interesting theory. is this based off of broscience?
i doubt there are any actual studies on this but probably yes
You retarded fuck, mewing includes teeth together already Mike Mew says it all the time
im not talking about people consciously trying to mew, im talking about normal people who have varying degrees of oral habits, while some people claim x feature is genetic, it 99% of the time relates back to someones current degree of oral posture like pitts jaw with lack of maxilla or oprys maxilla with a bad gonial
There are probably aspies jutting now so they can inflict TMJ upon themselves and get a bimax.
Jacking off to the very thought
Everyone knows mewing is legit (as a preventive measure not a corrective one) but it’s obvious some people don’t mew (bad forward growth) but have good jaws

It is also accepted that mouth breathing FUCKS U UP

A missing part of this topic is his teeth should be together, this is as important as mewing if not more important. Many people will blame genetics when they see someone who doesn’t mew and has decent forward growth and a square jaw. However you can have partially good oral posture (teeth together) while never even touching your palate with your tongue once. Mewing will cause forward growth of the maxilla and widen it, while teeth together will cause a long well developed ramus, and a gonial angle. This is why mouth breathers have horrible downward grown jaws they separate their jaws even more than if they were just not touching there teeth and not mewing. Breathing through your mouth isn’t objectively bad just that to do this you must separate your jaws even more which causes horrible gonials and ramuses, and therefor lower third overall.

Not hard to see, every mouth breather will fall victim to this, no exceptions “muh genetics” wont save you

This is why someone like Pitt can have subhuman forward growth yet still have a top tier lower third. I would bet my ballsack his teeth rest togetherView attachment 160111View attachment 160112
This is why Pitt has a very good ramus and gonial (which causes square jaw) yet SHIT forward growth. It is very easy to see Pitt doesn’t mew ontop of his bad maxilla his submental is terrible and it’s evident to see he isn’t mewing or else it would be tight

Now for the opposite example someone who either partially mews however doesn’t have teeth together as a rest position View attachment 160113View attachment 160114
Opry has a relatively short ramus and a high gonial angle giving him a “V shaped jaw” if his gonial was lower it would be much more square. However opry on other photos (this one doesn’t do him any favors) has much better than average forward growth and I would suspect he atleast has part of his tongue on the roof of the mouth, yet compared to Pitt, his jaw has much more qualities relating to recession mandibularly, yet had much better forward projection of the maxilla than Pitt. Which seems contradictory as features like this generally group together such as crooked nose, recessed chin, lowset cheekbones etc.

An example of someone who fully mews and has their jaw together
View attachment 160117View attachment 160118
Margot has excellent forward growth of the maxilla, and an insane gonial and ramus, along with a very wide palate. This is an example of someone who developed perfectly. Notice how she has a much squarer jaw due to her ideal gonial like Pitt, and the good forward maxillary growth of somelike opry or Barrett

TLDR: teeth together is responsible for square like jaws caused by longer ramuses and a low gonial angle. It will automatically give you some level of forward growth. Mewing it’s self does not give a forward grown jaw, teeth together does. You can have good maxillary growth and bad gonial (opry)
Or good mandibular development (Pitt) with bad maxilla.

NONE OF THESE WERE DUE TO ONLY GENETICS, but instead by oral posture

For ideal development like Margot’s you need completely correct oral posture however the more correct habits you have, the better, and you can still be GL with only doing one of the two. No habits will make it harder for you to be GL unless great eye area, mouth breathing is going past not even having any correct habits and will make you ugly everytime
Stop making shit up your teeth aren’t supposed to be apart at rest and it makes your jaw look smaller
It’s crazy how people believe mew when HE DIDNT MEW HIS WHOLE LIFE he didn’t do it naturally he just found it out
You retarded fuck, mewing includes teeth together already Mike Mew says it all the time
Is mew your god? This idiot got kicked out of dental school and you believe him? Just lol if you believe him, keeping your teeth together will give you bruxism
Should be 2-4 mm of space between teeth at rest
Last edited:
Everyone knows mewing is legit (as a preventive measure not a corrective one) but it’s obvious some people don’t mew (bad forward growth) but have good jaws

