Bosses are firing Gen Z grads just months after hiring them—here’s what they say needs to change

Completely forgetting the fact that tate became a millionaire because of working.
And hes probably a 20 something friendless shut in neet pissing in bottles living permanently in the basment because his father is too much off a pussy to beat him up and kick him out

Yesterday i saw a thread by a incel who hasn’t been to school since 14 and a neet ever since, who stutters when somebody irl asks them something. The thread was full with other incels sharing incel stories like eating in the toilets at school having 0 friends in school and looking down on normies being too good for them whilst being friendless and eating alone in the toilets. It made me realize ive been talking and arguing with the kind of people who were the biggest losers i knew at school/work who you would have pity for and avoid because of being such social failure freaks.

Jfl at this forum being filled to the brink with absolute irl social rejects losers clowning on normal people coping with muh looksmaxxing

This is what I'm saying, lol. The forum used to be about looks theory, black pill (Genetic determinism) science, lookism and how you need to improve and then play your card etc etc. Now it's become pretty much an extension of www.Incels.Is.

I went into Rehab Room's discord server after donating to him due to having an appreciation of his work and I became lambasted with doomer onslaught. I was made to defend very normal positions and then when I did was told it was water lol. They make me explain the obvious to them and then call it water. Then they called me a currycel and didn't like it when I proved I wasn't and had a white girlfriend. Then I was called a beta buxxer and when they found out she out-earns me by 14-16k started saying I should be ashamed and that she was still settling and had been ran through lmao. Meanwhile I'm her 9th and can feel how tight she is.

Then they started attacking me so I came back with proper insults and Rehab started taking their side and warned me in DMs not to bully his incel buddies lol. The unconscious bias was all there to be seen. I was later banned lmao. Rehab is a major doomer and while he touches on interesting topics, I now realise that there is a blind spot to him and his perspective and he isn't quite as objective as I once thought. I already noticed that in a couple of videos prior to this incident. He suggests guys in the 5-6/10 looks range are oofy doofys and only marginally better off that those that are at sub 5.
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  • +1
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I joined the place in 2020 and not celibate.

2023cel lol, what a nerd incel fag virgin loser.

Zoomers turning this place into pure autism.
Nigger i think you might genuinely be the one on the spectrum here pal 😆 you take things way too literally and u seem to get very emotional and angry easily. I think maybe you should grab the rope and kill yourself faggot.
Also you sound like a retarded faggy boomer "MUH ZOOMERS I HATE ZOOMERS CURSE YOU KIDS" 😆😆😆😆
Genuinely consider roping, youre expired and have no value and probably look musty and wrinkly asf xx

This is what I'm saying, lol. The forum used to be about looks theory, black pill (Genetic determinism) science, lookism and how you need to improve and then play your card etc etc. Now it's become pretty much an extension of www.Incels.Is.

I went into Rehab Room's discord server after donating to him due to having an appreciation of his work and I became lambasted with doomer onslaught. I was made to defend very normal positions and then when I did was told it was water lol. They make me explain the obvious to them and then call it water. Then they called me a currycel and didn't like it when I proved I wasn't and had a white girlfriend. Then I was called a beta buxxer and when they found out she out-earns me by 14-16k started saying I should be ashamed and that she was still settling and had been ran through lmao. Meanwhile I'm her 9th and can feel how tight she is.

Then they started attacking me so I came back with proper insults and Rehab started taking their side and warned me in DMs not to bully his incel buddies lol. The unconscious bias was all there to be seen. I was later banned lmao. Rehab is a major doomer and while he touches on interesting topics, I now realise that there is a blind spot to him and his perspective and he isn't quite as objective as I once thought. I already noticed that in a couple of videos prior to this incident. He suggests guys in the 5-6/10 looks range are oofy doofys and only marginally better off that those that are at sub 5.

