Bonemaxing during or after puberty

ok so I'm already heightmaxing (7.5iu HGH, 1mg adex, and 25mg MK daily) and I naturally also want to maximize my facial bone structure and dimorphism.

I've done tons of research on androgenic steroids like Proviron, which I am considering taking at a low dose of 25mg/day, but there are some (low) risks of bone maturation, and I'm not exactly doing this under medical supervision.

So here's my question: do you guys think that I should wait until after plate closure and take stronger shit like Test and Mast to max out dimorphism, or is there a sort of "androgenic window" during puberty while plates are still open, where I will see better results taking Proviron now?

my stats: 15.5 bone age, 5'6", 130lbs

thank you for the help boyos

tagging educated people:
how long are u going to run it?
would you use ipramolin ? what do you think about it?
ipamorelin is really good. Ideally I would include it in my stack because it would synergize with th HGH, and I would inject it into my deltoids for a better v-taper. however it is difficult for me to conceal it while keeping it refrigerated in my circumstance, which is why I'm not using it as of now.

how long are u going to run it?
I'm going to start with 3 months at 25mg/day, then reassess after a bone age scan.
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ipamorelin is really good. Ideally I would include it in my stack because it would synergize with th HGH, and I would inject it into my deltoids for a better v-taper. however it is difficult for me to conceal it while keeping it refrigerated in my circumstance, which is why I'm not using it as of now.

I'm going to start with 3 months at 25mg/day, then reassess after a bone age scan.
tag me when u post ur results please
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guys, I still didn't get an answer to the original question of this post. is there such a thing as an "androgenic window" where androgenmaxing strategies are more effective during puberty, while growth plates are open? Or can dimorphism gains be made with the same effectiveness in early adulthood once plates are fused?

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