can i get accurate rating now (NON FRAUD HQ NO LENS DISTORTION pic)

do u think i have some masseter asymmetry? i used to always chew on my left side and what rhino should i ask for
Just buy a jawline exerciser that is done with incisors (jawzrise, jawlineme etc.), I dunno anything about rhino tbh, I just know you need it.
is my nose asyymetric? cant that shit be fixed with nose fillers
only ur nostrils one is slightly higher than the other it is hardly noticeable

but no filler bro fuck that cope shit u want real forever results

get a rhino to fix up your nose and you will be good.

also psl i think u look above average 4.5+ PSL for sure
Just buy a jawline exerciser that is done with incisors (jawzrise, jawlineme etc.), I dunno anything about rhino tbh, I just know you need it.
does it have any side effects, the exericisrs?
only ur nostrils one is slightly higher than the other it is hardly noticeable

but no filler bro fuck that cope shit u want real forever results

get a rhino to fix up your nose and you will be good.

also psl i think u look above average 4.5+ PSL for sure
bro i cant afford rhino atm i spent most of my money on braces and bimax for next year to correct underbite, fillers are only 400 but will they at least be a good temporary fix? ill defo get rhino in 2 years
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what will i be with rhino and jaw and coloured contacts like the morph sikkunt posted
Above 5 PSL. Chadlite erea. With thicker neck and muscles, borderline full chad
jfc if true, thanks for lifefuel bhai
this is Chadlite for sure.

the only dislike, is the weak-ish neck.
bro i cant afford rhino atm i spent most of my money on braces and bimax for next year to correct underbite, fillers are only 400 but will they at least be a good temporary fix? ill defo get rhino in 2 years
your nose is not death tier bro it’s hardly a falio irl only on this website it’s just not perfect. don’t waste money on fillers, just save for a few years and get rhino
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  • morph.PNG
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your nose is not death tier bro it’s hardly a falio irl only on this website it’s just not perfect. don’t waste money on fillers, just save for a few years and get rhino
thanks for the advice bhai ill take it and get rhino in2 yrs
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not that morph ffs its unachievable due to midface i mean this morph bhai
still Chadlite.
The previous one was above 5PSL, and more higher tier Chadlite.
This pic, is like 5PSL. And low tier, just about Chadlite.
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still Chadlite.
The previous one was above 5PSL, and more higher tier Chadlite.
This pic, is like 5PSL. And low tier, just about Chadlite.
fucking lifefuel tbh ngl
fucking lifefuel tbh ngl
to add. your smv = highly dependant on location in the world. I hope you are in a good location in the world.
Ask Sikhunt. He can tell you about how he was a God in Pakistan, andhow in USA he was not an SMV God.
you are above 4PSL. But 4.5 PSL seems a bit of a stretch to me. You for sure above the averrage.
Your SMV, will be largely dependant on location in the world. Can't say in general.
"Above average" is 4.5psl
to add. your smv = highly dependant on location in the world. I hope you are in a good location in the world.
Ask Sikhunt. He can tell you about how he was a God in Pakistan, andhow in USA he was not an SMV God.
im in UK which is much more accepting than USA tbh tbh
White maxxing + psl maxxing is legit else youll end up like tsh
tsh expirement was kinda biased tbh, arabincel made like 3 chadfishes under the same number that day, you get shadow banned if you do it too often with the same number.
Maybe I am coping but its legit thats why tinderfishes have to be done with a fresh account.
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tsh expirement was kinda biased tbh, arabincel made like 3 chadfishes under the same number that day, you get shadow banned if you do it too often with the same number.
Maybe I am coping but its legit thats why tinderfishes have to be done with a fresh account.
it is said seeing tsh get a lower psl girlfriend than him. he is legit chadpreet
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tsh expirement was kinda biased tbh, arabincel made like 3 chadfishes under the same number that day, you get shadow banned if you do it too often with the same number.
Maybe I am coping but its legit thats why tinderfishes have to be done with a fresh account.
I think its cope. Even a jawless bearded boneless tyrone with good harmony did better in toronto with a reused number
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@hxrrington is this hq enough for u to morph

i kinda suck at morphing lips but besides that i:
- gave your jaw a little more mass (can be achieved by chewmaxxing)
- reduced nose size and nose hole visibility (achievable by rhinomaxxing but barely makes a difference tbh)
- gave you more neck (achievable via neck curls)

no clue what to do about those lips tho, maybe increase palate width via expanders + lip lift?
you already have above average eye area and jaw so its far from over, i see chad lite potential if you can actually figure out how to fix your harmony breaking lips,.
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another attempt,


you can also apply minoxodil to your eyebrows to gain more volume and trim them to a more neutral tilt
no above average is anything above 4 e..g 4.2
true that.
in my head

4psl = average
4.1 -> 4.3 PSL = above average
4.4 -> 4.6 PSL= significantkly above average
4.6 -> 4.9 PSL = high tier normie (at 4.6) and very high tier nromie/bordering chadlite at 4.9 psl)
5.0 psl = minimum starting point of chadlite level.
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true that.
in my head

4psl = average
4.1 -> 4.3 PSL = above average
4.4 -> 4.6 PSL= significantkly above average
4.6 -> 4.9 PSL = high tier normie (at 4.6) and very high tier nromie/bordering chadlite at 4.9 psl)
5.0 psl = minimum starting point of chadlite level.
am i 4.2 in your opinion bhai
am i 4.2 in your opinion bhai
i would rate something like that yeah. 4+ or 4.3 psl. 4.5 psl seemed to me a bit like a stretch.To add. in thise middle range, there is more bias from personal preferences. So the deviation is bigger.
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tsh expirement was kinda biased tbh, arabincel made like 3 chadfishes under the same number that day, you get shadow banned if you do it too often with the same number.
Maybe I am coping but its legit thats why tinderfishes have to be done with a fresh account.

I make sure to start all of my tinder experiments fresh. I've been running them for a long time. I've ran up to 5 experiments in one day before, all fresh. I know how to do it. Doesn't skew anything, at least not the way I do it. Tsh's results were genuine. I've tested them a few months apart using different devices as well to be sure. He just doesn't get many likes and matches due to (likely) what is a phenotypical failo. It's just how it is.
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I make sure to start all of my tinder experiments fresh. I've been running them for a long time. I've ran up to 5 experiments in one day before, all fresh. I know how to do it. Doesn't skew anything, at least not the way I do it. Tsh's results were genuine. I've tested them a few months apart using different devices as well to be sure. He just doesn't get many likes and matches due to (likely) what is a phenotypical failo. It's just how it is.
Thanks for clarifying. Truly brutal pill to swallow I admit I was coping
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Thanks for clarifying. Truly brutal pill to swallow I admit I was coping

Yeah I expected him to do better as well. Like he's South Indian but his skin isn't that dark. It's on the lighter skin for a South Indian. So I thought he wouldn't do as bad. But after running various tinder experiments on him using different devices, different numbers, different locations, etc, etc. he genuinely doesn't do good on Tinder. Just does okay to slightly above okay (and most of his matches/likes are ethnic).
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