Can FacePulling at a higher force kill you

Yea. But according to CDC statistics there were only seven facepulling related deaths in 2017 (latest year stats available for).
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Yea. But according to CDC statistics there were only seven facepulling related deaths in 2017 (latest year stats available for).
what someone has actually died due to that? wtf
  • JFL
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Sutures holding up your neuro and splancho cranial bones are not malleable or elastic (to a significant degree). It's fibrous connective tissue that has a breaking point if you apply enough stress. If you pull your maxilla hard enough you'll literally fucking dislodge it out of place. The fact that people here think it will re-position perfectly somehow in accordance to beauty standards is retarded. Not only are you hurting yourself, you may deform yourself (more than you're already deformed).

Your bones have biomechanical harmony. All of your bones are structured in a particular position, if you were somehow to go as far as moving your maxilla then that wont necessarily move any other bones, you'll more likely than not rip it out of place or dislocate it

Jaw recession is a muscular and soft tissue adaptation, which is why mewing can prevent recession but not correct it
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It's like thinking pulling your tibia and fibula bones from the knee joint and the connective tissue will somehow lengthen your leg. No, if you were able to move the bones you would just rip them out of place. That's just damage to your body

Bonesmashing is unironically a lot less low IQ than facepulling
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Yea. But according to CDC statistics there were only seven facepulling related deaths in 2017 (latest year stats available for).

7 is a lot but it depends out of how many
U really wanna be a giga Mogger

gigachad Or die trying

nah man idc about mogging, I just want options
Sutures holding up your neuro and splancho cranial bones are not malleable or elastic (to a significant degree). It's fibrous connective tissue that has a breaking point if you apply enough stress. If you pull your maxilla hard enough you'll literally fucking dislodge it out of place. The fact that people here think it will re-position perfectly somehow in accordance to beauty standards is retarded. Not only are you hurting yourself, you may deform yourself (more than you're already deformed).

Your bones have biomechanical harmony. All of your bones are structured in a particular position, if you were somehow to go as far as moving your maxilla then that wont necessarily move any other bones, you'll more likely than not rip it out of place or dislocate it

Jaw recession is a muscular and soft tissue adaptation, which is why mewing can prevent recession but not correct it

So from reading this, not only is FacePulling Cope but super harmful also? The underlying question is can the upper palate withstand an ample amount of force for it to dislodge the maxilla and work harmoniously. Mewing is essentially dislocating the maxilla with your tongue and have seen results doing so. The FacePuller Cope made seems to be quite safe if you don’t try to over do it with the amount of force I.e < 2KG
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7 is a lot but it depends out of how many

nah man idc about mogging, I just want options

So from reading this, not only is FacePulling Cope but super harmful also? The underlying question is can the upper palate withstand an ample amount of force for it to dislodge the maxilla and work harmoniously. Mewing is essentially dislocating the maxilla with your tongue and have seen results doing so. The FacePuller Cope made seems to be quite safe if you don’t try to over do it with the amount of force I.e < 2KG
If facepuller s cope

mewing is the biggest gigacope
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If facepuller s cope

mewing is the biggest gigacope

nah FacePulling can work if you do it moderately, and not go all out with extreme force
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It's like thinking pulling your tibia and fibula bones from the knee joint and the connective tissue will somehow lengthen your leg. No, if you were able to move the bones you would just rip them out of place. That's just damage to your body

Bonesmashing is unironically a lot less low IQ than facepulling with your logic Mewing is utter cope even tho it’s proven to work; albeit takes a lot of time it works

this is a face mask though
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7 is a lot but it depends out of how many

nah man idc about mogging, I just want options

So from reading this, not only is FacePulling Cope but super harmful also? The underlying question is can the upper palate withstand an ample amount of force for it to dislodge the maxilla and work harmoniously. Mewing is essentially dislocating the maxilla with your tongue and have seen results doing so. The FacePuller Cope made seems to be quite safe if you don’t try to over do it with the amount of force I.e < 2KG
You're terribly mistaken if you think theres strong evidence for mewing. There's small yet significant evidence that chronic mouthbreathing and lack of utilization of masticatory muscles in developmental years can fuck up your face or give you malpositioned jaws, but theres absolutely no evidence that mewing works as a corrective mechanism. Don't conflate the two ideas or use the consequences of mouthbreathing as evidence for mewing. That's just confusing cause and effect.