It is also accepted that mouth breathing FUCKS U UP

A missing part of this topic is his teeth should be together, this is as important as mewing if not more important. Many people will blame genetics when they see someone who doesn’t mew and has decent forward growth and a square jaw. However you can have partially good oral posture (teeth together) while never even touching your palate with your tongue once. Mewing will cause forward growth of the maxilla and widen it, while teeth together will cause a long well developed ramus, and a gonial angle. This is why mouth breathers have horrible downward grown jaws they separate their jaws even more than if they were just not touching there teeth and not mewing. Breathing through your mouth isn’t objectively bad just that to do this you must separate your jaws even more which causes horrible gonials and ramuses, and therefor lower third overall.

Not hard to see, every mouth breather will fall victim to this, no exceptions “muh genetics” wont save you

This is why someone like Pitt can have subhuman forward growth yet still have a top tier lower third. I would bet my ballsack his teeth rest togetherView attachment 160111View attachment 160112
This is why Pitt has a very good ramus and gonial (which causes square jaw) yet SHIT forward growth. It is very easy to see Pitt doesn’t mew ontop of his bad maxilla his submental is terrible and it’s evident to see he isn’t mewing or else it would be tight

Now for the opposite example someone who either partially mews however doesn’t have teeth together as a rest position View attachment 160113View attachment 160114
Opry has a relatively short ramus and a high gonial angle giving him a “V shaped jaw” if his gonial was lower it would be much more square. However opry on other photos (this one doesn’t do him any favors) has much better than average forward growth and I would suspect he atleast has part of his tongue on the roof of the mouth, yet compared to Pitt, his jaw has much more qualities relating to recession mandibularly, yet had much better forward projection of the maxilla than Pitt. Which seems contradictory as features like this generally group together such as crooked nose, recessed chin, lowset cheekbones etc.

An example of someone who fully mews and has their jaw together
View attachment 160117View attachment 160118
Margot has excellent forward growth of the maxilla, and an insane gonial and ramus, along with a very wide palate. This is an example of someone who developed perfectly. Notice how she has a much squarer jaw due to her ideal gonial like Pitt, and the good forward maxillary growth of somelike opry or Barrett

TLDR: teeth together is responsible for square like jaws caused by longer ramuses and a low gonial angle. It will automatically give you some level of forward growth. Mewing it’s self does not give a forward grown jaw, teeth together does. You can have good maxillary growth and bad gonial (opry)
Or good mandibular development (Pitt) with bad maxilla.

NONE OF THESE WERE DUE TO ONLY GENETICS, but instead by oral posture

For ideal development like Margot’s you need completely correct oral posture however the more correct habits you have, the better, and you can still be GL with only doing one of the two. No habits will make it harder for you to be GL unless great eye area, mouth breathing is going past not even having any correct habits and will make you ugly everytime

Richard raimrez destroys this cope
Wdym by front part, tongue mewing will push the maxilla forward while jaws close together grows the mandible forward, if you only mew with bad teeth you will give your maxilla protruding while completely leaving your jaw in the dust since mewing it’s self with only the tongue does nothing for the jaw forward growth, only teeth together
Tongue = forward maxilla growth
Jaw togetherness = forward jaw growth
If you forget the jaw part you will get an overbite

yes I was exaggerating but still far from the development of someone with his jaw development match like margot
tfw I have forward jaw growth but non human maxilla :feelsohgod:
Native Americans have the lowest genetic diversity of any continental population worlwide. They have a small common ancestoral group - Ancient Beringians - that lived in isolation. There are estimates of them having only 70 different individuals as ancestors

