BRAIN WIRING PILL [POLL] What kind of reward system does your brain have?

Your reward system is—

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morph king
May 16, 2020
The brain wiring blackpill isn’t talked about enough in the community.

For most people, achieving goals through hard work makes them happy. This is the normal brain wiring.

Some normies even feel better the harder they worked because they feel they earned their rewards.

Some blackpillers are lazy rotters who don’t try, and the normies never hesitate to push the normie way of thinking onto the rotters. “Go to the gym bro! Get a job bro! Put in the hours bro! Start self-improvement bro! Good things only come to those who put in the effort bro!

What they don’t understand is that many of these blackpill rotter guys’ brain wirings are significantly different from normies’ brain wirings. Specifically it’s how their reward systems work. In this post I’ll call this dysfunctional reward circuit the “rotter reward system” for the lack of a better term, but bear in mind that not all rotters’ brains are wired this way.

The normie reward system generates happiness from rewards—the rewards themselves. Awards, honors, recognitions, money, sports cars, luxury houses, fancy restaurants, beautiful women, prestigious universities, action-packed adventures, etc. Normies feel happiness simply from getting those things. Doesn’t matter how they get it, doesn’t matter who else has better stuff, they’re happy as long as they have the things they enjoy.

Contrarily, the rotter reward system generates its happiness primarily from comparison and ego. What makes a rotter happy depends very little on the actual reward. Rather, what matters are the following 2 things:
  • Do I have it better and easier than my competition?
  • Did I obtain what I have by working less hard than my competition?
If a person who has a rotter reward system in their brain achieves a non-top-tier result with harder-than-everyone-else work, the reward just doesn’t make them happy. What makes them happy is being able to achieve top-level success with very little effort, because this means they mog others and they possess innate talents or advantages that make them feel a sense of superiority. The harder rotter-brained people work, the less happiness they gain from the rewards that follow.

For guys whose brains are wired in the rotter’s way, happiness is all about the mog.

A normie-brained 5'7" manlet would be happy if he gets jacked by gymmaxing. A rotter-brained 5'7" manlet would be unhappy if he gymmaxes. Why? Because he still doesn’t mog untrained Chads.

A normie-brained brokecel would be happy if he gets a 6-figure income. A rotter-brained brokecel would be unhappy if he moneymaxes. Why? Because Chads didn’t have to.

A rotter-brained student would feel happy if he gets a perfect score on a test without studying, because he mogs everyone and it means he’s smart. The same rotter-brained student would feel unhappy If he gets a 95% on a test that he did study for, because he’s not the best and he’s not smart enough for success to come easily for him.

Self-improvement advocates, such as @Maesthetics=King and Hamza, don’t seem to realize just how many guys in blackpill forums have the rotter-reward-system brain wiring that makes them incapable of feeling positive emotions from sub-Chad-level rewards with megadoses of hard work.

If you have a rotter brain, self-improvement is indeed cope. It won’t make you happy. Because the only things that can make you happy are things that mog the rest and things that come easily to you. If your level of success isn’t the best, you’re envious and angry. If you have to work harder than your competition, you’re indignant and infuriated.

Vote in the poll whether you have a normie reward system or a rotter reward system.
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  • +1
Reactions: klip11, Deleted member 23558, RecessedChinCel and 4 others
Good post bro, it’s over for rotter braincels
  • +1
Reactions: thecel
I think the cause of the rotter-reward system is a vivid understanding of how rich chad lives his life.
  • Woah
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I have the best of both worlds. I get happy if I achieve something with a shortcut and happy if I achieve the long route. I’m happy either way.

Even if I fail I’m still happy because I’ll try again.

When I said the black pill changes brain chemistry 🧠 it changed for the better in me.

First exposure to it was brutal and destroyed me. But as I adapted to my new personal view, I have new goals, new meaning, and overall a different brain all together (spirit or soul if you will).

I’m not concerned anymore about trying to find friends, a career, build a family, I only care about power. I’ve abandoned all hope and desire to integrate back into the system.

I’m just on NEETbux and science maxxing. I’m currently programcelling. I have some experience in Java and I am building the actually circuitry of my very own x86. Once I’ve mastered Computer Science I’ll move on to other subjects. Math, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physiology, etc
I just want to learn the world around me and accumulate knowledge. I already know a modest amount about many subjects but it’s all over the place. So I chose to truly and genuinely “master” computer science so that I can automate many learning tasks, and compartmentalism my knowledge, and to break free from the “updates” and “pay me for this service” software harassment. Once I build my own I’m one step closing to leaving the matrix, and ultimately, destroying law enforcement.
  • Woah
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 23558 and thecel
Even if I fail I’m still happy because I’ll try again.

Brainmogs me. If I fail, even if I succeed in my 2nd try, I’ll be raging because Chad made it in his 1st try.
  • +1
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The only time I get happy is when I have 10+ notifications on .org
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  • JFL
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rotter, i hate myself and never feel happy about anything i do, because i do nothing good, and even if i did i'd still hate myself
  • So Sad
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I think even normies have the rotter brain. It's just that on this forum we are hyper-aware of how little effort some people have to put in, and how truly different life as a chad is.

For the people here that vote for normie brain wiring, please describe it because I'm genuinely curious. Give me an example of when you achieved something through extreme effort that was shit, or achieving some small victory gave you happiness that lasted for more than one day.
  • +1
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You can change this with good habits over time don't use it as an excuse to justify shitty behavior
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  • Woah
Reactions: Sub0, thecel and Deleted member 20631

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