If you think you can move or re-position your bones using your tongue, you missed a lot of physics classes. Again, moving a bone in your face entails quite literally ripping the ligament sutures. Ligament does NOT stretch, and when it does, it's because it is withstanding incredible overbearing force (amounts of force your tongue would never come close to applying). Your face is not play dough; you don't just "reposition" it. Most ligaments in your body don't even heal when ripped. Also, the mechanical force of the tongue is puny. If a certain force is incapable of moving a certain object, doing it for X periods of time will not change anything. Thus, the argument of "results come in years" is moot. If it's not strong enough to move your maxilla now, it never will be.

Mew is a donkey jizz salesman celebrity quack. He's more of a charismatic fabulist entrepreneur than a scientist or scholar. He got heckled off his fucking stage by the British orthodontic association (you know, a credible source) because they didn't accept his retarded methodology of tongue-fucking your palate and blowing a balloon inside of your nose to treat cranio-facial dystrophy. He's the alchemy equivalent of chemistry, and the chiropractor equivalent of medicine. He shits on orthodontics and professes their methods to be outdated and not fundamentally corrective, when his methods are just glorified, gimmicky orthodontics that don't improve aesthetics or masticatory functionality. He's a rebellious hippy that strayed too far in the realm of theory, and his supporters are misinformed armchair dentist incels that think they found a treasure map. Mewing is free, "makes sense", everyone can do it, and it makes you hotter. Very appealing to people on the spectrum. But oh, it takes years to have any effects.

Expanding the actual palatinal bone is impossible. They're two half horse shoe shaped bones held up with a suture. Improving the dental arch (gingiva and alveolar process) with mechanical force is probably possible.
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You're terribly mistaken if you think theres strong evidence for mewing. There's small yet significant evidence that chronic mouthbreathing and lack of utilization of masticatory muscles in developmental years can fuck up your face or give you malpositioned jaws, but theres absolutely no evidence that mewing works as a corrective mechanism. Don't conflate the two ideas or use the consequences of mouthbreathing as evidence for mewing. That's just confusing cause and effect.

If you think you can move or re-position your bones using your tongue, you missed a lot of physics classes. Again, moving a bone in your face entails quite literally ripping the ligament sutures. Ligament does NOT stretch, and when it does, it's because it is withstanding incredible overbearing force (amounts of force your tongue would never come close to applying). Your face is not play dough; you don't just "reposition" it. Most ligaments in your body don't even heal when ripped. Also, the mechanical force of the tongue is puny. If a certain force is incapable of moving a certain object, doing it for X periods of time will not change anything. Thus, the argument of "results come in years" is moot. If it's not strong enough to move your maxilla now, it never will be.

Mew is a donkey jizz salesman celebrity quack. He's more of a charismatic fabulist entrepreneur than a scientist or scholar. He got heckled off his fucking stage by the British orthodontic association (you know, a credible source) because they didn't accept his retarded methodology of tongue-fucking your palate and blowing a balloon inside of your nose to treat cranio-facial dystrophy. He's the alchemy equivalent of chemistry, and the chiropractor equivalent of medicine. He shits on orthodontics and professes their methods to be outdated and not fundamentally corrective, when his methods are just glorified, gimmicky orthodontics that don't improve aesthetics or masticatory functionality. He's a rebellious hippy that strayed too far in the realm of theory, and his supporters are misinformed armchair dentist incels that think they found a treasure map. Mewing is free, "makes sense", everyone can do it, and it makes you hotter. Very appealing to people on the spectrum. But oh, it takes years to have any effects.