Furthermore do you think Margot Robbie eats a non-westernized diet? Genetics play the biggest role. I could accept the notion that genetics are the maximum potential you can reach and if you suffer from major mouthbreathing/bad oral posture you might not fully reach your potential. However that does not turn Margot Robbie into a subhuman with bird profile, but maybe like 80-90% of her mother (if she would set the bar for max potential).
I agree but what does the notion of their small genetic variance have to do with their dental changes after a westernized diet?
I agree but what does the notion of their small genetic variance have to do with their dental changes after a westernized diet?
OP’s point is that proper oral posture has two components. Keeping teeth together and mewing. If you have proper oral posture you develop good. When I then show that Margot Robbie (his example)’s mother has the exact same bone structure he denies that it is due to genetics. He then uses historic Native Americans as an example for forward growth and square jaw because of a natural diet. I saw the pictures that Weston Price made and they look almost the same as full-blooded, modern Native Americans. Did their teeth get worse from a sugar overloaded and vitamin lacking modern diet? Yes. However, the point of contention was the origin of their LOOKS i.e. prominent cheekbones, wide face, low gonions etc. The reason they looked like they did and I argue they still mostly carry those features nowadays (despite strong amounts of admixture), unlike OP, is because of genetics.
They went through an extreme founder effect causing low genetic variance. This meant that certain "good" features engrained themselves in the DNA of Natives in the Americas. Because of the insanley low genetic variance almost all of the historic Native Americans carried these positive features.
I dismiss the notion that the “environmental” dental changes massively impacted their looks. IMO any discreptancy between historic and modernized Native Americans can be mostly attributed to increasing admixture with other ethnicities, causing higher genetic variance--> higher probability that some end up with improper development i.e. bad features. If you actually take full-blooded Natives or those with high percentage Native DNA they look the same as their historic counterparts.
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Molar or the front teeth together?
I have 10 teeth showing wide palate and a considerably long ramus yet massive downwards growth and fucked up skeletal pattern
I stay with all teeth together and have tongue pushing the palate and I'm still recessed subhuman
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good thread tbh
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Cope thread
  • WTF
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I literally had my teeth together with part of my tongue on roof my whole life
I literally had my teeth together with part of my tongue on roof my whole life
do you have good development?
do you have good development?
No I look like shit
I only had half my tongue on the roof then I learned that the whole tongue had to be up there
Makes sense, I subconciously pull my teeth apart when i dont mew or when i sleep, badically mouthbreathing except your lips are sealed. Why i think ive recessed over the years. I remember i had teeth always touching when i had a better foreard face and jaw
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The only problem is that teeth together makes your chin look shorter.
The only problem is that teeth together makes your chin look shorter.
Ya, it’s a trade off for forward projection vs lower third height
How to keep teeth together in sleep? I’m taping my mouth shut but teeth still stray
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Pitts ramus and jawline angle mog mine to oblivion I need to keep chewing and get ccw
Guess I'm like Pitt on this one

u mirin? @ArvidGustavsson @Swolepenisman
Everyone knows mewing is legit (as a preventive measure not a corrective one) but it’s obvious some people don’t mew (bad forward growth) but have good jaws

It is also accepted that mouth breathing FUCKS U UP

A missing part of this topic is his teeth should be together, this is as important as mewing if not more important. Many people will blame genetics when they see someone who doesn’t mew and has decent forward growth and a square jaw. However you can have partially good oral posture (teeth together) while never even touching your palate with your tongue once. Mewing will cause forward growth of the maxilla and widen it, while teeth together will cause a long well developed ramus, and a gonial angle. This is why mouth breathers have horrible downward grown jaws they separate their jaws even more than if they were just not touching there teeth and not mewing. Breathing through your mouth isn’t objectively bad just that to do this you must separate your jaws even more which causes horrible gonials and ramuses, and therefor lower third overall.

Not hard to see, every mouth breather will fall victim to this, no exceptions “muh genetics” wont save you

This is why someone like Pitt can have subhuman forward growth yet still have a top tier lower third. I would bet my ballsack his teeth rest togetherView attachment 160111View attachment 160112
This is why Pitt has a very good ramus and gonial (which causes square jaw) yet SHIT forward growth. It is very easy to see Pitt doesn’t mew ontop of his bad maxilla his submental is terrible and it’s evident to see he isn’t mewing or else it would be tight

Now for the opposite example someone who either partially mews however doesn’t have teeth together as a rest position View attachment 160113View attachment 160114
Opry has a relatively short ramus and a high gonial angle giving him a “V shaped jaw” if his gonial was lower it would be much more square. However opry on other photos (this one doesn’t do him any favors) has much better than average forward growth and I would suspect he atleast has part of his tongue on the roof of the mouth, yet compared to Pitt, his jaw has much more qualities relating to recession mandibularly, yet had much better forward projection of the maxilla than Pitt. Which seems contradictory as features like this generally group together such as crooked nose, recessed chin, lowset cheekbones etc.

