drop the Volume to 2 sets with no drop sets this time you’ll want to maintain or increase the weight you were lifting
No more pump just performance alone
And you’ll replace the cardio with daily fasted 30 min HIIT cardio in the morning and your gonna remove Sauna if you were doing it before do you wanna end up like zyzz
Gear and Diet :
So week 14-10 : for Calories you’ll drop them buy -300 from your maintenance and for your Diet you’ll temporarily lower your fat intake to 60 g and your protein intake to 1g/lb of bodyweight and you will make most of your calories to Carbs you also gonna increase your water intake by 1L
So for the cycle nothing will change just the androgens and the HGH pathway gonna change also we’re gonna add more compounds and the supplements you were using in the first phase are still gonna be used in prep like creatine l carnitine yohimbine ect….
And you’ll add to that Cortisol inhibiting cycle
So it has two main reason behind it is to fet rid of visceral fat that number one and number two is to keep you in check from stress to keep you calm in prep knowing the competition is approashing day by day
Week 14-10 :
4 iu of Hgh
400 mg of test enanthate 2x per week (800 total)
250 mg of Equipose undelynecate (500 total)
Nandrolone propionate (500 total)
(you choose i think your are already educated enough with all the information i gave you in the first section for you to start making some choices )
200 mg Drostanolone 2x per week (400 total)
Orals :
We have the choice between
Anadrol 50 mg daily
Dbol 30 mg daily
With 30 mg anavar daily
20 mg nolvadex
With 1 mg arimdex every 3 days
50 mcg of T3
With 80 mcg of clenbuterol daily
So from what you read you already started to notice it started to get hard it started to get dark that why i was so obsessed to harm mitigate in the first section its like in a video game you have your health you don’t wanna lose your health on those easy ennemies you wanna let as mush health for the final boss
Basicaly You don’t wanna shoot at your legs from the first cycle if you start you using ment superdrol halotestin tren in the off season your health is already fucked before the prep
Now for week 10-6
Your gonna increase your fat intake and protein back to what it was and fill the rest of your calories with carbs your also gonna make your water intake the same it was before
Your gonna be using 6 iu of hgh
400 mg of testosterone enanthate 2x per week (800 mg total)
300 mg Boldenone undelynecate 2x per week
(600 mg total)
200 mg Drostanolone enanthate 2x per week
(400 mg total)
For the Oral don’t change anything just add on top of it Mastetolone at 50 mg and remove the oxandrolone
Take 20 mg tamoxifen daily
And take 1 mg arimidex every 3x/week
And 80 mcg of clenbuterol
Week 6-4 : so for the diet your gonna be eating half of your maintenance calories you’ll be eating 1g of protein/lb of Bw and 60 g of fats and fill the rest with carbs :
Your gonna be using :
6 iu of hgh
200 mg testosterone propionate daily (1400 mg total)
100 mg trenbolone acetate daily (700 mg total)
100 mg Drostanolone propionate (700 mg total)
100 mg methenolone enanthate (700 mg total)
250 mg Sustanon 2x/ week (500 mg total)
75 mg injectable stranazol daily
Orals :
50 mg oxandrolone
50 mg masterolone
1 mg arimidex daily
80 mcg clenbuterol
50 mcg T3
Week 4-2 : You remove Full body 1 because of the stranazol who will fuck up your joint you’ll basically now do full body 2 everyday and also because of the incoming fatigue replace daily fasted Hiit with regular low intinsity Cardio for 15 min daily)
your gonna try to lower your carb as mush as possible try to avoid carbs your carbs intake shouldn’t exeed 100 g your gonna have your usual 60 g of fats to live and fill the rest of your calories with protein
For the gear nothing changed
Week 2-1)Nothing change
Exept the dose increase
You know use 165 mg test propionate instead of 150 mg and use 100 mg stranazol instead of 50 mg your also gonna use 100 mg masterolone instead off 50 mg your also gonna use 70 mg oxandrolone instead off 50 mg your also gonna add in 30 mg halotestin