Expanding the actual palatinal bone is impossible. They're two half horse shoe shaped bones held up with a suture. Improving the dental arch (gingiva and alveolar process) with mechanical force is probably possible.
How about if you first split the mid palate suture with MSE and then facepull?
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You're terribly mistaken if you think theres strong evidence for mewing. There's small yet significant evidence that chronic mouthbreathing and lack of utilization of masticatory muscles in developmental years can fuck up your face or give you malpositioned jaws, but theres absolutely no evidence that mewing works as a corrective mechanism. Don't conflate the two ideas or use the consequences of mouthbreathing as evidence for mewing. That's just confusing cause and effect.

If you think you can move or re-position your bones using your tongue, you missed a lot of physics classes. Again, moving a bone in your face entails quite literally ripping the ligament sutures. Ligament does NOT stretch, and when it does, it's because it is withstanding incredible overbearing force (amounts of force your tongue would never come close to applying). Your face is not play dough; you don't just "reposition" it. Most ligaments in your body don't even heal when ripped. Also, the mechanical force of the tongue is puny. If a certain force is incapable of moving a certain object, doing it for X periods of time will not change anything. Thus, the argument of "results come in years" is moot. If it's not strong enough to move your maxilla now, it never will be.

Mew is a donkey jizz salesman celebrity quack. He's more of a charismatic fabulist entrepreneur than a scientist or scholar. He got heckled off his fucking stage by the British orthodontic association (you know, a credible source) because they didn't accept his retarded methodology of tongue-fucking your palate and blowing a balloon inside of your nose to treat cranio-facial dystrophy. He's the alchemy equivalent of chemistry, and the chiropractor equivalent of medicine. He shits on orthodontics and professes their methods to be outdated and not fundamentally corrective, when his methods are just glorified, gimmicky orthodontics that don't improve aesthetics or masticatory functionality. He's a rebellious hippy that strayed too far in the realm of theory, and his supporters are misinformed armchair dentist incels that think they found a treasure map. Mewing is free, "makes sense", everyone can do it, and it makes you hotter. Very appealing to people on the spectrum. But oh, it takes years to have any effects.

Expanding the actual palatinal bone is impossible. They're two half horse shoe shaped bones held up with a suture. Improving the dental arch (gingiva and alveolar process) with mechanical force is probably possible.

What does Wolfs Law play a role in your statement? It states that with applied pressure the bones will change
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 14848 with your logic Mewing is utter cope even tho it’s proven to work; albeit takes a lot of time it works

this is a face mask though
The first one just fixed a malocclusion and improved molar relationship. The second study showed increase in maxillary projection, changed rotation of both jaws and retruded the lower jaw for class 3 occlusion patients. This is soft tissue adaptation. The bone moved back into proper place. This is medical treatment for people with recession and jaws that were in the W R O N G place. Are YOU recessed? No. You want to facepull your bones to look like Jordan Barrett. There's a difference between someone that's recessed with malpositioned bones, and someone with normal development that thinks more maxillary growth will make him hotter

Dude,by all means go for it. If you become a Chad we're all rooting for you
What does Wolfs Law play a role in your statement? It states that with applied pressure the bones will change
Wolff's law has to do with cortical bone adapting to mechanical stimulus not maxillofacial bone positioning
  • Hmm...
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Jaw recession is a muscular and soft tissue adaptation, which is why mewing can prevent recession but not correct it
This is such a nonsensical statement. Soft tissue is highly adaptable, which makes any issue caused by soft tissue correctable. Were jaw recession a purely muscular adaption as you put it, you would be defeated by your own logic.
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Sutures holding up your neuro and splancho cranial bones are not malleable or elastic (to a significant degree). It's fibrous connective tissue that has a breaking point if you apply enough stress. If you pull your maxilla hard enough you'll literally fucking dislodge it out of place. The fact that people here think it will re-position perfectly somehow in accordance to beauty standards is retarded. Not only are you hurting yourself, you may deform yourself (more than you're already deformed).