An example of someone who fully mews and has their jaw together
View attachment 160117View attachment 160118
Margot has excellent forward growth of the maxilla, and an insane gonial and ramus, along with a very wide palate. This is an example of someone who developed perfectly. Notice how she has a much squarer jaw due to her ideal gonial like Pitt, and the good forward maxillary growth of somelike opry or Barrett

TLDR: teeth together is responsible for square like jaws caused by longer ramuses and a low gonial angle. It will automatically give you some level of forward growth. Mewing it’s self does not give a forward grown jaw, teeth together does. You can have good maxillary growth and bad gonial (opry)
Or good mandibular development (Pitt) with bad maxilla.

NONE OF THESE WERE DUE TO ONLY GENETICS, but instead by oral posture

For ideal development like Margot’s you need completely correct oral posture however the more correct habits you have, the better, and you can still be GL with only doing one of the two. No habits will make it harder for you to be GL unless great eye area, mouth breathing is going past not even having any correct habits and will make you ugly everytime

mewing works. I started Sort of mewing When I was 16 due to ortho treatment (braces and elastics) and then read about mewimg on lukizm when I was 17 and been mewing ever since, also since I’ve been wearing retainers At night ever since That age I also mewed in my sleep. There was a thread on lukizm where the guy theorized that mewing was legit but had to be done while u slept as well otherwise whatever progress you did during the day would be basically undone, based on my own personal life experience I believe the guy was correct. 5 years later I have legit Margot Robbie tier forward growth and while I do have black genes, I attribute a good chunk of the quality of that development to mewing both during the day and night

if you’re young (19 is still young btw) just mew man after 2 weeks it becomes a subconscious habit, it’s so easy and the potential benefits are absolutely worth it
Everyone knows mewing is legit (as a preventive measure not a corrective one) but it’s obvious some people don’t mew (bad forward growth) but have good jaws

It is also accepted that mouth breathing FUCKS U UP

A missing part of this topic is his teeth should be together, this is as important as mewing if not more important. Many people will blame genetics when they see someone who doesn’t mew and has decent forward growth and a square jaw. However you can have partially good oral posture (teeth together) while never even touching your palate with your tongue once. Mewing will cause forward growth of the maxilla and widen it, while teeth together will cause a long well developed ramus, and a gonial angle. This is why mouth breathers have horrible downward grown jaws they separate their jaws even more than if they were just not touching there teeth and not mewing. Breathing through your mouth isn’t objectively bad just that to do this you must separate your jaws even more which causes horrible gonials and ramuses, and therefor lower third overall.

Not hard to see, every mouth breather will fall victim to this, no exceptions “muh genetics” wont save you

This is why someone like Pitt can have subhuman forward growth yet still have a top tier lower third. I would bet my ballsack his teeth rest togetherView attachment 160111View attachment 160112
This is why Pitt has a very good ramus and gonial (which causes square jaw) yet SHIT forward growth. It is very easy to see Pitt doesn’t mew ontop of his bad maxilla his submental is terrible and it’s evident to see he isn’t mewing or else it would be tight

Now for the opposite example someone who either partially mews however doesn’t have teeth together as a rest position View attachment 160113View attachment 160114
Opry has a relatively short ramus and a high gonial angle giving him a “V shaped jaw” if his gonial was lower it would be much more square. However opry on other photos (this one doesn’t do him any favors) has much better than average forward growth and I would suspect he atleast has part of his tongue on the roof of the mouth, yet compared to Pitt, his jaw has much more qualities relating to recession mandibularly, yet had much better forward projection of the maxilla than Pitt. Which seems contradictory as features like this generally group together such as crooked nose, recessed chin, lowset cheekbones etc.