Youre her 9th holy shit :lul::lul: the jokes write themselves
How does it feel being a fucking cuckold normie who has a gf thats settling with you after being ran through by chad? :LOL:
Genuinely rope at this point you are clearly genetic garbage, the gene pool is better off without you ❤️

Funny GIF
Youre her 9th holy shit :lul::lul: the jokes write themselves
How does it feel being a fucking cuckold normie who has a gf thats settling with you after being ran through by chad? :LOL:
Genuinely rope at this point you are clearly genetic garbage, the gene pool is better off without you ❤️

Funny GIF

I am her 9th. She was married for 12 years. We are both in our early 30s. And guess what? She is my 20th (22nd including foreplay)

I double her body count.

You are mad and pissed that you aren't getting any action you stupid fuck of a loser lol. Try getting some pussy sometime. Incel.

'Let me tell him every girl above 24 has been ran through so I feel as though I am not missing out'.

And remember I was getting pussy at a young age in Uni/College from girls that were prime time. I have not missed out.

Your PROJECTION doesn't apply buddy.
Nigger i think you might genuinely be the one on the spectrum here pal 😆 you take things way too literally and u seem to get very emotional and angry easily. I think maybe you should grab the rope and kill yourself faggot.
Also you sound like a retarded faggy boomer "MUH ZOOMERS I HATE ZOOMERS CURSE YOU KIDS" 😆😆😆😆
Genuinely consider roping, youre expired and have no value and probably look musty and wrinkly asf xx


You typed:

'Regards Samueliscool223' and say I might be on the spectrum.

Oh sorry was 2023cel code for 2020-2022? You fucking moron. Shut the fuck up trying to be something you are not.

I mog you in every SINGLE aspect of life. You are doomed Zoomer. DOOMED. Oh and stop using the word boomer when Millennials made that term you useless terrible versions of us.
I am her 9th. She was married for 12 years. We are both in our early 30s. And guess what? She is my 20th (22nd including foreplay)

I double her body count.

You are mad and pissed that you aren't getting any action you stupid fuck of a loser lol. Try getting some pussy sometime. Incel.

'Let me tell him every girl above 24 has been ran through so I feel as though I am not missing out'.

And remember I was getting pussy at a young age in Uni/College from girls that were prime time. I have not missed out.

Your PROJECTION doesn't apply buddy.

Every guy she has slept with has been a relationship. I know this girl inside and out. Your theories don't match with reality. Only with your cope. Your theories are plucked from viral TikTok and YouTube clips, LOL. You have no semblance of the real world. You are rooted to your phone for any social interaction and have the personality of a card board box as a result.

Wrist slitting emos like you deserve to watch The Joker on repeat every day for the rest of your lives as you jerk to mid caked in makeup OnlyFans tarts in between the best scenes.
Fuck Boomer managers and CEO's

These fucking retards can't even open up a pdf or send an email

Most of these boomer cuck office workers don't actually do any work. They just have coffee and gossip all day about brian rot reality tv shows.
I am her 9th. She was married for 12 years. We are both in our early 30s. And guess what? She is my 20th (22nd including foreplay)
Your 20th (after slaying 20 landwhales JFL)
I double her body count.

You are mad and pissed that you aren't getting any action you stupid fuck of a loser lol. Try getting some pussy sometime. Incel.
I genuinely dont give a FUCK about what action youre getting you old fart. Do you really think im jealous of you slaying roastie pussy? JFLL you fucking sub80iq retard:lul::lul:

Your PROJECTION doesn't apply buddy.
Stop using tiktok buzzwords or i will rape you, you little 5'6 old fart CUCK
You typed:

'Regards Samueliscool223' and say I might be on the spectrum.

Oh sorry was 2023cel code for 2020-2022? You fucking moron. Shut the fuck up trying to be something you are not.I mog you in every SINGLE aspect of life. You are doomed Zoomer. DOOMED. Oh and stop using the word boomer when Millennials made that term you useless terrible versions of us.

