By studying Navalny u can learn what mistakes Not to make. Guy was a GIGA fool. A joke.



C knowledge is enough to take over
Jul 15, 2022
He fucked with the wrong people and Cared for His country, Not for himself, He sacrificed himself in vain, it was futile. He Had Zero effect and now died at 47yo.
He fucked with the wrong people and Cared for His country, Not for himself, He sacrificed himself in vain, it was futile. He Had Zero effect and now died at 47yo.
The only lesson I learnt from Navalny's story is not to overplay your fucking hand.

Yeah sure by all means stand up for some shit you believe in but don't push it.
Know when to fold your cards.
Especially when you're playing for high stakes. Life and death type shit.

Navalny, Jamal Kashoggi, Yang Jun, Gonzalo Lira ... all had it coming.

They all had the opportunity to gtfo of a place that wanted them dead but just couldn't resist temptation to go back and try to achieve god knows fucking what.

MFs on some Jesus complex. There ain't no rising from the dead after 3 days in this game.
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