Can FacePulling at a higher force kill you

I gave you good example since this birdcel has a brow ridge compact midface but many others dont have that. You see niggas with long midface and 0 browridge and non existent jaws. Are you gonna recommend lefort to ascend them?
No. Base is very important. Never did i say a lefort can ascend EVERYONE.
No. Base is very important. Never did i say a lefort can ascend EVERYONE.
Thats why i said lefort is shit barely gonna ascend you when you have shit base and no zygomatic bones its most likely over if you need 2+ surgeries
Thats why i said lefort is shit barely gonna ascend you when you have shit base and no zygomatic bones its most likely over if you need 2+ surgeries
Lefort isnt shit. Many many men could be ascended by it, its a case by case basis.
Lefort isnt shit. Many many men could be ascended by it, its a case by case basis.
Also a reminder lefort is literally only given to deformed people
Lefort advancement service 500x500
Advantages of the Lefort 1 procedure in case of jaw discrepancy It improves facial
They do NOT expand the actual palatinal bone, they expand the dental arch which I literally mention right there in the same paragraph. People here want to expand the palatinal bone as to give them wider faces. Changes the position of teeth doesn't actually change your palate, just repositions the alveolar process and teeth in the gingiva
Dont spread missinformed broscience please. Oh and btw in that study they even used tooth-borne mouth pieces which arent even ideal so you could argue a better appliance would yield better results.
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I'm not the one making bizarre claims. In fact, i havent claimed anything so far. I'm just refuting your baseless theories

What kind of transformations do you speak of? Mewing? The after picture is always doctored up as a result of the person being aware of what an attractive face is supposed to look like, so they may jut or rotate their head. Not a single clear difference
My theories? Also why are you talking about mewing? I thought this entire thread was about devices like the facepuller and various expanders.
Considering how the tongue is not that strong a muscle, pulling at twice of its strength shouldn't be risky. On Lookism there was someone who was facepulling with the full weight of his body by hanging by his teeth from a belt that was strapped to a pull-up bar. Though there was much debate over the results he shared, he did not get injured.
Are you talking about that Asian dude? What was the general consensus on lookism for his FacePulling transformation E58EC299 D8B9 4A9B BD1F F8B76F7CD6F1
E58EC299 D8B9 4A9B BD1F F8B76F7CD6F1
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Too much force being applied and you're gonna end up like this ded srs

Nintchdbpict000342848251 1
Are you talking about that Asian dude? What was the general consensus on lookism for his FacePulling transformationView attachment 184984View attachment 184984
He's successfully moved his bones forward but he remains downwardly grown, his gonial angle remains high, still has the crooked nose, chin recessed etc.. tbh he's lucky that he even got some progress without fucking up his arches to begin with as some users have claimed to have screwed up their teeth by facepulling.

it'd be nice to know what he did exactly, I'm sure he facepulled upwards as well, he's done it as he theorized
Download 2
(morph, how it should of been)
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View attachment 184994 He's successfully moved his bones forward but he remains downwardly grown, his gonial angle remains high, still has the crooked nose, chin recessed etc.. tbh he's lucky that he even got some progress without fucking up his arches to begin with as some users have claimed to have screwed up their teeth by facepulling.

it'd be nice to know what he did exactly, I'm sure he facepulled upwards as well, he's done it as he theorized
View attachment 185000

the nose isn’t connected to the maxilla and the second photo looks photoshopped. You can also have a genetically recessed chin from birth. Copes FacePulling Device doesn’t touch any teeth
Idk but mewing doubled my testosterone levels and gave me the ability to see through walls
the nose isn’t connected to the maxilla and the second photo looks photoshopped. You can also have a genetically recessed chin from birth. Copes FacePulling Device doesn’t touch any teeth
??????? the second photo IS photoshopped for a reason, it's a morph to demonstrate how crucial an upswing is. holy shit

I can't even be bothered to explain the nose part, not like I even mentioned anything of it being "connected" to the maxilla. if this gif doesnt explain it for you, it's over
1550804363 1548770546 gif 1

also it depends what you mean by a "genetically recessed chin", are you talking about bimaxillary protrusion?
??????? the second photo IS photoshopped for a reason, it's a morph to demonstrate how crucial an upswing is holy shit