Week 0-1)So for the Diet nothing change just the water intake youll double your original water intake for the first 3 days then your gonna divide your water intake buy 2 and for the gear your gonna go off all the injectable and go to the competition with only oral you would also cut off the orals 24 h exactly before the competition and you should also add in a diuretic called furosemide at dose of 80 mg with 100 mg Dnp with 20 mg tadalfil you Should basicaly stop training at all at this point youll also wanna add to let your body recover also if you were working ill higly suggest that you take that week off as vacation before the competition also make sure if you didn’t already to tell someone to come see you perform also double the dose off anti stress supplements to fight the stress i know your not gonna take my advice evem if its a little bitch go confess to one you know would understand you and tell them how scared you are so they could confort you aslo because of the lack of energy i would like you too Drink tons of coffee also you should go getting tanned duhhh exept if your black then not mandatory but the night before the Olympia you would take multiple shots of Vodka before bed till you collapse to dry you off even further
So the day off the competition you would take 50 mg of propanolol and 5 mg of diazepam
Upon rising you are going to go to the mr olympia fasted then 6 hours before the show i want you to eat as mush Carbs as you possibly with a 5 L of water bottle that you’ll drink entirely before the olympia can everything that you dreamed off eating before the olympia take it also bring with you Resistance band so you can catch a pump 30 min before the competition also you’ll basicaly take the pre workout supplements you take before your full body workouts for the pump and add to that 150 mg of Anadrol then yes that pretty mush it if you didn’t get your pro card bro i don’t know what will but i already know you’ll never give up and you’ll probably gonna try next year but I’ll advise you to take 1 year off to let yoyr body recover while on trt and keep training somewhat hard just to maintain some muscle then after the year off try again .
Thanks for reading
Also not implicated its just me trying to Moneymaxx go check my Tiktok:Testogeneration I’ll be posting regularly their
Also about Rule number 5 : its discipline how bad do you want how hungry you are for that card how mush are you ready to sacrifice compared to the other competitors.
Well thats it for this thread I’ll live you with griffith quote : “There is one thing i can do gor them is to Win and keep winning until i attain my dream my dream is already Speared with blood i don’t regret i would rather Sacrifice myself than watch any more innocent child die in the name of my name”
(Contrairly too the previous thread this one i don’t give a fuck about your health all i care about is you staying alive and winning your pro card that supposing you have atleast slightly above average genetics (you’ll need 6/10 genetics) and have balls of steel and sheer fucking will
(Medical disclaimer : Do not do this protocol this thread doesn’t contain any Medical advice , i am not a doctor This thread is only for entertainment only if you truly Want to compete on stage this isn’t for beginners this is literally sacrificing your health i want do this cycle unless im 100% sure this is what i want to do for the rest of my life this is a Carear plan
Supposing you have atleast 1 year of steroid use under your belt you probably aware of the sude effects)
So their are 5 rules for you to aquire your pro card those are :
1)you should be 21 or older (Sorry your not jeff seid also shoutout to people who think that jeff seid is natural that mf was in the fucking mr olympia you dumbass ni….gerian political figure)
2)you should have 4-7 years of natty training on your belt with 1-2 years of enhanced training a good measure to value if you are ready or not is strenght go see if you have atleast advanced levels of strengh in key compound movement
3)you don’t have any major health issue if you already have issues (diabaetes heart kidney or liver complications ect…..) now that the gear would only make them worse or bine health problem like scholiosis or severe oestroporosis or have a low blood cell count basicaly being an average dude is actually being an above average dude
4)have atleast slightly more than average genetics what i mean about that you have decent insertion you don’t find a problem eating a lot off food you rate of muscle growth seems normal your pr keep increasing week by week even if its 1 rep its still progress that all and your height is between (165 cm-188 cm anything taller or shorter than that you’ll have problem aesthetically speaking) and also you wnt to have atleast an average bideltoid of 48 cm which is strange knowing that arnold looked massive on photos while he had a 56 cm bideltoid while being a hipcel and have a desk or at home job that doesn’t stress you out
Thats pay you enough thatt you can affford this lifestyle .