An example of someone who fully mews and has their jaw together
View attachment 160117View attachment 160118
Margot has excellent forward growth of the maxilla, and an insane gonial and ramus, along with a very wide palate. This is an example of someone who developed perfectly. Notice how she has a much squarer jaw due to her ideal gonial like Pitt, and the good forward maxillary growth of somelike opry or Barrett

TLDR: teeth together is responsible for square like jaws caused by longer ramuses and a low gonial angle. It will automatically give you some level of forward growth. Mewing it’s self does not give a forward grown jaw, teeth together does. You can have good maxillary growth and bad gonial (opry)
Or good mandibular development (Pitt) with bad maxilla.

NONE OF THESE WERE DUE TO ONLY GENETICS, but instead by oral posture

For ideal development like Margot’s you need completely correct oral posture however the more correct habits you have, the better, and you can still be GL with only doing one of the two. No habits will make it harder for you to be GL unless great eye area, mouth breathing is going past not even having any correct habits and will make you ugly everytime
Not a single word. All genetics. Mew copers go to no end just to delude themselves
Everyone knows mewing is legit (as a preventive measure not a corrective one) but it’s obvious some people don’t mew (bad forward growth) but have good jaws

It is also accepted that mouth breathing FUCKS U UP

A missing part of this topic is his teeth should be together, this is as important as mewing if not more important. Many people will blame genetics when they see someone who doesn’t mew and has decent forward growth and a square jaw. However you can have partially good oral posture (teeth together) while never even touching your palate with your tongue once. Mewing will cause forward growth of the maxilla and widen it, while teeth together will cause a long well developed ramus, and a gonial angle. This is why mouth breathers have horrible downward grown jaws they separate their jaws even more than if they were just not touching there teeth and not mewing. Breathing through your mouth isn’t objectively bad just that to do this you must separate your jaws even more which causes horrible gonials and ramuses, and therefor lower third overall.

Not hard to see, every mouth breather will fall victim to this, no exceptions “muh genetics” wont save you

This is why someone like Pitt can have subhuman forward growth yet still have a top tier lower third. I would bet my ballsack his teeth rest togetherView attachment 160111View attachment 160112
This is why Pitt has a very good ramus and gonial (which causes square jaw) yet SHIT forward growth. It is very easy to see Pitt doesn’t mew ontop of his bad maxilla his submental is terrible and it’s evident to see he isn’t mewing or else it would be tight

Now for the opposite example someone who either partially mews however doesn’t have teeth together as a rest position View attachment 160113View attachment 160114
Opry has a relatively short ramus and a high gonial angle giving him a “V shaped jaw” if his gonial was lower it would be much more square. However opry on other photos (this one doesn’t do him any favors) has much better than average forward growth and I would suspect he atleast has part of his tongue on the roof of the mouth, yet compared to Pitt, his jaw has much more qualities relating to recession mandibularly, yet had much better forward projection of the maxilla than Pitt. Which seems contradictory as features like this generally group together such as crooked nose, recessed chin, lowset cheekbones etc.

An example of someone who fully mews and has their jaw together
View attachment 160117View attachment 160118
Margot has excellent forward growth of the maxilla, and an insane gonial and ramus, along with a very wide palate. This is an example of someone who developed perfectly. Notice how she has a much squarer jaw due to her ideal gonial like Pitt, and the good forward maxillary growth of somelike opry or Barrett

TLDR: teeth together is responsible for square like jaws caused by longer ramuses and a low gonial angle. It will automatically give you some level of forward growth. Mewing it’s self does not give a forward grown jaw, teeth together does. You can have good maxillary growth and bad gonial (opry)
Or good mandibular development (Pitt) with bad maxilla.

NONE OF THESE WERE DUE TO ONLY GENETICS, but instead by oral posture

For ideal development like Margot’s you need completely correct oral posture however the more correct habits you have, the better, and you can still be GL with only doing one of the two. No habits will make it harder for you to be GL unless great eye area, mouth breathing is going past not even having any correct habits and will make you ugly everytime
Developed perfectly my ass. Bro you realize she had braces and look at her nose
When did @retard leave this forum? I need his help with my MSE case. Does anyone have links to any of his other threads?
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Everyone knows mewing is legit (as a preventive measure not a corrective one) but it’s obvious some people don’t mew (bad forward growth) but have good jaws

It is also accepted that mouth breathing FUCKS U UP

A missing part of this topic is his teeth should be together, this is as important as mewing if not more important. Many people will blame genetics when they see someone who doesn’t mew and has decent forward growth and a square jaw. However you can have partially good oral posture (teeth together) while never even touching your palate with your tongue once. Mewing will cause forward growth of the maxilla and widen it, while teeth together will cause a long well developed ramus, and a gonial angle. This is why mouth breathers have horrible downward grown jaws they separate their jaws even more than if they were just not touching there teeth and not mewing. Breathing through your mouth isn’t objectively bad just that to do this you must separate your jaws even more which causes horrible gonials and ramuses, and therefor lower third overall.