I was talking about the CEL part i wasnt calling you an incel from the 2023cel term its just a MEME you FUCKING JIGABOO IMBECILE.
Also i do not give two fucks if you lifemog me little nigger i still probably height, frame and face mog you to gandy heaven, and clearly i iq mog you to oblivion since you have no working braincells. I most certainly have superior genes to yours you little curry munching retarded boomer thats all that matters, go have fun breeding with your subhuman wife and making little ERs with your combined subhuman genetics
Your 20th (after slaying 20 landwhales JFL)

I genuinely dont give a FUCK about what action youre getting you old fart. Do you really think im jealous of you slaying roastie pussy? JFLL you fucking sub80iq retard:lul::lul:

Stop using tiktok buzzwords or i will rape you, you little 5'6 old fart CUCK

You're definitely jealous LMAO.

Keep coping lol you Zoomers live in a paralleled Universe. You have no reference point to a time before swipe apps so you assume Millennials that were even decent looking were only getting landwhales LMAO.

You are a fool.

Keep using burner accounts. You're probably from his little incel discord cave aren't you? Lmao.


What part of my stature seems 5'6? You absolute nerd. I would rearrange your face. :ROFLMAO:

< Me during my decent slaying days. Lol, you think I was getting landwhales right? LOLOLOL


Get a grip son. I mog you to the heavens of gandy and back.


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You're definitely jealous LMAO.

Keep coping lol you Zoomers live in a paralleled Universe. You have no reference point to a time before swipe apps so you assume Millennials that were even decent looking were only getting landwhales LMAO.

You are a fool.

Keep using burner accounts. You're probably from his little incel discord cave aren't you? Lmao.

View attachment 3207125View attachment 3207126

What part of my stature seems 5'6? You absolute nerd. I would rearrange your face. :ROFLMAO:

View attachment 3207128 < Me during my decent slaying days. Lol, you think I was getting landwhales right? LOLOLOL

View attachment 3207131

Get a grip son. I mog you the heavens of gandy and back.
Actually end your life subhuman trash
I genuinely dont give a FUCK about what action youre getting you old fart. Do you really think im jealous of you slaying roastie pussy? JFLL you fucking sub80iq retard:lul::lul:



I do.
I was talking about the CEL part i wasnt calling you an incel from the 2023cel term its just a MEME you FUCKING JIGABOO IMBECILE.

I am not active enough on a primarily incel populated forum to be in fashion with the memes. Shut the fuck up you weirdo autist tart.
I am not active enough on a primarily incel populated forum to be in fashion with the memes. Shut the fuck up you weirdo autist tart.
Just get the fuck off this forum if you dont even care about discussing inceldom/looksmaxxing NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE FAGGOT.
Just get the fuck off this forum if you dont even care about discussing inceldom/looksmaxxing NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE FAGGOT.

I am here to bully you and make you feel shit about your pointless existence. This isn't your safe haven anymore buddy.

Crash on over to for that.
Gen Z young adults have the latest and greatest technical education - more practical, accurate & efficient. But Gen Z is less motivated, respectful, professional & committed to their jobs, and so their growth rate after entering their career field is weak.

Ngl the way these Zoomers interact on both discord and cuckmax, I'm not surprised. Since joining in 2020 when finding this place from the pandemic, I've witnessed a decline in the intelligence and social skills of users on this place and that's all because more and more Zoomers entered the site. Less Millennials and Zillennials and a lot more really stupid and embarrassingly dumb Zoomers. Mostly all of who's confidence outweighs their IQ. I worry for this generation in their early and mids 20s. I really do.
Imagining wanting to be a slave
Youre her 9th holy shit :lul::lul: the jokes write themselves
How does it feel being a fucking cuckold normie who has a gf thats settling with you after being ran through by chad? :LOL:
Genuinely rope at this point you are clearly genetic garbage, the gene pool is better off without you ❤️