The 5th rule would be at the end of the thread
So their will be 2 chapters with 4 phases
2)Gear and Supps
3) Diet
*1 Chapter* (off season)
- Training
for the Mike mentzer&Dorian yates fans
(Soucesmid:25546444/Pmid :31868813 /Pmid :30153194for the high volume keep in mind those study are on natty lifters so omagine the gains on gear )
(Pmid: 20581041 Showing that low volume is effective than moderate volume)
Talking about Mike mentzer every set would be taken to failure because you can’t truly
Track Rpe also im sure all of you gymcels watches pumping iron documentary and their this scene we’re arnold say that the last reps of the set are the most anabolic reps of the reps well turn out ots true those reps are called myo-reps and those are the most anabolic reps of the set and that’s why low volume advocate ise something like rest-pause
fullbody workout 3-4x per week 1 day in 1 day
Off so why did i chose full body i know a lot of you are gonna say protein synthesis but protein synthesis is irrelevant when your on gear its mainly because Full body workout lower inhibits myostatin better than split workout and remember we wanna maximize everything even the slighest growth
So before we start i have to adress some things first training naturally is mush different from training on gear when training naturaly you should always seek so first :
1)you should always seek performance How strong you are will equal how big you are while when your on gear its start getting screwed because when your on gear you start responding to a variety of stimulus how mish weight in the bar is irrelevant the only thing that matter is the volume of mecjanical tens
ion applied to the muscle yes i know training strenght while on steroids is important but as not important as training strength while natural the reason behins it is helps with myonuclei in the muscle and also androgen receptors and with gear its gonna be mush more Op and also keep on track with your strength cause it help you see of you are losing muscle while on the cutting phase .
2)the stretch buy that i mean the full stretch of muscle like the pause at the end of the rep the stretch is no that important natty training because it wouldn’t help that mush you might lose 2.5-20 % (highly depending on the muscle or exercise) same for training on gear so why would i give attention to that is that because even the slightest amount of gains missed could make you lose you could literally as big as all the competitors in every muscle but be placed 5th because you left biceps is lacking its as brutal as what mention so we want to make sure that you don’t miss anything on the table that you use every pink twist every negative
3)the pump it works it just works for some reason pump workouts work in enhanced lifter (not in natty lifters you’ll be dumb to train with the pump as a natural lifter mainly because of
Nitrogen bs that im not gonna discuss right now because Nerddddd and also worst case scenario even if it not effective it show you if you have slept well eated well
So our full body will be like this :
Big muscle groups :
Compound movement from choice (1 set to failure in the 3-7 rep range)
(Note : the exercise you should chose shouldn’t Fry you Cns like Squats or Deadlift or ohp avoid those chose alternative like machine Compound variants of those same exercise ect……
Take stretch Isolation exercises (5 sets to failure in the 6-35 rep range and add in drop sets till’s you can’t literally lift anymore you shouldn’t exeed 10 drop sets)
Then a pump exercise to see if your not alteady pumped
So because im nice I’ll do examples of it but feel free to change the exercise :
Week 1) Monday:Full body 1
Tuesday : rest
Wednesday : Full body 2
Thursday : rest
Friday : Full body 1
Saturday : rest
Sunday : Full body 2
Week 2) Monday : rest
Tuesday : Full body 1
Wednesday : rest
Thursday : Full body 2
Friday : rest
Saturday : Full body 1
Sunday : rest
Week 3) Monday : Full body 2
Tuesday : rest
Wednesday : Full body 1
Thursday : rest
Friday : Full body 2
Saturday : rest
Sunday : Full body 1
Week 4) Monday : rest
Tuesday : Full body 2
Wednesday : rest