I can't even be bothered to explain the nose part, not like I even mentioned anything of it being "connected" to the maxilla. if this gif doesnt explain it for you, it's over
View attachment 185013

what good is this gif if it’s not achievable through FacePulling

Idk man I still have high hopes; just bought the device and have the appliances ready for Copes device, I keep asking @CopeAndRope Legitimate questions but he’s purposely ignoring making his device fishy. We need updates from @Tyrionlannistercel
Idk man I still have high hopes; just bought the device and have the appliances ready for Copes device, I keep asking @CopeAndRope Legitimate questions but he’s purposely ignoring making his device fishy. We need updates from @Tyrionlannistercel
I gave up and I’m in the process of scheduling a lefort. But me giving up has nothing to do with the legitimacy of the face puller. Copeandrope’s face puller is legit. The reason I gave up is because no one would coat my appliance with the necessary soft material in my city. And without the soft material I could only pull at a very weak force without hurting my gums. Copeandrope’s ideal appliance is made with the soft material that allows the user to pull at very strong rates without hurting the mouth.
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Idk man I still for high hopes; just bought the device. I keep asking @CopeAndRope Legitimate questions but he’s purposely ignoring making his device fishy. We need updates from @Tyrionlannistercel
I just want to know how to fucking directly cause an upswing or find the specific, detailed causes and then I'm out, that in itself will be enough for future info to ascend. I'm going to be coping through GH/IGF-1 substances + trying to displace maxilla with the tongue, which I believe I have done so and achieved slight maxillary changes months ago but I don't even know anymore man, I don't know what causes those improvements, the mew god blesses me with miraculous upswings at random times, yet leaves me with confusion with all these inconsistent improvements, it's driving me crazy, it's so random

If I'm able to even replicate just a sole CENTIMETER worth of that bone movement being shown in the gif, it will be LIFE-CHANGING, I literally just need an upswing and my face will be 99 percentile, it's so fucking dumb

also sorry, the Asian facepulling dude utilized a fucking belt, so no shit, just fucking lol to those who've FPed with a BELT.
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Idk man I still for high hopes; just bought the device. I keep asking @CopeAndRope Legitimate questions but he’s purposely ignoring making his device fishy. We need updates from @Tyrionlannistercel
I just want to know how to fucking directly cause an upswing or find the specific, detailed causes and then I'm out, that in itself will be enough for future info to ascend. I'm going to be coping through GH/IGF-1 substances + trying to displace maxilla with the tongue, which I believe I have done so and achieved slight maxillary changes months ago but I don't even know anymore man, I don't know what causes those improvements, the mew god blesses me with miraculous upswings at random times, yet leaves me with confusion with all these inconsistent improvements, it's driving me crazy, it's so random

View attachment 185019 If I'm able to even replicate just a sole CENTIMETER worth of that bone movement being shown in the gif, it will be LIFE-CHANGING, I literally just need an upswing and my face will be 99 percentile, it's so fucking dumb

also sorry, the Asian facepulling dude utilized a fucking belt, so no shit, just fucking lol to those who've FPed with a BELT.

I gave up and I’m in the process of scheduling a lefort. But me giving up has nothing to do with the legitimacy of the face puller. Copeandrope’s face puller is legit. The reason I gave up is because no one would coat my appliance with the necessary soft material in my city. And without the soft material I could only pull at a very weak force without hurting my gums. Copeandrope’s ideal appliance is made with the soft material that allows the user to pull at very strong rates without hurting the mouth.

So his FacePulling device can have a lefort Level change?
Considering how the tongue is not that strong a muscle, pulling at twice of its strength shouldn't be risky. On Lookism there was someone who was facepulling with the full weight of his body by hanging by his teeth from a belt that was strapped to a pull-up bar. Though there was much debate over the results he shared, he did not get injured.
Damn that'd be awesome to see. What did u personally think of those results?
I gave up and I’m in the process of scheduling a lefort. But me giving up has nothing to do with the legitimacy of the face puller. Copeandrope’s face puller is legit. The reason I gave up is because no one would coat my appliance with the necessary soft material in my city. And without the soft material I could only pull at a very weak force without hurting my gums. Copeandrope’s ideal appliance is made with the soft material that allows the user to pull at very strong rates without hurting the mouth.

you see that’s the entire premise of this thread, can strong rates be harmful to ones health or even be life ending. Since so much force is being put upon a central bone like the maxilla
you see that’s the entire premise of this thread, can strong rates be harmful to ones health or even be life ending. Since so much force is being put upon a central bone like the maxilla
Look, it can’t be harmful or even close to life ending because if it even comes close to harming you it will hurt and you won’t be able to continue. If you feel just a mild discomfort that means it’s not harming you. Your body lets you know what it can and what it can’t take. Don’t worry about it. You’re not going to put on the appliance and think it feels fine, go to sleep and wake up dead. JFL
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If I'm able to even replicate just a sole CENTIMETER worth of that bone movement being shown in the gif, it will be LIFE-CHANGING
A centimeter is a lot tbh.
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@GetThatBread Yes that's the guy. Most quite understandably ridiculed his transformation, because the outcome does look goofy. Still, there was a prevailing atmosphere of awe at how much he managed to change his face.