Your bones have biomechanical harmony. All of your bones are structured in a particular position, if you were somehow to go as far as moving your maxilla then that wont necessarily move any other bones, you'll more likely than not rip it out of place or dislocate it

Jaw recession is a muscular and soft tissue adaptation, which is why mewing can prevent recession but not correct it
Any evidence for anything you said? I mean sure maybe it's not possible to re-position the bones perfectly but I have never seen a transformation where the person ended up looking worse, pretty much always better.
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This is such a nonsensical statement. Soft tissue is highly adaptable, which makes any issue caused by soft tissue correctable. Were jaw recession a purely muscular adaption as you put it, you would be defeated by your own logic.

No, I wouldn't be defeated by my own logic because I never said that soft tissue is highly adaptable; YOU said that. How can it be self contradictory if I never said it? Recession from musculoskeletal adaptation is NOT easy to fix. People fix their recession with maxillofacial surgery. If you could strip a recessed person's bone from muscle but not connective tissue, the lower jaw would hang down freely because what keeps it shut and in an occlusal relationship with the maxilla is MUSCLE. Mouthbreathing is a lower jaw in a relaxed state, and during development, the masticatory muscles can adapt the positioning of the lower jaw into a downward grown, clockwise rotated position. For the upper jaw, the causes are more complex, and thus may or may not be caused by musculature. Maxillary recession causes can range from genetic, trauma, birth defects to MAYBE severe chronic mouthbreathing. Most of the time it is genetic, which people here reject. The gene pool has unlimited possibilities and with the human population being so high, it's not weird that there are genetic orthognathic deformities. I don't give a shit about maxillary recession because literally no one here has a true case of medical maxillary recession. People here are retards that look at Jordan Barrett's horse tier saggital growth and go "I DONT LOOK LIKE THAT IM RECESSED IM GONNA PULL MY FACE WITH A WEIRD HANNIBAL LECTER MASK". True maxillary recession is different from having sub-ideal forward growth. I'm personally more concerned with lower jaw recession because it is a much more likely thing to fuck up environmentally because of the lower jaw being the only mobile bone in your face thus being mediated by musculature much more than the maxilla (the maxilla isnt a worry anyway because no one here truly has a recessed maxilla, just one that isnt the way they want it to be)
Any evidence for anything you said? I mean sure maybe it's not possible to re-position the bones perfectly but I have never seen a transformation where the person ended up looking worse, pretty much always better.
I'm not the one making bizarre claims. In fact, i havent claimed anything so far. I'm just refuting your baseless theories

What kind of transformations do you speak of? Mewing? The after picture is always doctored up as a result of the person being aware of what an attractive face is supposed to look like, so they may jut or rotate their head. Not a single clear difference
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Sutures holding up your neuro and splancho cranial bones are not malleable or elastic (to a significant degree). It's fibrous connective tissue that has a breaking point if you apply enough stress. If you pull your maxilla hard enough you'll literally fucking dislodge it out of place. The fact that people here think it will re-position perfectly somehow in accordance to beauty standards is retarded. Not only are you hurting yourself, you may deform yourself (more than you're already deformed).

Your bones have biomechanical harmony. All of your bones are structured in a particular position, if you were somehow to go as far as moving your maxilla then that wont necessarily move any other bones, you'll more likely than not rip it out of place or dislocate it

Jaw recession is a muscular and soft tissue adaptation, which is why mewing can prevent recession but not correct it
This is bullshit by simple virtue of the efficacy of palate expanders, even in adults.
This is bullshit by simple virtue of the efficacy of palate expanders, even in adults.