Thursday : Full body 1
Friday : rest
Saturday : Full body 2
Sunday : rest
Take the rest of the month (2-3 days depending in the months) at the exemption of february you take a whole week off
(Note : i Would like you in this protocol to always train in the same hours if you can its not mandatory just optimal) you aslo want to take a whole week off before training
Full Body 1 : Hack Squats (1 set to failure 3-7 reps )
Smith machine Rdl (1 set to failure 3-7 reps )
Bulgarian Split squats (1 set to failure 3-7 reps)
Wide grip Neutral Lat pull down (1 set to failure 3-7 reps)
Machine row (1 set to failure 3-7 reps range)
Incline Db bench press (1 set to failure 3-7 rep range)
Weighted Dips (1 set to gailure 3-7 reps)
Inverted grip Seated Cable row (1 set to failure 3-7 reps)
Seated Machine shoulder press (1 set to failure 3-7 reps)
Note: 5-10 min of rest period between exercise
Full body 2 : Leg extension 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
Seated leg curl 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
Leg press Calf raise 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
Cable chest fly 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
Cable pull overs 5 sets (+multiple dropsets )
Smith machine shrugs 5 sets (+multiple dropsets sets)
Supinated 1 arm Cable preasher curl 5 sets (+multiple dropsets sets)
Rope hammer curl 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
1 arm Cable triceps extension 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
1 arm Db triceps extension 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
1 arm Cable lateral raise 5 sets (+multiple dropsets)
Note:rest period shouldn’t exceed 2 min in sets and 30 s in drop sets
The rep ranges are between 6-30 reps
Also at the end of the session do 30 min of low intinsity Cardio (130 bpm) that’s to help you with your hearth health and also help with blood pressure management
Not mandatory but you could also use the sauna with cold exposure just after for 15 min 3x per week for health benefits (do not do that you dont wanna end up like zyzz)
Yes ahhh thats painfully even looking at it give me the chills that not training that torture but don’t let anything make you forget your dream and why you are doing this for now
Now the moment everyone waiting for the fucking roids
Gear :
The base test duhhh
Testosterone enanthate 80 mg daily
(The reason of daily injection is to mitigate the risk the more frequent you inject the less side effects)
For the Oral :
Oxymethalone 100 mg with 20 mg tamoxifen only in Full body 1 day
Oxandrolone 20 mg during the whole cycle
A lot of thing just overate liver toxicity and shit bitch its either your drugs are mess up or else its just placebo cause they literally literature of little girls in burned to the 3rd degree being prescribed high dose oxymethalone or oxandrolone for her to quickly heal from the damage were talking about an 8 year old using
20-50 mg anavar or using 100-150 mg Oxymethalone for like 6-12 months treatment without any liver or any basic health control
(Their is 2 options :
Either you take Nandralone with Something to control your estrogen (if you have family pattern boldness running in your family)
Or you take Primo or Masteron or Boldenone )
i. 80 mg Nandrolone propionate daily with Exemestane why exemestane cause its the safest estrogen blocker you’ll take so you just take exemestane you (do blood work to determine the dosage start with 12.5 mg if its not enough increase the dose) you can also Spam natural supplements to keep you estrogen in check I’ll show you how to that in the next thread )
ii. 80 mg drostanolone enanthate (i know what you will be telling me why Masteron in the off season its so androgenic and has metabolites that will fry my hair line the reason behind me taking Masteron is as you can see you only take anadrol only in Full body 1 days it might fuck your blood concentration levels i know that but anadrol and superdrol are popular to give you mystery gyno and you surely don’t want that to happen that why even put nolvadex with it (im scared of you having blood clots thats why the tamoxifen wasn’t daily) isn’t enought because anadrol has priority on the estrogen blocker pr some shit nahh anadrol is really the weirdest steroid by far also dont use fucking anadrol if you never used it for some reason its just anecdotal masteron metabolites block anadrol gyno that why