Damn that'd be awesome to see. What did u personally think of those results?
I think he managed to successfully jam his maxilla upwards to the point of causing very visible dorsal hump. Due to the reasons I have highlighted in other threads, I believe he should have pulled his maxilla down, which of course would've been difficult to achieve with a belt. But you shouldn't need a belt in the first place: the intra-oral vacuum created by your cheeks and tongue is a natural downward directed facepuller. When you perform the vacuum properly, you will notice how tightly your cheeks wrap around the whole lower portion of the maxilla, gently pulling at the circummaxillary sutures. As you keep at it for a while and you will feel it in your cheekbones and forehead.

To @Traxanas: overlooking aforementioned importance of intra-oral vacuum could explain your inconsistent progress.

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@GetThatBread Yes that's the guy. Most quite understandably ridiculed his transformation, because the outcome does look goofy. Still, there was a prevailing atmosphere of awe at how much he managed to change his face.

I think he managed to successfully jam his maxilla upwards to the point of causing very visible dorsal hump. Due to the reasons I have highlighted in other threads, I believe he should have pulled his maxilla down, which of course would've been difficult to achieve with a belt. But you shouldn't need a belt in the first place: the intra-oral vacuum created by your cheeks and tongue is a natural downward directed facepuller. When you perform the vacuum properly, you will notice how tightly your cheeks wrap around the whole lower portion of the maxilla, gently pulling at the circummaxillary sutures. As you keep at it for a while and you will feel it in your cheekbones and forehead.

To @Traxanas: overlooking aforementioned importance of intra-oral vacuum could explain your inconsistent progress.

View attachment 185774

Does the angle position of the FacePuller matter greatly? For example Copes FacePulling device is set at a 30 degree CCW rotation insinuating a tongue but a much larger force; now that I see that the maxilla is naturally at a downward moving force, but if you pull at a negative 30 degree angle couldn’t that elongate your face due to the downward motion?
@GetThatBread Yes that's the guy. Most quite understandably ridiculed his transformation, because the outcome does look goofy. Still, there was a prevailing atmosphere of awe at how much he managed to change his face.

I think he managed to successfully jam his maxilla upwards to the point of causing very visible dorsal hump. Due to the reasons I have highlighted in other threads, I believe he should have pulled his maxilla down, which of course would've been difficult to achieve with a belt. But you shouldn't need a belt in the first place: the intra-oral vacuum created by your cheeks and tongue is a natural downward directed facepuller. When you perform the vacuum properly, you will notice how tightly your cheeks wrap around the whole lower portion of the maxilla, gently pulling at the circummaxillary sutures. As you keep at it for a while and you will feel it in your cheekbones and forehead.

To @Traxanas: overlooking aforementioned importance of intra-oral vacuum could explain your inconsistent progress.

View attachment 185774
So he didn't have the hump before? Any before/afters in profile view of this guy?
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Does the angle position of the FacePuller matter greatly? For example Copes FacePulling device is set at a 30 degree CCW rotation insinuating a tongue but a much larger force; now that I see that the maxilla is naturally at a downward moving force, but if you pull at a negative 30 degree angle couldn’t that elongate your face due to the downward motion?
The exact direction should not matter much so long as the sutures are being pulled apart somewhat equally. Forward elongation of maxilla is desirable, because it reverses antegonial notch, increases lower third height (incl. ramus) and projection.

So he didn't have the hump before? Any before/afters in profile view of this guy?
This is the only one as far as I know. Though a little unclear, the pic does suggest that there was no apparent bump present at this point.
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Yea. But according to CDC statistics there were only seven facepulling related deaths in 2017 (latest year stats available for).
What the hell is CDC and did people really actually die because of face pull?
I gave up and I’m in the process of scheduling a lefort. But me giving up has nothing to do with the legitimacy of the face puller. Copeandrope’s face puller is legit. The reason I gave up is because no one would coat my appliance with the necessary soft material in my city. And without the soft material I could only pull at a very weak force without hurting my gums. Copeandrope’s ideal appliance is made with the soft material that allows the user to pull at very strong rates without hurting the mouth.
Why dont you do the soft part yourself ? Howbhars could it be ?
Last edited:
I'm going to be coping through GH/IGF-1 substances + trying to displace maxilla with the tongue,
How’s that coming along bro?

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