They do NOT expand the actual palatinal bone, they expand the dental arch which I literally mention right there in the same paragraph. People here want to expand the palatinal bone as to give them wider faces. Changes the position of teeth doesn't actually change your palate, just repositions the alveolar process and teeth in the gingiva
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They do NOT expand the actual palatinal bone, they expand the dental arch which I literally mention right there in the same paragraph. People here want to expand the palatinal bone as to give them wider faces. Changes the position of teeth doesn't actually change your palate, just repositions the alveolar process and teeth in the gingiva
Which still alters the appearance of the face
No, I wouldn't be defeated by my own logic because I never said that soft tissue is highly adaptable; YOU said that. How can it be self contradictory if I never said it?
Because it is a relevant fact towards which you implied, regardless of whether or not you choose to acknowledge it.
  • JFL
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Because it is a relevant fact towards which you implied, regardless of whether or not you choose to acknowledge it.
LOL. I LITERALLY denied that supposed "fact" in the fucking post. Did you even read it? I didn't imply it nor do I believe it. You're trying to misrepresent what I said to make it look like I'm contradicting myself
LOL. I LITERALLY denied that supposed "fact" in the fucking post. Did you even read it?
No. Your formatting looked like shit and it hurt my aristocratic eyes. It remains unclear why you'd deny the adaptability of soft-tissue. If you want to construct a succinct, coherent argument without going into rhetorically flashy tangents, please do so.
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No. Your formatting looked like shit and it hurt my aristocratic eyes. It remains unclear why you'd deny the adaptability of soft-tissue. If you want to construct a succinct, coherent argument without going into rhetorically flashy tangents, please do so.
Nice word salad fuck-face, maybe 2 more hours of jambling up thesaurus synonyms you dont understand to distract from you being a retard and you'll come up with a response that actually refutes something

How did I deny adaptation of soft tissue? I denied musculature mediated maxillofacial recession being EASY to fix, which you said I implied somehow by saying that recession is caused by soft tissue adaptation. If you have a normally developed maxilla then talking about it is incredibly fucking retarded
Nice word salad fuck-face, maybe 2 more hours of jambling up thesaurus synonyms you dont understand to distract from you being a retard and you'll come up with a response that actually refutes something

How did I deny adaptation of soft tissue? I denied musculature mediated maxillofacial recession being EASY to fix, which you said I implied somehow by saying that recession is caused by soft tissue adaptation. If you have a normally developed maxilla then talking about it is incredibly fucking retarded
Time for a recap.

You: Jaw recession is a soft tissue adaptation, which is why mewing can not correct it
Me: with soft tissue being adaptable, anything caused by a soft tissue adaption would also be corrected by soft tissue adaption
You: I never said that soft tissue is adaptable
Me: why do you deny soft tissue being adaptable?
You: How did I deny adaptation of soft tissue?

Does this seem like a conversation two sane men would have? Either one of us is an idiot, or we are two geniuses talking past each other on a very fundamental level. What is your take on this?
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Time for a recap.

You: Jaw recession is a soft tissue adaptation, which is why mewing can not correct it
Me: with soft tissue being adaptable, anything caused by a soft tissue adaption would also be corrected by soft tissue adaption
You: I never said that soft tissue is adaptable
Me: why do you deny soft tissue being adaptable?
You: How did I deny adaptation of soft tissue?

Does this seem like a conversation two sane men would have? Either one of us is an idiot, or we are two geniuses talking past each other on a very fundamental level. What is your take on this?
It's a misunderstanding on your part, I'm afraid. What I meant is that bone malpositioning and recession (at least the lower jaw) is mediated by soft tissue (musculature) adaptation. I didn't say soft tissue itself is easily adaptable, as to be able to reverse the recession through soft tissue manipulation.

I claimed that musculature adaptation is the agent for lower jaw recession.

You said that I contradicted myself by saying that soft tissue is adaptable.

I didn't say it's easily adaptable. I designated the agency of recession as musculature adaptability.

