Buy GME GameStop Corp. (GME)

  • JFL
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Yes you should have held. The next couple of days to weeks the hedge funds will try every corrupt tactic in the book. You fell for it 🤷
I must say. the current price levels, is great levels for them to cover their asses. If they can buy longs or long-derived products now at 90 usd; they can massively deminish any losses when it goes up. because they hold than both good amount of longs or longs related products. Even like CFD's orso. Than they can massively cover themselfes, if not fully cover themselfes.
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In short summary.

Big hedge funds, are manipulating the stock market, on smaller companies.
This example, of GameStop Corp. (GME).

The company, was always worth like 30 usd per share. And that is their real worth.
A Hedge fund, decided to go fuck this company over. They "shorted" (where one sells a share without owning one). And this hedge fund shorted("sold") more stocks (140% orso) than there are stocks out there of that company.
The company dropped to a share price of like 3 USD. Due to above mentioned. That hedge fund, makes money when the price goes down.
Than some guy on Reddit, found this out. And these nromies on Reddit came up with a plan to start buying loads of these stocks. The price shot up, and it costed that hedge fund alot of money.
Than it costed the hedge fund alot of money as it kept going up. People on reddit did this, so to punish this hedge fund, and make example, how uncool it is that they fuck over small companies, small companies shareholders (often regular peoples) on this way.
Than the nornmies on reddit found out, that due to that hedge fund owning more shorts than outstanding shares. They can never convert all their shorts into shares (buys) because they did 140% of shorts. This can technically keep that hedge fund in an infinite loop, and infinite loos (and infinite gains for shares holders).
What happned today. that hedge fund, has connections with brokers (places that nromies people use to buy and store their shares) and institutions pobs. AND, they forced them (we suspect), that now nromies can't buy GME anymore.; andnromies that own GMA shares can only sell it. THIS IS MASSIVE MARKET MANIPULATION, from the hedge fund and the brokers.
luckily through my DUtch broker, I could still buy some, to support the nromies in their current battle.

* the hedge fund will go BUST.
* the brokers whom fucked over the normies will get imprisoned and go Bust.
* hedge funds don't dare anymore to do massive shorts like 140% orso; when they are on the hunst to FUCK over the value of a small company and THUS fuck over the shareholders in those small companies.

100%+ short open interest isn’t too uncommon and is perfectly legal. Hedge Funds essentially let greed get the better of them and believed they could expedite the already probable scenario of GameStop going into liquidation. The interest you’d need to pay to borrow a share that has already been borrowed and not sold short, just to sell it short is also high. The fundamental problem was their greed. Had they not stockpiled their risk, they could’ve “bought back the shares” for $0 and essentially turn what they risked into their realised profit, being ~$3-5 per share shorted. But they got too greedy and open interest data is available to anyone. Shorting a large % of the float in a company that isn’t already on the brink of collapse is a lot less risky since it’s a lot harder to squeeze them out of their position since their shorts are more risk-tuned speculative positions rather than actions intended to crush a company as quick as possible.

The buying power from retail traders is not what caused the price hike in GME. Reddit were in fact smart enough to use smart money to pump the price. What they did was buy lots and lots of call options on GME. Option sellers, mainly investment banks and similar money lenders ALWAYS delta-hedge their exposure when selling an option. Unlike these dumb hedge funds who had completely unsafe short positions in stocks with potentially infinite risk and profit limited to the price they shorted at, (the assumption being the only reason they shorted was to get the stock price to $0, otherwise they would’ve bought puts), the option sellers automatically zero out the risk of selling the call options. So for each GME call bought by redditors etc, the investment banks delta-hedged their exposure by buying 100 of the underlying (GME) per call option sold. So the investment banks (option sellers, money lenders) couldn’t lose money if the GME calls expired in the money, which they all did recently. The agency trading (delta-hedging) of the option sellers is what caused the price hike, as 100 GME shares were being bought automatically to zero the risk from the sale of the call. And a lot of calls were bought by Reddit and other retail investors.

I believe Robinhood and other brokers blocked buying so that the hedge funds who were deep underwater could infuse cash and add money to their short positions when the price was $350+ and also to buy puts. Which sadly also exploited the agency trading algos that hedged against the exposure by selling 100 of the stock short, per put option.

The fact hedge funds and those who were bleeding money could still communicate with their brokers and execute orders whilst the average investor was blocked by their platforms is sick.

The main hedge fund which I won’t name, also blatantly lied about closing their short positions and suffering losses, which looks to be totally untrue as of now.
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