Funny GIF
Foids body count is irrelevant though, as long as she's not physically damaged and most importantly as long as SHE thinks you mog all the other guys she had before
You're a slave to being incapable of doing anything in your life due to being without money, correct?
Hamza said i can make 10k a month online after buying his course, keep coping
  • JFL
Reactions: MakinItHappen
Foids body count is irrelevant though, as long as she's not physically damaged and most importantly as long as SHE thinks you mog all the other guys she had before

8 bodies in your early 30s when you went Uni and you're a Millennial? That's a W. You aren't beating that unless you get with a nun.
Foids body count is irrelevant though, as long as she's not physically damaged and most importantly as long as SHE thinks you mog all the other guys she had before
Yea but the more people shes been with the less likely it is that you mog all her exes also her pussy will become looser and saggier
8 bodies in your early 30s when you went Uni and you're a Millennial? That's a W. You aren't beating that unless you get with a nun.
Yeah 8 is pretty low tbh.

Also I'm nit talking about anyone specific or who u r debating but both here and IRL I have noticed people who have a problem with foids body counts have 2 main traits

1) lack of reap life experience (ie v young or v sheltered)
2) well below average appeal - so them talking about foids bodycount is like me talking about private jets. They never gonna get a seat at the table cos a foid with high bodycount is going to have higher expectations
Yea but the more people shes been with the less likely it is that you mog all her exes also her pussy will become looser and saggier
Agree on the first part, which is the really painful part.

2nd is debatable
Agree on the first part, which is the really painful part.

2nd is debatable
2nd is literally true. Where do you think the term "roastie" comes from? It comes from incels observing the pussies of post prime foids that have been with many guys resembling "roast beef", ie having their "beef" curtains drooping out from all the penile stretching. Very common phenomenon especially if the girl has slept with guys with big cocks
Agree on the first part, which is the really painful part.

2nd is debatable

He is coping with the fact he isn't getting any pussy. It's a coping bias. A self serving coping bias.

She was married for 12 years and I mog him lol.

What is the desire to mog her exes? LOL? Oh because that must mean she's settling. No she out-earns me lol and even has a better car LOL. Millennial women are mogging Millennial men in money. It's total cope. You think this moron would be uttering any of these theories if he wasn't a lonely empty soul incel? Lol, no. OF COURSE NOT!
2nd is literally true. Where do you think the term "roastie" comes from? It comes from incels observing the pussies of post prime foids that have been with many guys resembling "roast beef", ie having their "beef" curtains drooping out from all the penile stretching. Very common phenomenon especially if the girl has slept with guys with big cocks

You have NEVER slept with a girl. You have only abstract thought to refer to therefore LOL.

Her pussy isn't roasted WHATSOEVER. She was hurting the first time we did it because she had been celibate for so long. Some pretty girls are just highly anxious and protective of their innocence. She didn't sleep around and wasn't getting her back blown out.
He is coping with the fact he isn't getting any pussy. It's a coping bias. A self serving coping bias.

She was married for 12 years and I mog him lol.

What is the desire to mog her exes? LOL? Oh because that must mean she's settling. No she out-earns me lol and even has a better car LOL. Millennial women are mogging Millennial men in money. It's total cope. You think this moron would be uttering any of these theories if he wasn't a lonely empty soul incel? Lol, no. OF COURSE NOT!
Im literally going on a date with a virgin MTB soon i dont give a fuck about all the post prime pussy youre getting
  • JFL
Reactions: MakinItHappen
Im literally going on a date with a virgin MTB soon i dont give a fuck about all the post prime pussy youre getting

Your incel fantasy isn't happening buddy. But I won't ruin it. Look forward to your incel wet dream.

Down those psychedelics have a party.