iii. 80 mg metenolone enanthate daily its a safe dht derivative literraly one of the safest steroids help you control your estrogen overall 10/10 steroid
iiii. 100 mg boldenone undelynecate daily its a testosterone derivative also but has estrogen blocking effect its also pretty safe its just harsh on your kidneys but you can bypass that when we skip to the health part over all 10/10 steroid
You can also mix them just have basic knowledge on steroids if i had the choice i would’ve sone that :
60 mg testosterone enanthate
30 mg Boldenone undelynecate
40 mg drostanolone enanthate
50 mg Oxymethalone on full body 1 days
With 20 mg tamoxifen
15 mg oxandrolone daily
For the Growth hormone i recommend using only 4 iu (you can go up to 8 iu if your a rich cell) and combine it with otherSecrataguogues and peptidds the reason behind it is that growth hormonz isnt just one type you need multiplz growth hormones and when you you injtct your pituitary stop producing them so using peptides and secreataguoges would be more interesting also too save up money
So you have your 4-8 iu of hgh
Theen you’ll take with it 25 mg of mk 667
With 200 mcg of Cjc 295 No dac daily
And 200 mcg of ipamorelin
So next i would like to usee increlex as igf-1 but i know a lot od you wouldn’t know how to get it so will just use either with lr3 or Des (note you use igf-1 only in training days and if you use igf-1 des use it after your workout because its half time is so short) for the dosage its anything between 2-5 mg is a maximum daily
To avoid bubble gut some literraly feel their intestines growing while on igf-1
(Don’t think hgh and igf-1 is a free ridee youll
The price off it later that shit is multiplying your chance of cancer)
Insulin : Really this is one of the phew steroids that can actually kill you up just can’t tall you exactly how mush to take its highly individual if you wanna take it feel free but do your fucking research insulin is no joke
Also you can add an angiotensin inhibitor of your choice
Also for you brain health you’ll be taking :
50 mg Modafinil pre workout that training is like torture so using dopamine will trick your brain into liking it
Also take 25 mg Dhea and 25 mg pregnolone cause you are going to be suppressed of the steroids your using natural neuro steroids so you wanna replace them
1 g of Semak with 1 g of Selank the reason bzhind using both of them is that like said before do to you frying your CNs with all those sets to failure you need something to help you fight that maybe you could recover physiologically but want psychologicaly so that’s why were using Semak and Selank
So know for the health supplements :
200 mg Aspirin to lower inflammation
500 mg Citrus bergamot dor your lipids and cholesterol(you could also use 5 mg Cardarine it has been shown to have good benefits also at that low of a dose don’t worry about cancer risk)
200 mg injecatble glutathione
250 mg Tudca take. multiple times throughout the day (take it with a meal)
500 mg Berberine for Blood sugar control take it just after your workout is finished
500 mg of Astrafaglus root for kidney health
Take 5-10 mg Cialis and do not use Telmisrtan only as a last resort at 40 mg cause if you already using telmisartan ow boy your pretty mush fucked basicaly
Legit Supplements: Creatine monohydrate 5g
L carnitine 2g
Not Mandatory stuff :
Yohimbine 5 g
Hcg 500 iu 3x per week (if you wanna be fertile or have balls but do not use it if your deca because 19 nors fucks anything related to fertility so byby lh and )
For the diet you’ll basically want to Bulk up
For you to compete you’ll need an ffmi of 29 at a very lean bf% (4-6% bf territory) so you’ll basicaly go on ana ffmi calculaor and see how big you are and how many lb should you add for you to get 30 ffmi why 30 and not 29 just in case their multiple factors that might scew ffmi like water retention ect…..