Let's say I'm a fucking moron which im sure warms your panties, why the fuck is the only way to truly fix recession is through maxillofacial surgery? Mangling the flesh, breaking the bone and repositioning the jaws with titanium plates and screws? Now, my argument is moot for the maxilla because what causes a recessed one is usually genetic and doesnt have to do with muscles adapting the bone development and posting through chronic mouthbreathing. I'm talking about the lower jaw which ironically isnt the focus of most people here when it should be
I'm done responding btw I literally dont give a shit at this point bye
What I meant is that bone malpositioning and recession (at least the lower jaw) is mediated by soft tissue (musculature) adaptation. I didn't say soft tissue itself is easily adaptable, as to be able to reverse the recession through soft tissue manipulation.
That makes more sense. Though still, I disagree. There is no such thing as mandibular malpositioning or recession in absolute terms, because the mandible is a freely moving bone. The mandible can only be malpositioned in relation to the maxilla. In this case it is not the musculature that determines the default positioning of the mandible, but the maxillary teeth. The lower jaw simply goes where the upper jaw allows it to.
I claimed that musculature adaptation is the agent for lower jaw recession.
You originally claimed jaw recession IS musculature adaption, which I understand may have been a typo on your part.
Let's say I'm a fucking moron which im sure warms your panties, why the fuck is the only way to truly fix recession is through maxillofacial surgery?
Well it isn't. Moreover, maxillary recession is a misnomer. It's more about lack of sutural growth, which is something that intra-oral vacuum will correct You can find more of my musing here:
I'm done responding btw I literally dont give a shit at this point bye
As you wish.
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That makes more sense. Though still, I disagree. There is no such thing as mandibular malpositioning or recession in absolute terms, because the mandible is a freely moving bone. The mandible can only be malpositioned in relation to the maxilla. In this case it is not the musculature that determines the default positioning of the mandible, but the maxillary teeth. The lower jaw simply goes where the upper jaw allows it to.

You originally claimed jaw recession IS musculature adaption, which I understand may have been a typo on your part.

Well it isn't. Moreover, maxillary recession is a misnomer. It's more about lack of sutural growth, which is something that intra-oral vacuum will correct You can find more of my musing here:

As you wish.

interesting “debate” if I can call it that, I need to do more research on facial bone structure in order to state my opinion but what is the final verdict? Is FacePulling at a force that is twice the amount of your tongue on a positive 30 degree CCW rotation life threatening? Or just cope. Now IK; everyone wants Drastic change but from the looks of it seems promising enough to atleast improve your eye area slightly
Guys, this is actually serious, by the end of 2019, i'm gonna finish my version of facepuller, and it's gonna be moved by LEGS, so conclusion; i should continue with my project right? but apply less pressure sparingly, and since timing > pressure, i guess 5h is enough
interesting “debate” if I can call it that, I need to do more research on facial bone structure in order to state my opinion but what is the final verdict? Is FacePulling at a force that is twice the amount of your tongue on a positive 30 degree CCW rotation life threatening? Or just cope. Now IK; everyone wants Drastic change but from the looks of it seems promising enough to atleast improve your eye area slightly
Considering how the tongue is not that strong a muscle, pulling at twice of its strength shouldn't be risky. On Lookism there was someone who was facepulling with the full weight of his body by hanging by his teeth from a belt that was strapped to a pull-up bar. Though there was much debate over the results he shared, he did not get injured.
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ive never seen the words “only” and “forwards growth” in the same sentence before
IMG 20191207 025414

"Yes bro once i get lefort i will mog mog mog!!!"
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imma tie my car to my facepuller brb ascending
If you need 2+ surgeries most likely over for you
I literally just told you how he could ascend with 3. BSSO and genio is also usually done together.
I literally just told you how he could ascend with 3. BSSO and genio is also usually done together.
I gave you good example since this birdcel has a brow ridge compact midface but many others dont have that. You see niggas with long midface and 0 browridge and non existent jaws. Are you gonna recommend lefort to ascend them?

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