Called out for surgery irl

So I met these hot chicks one of them mtb and the other one staceylite/htb. The first question they asked me was did I have plastic surgery before even asking for my name.
They said my skin was crazy good I had prominent cheekbones (zygos) and my nose was perfect. The craziest part is that I just started my looksmaxxing journey. And the funny part is that they didn’t really believe me that I didn’t get anything done I didn’t get any surgeries Im not even softmaxxed yet. Its kind of crazy high tier becky/staycey lite (with stacey body) asked me did I have surgery. I felt like zeta on omegle for a moment. They said that they spend so much money on face products and their skin doesn’t look like this. Its propably the craziest compliment ever which gave me a crazy ego boost. I wonder how life will look like after I softmaxx. I think I have decend potential except my fucking jaw assymetry.

Here is what im going to be doing:

Eye area:
-Minoxidil on eyebrows and castor oil
-All types of oils on eyelashes
-After I grow them out(Should take me about 6 months) Im going to dye them black

I will also try to get my eye muscles stronger which can help me even out my eye symmetry a little bit

I am going to chew hard gum every other day till my masseters get tired in order to widen my peanut skull.

I will also be doing hard mewing and bonesmashing every once in a while for fun and hope it helps ( I have a reeceding chin)

I will bonesmash the fuck out of my chin hoping this shit grows


I will get composite bonding and whithen my teeth by a specialist so that they look top tier.

I will also expand my upper palate by using palate expander.

I will use vaseline under eyes in order to make sure
That im going to get rid of my eyebags.

Ill try to get rid of some acne spots and keep glowy skin.

Right now I only use water and no products and my skin is still good.

Here I was blessed with massive clavicles and great frame so the only right thing to do is to get brutally strong and aesthetic.

Gym 4-5 times a week. I am going to slightly bulk and then cut for summer

I will stick to this routine for the next 8 -10months basically till the summer.
If I ascend to high htn/chadlite im good but if not I might consider some hardmaxxes.

Let me know if you would add anything else from basic softmaxxes. Life as mid MTN with good frame is decent but why not try to be chad.
Being calledout for surgery while not even having one by hot chicks got to be crazy. I can only imagine how Zeta or Pneumo get called out in real life for surgery they didn’t have.

Look at Josh Mcgregor and his fucking cringey tiktoks if an MTN did that shit he would be getting bullied by everyone but when chad does it nobody cares.
larping dnr
So I met these hot chicks one of them mtb and the other one staceylite/htb. The first question they asked me was did I have plastic surgery before even asking for my name.
They said my skin was crazy good I had prominent cheekbones (zygos) and my nose was perfect. The craziest part is that I just started my looksmaxxing journey. And the funny part is that they didn’t really believe me that I didn’t get anything done I didn’t get any surgeries Im not even softmaxxed yet. Its kind of crazy high tier becky/staycey lite (with stacey body) asked me did I have surgery. I felt like zeta on omegle for a moment. They said that they spend so much money on face products and their skin doesn’t look like this. Its propably the craziest compliment ever which gave me a crazy ego boost. I wonder how life will look like after I softmaxx. I think I have decend potential except my fucking jaw assymetry.

Here is what im going to be doing:

Eye area:
-Minoxidil on eyebrows and castor oil
-All types of oils on eyelashes
-After I grow them out(Should take me about 6 months) Im going to dye them black

I will also try to get my eye muscles stronger which can help me even out my eye symmetry a little bit

I am going to chew hard gum every other day till my masseters get tired in order to widen my peanut skull.

I will also be doing hard mewing and bonesmashing every once in a while for fun and hope it helps ( I have a reeceding chin)

I will bonesmash the fuck out of my chin hoping this shit grows


I will get composite bonding and whithen my teeth by a specialist so that they look top tier.

I will also expand my upper palate by using palate expander.

I will use vaseline under eyes in order to make sure
That im going to get rid of my eyebags.

Ill try to get rid of some acne spots and keep glowy skin.

Right now I only use water and no products and my skin is still good.

Here I was blessed with massive clavicles and great frame so the only right thing to do is to get brutally strong and aesthetic.

Gym 4-5 times a week. I am going to slightly bulk and then cut for summer

I will stick to this routine for the next 8 -10months basically till the summer.
If I ascend to high htn/chadlite im good but if not I might consider some hardmaxxes.

Let me know if you would add anything else from basic softmaxxes. Life as mid MTN with good frame is decent but why not try to be chad.
Being calledout for surgery while not even having one by hot chicks got to be crazy. I can only imagine how Zeta or Pneumo get called out in real life for surgery they didn’t have.

Look at Josh Mcgregor and his fucking cringey tiktoks if an MTN did that shit he would be getting bullied by everyone but when chad does it nobody cares.

Pm face

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