so worst case scenario you would be 28 which is literally golden era level then your gonna see how push you still have for your competition and divide the number of lb you need to achieve your goals and the time you need lets say as an example you have 30 weeks before competition and you now you need 14 weeks for the cutting phase so you have 16 weeks remained your currently and you now your lets say 203 lb at 12 % and you calculated that you need to be 240 lb at 20 % to have an ffmi of 30 then you’ll basicaly bulk up to 240 lb while making sure you do not exeed 20% bf (just don’t worry too mush the drugs are probably gonna make all the calories go to muscle trust me just don’t exceed your maintenance with 3000 calories godammit that stupid)So for the caloric Calculation i cant tell you nothing you can use one online
Now for the diet you’ll need yo be taking 2 g of protein /lb of bodyweight you onviously need more proteinthe studies of 1g are for natty lifters training with a split routine not someone enhanced training full body high intensity high volume heavy workout does it majestic any sense do you take ronnie coleman was eating 1g of protein /lb of bodyweight no (atleast 100 g of fat composing majority of it from Saturated fat for health reasons) and fill the rest with Carbs
For water intake you’ll need 3-5 L of Water depending on you go calculate how mush water your need per day on google (Water is anabolic)
(Note:take the majority of your carbs before your workout and after your workout those are the best moment to eat the maximum amount of carbs also you can take moderate dose of sugar in this program (do not exceed 100 g) just take it slightly before or after your workout id recommend chocolate because of epicatechin that lowers myostatin id also recommend your carb source to have a low glycemic index)
You’ll also wanna take 1 meal every 3 hours and you take with it 1 capsule and 1 soft gel of a reputabal multivitamin and fish oil with it
(Im sorry for not giving examples but for the diet part it’s extremely specific)
Now for the second part the cutting phase for the training
Full body 1) would be the same nothing will chnage in this part I’ll want you to maintain or slightly atleast the level of strength you had in your bulking phase also the rep range are gonna change to 5-7 reps
For Full body 2) Wouldn’t change except no more drop sets you’ll just drop the Volume to 2 sets with no drop sets this time you’ll want to maintain or increase the weight you were lifting
No more pump just performance alone
And you’ll replace the cardio with daily fasted 30 min HIIT cardio in the morning and your gonna remove Sauna if you were doing it before do you wanna end up like zyzz
Gear and Diet :
So week 14-10 : for Calories you’ll drop them buy -300 from your maintenance and for your Diet you’ll temporarily lower your fat intake to 60 g and your protein intake to 1g/lb of bodyweight and you will make most of your calories to Carbs you also gonna increase your water intake by 1L
So for the cycle nothing will change just the androgens and the HGH pathway gonna change also we’re gonna add more compounds and the supplements you were using in the first phase are still gonna be used in prep like creatine l carnitine yohimbine ect….
And you’ll add to that Cortisol inhibiting cycle
So it has two main reason behind it is to fet rid of visceral fat that number one and number two is to keep you in check from stress to keep you calm in prep knowing the competition is approashing day by day
Week 14-10 :
4 iu of Hgh
400 mg of test enanthate 2x per week (800 total)
250 mg of Equipose undelynecate (500 total)
Nandrolone propionate (500 total)
(you choose i think your are already educated enough with all the information i gave you in the first section for you to start making some choices )
200 mg Drostanolone 2x per week (400 total)
Orals :
We have the choice between
Anadrol 50 mg daily
Dbol 30 mg daily
With 30 mg anavar daily
20 mg nolvadex
With 1 mg arimdex every 3 days
50 mcg of T3
With 80 mcg of clenbuterol daily
So from what you read you already started to notice it started to get hard it started to get dark that why i was so obsessed to harm mitigate in the first section its like in a video game you have your health you don’t wanna lose your health on those easy ennemies you wanna let as mush health for the final boss
Basicaly You don’t wanna shoot at your legs from the first cycle if you start you using ment superdrol halotestin tren in the off season your health is already fucked before the prep
Now for week 10-6