I got more prime pussy than you will get post-prime pussy. You're a virgin and would likely get rejected by escorts you look so rough.
i'm a millenial, i'm a dev, corporate world is garbage full of petty and retarded people,
'''''Im literally going on a date with a virgin MTB soon i dont give a fuck about all the post prime pussy youre getting'''''''


And all you have to do is read his posts and from the passive aggressive tone and stupid incel theories you can decipher he has never held hands with a female that wasn't his mother/auntie/nan/cousin/teacher several years back. Here we have a classic Zoomer that's in his mid 20s and running out of copes for why he is pussyless.
Completely forgetting the fact that tate became a millionaire because of working.
And hes probably a 20 something friendless shut in neet pissing in bottles living permanently in the basment because his father is too much off a pussy to beat him up and kick him out

Yesterday i saw a thread by a incel who hasn’t been to school since 14 and a neet ever since, who stutters when somebody irl asks them something. The thread was full with other incels sharing incel stories like eating in the toilets at school having 0 friends in school and looking down on normies being too good for them whilst being friendless and eating alone in the toilets. It made me realize ive been talking and arguing with the kind of people who were the biggest losers i knew at school/work who you would have pity for and avoid because of being such social failure freaks.

Jfl at this forum being filled to the brink with absolute irl social rejects losers clowning on normal people coping with muh looksmaxxing
Mfs when the incel forum has incels
Mfs when the incel forum has incels

Which part of this forum's branding or identity is incel?

It's looksmaxxing.

When I found it in 2020 I thought it was a male beauty forum. I am not joking you. Then I started seeing these cel words being thrown around. I also had to look up the word incel.

Lookism was another site I found around the same time and it was filled with more Millennials, but wasn't as incel populated. You can be a black pill looks theory autist and not be an incel. Open your shit mind.
  • +1
  • JFL
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Oi Ravi mate too much text innit. Politely stfu
Which part of this forum's branding or identity is incel?

It's looksmaxxing.

When I found it in 2020 I thought it was a male beauty forum. I am not joking you. Then I started seeing these cel words being thrown around. I also had to look up the word incel.
The term "looksmaxxing" was invented in incel communities, its like listening to hiphop but hating blacks.
The term "looksmaxxing" was invented in incel communities, its like listening to hiphop but hating blacks.

Only difference people know hip-hop was invented by blacks in the 60s and 70s, but nobody knows looksmaxxing was manufactured by incels. It's a catchy term and seems cool and that's why it's gone mainstream. Only people that did proper research and shit know it's invented by incel communities. It's a normie trend now bro.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets and T50 Demon
Only difference people know hip-hop was invented by blacks in the 60s and 70s, but nobody knows looksmaxxing was manufactured by incels. It's a catchy term and seems cool and that's why it's gone mainstream. Only people that did proper research and shit know it's invented by incel communities. It's a normie trend now bro.
Doesnt change who invented it, on a hiphop site you can expect blacks, on a looksmaxxing forum you can expect incels
Only difference people know hip-hop was invented by blacks in the 60s and 70s, but nobody knows looksmaxxing was manufactured by incels. It's a catchy term and seems cool and that's why it's gone mainstream. Only people that did proper research and shit know it's invented by incel communities. It's a normie trend now bro.
I've lurked on PUAHate way back. They were never actual apathetic incels. Most of them actually did some shit, discussed about mewing, bimax, etc . Or at least they weren't doomers.

I never heard the term Incel until recently when I lurked here to learn more about procedure for my malocclusion.

Horrible when you have to read the definition of a roastie which this person apparently knows by heart, mid sentence you think "Holy fuck, WTF does this persons life look like". I dont want to know this.

I once fucked a 36 yo with a tight pussy. I think she had a procedure maybe. She had fake tits, 0 body fat.

I'll never understand people who defend ideals which will or are destroying them.

Self proclaimed incels are male feminists.

Apparently some people like their hand more than a pussy. I think internet has retards thinking those who fuck or are being talked about as players fuck prime untouched pussy all the time. You have no clue what actual players do.

Teens are naive and believe everything the Govt wants you to believe, most of you teens never talk to anybody in real life.