Not hard to see, every mouth breather will fall victim to this, no exceptions “muh genetics” wont save you

This is why someone like Pitt can have subhuman forward growth yet still have a top tier lower third. I would bet my ballsack his teeth rest togetherView attachment 160111View attachment 160112
This is why Pitt has a very good ramus and gonial (which causes square jaw) yet SHIT forward growth. It is very easy to see Pitt doesn’t mew ontop of his bad maxilla his submental is terrible and it’s evident to see he isn’t mewing or else it would be tight

Now for the opposite example someone who either partially mews however doesn’t have teeth together as a rest position View attachment 160113View attachment 160114
Opry has a relatively short ramus and a high gonial angle giving him a “V shaped jaw” if his gonial was lower it would be much more square. However opry on other photos (this one doesn’t do him any favors) has much better than average forward growth and I would suspect he atleast has part of his tongue on the roof of the mouth, yet compared to Pitt, his jaw has much more qualities relating to recession mandibularly, yet had much better forward projection of the maxilla than Pitt. Which seems contradictory as features like this generally group together such as crooked nose, recessed chin, lowset cheekbones etc.

An example of someone who fully mews and has their jaw together
View attachment 160117View attachment 160118
Margot has excellent forward growth of the maxilla, and an insane gonial and ramus, along with a very wide palate. This is an example of someone who developed perfectly. Notice how she has a much squarer jaw due to her ideal gonial like Pitt, and the good forward maxillary growth of somelike opry or Barrett

TLDR: teeth together is responsible for square like jaws caused by longer ramuses and a low gonial angle. It will automatically give you some level of forward growth. Mewing it’s self does not give a forward grown jaw, teeth together does. You can have good maxillary growth and bad gonial (opry)
Or good mandibular development (Pitt) with bad maxilla.

NONE OF THESE WERE DUE TO ONLY GENETICS, but instead by oral posture

For ideal development like Margot’s you need completely correct oral posture however the more correct habits you have, the better, and you can still be GL with only doing one of the two. No habits will make it harder for you to be GL unless great eye area, mouth breathing is going past not even having any correct habits and will make you ugly everytime
i wish people actually put in effort into making threads like these daily like it was back in 2019-2020, now if you make a post with more than 50 words all you get is "tldr" "not a single word" etc
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At least partially bullshit.

O'Pry has bruxism btw
i wish people actually put in effort into making threads like these daily like it was back in 2019-2020, now if you make a post with more than 50 words all you get is "tldr" "not a single word" etc
Yeah bro, new pseudoscience from a basement rotter is something we need again in 2023, this forum always was utter shit when it came to theories, only Giant Implants produced value here, BOTB always was filled with bullshit and still is. Once you find out what surgeries exist, the last fucking supplement u need to take, methods against hairloss & skincare shit like microneedling, u're done with 99.9% of useful shit. We're all just rotting.
you are kidding

that's partially why he looks like a "skullcel" in some pictures, he's clenching in them

(would post the mytical mog where O'pry's skull looks inches shorter than the one of one model at his left but can't find it)

also he is legit an autist and autism patients have in a very great percentage bruxism

Edit: here it is
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  • Woah
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  • +1
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Yeah bro, new pseudoscience from a basement rotter is something we need again in 2023, this forum always was utter shit when it came to theories, only Giant Implants produced value here, BOTB always was filled with bullshit and still is. Once you find out what surgeries exist, the last fucking supplement u need to take, methods against hairloss & skincare shit like microneedling, u're done with 99.9% of useful shit. We're all just rotting.
You’re as grey as me, your opinion is invalid

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