Your gonna increase your fat intake and protein back to what it was and fill the rest of your calories with carbs your also gonna make your water intake the same it was before
Your gonna be using 6 iu of hgh
400 mg of testosterone enanthate 2x per week (800 mg total)
300 mg Boldenone undelynecate 2x per week
(600 mg total)
200 mg Drostanolone enanthate 2x per week
(400 mg total)
For the Oral don’t change anything just add on top of it Mastetolone at 50 mg and remove the oxandrolone
Take 20 mg tamoxifen daily
And take 1 mg arimidex every 3x/week
And 80 mcg of clenbuterol
Week 6-4 : so for the diet your gonna be eating half of your maintenance calories you’ll be eating 1g of protein/lb of Bw and 60 g of fats and fill the rest with carbs :
Your gonna be using :
6 iu of hgh
200 mg testosterone propionate daily (1400 mg total)
100 mg trenbolone acetate daily (700 mg total)
100 mg Drostanolone propionate (700 mg total)
100 mg methenolone enanthate (700 mg total)
250 mg Sustanon 2x/ week (500 mg total)
75 mg injectable stranazol daily
Orals :
50 mg oxandrolone
50 mg masterolone
1 mg arimidex daily
80 mcg clenbuterol
50 mcg T3
Week 4-2 : You remove Full body 1 because of the stranazol who will fuck up your joint you’ll basically now do full body 2 everyday and also because of the incoming fatigue replace daily fasted Hiit with regular low intinsity Cardio for 15 min daily)
your gonna try to lower your carb as mush as possible try to avoid carbs your carbs intake shouldn’t exeed 100 g your gonna have your usual 60 g of fats to live and fill the rest of your calories with protein
For the gear nothing changed
Week 2-1)Nothing change
Exept the dose increase
You know use 165 mg test propionate instead of 150 mg and use 100 mg stranazol instead of 50 mg your also gonna use 100 mg masterolone instead off 50 mg your also gonna use 70 mg oxandrolone instead off 50 mg your also gonna add in 30 mg halotestin
Week 0-1)So for the Diet nothing change just the water intake youll double your original water intake for the first 3 days then your gonna divide your water intake buy 2 and for the gear your gonna go off all the injectable and go to the competition with only oral you would also cut off the orals 24 h exactly before the competition and you should also add in a diuretic called furosemide at dose of 80 mg with 100 mg Dnp with 20 mg tadalfil you Should basicaly stop training at all at this point youll also wanna add to let your body recover also if you were working ill higly suggest that you take that week off as vacation before the competition also make sure if you didn’t already to tell someone to come see you perform also double the dose off anti stress supplements to fight the stress i know your not gonna take my advice evem if its a little bitch go confess to one you know would understand you and tell them how scared you are so they could confort you aslo because of the lack of energy i would like you too Drink tons of coffee also you should go getting tanned duhhh exept if your black then not mandatory but the night before the Olympia you would take multiple shots of Vodka before bed till you collapse to dry you off even further
So the day off the competition you would take 50 mg of propanolol and 5 mg of diazepam
Upon rising you are going to go to the mr olympia fasted then 6 hours before the show i want you to eat as mush Carbs as you possibly with a 5 L of water bottle that you’ll drink entirely before the olympia can everything that you dreamed off eating before the olympia take it also bring with you Resistance band so you can catch a pump 30 min before the competition also you’ll basicaly take the pre workout supplements you take before your full body workouts for the pump and add to that 150 mg of Anadrol then yes that pretty mush it if you didn’t get your pro card bro i don’t know what will but i already know you’ll never give up and you’ll probably gonna try next year but I’ll advise you to take 1 year off to let yoyr body recover while on trt and keep training somewhat hard just to maintain some muscle then after the year off try again .
Thanks for reading
Also not implicated its just me trying to Moneymaxx go check my Tiktok:Testogeneration I’ll be posting regularly their
Also about Rule number 5 : its discipline how bad do you want how hungry you are for that card how mush are you ready to sacrifice compared to the other competitors.
Well thats it for this thread I’ll live you with griffith quote : “There is one thing i can do gor them is to Win and keep winning until i attain my dream my dream is already Speared with blood i don’t regret i would rather Sacrifice myself than watch any more innocent child die in the name of my name”