Goal of life is to create progeny. This is what DNA does. Anything taking you away doom that is a psyop.
  • +1
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Doesnt change who invented it, on a hiphop site you can expect blacks, on a looksmaxxing forum you can expect incels

I've lurked on PUAHate way back. They were never actual apathetic incels. Most of them actually did some shit, discussed about mewing, bimax, etc . Or at least they weren't doomers.

I never heard the term Incel until recently when I lurked here to learn more about procedure for my malocclusion.

Horrible when you have to read the definition of a roastie which this person apparently knows by heart, mid sentence you think "Holy fuck, WTF does this persons life look like". I dont want to know this.

I once fucked a 36 yo with a tight pussy. I think she had a procedure maybe. She had fake tits, 0 body fat.

I'll never understand people who defend ideals which will or are destroying them.

Self proclaimed incels are male feminists.

Apparently some people like their hand more than a pussy. I think internet has retards thinking those who fuck or are being talked about as players fuck prime untouched pussy all the time. You have no clue what actual players do.

Teens are naive and believe everything the Govt wants you to believe, most of you teens never talk to anybody in real life.

Goal of life is to create progeny. This is what DNA does. Anything taking you away doom that is a psyop.

I agree with every single word.

Incel culture only came about around 2019-2021, before that it was people that wanted to master the art of sleeping with loads of women, in the process of having at least somewhat mild results.

This cult lingo is the norm around these places and they spout it with such confidence and even as if it makes logical. 'Roastie' for any woman above 26 lol. 'She's been ran through'. It's not age that defines a woman's body count, it's character. You will see Zoomer girls with far greater body counts than Millennial chicks. The 36 year old's pussy was tight because she has a procedure, was doing pussy muscle exercises (If you've heard of them) or because she had a low body count do you think?

Male feminists is essentially what they are. Male activists. The thing is many of these are not even teens bro. Many of them are actual Zoomers in their mid 20s.

How old are you?
  • +1
Reactions: AsGoodAsItGets
I agree with every single word.

Incel culture only came about around 2019-2021, before that it was people that wanted to master the art of sleeping with loads of women, in the process of having at least somewhat mild results.

This cult lingo is the norm around these places and they spout it with such confidence and even as if it makes logical. 'Roastie' for any woman above 26 lol. 'She's been ran through'. It's not age that defines a woman's body count, it's character. You will see Zoomer girls with far greater body counts than Millennial chicks. The 36 year old's pussy was tight because she has a procedure, was doing pussy muscle exercises (If you've heard of them) or because she had a low body count do you think?

Male feminists is essentially what they are. Male activists. The thing is many of these are not even teens bro. Many of them are actual WZoomers in their mid 20s.

How old are you?
Yeah. Studies are not the end all, be all of life. There is literal;y no objective truth We only get closer to it.

In that sense, PUAs had more evidence of what works (because they actually fucked) and posted proof, rather than the couple "chads" here who do not post any proof.

Of course, there is the high school mogger that everyone talked about and you probably thought how your life would be if you were HIM.

But you never stayed in that mid frame because that would've been considered bitchin. There was no echo chamber of incels.

Believe it or not, I was even popular in uni.

At some point it was even recommended to talk to ugly chicks if your results were stalling because apparently you projected too much neediness for hot girls. imagine what a truly blackpilled person comes off like to girls.

True winning is basically getting closer to the objective truth. IPO at the right date, you won because you understood the truth about the world. Truth is calculated in results, I believe.

Looks, money, status. All of it. Why skimp?

The problem with the belief here is that:

You think we log off from the race after a while.

You think we stop trying after 30? After we have money, endless stories, threads and threads of jokes, actual fights, ability to talk for hours and not run out of topics?

You think we just gave up?

You think we stopped doing skincare?

You think we just stopped working out?

You think we do not want your girls?

You think your 18 year old girls don't message us first?

You think we dont have a six pack?


That we don't know how to handle you if you cockblock us irl?


I'm 32.

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